Chapter 3-3: Celestial Maiden

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

L'Arc: Okay, so now that we're in this town, maybe you can tell us why you stormed off

"I told you already ! The monster crest signal appeared !"

Raphtalia: Does that mean...

"She's nearby... Filo is near !"

Glass: Filo... That's the bird ?

"No ! I mean, yes... She's somewhere in this town, I know it !"

Glass: Even if that's the case, how do you plan to find her in this town ? Do you know where to start looking ?!

"Gh... ... Look, I'm just extremely worried about her, okay ? Can you at least understand that ?"

Glass: Trust me, I understand that all too well. And that is why I'm telling you, flailing around will not do anything.

"I know that... I've never been separated from my little angel like that, that's all..."

L'Arc: Your... "Little angel"... ?

"Don't judge the relationship between an outworldly mage and his adopted bird daughter, man."

Townspeople: Excuse me sir, could you be talking about the Sky Maiden ?

"... The what now... ?"

Raphtalia: What does it says ?

"... ... Can someone finish ? I started reading the thing and got blinded with rage halfway through..."

L'Arc: "A young celestial maiden with wings that descended from the sky... 40 Doumon for one person..."

Raphtalia: ... Y/n, I... I think it's better if you wait outside...

Glass: She's right. We're still on the loose, so you causing a "Burning down the entire building"-class ruckus is the last thing we want.

"... Just so you know... if this really is Filo... And she isn't treated correctly... There is no god in this forsaken land that can undo what will happen to these guys."

L'Arc: So are we sure it's the one we're looking for ?

Raphtalia: It will be quick to see...

Crowd: Hey, did you see that ? She really has wings and is able to float in the sky ! But she always cries in a language we can't understand...



Raphtalia: What in the name of...

Crowd: Hey, look ! She's going to fly !!

Filo: ... Uu... UWAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!

Therese: That's...

Crowd: Hey ! You there, stop ! Pay if you want to see !!

L'Arc: Uh-oh... We're out !

Filo: M... Master...

Glass: Such inhuman treatment... She is nothing but an attraction in their eyes...

L'Arc: I know someone who won't be happy about that.. And speaking of- U- uhu... ? Huuh.. You okay there ?

"... ... I heard everything... I didn't want to believe it, but... There's no mistaking. The monster crest points exactly to that building... She must've been calling for me for days now..."

L'Arc: ... Well, let's not make her wait any longer. Isn't that what you came here, Sonny ?

"And I already told you to stop calling me Sonny when we met. Filo's desperately calling my name as we speak, so let's make haste, 'kay ?"

Therese: So according to what we head from the nearby businesses, this place is run by a moronic son of a noble as a place to showcase what he finds as a hobby. And as you can get, the reputation of this place...

"About as low as the owner's health points once I'm done with him, I get it."

Raphtalia: How did it come to this...

Glass: Because in this world, I've never heard of a race that had wings. She stands out far too much...

"... Wings... She flew..."

L'Arc: Hm ?

"Filo could fly by flapping her wings... But... Filolials normally can't fly... She can jump quite high, but flying... That's unheard of..."

Therese: ... Could it be a different person then ?

"No. It's her, without a doubt."

L'Arc: ... Heh. Doesn't that makes us lucky ? After all, we were that close to miss her ! Let's hurry.

"There's no need to say it. Even by my own, I'd still go."

Raphtalia: How are we going to do this ?

"We'll sneak through the backdoor, as there are no lookouts."

L'Arc: if they find us and we have to fight...

"There's five of us, and we're all ready to go. We shouldn't have much problems pushing through if the need arise."

Therese: ... ... Right after you say that... The keyhole has a magic spell cast on it. If we try to open it forcefully, it will sound an alarm. We'd need a craftsman to open this...

"Seriously, where is Naofumi when you need him... No matter. They'll learn that a magical keyhole won't stop a mage of my caliber. Now hold on to this rope, please."

L'Arc: Uhhh... What do you plan on doing with that ?

"You find the tiniest of holes in the wall, fit one of the rope's ends through it, and... Custom spell, Oh Lonesome Me !"

"Hocus Pocus, we're here for a ruckus..."

L'Arc: H- Hey, could you tell us ahead next time you need a rope to eat us ?

"Shhh. We don't need them to know what's coming to them."

Therese: Ugh... Why are they drinking alcohol in a place like this...

L'Arc: They seem to have fun here... These guys...

"Yeah, they must have earned quite a fortune with Filo... It's this room..."

Raphtalia: This... This is the worst room... But I can't see Filo anywhere...


L'Arc: Attack ?!

"Shhhhhh !!"

Glass: ... It's just... A little chick ?"

Raphtalia: That little chick noticed us ?


Noble: Hrmnn...

L'Arc: Uh- oh... We have to keep it quiet !

Glass: Sorry about that little one...


"... ... ..."


"Hah ?! W- Wait just a second ! There's no way..."

"... F... Filo... ?!"

Filo: PIIIII !! PIII !!

"D- Don't worry ! I'm here now, everything will be okay. Just stay quiet, okay?"

L'Arc: That's the little lady we were looking for ?

"Yeah, but... Her form is way different from normal... And that thing on her..."

Therese: ... An enslavement charm... Normally, they're used to seal monsters...

"But Filo already has my monster crest... So they couldn't fully enslave her... Thank goodness... *Sob*..."

Glass: It's not over yet, so don't get too emotional. We still need to open that cage.

"R- Right... How does it open ?"

Therese: It doesn't seem to be linked to an alarm, but I think it's linked with the charm...

"... Could you burn it ?"

Therese: I could, but it's going to be painful...

"... We don't have many options... I'll tear open the lock at the same time. On three... One... Two... Three !"

Therese: Pyroxene Embers !

"BallBreaker !"



Raphtalia/Glass: Shhhhhhhh !!

Filo: This is not a dream, right ?! You really came to save me !!

"... Yeah, I came to save you. You don't have to worry anymore. I'm here, Filo, I'm here."

Filo: Uuuuuuuhhhhh...

Noble: Hngnn... Who are... You guys... ?

L'Arc: Gh... Yeah, of course...

Raphtalia: We need to get out of here now !

Crowd: What is with the fuss... ?

Noble: ... Hng ? AAAAH !! YOU ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY CELESTIAL MAIDEN ?! So you are here to steal my source of revenue ?! She's mine, you know ! You men, capture him...

Raphtalia: ... We need to get out of here, now...

"... ... ... Did you just... Utter the world "Mine"... Talking about Filo... ? That's my daughter you're talking about... And you lot seems to have been doing whatever you wanted to her for a while..."

L'Arc: H- Hey, sonny, just wait a second ! Are you planning on fighting them all ?!

"Fighting them... ? Nooooooo... I'm just gonna let my inner Naofumi take over for a little while... At least let them taste a little bit of... What is that delicious thing called again... ? Ah, yes... Karmic retribution... After all..."

Noble: A human with wings ? No, it must be a monster that transforms into a human... Whatever, I've never seen anything like that before. I've got something amazing ! This is... A treasure...


"None can do, my friend. And since you don't seem to care about your image, well... Let your outward flesh reflect who you are on the inside. Custom spell... SCARY MONSTERS !!"

L'Arc: S... Sonny... What are you doing to them ?

"... All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. They're simply... Going to enjoy being curiosities from now on."

Crowd: Gh... Grrrrrr... GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH !

"They were monsters on the inside, where it counts... Coincidentally, they're also monsters on the outside now."

Glass: ... You forgot one.

Noble: Gh... Gah...

"... I will not transform this one. In fact, I won't hurt him one bit. However, when the rest of them awake to their instincts of predators, it will be another story."

Noble: It... IT'S NOT ME !! I'm just... Just... Because he got the Celestial Maiden, he thought she was perfect for the show !! My father said that...

"Good ! That's very good ! You've been acting like the master when Filo was in your grasp, but now you're begging like a slave ! How unsightly ! You claim you're not guilty ?! Then tell me who captured her ! Who put her on the show ! Who paid money to see her getting tortured ! And that town who proudly has a shop for showing off this... YOU'RE ALL GUILTY !! So now... Why don't you lot watch as you're being torn apart by the very things you use as a show ?! It's fun, isn't it ? Isn't iiiiit~ ?"



L'Arc: S- So, Sonny... Are you satisfied, now ?

"... Yeah. Don't worry too much about the civilians. The spell will recede in a few hours. Is that a problem ?"

Glass: ... No. It was pretty brutal to do, but... It felt quite refreshing too. Even though... All of that made quite a lot of noise.

Raphtalia: You enjoyed yourself for too long...

Therese: Are you gonna use it again on them ?

"No need. Just make the roof fall onto us and we'll be fine !"

L'Arc: You... What ?

"Don't ask questions, just do it !"

L'Arc: O- Okay... !


Glass: Now what ?!

"Now ? We go off with a Ta-da. D4C !!"




Therese: Eh... Ehehehe... We're alive... Ehehehe...

Glass: This... This is the forest, we were in before... How did you do that ?

"Magic. The moment I discover this new series I can create, of course i'm gonna go with the spell that can manipulate Space first. Although its range is still rather limited, I can transport us when we're squeezed between two objects."

L'Arc: ... I see. So now not only did it allow us to get away, but with the building collapsing, they'll think we're dead. And adding the commotion with the monsters...

"It will probably take them days before coming after us again. See, you're starting to get the way I think."

Therese: In any case, we're there wasn't any obstruction magic in that town.

Filo: ... *Sob* *Sob*

"... ... ..."

"... Let's go."

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