Chapter 3-5: Trash No°2

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Naofumi: I see... It sure has good eyed for choosing Raphtalia. Though, the person who's angry and chasing her because he wasn't chosen, it must not want to have that person as its master !

Raphtalia: As expected of Naofumi-sama... Even though I haven't said anything...

Naofumi: Ican figure out almost everything by just observing the situation. Seeing the reaction of that self-proclaimed Mr.Genius... No, the reaction of that "Trash" is very easy to understand.

"Oh, you two have been acquainted already ?"

Naofumi: More or less. He's what you expect if you mixed these three and took the worst from each.

Asshole: And here I waited... AND LET YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH !!

Asshole: In the first place, the vassal Katana is our country's weapon !! Isn't it a given to mobilize the country to chase the thief who stole it ?!

"Is your head so far up your own ass you don't see the situation ? The Katana wanted nothing to do with you ! And taking it back by force won't change that fact ! Tusk !!"

Asshole: Kh- !

Naofumi: Remove it, huh ? If I could, I would've done it a long time ago. Shield, begone from my sight right now.

Naofumi: ... ... See ? Nothing changed.

"if you really want to keep the vassal weapon in your country's hand, don't you think the best and fastest way is to get on its wielder's good side ? I know I sound like a broken record here, but even if you kill Raphtalia, the Katana won't choose you."

Asshole: You... What are you two holding there... ? A shield ? A staff ? Was there such Vassal Weapons... ?!

"Well, I suppose you actually can use that brain of yours... Too bad the ego's taking up all the space."

Naofumi: We're holy heroes from another world, you idiot. Though it can't be helped that you didn't get chosen.

Asshole: Then... DIE !!

Naofumi: Tch ! Just how much is he not going to listen...

"Okay, um... Defense, defense... not good, I've got nothing yet !"

Raphtalia: Then... Please leave this to me.

Naofumi: ... ... ...

"I'm at a loss too... Is that the Katana's doing, or just her natural skills..."

Raphtalia: Look out !! Naofumi-Sama !

Naofumi: Shit ! The tigers !

"Four bullets remaining ! Not enough for all of them !"

???: Don't worry about that, sonny. THUNDERBOLT WHEEL SWING !!

"Phew... Could you try and not wait until your entrance puts you under the spotlight, please ?"

L'Arc: Where's the problem, sonnies. You two seem pretty healthy there.

Naofumi: L'Arc... ? And Therese too ?

"Well... How do you expect we managed to find this place exactly ?"

Naofumi: Oh...

Therese: As expected of Raphtalia, she's already mastering the katana.

L'Arc: Doesn't her kimono look good on her ? That's the one I recommended !

Naofumi: So you guys really stuck together for this, huh...

L'Arc: Not only the two of us, though.

Naofumi: Glass !!

"Relax. This is not a wave, so no one needs to get hurt. Well, no one on our side at least."

Kizuna: Naofumi !! I found her !! I finally found Glass again !!

"... And who's that exactly ?"

"Rishia ?!"

Rishia: Ah- Ah !! Please help !!

"... Okay, get down !"


Rishia: H- Heh... ?

L'Arc: Don't tell me, these girls are captivated by that guy ?

Therese: Do you envy that guy ?

L'Arc: I'm just wondering what's even good about him, since I can't even figure out even one thing.

Therese: Well, there must be something only those girls know. Though I feel sorry for them.

Asshole: You're sorry ?

Asshole: Who's going to say that, though ? To think that you all gathered in one place... You guys must really have naive thinking, huh. You can't use teleport skills inside this town, so just surrender quietly. If you do, let's see... I'll spare the lives of those who don't have vassal weapons. What will you guys do ?

Risgia: W... W- W-W- What should we dooooo ?!

"Don't freak out ! You'd be playing into his hands."

L'Arc: But really, what should we do ? Their numbers are really large.

Glass: What we'll do won't change. We will use all of our power and push through.

"Yeah... Pretty sure just rushing recklessly won't be of a great help..."

L'Arc: ... Speaking of, sonny, what's the strongest you have right now ?

"Let's see... Teleportation is disabled, so... I guess the world. But it won't do if only me, Filo and Rishia can move... Tusk needs time to reload, and Ballbreaker just isn't an AoE... want me to change everyone here into a dinosaur ?"

L'Arc: ... I'd rather not... Anything else ?

"... Maybe... Just hide me from his view for a moment, would you."

L'Arc: Got it.

Kizuna: ... But before that, can you give me some time ?

Asshole: So ? Did you decide what to do ?

Kizuna: I'm one of the four holy heroes, the Hunting hero, Kazayama Kizuna !

Girl: The Hunting hero ? That kid... ?

Asshole: What, are you begging for your life ? "I'm one of the four holy heroes, so don't kill me" ?

Kizuna: You can perceive it all you want, but I can't die here. isn't it the same for you guys ? Even though what happened in the selection of the Katana was an accident, I apologize for the lack of courtesy between our countries. When we safely return to our own country, I will talk to the ruler to make a formal apology.

Asshole: Formal... Are you trying to start a war ?

Kizuna: I want to hold a discussion between countries to prevent that from happening.

Asshole: You might be a Holy hero, but you're no ruler. I can't believe your personal verbal promise.

Kizuna: That's right. This is my personal wish.

Asshole: My wish is to get all the vassal weapons here. Except the Katana, all of you can stay quiet and become mine. As for you... let's see... We will imprison you somewhere. In the first place, you're making demands from such a disadvantageous position. There's no way I will listen !

L'Arc: 'Okay Sonny, I hope you're ready with whatever you're planning, 'cause things aren't going smoothly.'

'All's good. i'm just waiting for an opening.'

Kizuna: ... Then, how about this ?

Asshole: ... What did you do ?

Kizuna: I just want to have a discussion on equal footing.

Asshole: ... Equal footing, you say... ?

Kizuna: Yeah. "Lure Needle". A skill that doubles the next damage the target takes. The Hinting hero can't deal damage to another person, but it's not like "I can't fight" at all.

Asshole: Hah ? You think that you can make me agree to your conditions...

Kizuna: ... That was your cue.

"Huh ? Oh, right, sorry. Custom Spell, Wired !!"

"Better cover yourselves up. You're all in the splash zone."

Kizuna: I said it, didn't I ? That the damage will be doubled. I can't attack people, but right now, I'm not alone


Asshole: Hey, hey ! Don't run !! What are you girls doing ?! Go !!

Girls: Y- yes... Ugh...

"I'd advise against that. These tripwires are all over the place now. One touch and... Poof, kunoichi carpaccio."


Raphtalia: Then, isn't it fine for you to go first ?

Raphtalia: You're facing the wrong person.


"That was... Bloody brutal. No pun intended."

Naofumi: he sure was trash, in any case.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama !

Naofumi: It's a fact after all, I'll name him "Trash II".

Glass: Right, even though I may not remember him.

"You should. Those who forget the mistakes of the past are bound to repeat them."

Kizuna: ... ... ...

Naofumi: ... It was a nice gamble. It was difficult to beat everyone there, and thanks to that, we're still alive. If you think you could've done better, you're getting ahead of yourself.

L'Arc: K- Kiddo !

Kizuna: You're right. I thought somewhere in my heart, "I can do better by doing that". I thought it would be what I wanted it to be... It's difficult to have a proper discussion.

L'Arc: ... Okay, we'll arrive soon. Let's go home to our country, to Sickle.

Kizuna: As expected of the Shield Hero. HYAH !!

Kizuna: Thanks, Naofumi. For fighting for this world's sake.

Naofumi: ... Geez. I never thought that we'd end up helping the enemy's side to fight a wave...


"Oh ? Looks like the dimension crack is starting to close."

L'Arc: Kizuna must have defeated the wave boss already. Soon, we won't be able to use the power we gained from the opposing world.

"So we can share the levels and skills we acquired o both worlds during a wave... Kinda explains why you were kicking us around so easily at Cal Mira."

Glass: Well. If one keeps raising their level in both worlds, of course they'll become strong during the waves.

"... New game+. Kinda think it would've been nice to know about that before you lot came after our holy asses. Now I wonder how I managed to stay alive..."

Kizuna: You know why I'm angry, right ?

L'Arc: W- Well, let's calm down, Kizuna...

Therese: T- That's right, we just came back from fighting the wave...

Kizuna: This was the first wave for me, and nobody came out of the dimension crack. Only monsters that rampaged indiscriminately. Nobody came to kill me. If it really is "Killing each other's holy heroes" like what the legend said, the fact that nobody came here even though the wave appeared is weird, don't you think so ?

L'Arc: T- That's-

Glass: Before they can do it, we have to kill them first. It's just my speculation, but the enemy's side is lacking knowledge of the "Waves". Nobody really understands this phenomenon.

'As well as lacking in competent heroes, but that's no the point here...'

Kizuna: So you're going to kill an enemy who doesn't know anything ? How is that different from what Kyo is doing ?

Glass: We don't just kill them without saying anything ! We challenge them to a fair fight !

Kizuna: Fair fight ? Naofumi is a holy hero who can't fight, you know !And yet, you-

Glass: THAT'S WHY ! You... Are the same, Kizuna...

"... Well ain't that just heartwarming. You know, I was kinda wondering if you were just as cold as your name, but turns out even you can make this sort of face, huh ?"

Filo: Master...

"I'm gonna say it. Nether of us have any intention of getting killed by you. But seeing that face makes it way more understandable than just being told to 'Die for the sake of our world'."

Therese: ... You are being told off too, L'Arc.

L'Arc: ... ... ... I have many things I want to protect, that's why.

Naofumi: Well. In the end, that argument won't reach a conclusion.

Glass: ... Kizuna. As I thought, I can't let this chance go away. If it's for Kizuna, I will-

Kizuna: LIKE. I. SAID. That kind of short thinking, IS THE THING I'M ANGRY AT ! If that theory is really true, then that is the same as you saying "It's best for this world if I'm trapped in the infinite labyrinth for the rest of my life !" isn't that right ?

Kizuna: ... I think there is a reason. The true meaning of the four holy heroes being forcibly teleported to the waves.

Glass: True... meaning ?

Naofumi: 'Now that she said that... If Holy Heroes who can't fight also got teleported to the wave, they still can't defeat the boss. At least, what they can do is...' Contribute to suppress the wave... ?

"Onto something ?"

Naofumi: Maybe... Because otherwise, there's no reason for a hero who can't fight getting teleported to the wave.

Ethnobalt : I agree with that opinion. From the wave this time, there's one thing I understand. With Kizuna's return to the battlefield, the countdown for the next wave extended itself.

Kizuna: Eh ? Is it that different ?

Ethnobalt: Yes, at least for this Dragon hourglass. If the participation of the holy heroes during the waves really will save the world... Unfortunately, that suggests that killing Holy heroes from the other world, to save our own, has merit as a theory.

Kizuna: merit ? An idea having merit doesn't make it right. To me, there is no big difference between what Kyo did and what you three did. If you are that afraid of me getting killed in the wave battles, then fight the one who will come to kill me ! Why do you three go to kill them instead... ? That's just not like you at all...

Ethnobalt: These are books I found recently from the ancient library labyrinth I managed. It's written in an ancient language so it would take some time to decipher it.

"Ah, leave that to me. Back there I had developed a spell pretty handy for that kind of things. Just give me five minutes during the next wave and i'll have that translated."

Ethnobalt: That's good. But from what we could see, it seems there is something about the waves written here. The legend we know is also a part of the book, even though there are still many unsolved mysteries in here.

Kizuna: Then, that means... ! If we continue our research, we might find a way to save both worlds ?!

Ethnobalt: perhaps, we might.

Kizuna: We might... !

"You okay there ?"

Therese: I- I'm sorry... Somehow, I feel relieved... As I thought, I really don't want to kill any of you... I shouldn't have tried to so something I'm not suited to.

"The thought's mutual. You lot are good guys, and although I don't mind some butt-kicking action being thrown left and right, why don't we make what happened at Cal Mira doesn't happen again ? I took long enough to patch that hole you left in my guts."

L'Arc: ... Sonnies. Let me apologize.

Naofumi: ... ... It's unnecessary. It's not like our position will change; if I was in your boots, I'd probably do the same thing. Moreover... What I want now, is your cooperation.

"Hey, that's right... We still have a one-legged fucker to find... For that and to take back what he stole, too. You think you can help with that ?"

Glass: ... Fine. From the beginning, we also intended to do that. We can't leave that man free to do as he pleases.

Kizuna: Glass...

Naofumi: Alright ! It's decided.

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