Chapter 3-6: Declaration of War

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama. I see that you're here. It's really amazing how the whole country is celebrating, all over the place !

Naofumi: They're making such a racket. Although, the free food is nice.

"Haha, now isn't that the Naofumi I missed. Really, just remember people here don't despise you for no reasons. They don't despise you at all. So just let go for a bit and enjoy yourself, like everyone else."

Naofumi: Hrmgml...

Raphtalia: It's true, filo is very excited. She can eat until she is full, and can sing better than before... Ah ! That's right, there's Rishia-san too ! Did you know ? When I asked her if she could read this country's language, she told me she'd been studying it since our arrival... She said she doesn't need magic or any other kind of power to converse... ! I couldn't believe it... It's truly amazing...

"... There are no weak people in the world. Only strong people who haven't blossomed yet. You know about that first-hand, don't you ?"

Naofumi: ... ... The scabbard. It's a fine piece of craftsmanship.

Raphtalia: Ahh, yes. I asked this country's master blacksmith to make this for me. If Naofumi-sama says that it's good, then it must be. My sword has been drawn ever since I've come to this world, so having this helps me calm down.

Naofumi: Good.

Naofumi: Good. i'm so glad you're safe.

Raphtalia: I knew... Naofumi-sama would be fine... I wasn't worried... At all...

Naofumi: H- Huh ?! Wh- Why are you crying ? I mean, why are you doing that ?!

Raphtalia: Be... Because... Naofumi-sama will be okay... I'm sure he will be. Until now, you've been able to overcome any kind of situation... That's why I try to tell myself, but I... I wasn't... I wasn't by your side in your time of need. I couldn't do anything on my own. When the slave crest disappeared, the proof of our connection was gone... I thought that I'd failed as your sword... !!

Naofumi: ... I haven't seen that in a while... You crying.

Raphtalia: Huh ?!


"Look, tone done the emotionally dead you and try to find that thing called tact, 'aight ?"

Naofumi: Err... Since there are crybabies that are worse compared to you. I... Sometimes forget that you're still a kid.

Raphtalia: I'm not a kid anymor-

Naofumi: that's why, i'm saying you've become so reliable. My sword has returned sharper than ever. And also... That shrine maiden outfit suits you very well...

L'Arc: Yo, sonny ! Wanna drink ?

L'Arc: Little miss ! You must be so glad that we found him ! She's been searching for you all over, sonny !

"... Alright, you're coming with me you drunkard !"

L'Arc: H- Hey, what gives, kiddo ? i'm just trying to lighten the mood here.

"Before trying to lighten it, try to read it ! They were having a heartfelt moment ! And I already told you, don't call me Kiddo ! Now get out of here !"

L'Arc: That's not very nice, kiddo... Oh... ...

???: Young master ! Young master, where are you ?!

"... ... Sooo... Young master, huh... ?"

Raphtalia: Huh ? Young master ?!

Naofumi: Just as I thought.

Raphtalia: Just as you thought... ? L'Arc-san is an important person in this country ?!

L'Arc: Hmmm...

"So, what did you do, young master ?"

L'Arc: I haven't done anything. And don't call me "Young master". When the whole country is celebrating, I don't want to be called to do some boring errand. That's why, hide me, kiddo !

"Even if I try, they'll find you soon enough, young master."

L'Arc: I don't care ! Teleport me out of here, and quick !

Therese: It's an emergency.

Therese: Enjoy the party, or fight over things that don't matter. But do it after the "Boring errands".

Official: Information just came in. Label has been captured.

"Label... ?"

Kizuna: That's the country we were in the other day. The country of the Vassal katana.

Glass: Label was captured by Luvar. The country of the Vassal Book hero, Kyo.

Naofumi: Kyo's... !

Glass: We have information that Mikakage is in their possession as well.

Kizuna: The country of the Infinite Labyrinth...

Official: These three countries are allies. There were many things we could not reach an agreement on, especially with Luvar. That...

L'Arc: i'll talk to them. As the representative of Sickle, and the wielder of its vassal weapon. I've asked Luvar to take responsibility for Kyo's actions.

Official: ... I suppose it's inevitable then.

Rishia: H- Huh... ? What do you mean... ?

Naofumi: There will be war. that's what you're saying.

"The vassal weapons are the balance between nations. If they were asked to hand over their heroes, they would probably oppose it.

Rishia: So you're saying we gave them motive... ?

Raphtalia: The reason Label was targeted... Was because the loss of the vassal katana had disrupted the balance of power between countries, right ?

Naofumi: Raphtalia... !

Glass: please don't blame yourself; the same-fated Mikakage should have been in possession of the mirror Vassal weapon. This was inevitable. It's not your fault.

Kizuna: ... Why... Why does it have to be like this... ? Even though we've faced the waves as one... We're still divided... !

Glass: Kizuna...

L'Arc: It appears that there's no news about an attack so far... But they have to be prepared. We cannot protect this country by ourselves...

"... Preparations for war, huh..."

L'Arc: Feeling nervous, kid-... Y/n ?

"Changed your mind, young ma- L'Arc ?"

L'Arc: Ha ha ha. I feel the same as Kizuna. I can't believe that we can't have the banquet because of these "Boring errands".

"Protecting this country, huh... I'll leave you there, young master, I have spells to attend to."

L'Arc: Gah ! Traitor !

Kizuna: ... ... ...

Kizuna: What are you doing, Rishia ?

Rishia: Ah, that... Do you want me to read this book to you ?

Kizuna: No thanks, I know how to read. But this kind of thing is still quite difficult for me.

Ethnobalt: Th- This is amazing, Rishia !

Kizuna: Ah !

Ethnobalt: The amount of knowledge you've absorbed is staggering ! I can't believe that you weren't able to read just a while ago.

Rishia: N- No, I still can't read very well, you know ? I can't understand words and grammar structures that are a bit out of the ordinary, and I also don't understand expressions from different eras and regions.

Ethnobalt: nonsense ! Having no base material to work with and still understanding so much ! What a great sense and thinking you had there !

Kizuna: F- Fueeeeeee...

Rishia: It's just that... If there's one thing I'm good at, it's only this. I can't stop a war, nor can I be useful in one. I'm just trying to gain a little bit of knowledge.

Ethnobalt: What are you saying ? People who excel even at just one thing, are strong. And the people who don't neglect it, and know where to put their efforts, are the strongest.

Rishia: This is... ?

Ethnobalt: This book was recently discovered. Could we work on this together ? And decipher it.

Rishia: N- No way ! A book that not even Ethnobalt-san can read...

Ethnobalt: That's why I'm here. I think that there are some concepts that even I, who has the knowledge in most of the books of this world, do not know. Have faith in yourself.

Rishia: ... Thank you... So much...

Raphtalia: Your heart wasn't really in it. Is it because of Kizuna-san... ?

Glass: Even though we were just training, I was careless. Now, let's continue.

Raphtalia: Understood. I know how you feel. It was the same in my world. At first, Naofumi-sama was persecuted just for being the Shield hero. He and Y/n didn't get along with the other heroes... As a result, that weak spot was targeted by Kyo.

Glass: Heh. Heheh... is that so... ? We're the same ? ... What I want, is for Kizuna to stay the way she is. I want her to focus on the future, and only talk about hope. No matter how rotten the world is, no mater how tired she is with people who don't understand. I don't want her to feel despair. Because Kizuna, I... I...

Raphtalia: Let's believe. Kizuna-san survived the infinite labyrinth. You should trust and support her. I will do the same. Don't mope about any longer... !

Glass: What do you mean I've been "Moping about" ?!

Raphtalia: Then, please have more of that fighting spirit the next time we train, okay ?

Kizuna: Heeeh ?! Is this something Naofumi made ?!

Naofumi: It's an accessory for my shield. It can grant an "Equip" effect. I've made one before, so I rented a workshop to make one here.

"Mana restoration, spells cool-down and cost... There is a lot of room for improvement with this kind of accessories."

Naofumi: True, I've been wanting to re-examine some of my other pieces of equipment. Especially for you or Filo, I'll have to make something.

Filo Waaah !

Kizuna: Ahh, that sounds nice. Hey, hey ! Me too !

Naofumi: Yeah, I know. If I have time.

Raphtalia: ... It's a bit too quiet, don't you think... ?

Naofumi: Yeah. We're on the precipice of war, but not over the edge just yet.

"After all, he's the one who got us into this situation in the first place. He must be the one who plotted this.

Kizuna: Do you think he'll come ?

"Oh, he will. The assassin that Kyo sent after us."

Kizuna: ... Who's that ?

???: Is this the house of the ones who possess the Vassal weapons ? I have come to deliver your divine punishment.

"... ... You can tell Kyo that if he wants to end this, he better come after us on his own one leg."


"... ... ..."

Assassin: Come on, what the hell ?! Come at me ! I'll bring Judgement upon you !!

"... So, Kyo's assassin. What you were expecting ?"

Naofumi: Yeah, that's about right. She's definitely been fed some drivel. A good person, but an idiot.

Assassin: What are you blabbering ?! You think I don't know everything ?!

"Well, for example ?"

Assassin: You were trying to start a war... !

"And why do you think that ?"


"... ... Yep... Definitely an idiot..."

Naofumi: Told you so.

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