Chapter 3-7: Furried up

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Haaaaah... That level of fanaticism again... It got old ages ago."

Naofumi: Agreed.

Glass: Kizuna, stay back !

Assassin: So you two must be the Holy heroes from another world... That's exactly like what I've heard about. You undid his work and took his leg as pettiness, then fooled the Hunter tool wielder, and tried to incite a riot in this world, am I right ?

Kizuna: That's wrong ! They...

Naofumi: I respect that "Sense of Justice" of yours.

"After all, we had someone like you back home. It's always a drag to deal with this kind of people, as they are convinced of the selflessness of their acts... You're doing all this, knowing that you're outnumbered, right ?"

Assassin: Don't you dare underestimate me because I am alone ! YOU ARE JUST A BUNCH OF COWARDS !!

Glass: Weren't you the one who raided this place ?! You destroy Kizuna's house and you think you are a good person ?! Ridiculous !!

Assassin: Hmph. Even though you're a villain, you're fussing over small things...

Rishia: Wh- What's wrong with that person... ?! She's so unreasonable...

Kizuna: Yeah, right...

Filo: M- Master... Somehow... That sword has a weird smell...

"Weird ?"

Filo: Yes. Filo knows the smell, but... Filo hates it...

"... That fucker Kyo... He's done it again ! That's the spirit tortoise's power !"

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama !!

Kizuna: We have to get rid of that sword first... !

Rishia: I... I'm nothing but a burden... M- My stats are also low...

Kizuna: It's not like I'm blaming you. Here, have some fire Ofudas. They're disposable magic tools that anyone can use, no matter the ability or level of the user. Not me though, I can't attack people myself...

Rishia: But... But I...

Kizuna: Sorry, but I don't have time to hear your whining. We have to do this together !


Raphtalia: Please let go of that sword right now ! You're being deceived... !

Assassin: What did you say... ? It's pointless to try and reconcile with me !!

Glass: You're not getting anywhere like this ! Let's just take her down right now.

Raphtalia: Please wait ! Take down a person being used in another's scheming ?!

Glass: Do you think she's an opponent we can win against if we're holding back ?!

"She's not even doing it herself... Naofumi, do you have the thing I asked you for ?!"

Naofumi: You've got an entire pouch of it!

"Great ! Since she won't listen to reason, force is the only thing we can use ! Custom spell, TOMB OF THE BOOM !!"


Naofumi: Good work !!

"What now ?! The magic is building up in that thing, it can't be good !"

Rishia: I... i'm so sorry !


"... I'll take it ! TOMB OF THE BOOM, MAGNETIC CONTROL !!"

"... Holy..."

Naofumi: Hell... I think... The spirit tortoise's energy must have returned by now...

"... Good job, Rishia. That quick thinking was critical. It's not like we can interrogate her if she's dead."

Rishia: hehehe...

"So... Just so you know, trying to bite off your tongue is useless. We can heal you as much as we want."

Assassin... Kh... If you want to kill me, just do it already ! I will never do what you villains want me to !

Kizuna: ... Okay, now I have to say it. You almost got killed by Kyo, you know ?


"there's a point where you can't just ignore it. He sent you here with a bomb in hope of taking us down with you."

Assassin: That's... ! GH !

Naofumi: This woman...

Glass: Let's take her to the castle. She won't open up even though she's already in that state. Let's take her to the castle and torture her or something to make her spit it all out.

"Mh... Not exactly my shtick to do that to someone who already got tricked, but... It's not like we have a choice..."

Naofumi: Yeah, let's do that...

Assassin: You really are all villains ! Do it if you can ! I won't give in !

"Who is the villain ? The one sending you on a suicide mission without your knowledge or the ones who just saved your fucking life ?"

Kizuna: ... Look at what she's done to my house...

Glass: We'll clean it up later.

Naofumi: Everyone, come here ! Let's go with portal.

Kizuna: Oh, you registered this location ?

Naofumi: I never thought I'd use it like this... ... ...

"... ... ... is there... Something wrong ?"

Naofumi: I can't teleport... ? Something is interfering with it... ?

"You mean, like the country we were in before ?"

Glass: I've never heard there was anything like a teleport block in the castle though...

"... Filo ?"

"Hey ! Filo, where are you going ?!"

Raphtalia: Something's wrong... This is where...

Filo: Master ! The castle ! The castle is on fire !!

Naofumi: Damn it... Kyo used her to distract us !! The castle is under attack !!

Kizuna: We have to hurry and go to the castle !

Rishia: W- What do we do with this person ?

"I don't feel like interrogating her any further. Trying to debate with her about how sending you with a bomb without your knowledge is evil will not end well. Let's just tie her up to a pillar or something..."

Assassin: Take me there too !

Naofumi: Do you know the position you're in... ? Thanks to you, the fire of war has safely been lit.

Assassin: I'm acting by myself... Listen to me... In the heat of rage, I stole that weapon and came here. THAT'S WHY KYO IS NOT AT FAULT ! I WILL PROVE THAT TO YOU !! SO I BEG YOU, PLEASE TAKE ME THERE !!

Naofumi: Huuh ?! You want to prove Kyo's innocence ?! Do you think we're idiots ?! There's no way We'd bring along people who clearly claim to be our enemy !

"Talking to her is a waste of time. I'll just gag her."

Assassin: W- Wait ! Ah, right ! You can gag me or whatever !! As long as you take me with you, I don't care what you do to me !!

Kizuna: let's bring her with us.

"H- hey, hold on ! Did you hit your head or something ?"

Kizuna: We can't waste time. If she won't listen to what we're saying, then we'll show her. let's make a deal. If what happened right now in the castle was Kyo's doing, you'll tell us everything you know.

Assassin: I won't make a deal with villains ! I just want to clear the misconceptions around Kyo !

Glass: You... ! You're just a captive now, how dare you misunderstand Kizuna's mercy... !

Kizuna: You said that you'll allow us to do anything, right ?

Kizuna: order Ofuda. If you dare to go against my will, you'll be punished. So keep that in mind.

"... Kinda like a slave crest, then ?"

Kizuna: I don't really know about slave crests, but this ofuda isn't that versatile. But now...

Assassin: Yes, I understand... My name Is Yomori Emarl. A warrior never goes back on their word.

'... To believe so blindly in someone, even when facing so many evidences of the opposite... What part of Kyo makes her trust him that much... ?'

Rishia: W- What is it ?

"... Nothing."

Rishia: ... Please stop. Please stop comparing them. Lord Itsuki is different.

"... My bad, then. Kyo... he manipulated the power of the spirit tortoise... Stealing many lives in the process. What could he be planning this time..."

Kizuna: Is everybody here ?

"Hold on, this is... Why are we at the Dragon Hourglass ?"

Kizuna: This is a skill to teleport to a nearby hourglass, "Return transcript". This place is near the castle, let's hurry !

Naofumi: This feeling... Everyone, wait a minute !

"Naofumi, I know you're the cautious type, but don't you think we're in a hurry ?"

Naofumi: Don't you think this is weird ? It's way too quiet...

Glass: There's a blockade around this place, so that only specific people can teleport. The device is also sealed... Ah !

Naofumi: You get it. If it's currently blockaded, where are the guards ?

"... You think they went to backup the castle, maybe... ?"

Naofumi: Glass, you said this place is blockaded, right ? So that means everyone in this world can use teleportation ?

Glass: That is right. An item that reproduces the "return transcript" skill is widely used in general.

Naofumi: 'If I remember correctly, the skill Trash 2 reproduced can teleport someone to another hourglass that one has visited. A reproduction of "Return Dragon Vein"...'

Naofumi: Everyone, don't leave the hourglass.

"You don't mean..."

Naofumi: Exactly. The turmoil at the castle is also a diversion... the enemy has already entered this place !!

"A... A half therianthrope ?!"

Kizuna: You're... What happened to your appearance ?!

Naofumi: You know her... ?

Kizuna: You serious, Naofumi ?! We've met her twice before ! they're the people who always stayed behind that self-proclaimed genius magician...

"... A sword, a bow, and a spear... I swear he's becoming more and more detestable as time goes by..."

Naofumi: So you've all sold your souls to Kyo ?

Kizuna: What ?!

"Going so far as that, just to get revenge for that guy ? You lot put a new limit to the word reckless."

Girl: ... ... What do you mean, avenge ? That person... is still alive !!

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