Chapter 3-8: Kyo Tucker

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Therese: Shining Stone ! BLIZZARD !!

L'Arc: You sure have the guts to get into my castle directly ! Are there any others ?! Or are you the only intruders ?!


Therese: L'Arc !!

L'Arc: So it's not only the appearance of a beast that they possess, huh...

Therese: It seems like you all are brave enough to dye your hands on the taboo, because of your hatred.

L'Arc: You want to avenge him ? Why do such a boring thing for that guy...

Girls: What do you mean avenge ? That person, IS STILL ALIVE !!

"A... Live... Look, I know the first stage of grief is Denial, but you're overreacting..."

Naofumi: Bah, they probably just went to someone else after the guy they worshiped got killed.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama...

Naofumi: if now, why would they work for Kyo ? That body must've been given you by him, right ?

"I think i'm starting to get it... Kyo wants to conquer this country's Dragon Hourglass, and send an army directly in here."

Naofumi: It's probably already too late, but it's about time for you all to open your eyes, if you don't want to have more regrets.

Girls: You speak as though you're a great person here... ! Didn't all of this happen, BECAUSE OF YOU !!


"The star has been shot down !"

Naofumi: Now's not the time !! 'Even though I've leveled up so much since before... She broke my shield in one attack... ?!'

Girls: Kyo certainly did say, that if we are able to register this pendant to this country's dragon hourglass, we will be able to win this. And then he will grant our wish... That he will resurrect that person !!

"Resurrect... ?!"

Yomori: NO WAY !! The Kyo I know would never say that... ! I understand... if people lost somebody they loved... They would want their loved one back... But, the way you are doing it is wrong... !!

Girl: I don't need to hear from you whether it's right or wrong !

Yomori: No !! You mustn't do it ! THROW AWAY THAT WEAPON !!

Girls: Eh ? What is the meaning of this... ?!

Yomori: Th- This is bad ! You ! Use those Ofudas ! The same weapon you used to burn those things ! Just like you did to me !

"No, hold it ! Even if we can separate them, we can't let them explode here ! The Dragon Hourglass and the city above !"

Naofumi: Can't you do something ?!

"Do you request it to be non-lethal ?"

Naofumi: ... If possible.

"Then that's great ! Tomb of the Boom, iron sand ! BLACK SARCOPHAGUS !!"

Naofumi: That's a start, but we still can't let them go off here !

Girls: T- Tsugumi... What's happening to you ?! Tsugumi !

Girls: Her human half... Is being swallowed !!

Yomori: Hunting hero ! Please take of that Ofuda ! We have to stop that girl !!

Kizuna: I won't take that off ! What good would it do even if I did ?! You have no weapon ! There's no way you can stop her !

"Taking the weapon away... I have an idea ! Kizuna, there's no blocking to Teleportation here, right ?!"

Kizuna: there's not...

"Very well. Raphtalia, separate the weapon ! Even if you need to slash it to shreds, just separate the weapon from her body !"

Naofumi: What are you trying to do ?!

"No time to explain ! Do it !!"

"Perfect... I'll pour all that I have and hope this is enough ! D4C !!"


"... ... Kh..."

Naofumi: ... What... No, where ?



"As down as possible... It exploded hundreds of meters below us, so there would be no consequences here... But... Don't relax to quickly... the enemy's still here."

Naofumi: Right, she hasn't come back to her senses... Was that Kyo's plan all along ?! Could you do that with the other two ?

"Only both at once... Or the teleport wouldn't get them far enough...

Naofumi: kh... Hey... Don't fool around... ! Do you really understand what you're doing ?! An idiot with one cell in their brain who whas stupid blind faith. Fools who'll be someone else's pawns if their weakness has been grasped, and an idiot who won't think twice to self-destruct if it's to defeat the enemy ! THAT'S WHAT THAT BASTARD IS THINKING OF ALL OF YOU !!

Naofumi: I'll accept it if you want to take revenge ! BUT ! You probably can't even remember the person you want to save if you've been modified into that form ... ! At least... TRY TO FIGHT BACK !!

Girls: Tsugumi... ?!

"She's... In pain ? Is she fighting back ?!"

Filo: Master ! Be careful !

"In the end, it's useless... the best we can do now, is grant he a painless and quick death."

Kizuna: No need. The beast's presence in her is strong. It's my turn now !

Glass: Kizuna ! What are you going to do ?!

Kizuna: Did you forget, Glass ? I'm the Hunting hero. If the opponent is a beast... Then it's nothing I can't slash !

Kizuna: That's why her human side remains...

Girls: Tsugumi !!

"Brilliant... By only being able to slash the monster, you leave the human unharmed... Well, sorta."

Kizuna: Please use healing magic on her. I scraped off a lot of her that became a beast, so it must be a fatal injury.

Yomori: Is... Is she still alive... ?

Glass: If she's still a human... But if her flesh and heart has transformed into a beast completely...

Naofumi: Ready ?

"Mana sharing is on. Go all out with it."

Naofumi: Good. Zweite heal !

"... ... ... Well... At the very least... She'll be able to die as a human, rather than a monster. You did quite a drastic thing here."

Kizuna: If you say that, you did as well.

Girls: T... Tsugumi...

"If you still want to go, then be our guests."

Naofumi: We'll go to the castle. I'm worried about L'Arc and the others. This girl also needs treatment. So what will you two do ?

Girls: Huh ?

"Do you want to be pawns dancing in the palm of his hand again ?"

Assailants: You two... You've betrayed us ?!

Girls: Listen ! We're being tricked !!

Assailants: What are you saying ?! Are you okay if we can't resurrect him ?!

Girls: No, that's not what I want to say ! But the fact is-

Therese: What... ?!


L'Arc: Kizuna-missy ! Everyone ?!

Kizuna: Sorry, but we'll talk, AFTER THIS IS OVER !!

"So, how serious is the damage ?"

L'Arc: Not as bad as I thought. Though it gives me shivers thinking about what could've happened if they'd successfully hijacked the hourglass.

"And the prisoners ?"

L'Arc: We're treating them, but they still haven't talked about anything important. It's still far before they are completely healthy, but there is also the issue of their mental health.

Naofumi: Oh ? Did Kizuna take off the order Ofuda ? She's naive as always. What's wrong ? Didn't you want to go inside ?

Yomori: ... ... ... ...

Naofumi: Are you scared to learn the truth ?

Yomori: ... What's the "Truth" ? If what I saw yesterday is the "Truth", that means the Kyo I saw until now is not the "Truth" ? I... I want to believe in Kyo...

Naofumi: Then, just do it.

Yomori: Wha- You sure ?! That means I'll fight against you again !!

Naofumi: I see. No wonder Kizuna took the order Ofuda off. If you want to believe that guy, don't hesitate and come at me now. Your trust in Ko has wavered. That's your "Truth".

Kizuna: Oh, Naofumi.

Naofumi: So, did she say anything important ?

Tsugumi: ... ... Just kill us... We screwed up... That person, won't ever return...

"Crying over spilled milk again, are you ? You really think Kyo can resurrect the dead ? Then why don't you just die and find out ?"

Tsugumi: WHAT THE, YOU !! Whose mouth is saying that... !! In the first place, it's because you all killed that person... !

Raphtalia: ... At that time, what I see is that person using all of you as a shield... While he is hiding behind your back. He forcibly pushed all of you, who are still wavering... Like all of you are his property. He is not the person all of you should serve to that extent. That's what he looked to me.

Naofumi: 'That's rare. Is she perhaps angry... ?'

Tsugumi: You probably won't understand... That person, also has a gentle side... If he didn't, then we wouldn't be doing this much... The strength Kyo gave to us is real. That's why I want to believe and rely on him. I can't think of anything I can do...

Tsugumi: His surroundings were always exciting... He was always getting into trouble because of his obsession with power and strength and soft spot for women... We're always being pushed around...

"Just give me a break. Why don't you stop complaining ?"

Naofumi: 'I can't understand. All of them are talking about that guy, why the hell...'

Tsugumi: ... I didn't hate it... Even though he's like that... I didn't hate him... ! IT'S BECAUSE ALL OF YOU... !

"... No point. If they're still like this, it's a long way before they'd tell us anything about Kyo's whereabouts. They just can't settle their feelings yet. Well, after what they went through, I can't blame them. Isn't that right ?"

Naofumi: ... Why are you looking at me like that ?

"if you're asking, then you don't need me to answer."

Naofumi: Aaaah... Blindly following... If it was you, what would you do ?

Raphtalia: Huh ?

Naofumi: For example, if I died... What will you and the others do ? If you're offered a way to resurrect me, what will you do ?

Raphtalia: ... What is the point of asking that ? I'm different from them, so I don't think I can be any reference.

"Please don't make me or ask Filo this question, she'll cry out loud for sure."

Naofumi: ... Really ?

"You... You still have no idea how to relate to others emotionally, do you ?"

Naofumi: Hey, have you been angry since a while ago ?

Raphtalia: yeah, that... Is that what I feel now... ? I feel so mushy... I don't know what this feeling is targeted to... Probably, it's toward myself...

Naofumi: ... ...

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama !! I believe in you ! But if I think you're wrong, I'll still blame you ! I'll put up an effort to be able to do that.

Naofumi: ... I think that's what you have always been doing though...

Raphtalia: Is that so ? Then, i'll work harder on it !

"And just in case this is enough, count on me to bring to smashing arguments over your head."

Naofumi: ... Heh. Then I'm counting on you.

Yomori: ... I will speak what I know.

"You finally got tired of the assho- of Kyo ?"

Naofumi: First stream was enough.

Yomori: No ! I want to... I mean, I believe in Kyo ! So I'll go talk to him If you can keep up, I'll bring you. To the mansion where Kyo is.

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