Chapter 3-9: Kyorochimaru

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Yomori: Kyo's mansion is right here.

L'Arc: pretty far from the capital, isn't it ?

Yomori: Yeah. This forest is filled with a fog that misleads people. It's almost like a fortress.

Naofumi: ... The guy's hiding in a pretty fitting place again, huh ?

Yomori: ... ... ... ...

Naofumi: So, is there a way to get in ?

Yomori: Of course. With this bell.

Yomori: The one who has it can get to the mansion without getting lost... ... ... Wha... What is it ?

"Can we really trust this thing ?"

Yomori: Are you doubting it ?!

"You did kinda come here with a bomb disguised as a sword. It's not your words I'm doubting, but the item. After all, Kyo made it."

Yomori: I've used this bell so many times ! There is no way there is a problem with it !

Naofumi: ... So you've been to Kyo's mansion a lot, haven't you ?

Yomori: ... yes. Even that day, I was in Kyo's mansion. Kyo came back heavily injured. And he had a look on his face I hadn't seen before.

"Sounds about right, after losing a leg and probably months worth of work."

Yomori: Now that I think about it, what he made soon after, was that weapon.

Naofumi: ... he sure made something worthless with the spirit tortoise's power he stole.

L'Arc: Exactly... And now the country has no choice but to act.

Yomori: ... ... ... ...

Folks: Have you heard ? Of the boy inventor... I heard that the strange monster that came to this village before, was caught in a trap he made. Even though he was still young, he seemed so smart. So enviable.

*People say that Kyo is a genius inventor... But to us average paople, we can only see that his inventions are just junk*

Yomori: Hey, Kyo ! My sword and those pieces of junk, let's compete to see which can defeat the biggest monster !

Kyo: Compete ? That's ludicrous. Do it on your own.

Kyo: You really, are an idiot.

Yomori: Did... You do this... ? You saved me... ?

Tsugumi: So it comes to war...

Kizuna: We're leaving this place for a while. You girls can take your time to rest.

Tsugumi: ... You're not sentencing us to death ?

Kizuna: You girls are prisoners.

Tsugumi: We're not soldiers of Luvar. Even our connection to Kyo is...

Kizuna: It's clear that he used all of you, right ?

Tsugumi: We don't have a place to return to, or people who'll welcome us back... It's all too late to...

Rishia: E... Excuse me ! P- Please don't die... I'm sure you don't want to hear it from me, b- but when I look at you all... I... I also had a moment when I thought I wanted to die... Even though that person looks cruel from others' perspective... It can't be helped. Once your feelings get the better of you, even though it'll always hurt, that's not something you can control...

Rishia: I- If it was me, right now I'd run and drown myself. Ah, but you are seriously injured right now, so bumping your head on a desk's corner might be- ?!

Kizuna: Wait. there's one girl missing... Where did she go ?

"The main army is advancing toward Luvar. We'll follow as soon as we're ready."

Naofumi: Though our destination is Kyo's mansion. isn't that right, young master ?

L'Arc: Yeah, the problems between countries must be solved by countries. And our soldiers are elite, kiddo.

"In other words... problem between heroes, will be solved by heroes."

Ethnobalt: Yes, that's right.

L'Arc: Ethnobalt ! You're coming too ?

Ethnobalt: Since I am a holder of a vassal weapon... Even though i'm not that important, I'm still a hero after all...

"That's true. And since we don't know what Kyo's planing, it's good to have more people to help."

Naofumi: I'm glad the new equipment was completed in time. That blacksmith of yours did a good job. Thanks to that, we were able to cover our level gap, even if not by much.

"Speaking of, where's Rishia ? We had new equipment be made for her as well."

Therese: Now that you mention it, Kizuna is not her either.

Glass: It seems Kizuna went to see how the prisoners are doing. She was worried about them after all...

Kizuna: B- Bad news ! One of the prisoners... Was caught at the Hourglass !

"What the hell ?!"

Kizuna: I was freaking out when I realized she was gone ! There weren't many guards either, because of the confusion caused by the war preparations...

Glass: Why at the Hourglass... ?

"Don't tell me she was still believing what Kyo fed her..."

Rishia: I think she was desperate... Because she's wounded and not able to speak well, I couldn't understand her clearly, but she was mumbling and calling someone's name.

Naofumi: Did she see Trash II's ghost or something ?

Glass: Um... is that prisoner who escaped... Could she be a spirit person ?

L'Arc: if that's so, it would make sense...

Glass: It's been stuck in my mind for a long time...

Naofumi: ... What ? Say it clearly !

Glass: Kyo is probably... No, nevermind. This is just my speculation. If everyone is already here, we should hurry and head there. We will know once we arrive. To Kyo's mansion.

Filo: Yaaay, we're in the sky ! Look ! They're camping !

Therese: Yes, that's our soldiers' camp. I think the frontline is still up ahead.

"How long until we reach the area ?"

Ethnobalt: The foggy forest in Luvar... Even with riding the dragon vein of the Hourglass, about three days. And let's not forget Luvar also has an Air force, so an aerial battle can't be avoided. Although this ship isarmed, it's still...

L'Arc: Leave that matter to us.

Glass: Y/n, could I borrow you for a moment ?

"Is this about what you were about to say before we departed ?

Glass: Yes... I was wondering if I should say this in front of everyone or not. After thinking it through, I think I should talk about this to someone.

"So this is something Yomogi can't hear..."

Glass: Well, that's right. Let's get straight to the point. You understand the concept of a "Soul" right ?

"... The essence that dwells in a human body... If the physical shell dies, it has a chance to subsist as a ghost, right ?"

Glass: Right. We spirit people can feel the souls of the dead closer than others. Not just that, we can see them too. Among spirit people, there are some that don't consider physical death as a farewell. So usually, if a spirit person is told that a soul can be revived, they will not believe it.

Glass: But, after hearing the story from Kizuna... I thought she might have reason to hold on that hope. The soul that is needed to resurrect and it's vessel...

"Vess- You mean his corpse or something ?!"

Glass: Shhh... I don't know that much. Normally, returning a soul to a corpse wouldn't be called resurrection. That is just making undead. But I don't think he would make something so convincing that could even fool those girls just for the sake of it.

"He has to get something out of it, other than our death... If resurrecting the dead isn't profitable to him... Why would he need a vessel, and an empty one at that... Ah !

Glass: You're realizing it to, don't you ? His purpose is not to resurrect others. Perhaps his ultimate goal is to reattach his own soul and create the best vessel for it. It's an immortality that can be earned by transferring his soul to other vessels even once the vessel he is in is destroyed.

"So he used that asshole as an experiment... Well, I can see why Yomori shouldn't learn of it..."

Glass: Right... She said she'll go to talk to Kyo, but I don't think Kyo has the ear to listen to her. I will defeat Kyo. I don't want to be disturbed when the time comes.

"... Only if I can't do it myself, that is. As the Staff hero, the one who created all magic... I feel like it's kind of my duty to put an end to this. Everything he's done so far... It's making me sick."

Naofumi: ... What were you talking about ?

"Kyo's pulling an Orochimaru on us."

Naofumi: He what ?!

L'Arc: What an amazing welcome !

Therese: Right. We're confidently parading through enemy territory after all.

Glass: There's no problem. At this level, it's like swatting flies.

Naofumi: As I thought, they are amazing.

"Enemy soldiers are retreating !"

Ethnobalt: Right, but... It doesn't seem like it's because we drove them away.

Yomori: If they go too far into the forest, they'll be misled by the mist. This is the foggy forest.

Yomori: Kyo's mansion is close. Keep going.

Therese: The fog is so thick, it makes me wonder if we're making any progress at all.

Ethnobalt: ... Are we still going straight... ?

Yomori: Stay on course ! Soon, Kyo's mansion, will be visible !!

"... ... ... Where ?"

Yomori: Th- This is... Outside the forest ? No way..

Naofumi: Seems like he has abandoned you. Well, it's already within what I expected.

Kizuna: Anything you guys can do ?


Naofumi: How about we use the bioplant ?

"A- Absolutely not !!"

Naofumi: What ? If it's confirmed that Kyo is here, it's faster to destroy him along with the forest.


Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama, let's stop the joke there. How about we go back into the mist ? This time, not by ship.

"Well, now that we're here... Custom spell, Tubular Bells !"

L'Arc: ... What does this one do ?

"Kyo made this bell, right ? Then this will point to him at all point."

L'Arc: Handy.

"... Turn left from that tree, and turn back."

Yomori: Wait a minute ! That will make us back to where we came from !

"Yep. This is no ordinary mist, it's more similar to illusion magic. So this way, is fine."

"See ?"

Naofumi: As expected.

Yomori: ... 'Kyo...'

"Stay behind. Filo ?"

Filo: Yeah... There's a lot... !

Naofumi: So they've appeared... Humans that have been turned to beasts by him... !

Kizuna: How's that ?!

"... It's too late. they're dead. At this level of transformation, we can't save them anymore. And it's probably the case with all of them here..."

Beast: T... Th... Ou...

*Thank you...*

Yomori: Uh... Ugh...

L'Arc: Tch ! It's hard to do this !

Glass: Kizuna... !

Kizuna: My holy weapon didn't recognize them... But at the end, even if it's just for a while, they regained their human heart... We are not strong enough to save them...

Ethnobalt: There's no end to this ! Everyone, go on ahead ! From now on, I'll take care of things here ! Hurting your morale here is probably what the enemy wants ! Please go ahead ! Quick ! TO WHERE KYO IS !!

Naofumi: So this is his laboratory. Yomori, guide us ! Yomori...



"This is..."

"They all look the same, like that guy..."

Glass: This is what Kyo was researching ?!

Rishia: Vessels for his soul... !

Naofumi: HOMONCULI !!

Yomori: ... How could I have not realized this earlier ? How could I not understand ? No... I just didn't want to know... !


"R- Rishia ?!"

Rishia: Fueee... I- I- I'm so sorry ! I used too many ofudas...

Kizuna: No, that helped a lot. We don't want to exhaust ourselves before facing the real deal.

???: What were you saying ? You folks are the ones who barged in here. Really, they weren't useful at all...

Kyo: That guy, and his women too...


"That moron !! Don't rush in !!"

Therese: That mirror...

???: Moon... verse... !

Naofumi: Damn it, you really like to charge in like a boar, don't you ?!

L'Arc: That's a vassal weapon... ! Kyo... What did you do to the Mirror Hero ?!

"A vassal hero, that guy... ?! He looks more dead than alive right now !"

Glass: How could you... ! A vassal weapon will leave the wielder's body once they die... So it can't be...

Kyo: Smart, isn't it ? I made sure to leave a tiny part of his soul~ ! I had expectations for that guy as well, but... To think that the Katana would be taken by someone else. Well... No matter, I'll just have to get you under my control instead... !

Naofumi: Try it of you can, you trashy bastard !

Kyo: Ah ? Are you angry~ ? Oh, how scary~.

"Keep that bravado while you can. Also while you're alive and... Well, I would've said 'Kicking', but you're beyond that point, aren't you ?"

Kyo: And you will watch me tear apart everyone you love before your eyes, like I promised.

Yomori: ... Why, Kyo ?! Why would you do something like this... ?! Your research wasn't meant for things like this, right ? It was for the world... And the people... Everyone was so enamored by your inventions... ! That's why I followed you ! IT'S ALL OVER... ! There's no atonement for your sins... But at least, I'll end you myself ! And I'll follow you soon after...

Kyo: ... Huuuh ? Gross ! What're you doing ? Are you trying to become my mom or something ? The heck, stop that ! You're making me shiver ! You only stayed by my side to satisfy your own ego ! Didn't you just want to feel superior by staying by my side, as I bathed in praise ? Everyone who says they're doing something "For the world and the people", are all like that !

Kyo: Meanwhile, i'm honest with myself ! There exist those who are useful, and those whoa aren't ! Let me be clear. People who do tings without caring about profits and losses, I just can't believe they exist ! You used to be a little more charming before... But now you've reconciled with the enemy and brought them here... Ah, it appears I've been betrayed~! You must've found yourself a new guy, you used goods ! Don't enter my sight, dumbass !

Rishia: How cruel...

Kyo: I was knowledgeable from an early age ! And the people who were impressed with my skills flocked to me ! My research went well ! By selecting the flies that swarmed around me, I successfully gained control of the country ! Even now, the world will move according to my schemes !

Kyo: I love this world. I don't want to let it go. The only downside to this world is... Once I die, it's "Game Over" !

L'Arc: W... What is this guy saying... ?!

Kyo: That kind of things should stay in "Shitty Games" !

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