Chapter 5: Dragon Hourglass

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Blacksmith: damn, I hardly even recognized you. I haven't seen you for a while, what have you been up to ? Just fighting all the time ?

Raphtalia: I was taught proper table manners by Y/n and the staff at the inn. I wanted to eat in a sophisticated manner, like lord Naofumi.

Naofumi: To be honest, I was worried at first, but I managed to raise up my level. Well, she doesn't cough anymore, eats well, and her physique's gotten a lot better. Right, Raphtalia ?

Raphtalia: Goodness, don't put it like that, please ! You make it sound as if I've gotten fat !

Blacksmith: You, fat ? On the contrary, what a looker she's become !

Naofumi: Think so ?

Blacksmith: Well, aren't you a stick-in-the-mud...

Naofumi: Hey, I was surprised too. This country's full of lolicons, and even more so lately ! I get that a 10 years old girl can be cute and all, but all these guys keeps drooling over her everywhere we go...

Blacksmith: Uh, kid ? Are you blind or something... ?

"Sir, I think we should talk about something else..."

Blacksmith: Huh ? Yeah, sure. So, what are you in for today ?

Naofumi: Oh, yeah, it's about time we get Raphtalia a decent weapon-

Raphtalia: we came to buy lord Naofumi new protective gear !

Naofumi: Say what ? What are you talking about ? We came here to buy your stuff, remember ?!

Raphtalia: I could not ask for anymore than that, but I ask that you please reconsider your own appearance beforehand.

"Naofumi is so oblivious... That's kind of cute..."

Blacksmith: I guess so... He can't see what's under his nose.

Raphtalia: To be entirely honest, disregarding your shield, you look no different fro the normal villagers !

Naofumi: I've got the shield's divine protection, so I don't need anything.

Raphtalia: Have you forgotten that you were injured not too long ago ?!

Naofumi: Forget that. As long as we get you a new weapon, then I can raise my level up more.

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi ? If you do not cease with your dallying, you may very well die.

'Die ?! Is she seriously making death threats now ?!'

Raphtalia: This seems like it will cut well.

Blacksmith: Why not give it a few swings ?

Naofumi: 'She's gotten so stubborn, but in a way that doesn't even violate the rules of the slave crest... She's become a real pain in the ass...'

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi, I meant what I said before. The time of the calamity is approaching, is it not ? This is the time when you heroes need to reequip yourself the most.

"Easier said than done... I haven't found a single magic shop in this town..."

Naofumi: Come to think of it, I asked this a month or so ago, but how do you know when and where the wave's going to take place ?

Blacksmith: No one told you ? there's a church in the square where you can see a clock tower. There's something called the "Dragon's hourglass". When all of the sand falls down, I heard that the heroes and their comrades will be transported to the place where the calamity will take place. If you don't know when it's going to happen, go take a look for yourselves.

"Looks like they 'accidentally' forgot to tell us... Such a surprise."

Raphtalia: Well then, before we go...

Naofumi: All right, already !

Blacksmith: What's your price range ?

"Around the range of about 180 silver coins, or something like that..."

Naofumi: Wait, hold on ! Who are you to decide that ?!

Blacksmith: Um, yeah, that sounds about right for good, balanced gear.

Naofumi: Hey ! Are you even listening to me ?!

Blacksmith: Well, there's this...

Raphtalia: Ah, chainmail ! It looks quiet easy to move around in !

Naofumi: NO WAY IN HELL !!

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi... ?

Naofumi: I am NOT wearing that fucking thing...

"I... I would highly recommend to put that thing away, it brings back some... Unpleasant memories, to say the least..."

Blacksmith: Okay, okay, sorry. Don't glare at me like that. So then, now...

Raphtalia: This is wonderful ! We had everything specially made for us using our materials ! We should be able to finish all of our preparations by tomorrow. I received my sword as a gift, and he sold us the coating to keep the blade clean as well.

"... He's a good man, don't you think ?"

Raphtalia: "if it's for you kids, then..." he said. He's watching over you, my lord.

Naofumi: I wonder...

Raphtalia: And I, as well...


Raphtalia: Th- That wasn't me this time...

Naofumi: That was me. Damn it. Nothing I eat has any flavor, but I still keep getting hungry... Guess we'll go eat something.

'Did... Did Raphtalia just got cockblocked ?'

Raphtalia: What... Lord Naofumi !!

Naofumi: What's wrong ? Did they get something wrong ?

Raphtalia: I'm not a child any longer !!

Naofumi: Sure you are. Just one to two weeks ago, you used to get so happy to eat that.

Raphtalia: The current me is different from back then !

Naofumi: yeah, yeah. Don't try to force yourself to become so mature. Deep down, you really do want to eat it, right ?

Raphtalia: Truly, I've had enough, lord Naofumi !

'It would seem, it was worse than I though... I'm really worried about his mental state... He's barely keeping it together. At least things can't get worse from now on, I hope...'

Blacksmith: Hoh, here you are, kiddo ! It's all done !

Naofumi: tribal... The villager clothes looked way better than this...

Blacksmith: With that expression in your eyes, you look more like a burglar !

"Let's just say you're more menacing-looking hero ever."

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi ! That fits you so well ! You look dashing !

Naofumi: ... Are you guys for real ? Well, you made it and all, so it'd be my loss to not wear it...

Blacksmith: Exactly that ! And if you have more materials to add to it, there's the option of expanding it.

Naofumi: About that option... How pricey is it ?

Blacksmith: We're good friends now. I'll do it for cheap. We haven't known each other for long, but I've known you since the day you first got here. I know you aren't like what everyone said you were; You're always giving me your patronage, too !

Naofumi: ... Thank you.

Blacksmith: Those are the same eyes as the ones you had when you first got here. That's good enough for me. Good luck out there.

"You tell us. With that wave coming up, we're gonna need more than just luck."

Blacksmith: About that, I upgraded your gear as well, feel free to try it !

"I... I don't see any change with it..."

Blacksmith: Trust me, you'll definitely feel the difference when you fight with it.

"If you say so... Let's go check that hourglass, guys."

Naofumi: So we can just walk in here like that, huh ?

Raphtalia: This is the first time I've been in such a beautiful church.

"Same, but their religion isn't something I'd call 'beautiful'." 'The church of the three heroes... What a load of crap.'

Nun: The Shield and Staff heroes, I take it ?

Naofumi: yeah, we figured it was about time we this dragon hourglass a visit.

Nun: Right this way.

"So THIS is the Dragon hourglass ?"

Raphtalia: lord Naofumi !

Naofumi: This... Is how much time we have before the wave ?! there's about 20 hours left, we don't have much time to...


Motoyasu: Naofumi, huh ? You're still wearing that get-up ?

Myne: lord Motoyasu !

Motoyasu: Oh, yeah, that's right. YOU CAN'T FIGHT !

"Great, more people I don't want to see, this day just keeps getting better and better..."

Raphtalia: ... ? Are they friend of yours ? Lord Naofu-

"I wouldn't exactly call them 'friends'... 'Pieces of garbage', maybe."

Motoyasu: Isn't it the staff hero himself. You managed to survive until now, that's a surprise. You came here to see the dragon hourglass too, huh ?

Myna: Come now, you ! Lord Motoyasu is talking to you ! Answer him !

Raphtalia: Pardon me, but would you mind telling me who you all are ?

RG: Who's this girl ? An adventurer ?

Myne: What a strange woman, to not know of lord Motoyasu...

Motoyasu: What a beauty...

Myne: Pardon ?

Motoyasu: Salutation, beautiful lady ! I am the Spear hero, Kitamura Motoyasu ! If you feel up to it, would you mind saving this world alongside me ?

Raphtalia: A hero ?

Naofumi: 'Wha ?! He has that many women with him, and still flirts with a child ?! Will any girl do for this guy ?!'

He was suddenly dragged away from Raphtalia by a bunch of green tendrils.

"Dude, she's ten, so keep your hands for yourself before I call the police, you pedo."

Myne: How did you do that ?

"Fuck off, I ain't telling you anything."

Motoyasu: Whatever, it's not like it'll help you against the wave. But, young lady, you still haven't answered me.

Raphtalia: I-I'm afraid I am already with lord Naofumi and Y/n...

Motoyasu: With Naofumi ?! That's not a good idea ! If you're a guy like him, Everything you are will be in danger-

"ORA !!!"

Next second, he was stuck in the wall, and I stood here, my fist smoking purple.

"Listen here, I won't allow you to spread those lies about Naofumi."

Motoyasu: Ung... What, I'm only telling the truth. The only thing you two will be able to do during the wave is hide and try to survive while watching me fighting at my utmost !

Naofumi: 'Damn you !'

Motoyasu: Say, how'd you get this cutie to join you ? I mean, it's not like you haven't heard the rumor, right ?

Raphtalia: Rumor... ?I'm just a...

Naofumi: We're leaving, Raphtalia !!

Raphtalia: Y-Yes sir !

Motoyasu: W-Wait, hang on !

Myne: Let them go, lord Motoyasu. They won't be able to do anything anyway.

Motoyasu: That's true, I guess. She'll give up on them eventually. It's not with their crappy powers they'll accomplish something...

Raphtalia: Um, Lord Naofumi, to where are we... ?

"if it's about what those assholes said, sooner..."

Naofumi: You guys step back...

Naofumi: I really just feel like punching the fucking hell out of something right now. Damn it ! Damn it ! Damn it ! Damn it !

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi, what on earth happened with those people from earlier ?

Naofumi: ... I don't want to talk about it.

'All my hopes, gone. He will definitely break apart one day, and we're the only ones who can prevent that from happening. That bitch is doing all she can to crush him... Do we really have to fight to defend those guys ? Do we really have to fight this battle ?'

"... That Blacksmith guy was really nice, though..."

Raphtalia: What are you talking about ?


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