Chapter 6: First wave

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"The knights and adventurers are preparing themselves for the upcoming wave, the townspeople are caulking their homes... Only a few minutes left..."

Raphtalia: Um, Lord Naofumi ?

Naofumi: What ?

Raphtalia: No, it's just, well... When I think about how we'll be fighting against the wave together, I'm filled with an emotion I can't properly describe...

'Really ? The cliché monologue before the fight ? This place may be similar to a game, but ther's no respawn button here... We're fighting to survive.'

Raphtalia: I am so grateful to have met you, my lord. I mean, you have given me a way to live, you're given me a way to fight back against the wave.

Naofumi: We'll be in trouble if you die, so I'll do what I can, but I'm not sure whether I can protect you until the very end or not.

Raphtalia: I realize that. I will do my utmost. I am your sword. I will follow you wherever you go !

Naofumi: ... Yeah. Good luck with that.

"Come on, show a little more self-confidence. I mean, it's not like we didn't prepared for that.

Once the timer hit 0, the three of us got teleported away, reappearing in the middle of a forest.

Naofumi: We were teleported ? Where are we ? And what's that noise we're hearing ?

Raphtalia: Ah...

"Please... Tell me I'm dreaming !"

"The sky... is breaking apart ?! That's the wave of calamity !!"

Our three "colleagues" passed us, not even bothering to look at us, bolting to the crack.

Naofumi: They're running like bats out of hell... We need to check out this area first.

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi ! It's the coal mine ! Ryute village, the town that helped us so much, is near here !

Naofumi: I guess there's no way they're done evacuating...

"The only ones who got transported here are the heroes, we're not far from the castle, but it'll take time for the knights to get here !"

Naofumi: Wait, you guys ! We need to evacuate the villagers first !


Raphtalia: A flare ?!

Naofumi: You're kidding, right ? You just mark the place for the guards and that's it ?!

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi ! The village is closer to the rift than we are ! If they're attacked, they'll be killed with ease !

"Those three idiots, they're probably thinking of finding and taking down the strongest monsters. I bet they'll take all the credit for stopping the wave nonetheless..."

Naofumi: ... Let's go, Raphtalia ! If we can't fight ! All we can do is protect !

In the village, one of the villagers was cornered against a wall, desperately trying to defend himself against a zombie warrior with a pitchfork, only proving his efforts to be futile...

The monster cut it in half like a paper sheet, preparing for the fatal blow...

Villager: U-UWAAAHH !!



Raphtalia: Are you all right ?

Naofumi: Raphtalia ! You take care of the evacuation !!

Raphtalia: But, what about you ?!

"We'll stall the enemy as much as we can !!"


*Pipe shield: Equipment bonus skill, shield prison.*

"Can you hear us in there ?! In a moment that shield will disappear, so when that happens, run in the opposite direction of the rift !"

Villagers: Could that be... The Shield and Staff heroes ?!

Naofumi: I won't be able to sleep at night, if you all die here...

Villagers: What... ?

"Don't think, just listen ! I don't know how long we can hold them here !"

Naofumi was at a lockdown with one of the warriors, not able to deal damages to it, the same could be said to the other side...

"[SILVER CHARIOT] Speed enhancement !!! DODGE !!"

Naofumi: Guh ! That was way too close...

"This one is different from all the other one... It's your cliché strong-but-slow monster, so it should be okay as long as we keep it at bay..."

Naofumi: They aren't all that bright... Even if it's just one of them, if they focus on us, that's actually way less of a pain for us.

"Uh-oh, more of them on the front !"

Naofumi: Enemies in front, enemies behind, that only left one option to run ! AIR STRIKE SHIELD !!

"Heh, couldn't agree more. [HIEROPHANT GREEN] !!!"

"Now they're all gathered at one place, perfect !! [MAGICIAN'S RED], Crossfire Hurricane !!!"

Naofumi: Damn it ! I can't fight ! they're just growing more and more in numbers...

Naofumi: The adventurers and the knights stationed here are just barely hanging in there... They aren't in any formations and no one's cooperating at all ! I can't save everyone, but how can I limit the number of victims ?! What to do... ? Am I really okay with this-


"Shit !! That one escaped ! Get back here !!"

Naofumi: 'Ow, damn it ! Why do I have to go this far for those who're treating us like shit ?! No one even cares about what we do. It's retarded that we have to put our lives on the line like this !'

Raphtalia: LORD NAOFUMI !!

Raphtalia: Are you unharmed, lord Naofumi ?!

Naofumi: ... Yeah, I'm good.

"Raphtalia, you finished evacuating the villagers ?"

Raphtalia: Yes, all the villagers I could find, but there are many demons around ! If we do not lessen their numbers and stop them here...

Naofumi: I get it... then... RAPHTALIA !!

Before we could register what was happening, fireballs started raining on the area, killing monsters and destroying almost everything on sight.

Naofumi: Was that magic they just used ?!

*Light metal shield: equipment bonus, defense +1. Effective use: Magic defense enhancement.*

"Custom spell, [AEGIS], Barrier !"

Captain: As I would expect of you heroes. You are quite tough.

"The guards ? Better late than never, I guess..."

Raphtalia: If you knew we were here, then why did you attack ?! Know that depending on your answer, I may not be able to forgive you !

Captain: ... I can't be certain why, but the monsters were gathered in this spot. It was our chance to clear all of them away, that's all. Well, you guys are just fine, so what's the problem ?

Raphtalia: How dare you ?! They are your allies !!!

Naofumi: Raphtalia, that's enough.

Captain: That's right. So long as you stay calm about this, you'll see that we have made no errors.

"Exactly. And since you made no errors, you surely don't mind if we just stay still while you become fodder for all those monsters, right ?"

Guards: UWAAHHH !!

Captain: Don't panic ! Everyone, quickly prepare yourselves !

Naofumi: RAPHTALIA !!!

Raptalia: Ready !!

"Listen up ! These guys are the closest, so we have to fight them first !!"

Naofumi: We'll keep them at bay, so aim for the openings !!

Captain: Why you... How dare you give US orders ?!


"Don't make that mistake, the enemies are the monsters flooding out of that fissure, not us ! Remember that, we can run away and let you guys die here at any moment !

Raphtalia: Lord Naofumi ! The shy... the sky is returning back to normal !

"Is... is it over ?"

Captain: Stay on guard ! This place is still teeming with monsters ! GET READY !!

Itsuki: The boss was an easy win, this time.

Motoyasu: Well, that's to be expected.

Itsuki: if this is how it is, the next wave will be a snap.

Motoyasu: Speaking of which, I haven't seen Naofumi or Y/n anywhere.

Myne: It only makes sense that they aren't here, they'd just be in everyone's way.

Motoyasu: You're right !

Captain: Well, well, heroes ! You have fought well ! The castle is preparing a banquet ! You will be compensated for your deeds, so please do attend ! Let us celebrate the safe removal of the wave !

Raphtalia: My lord, everything is more or less cleaned up.

Naofumi: Oh yeah ? The damage to the village was severe. Just thinking how much it will take to get it back in shape is crazy...

"Yeah, just to think I'll need a few minutes, crazy indeed."

Naofumi: What ?

"Oh, but first I need to heal you, of course. Custom spell, [CRAZY DIAMOND], fix !!"

Within seconds, all of his wounds were gone, and I went to fix the broken down houses.

Naofumi: Healing spell... He has prepared himself for this.

Raphtalia: ... Lord Naofumi. I... Did my utmost, did I not ? I... Limited the number of kids who might become like me, didn't I ?

Naofumi: Yeah... You did well.

"Fix ! Fix ! Fix ! Fix !"

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