Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Percy pales as he looks at his mom. "Hide. I'll be right there," he promises her. Sally nods as her son cuts the connection.

He frantically pulls on shoes and runs outside. He pauses for a moment debating how the Hades he is supposed to get back to New York.

After a moment he changes courses and rushes to find Nico. When he finally finds the sleeping boy he literally drags the Son of Hades out of bed.

Nico springs up reaching for his sword but calms slightly as he sees Percy in the darkness. "What?!" He hisses standing and turning on the light.

"Shadow travel to New York. Now," Percy demands.

Nico rolls his eyes and sits back on his bed. "Can't it wait till morning?"

Percy shakes his head so hard Nico worries it might fly off. "Can't we have to go now. It's important. Emergency."

Nico stands once more. "Emergency? What's going on?"

"It's uh... personal. I-I'll tell you later. But please I need to get home. Now."

Nico sighs not in the mood to argue and quickly pulls on his clothes. He turns out the light and grips Percy's hand before both melt into the shadows.

The duo appear in the empty Hades cabin. Nico sways and lays on his bed falling asleep almost instantly.

Percy runs out the cabin and heads for the stables.

He runs in ignoring the annoyed shouts and curses from other pegasi as they are woken up.

"Blackjack!" Percy shouts.

Boss? Blackjack asks tiredly. It's early.

"I need you to take me to my moms."

Will there be donuts?

"I'll get you some later," Percy promises leading Blackjack outside.

Is something wrong? Blackjack asks as Percy climbs on his back.

Percy doesn't reply and Blackjack takes that as a yes and shoots into the sky.


Sally Jackson glares defiantly at the man in front of her. She has a bruise on her cheek and hair is messed up but she refuses to show her true feelings.

Gabe takes a step forward and Sally takes a small step back glancing for something to hit him with.

"What did you do to me!" Gabe shouts salvia spraying.

"Gave you what you deserved," says another voice.

Gabe turns as a fist connects with his face. He growls and turns to face Percy. In the back of his (minuscule) mind he wonders how Percy is older.

"You don't scare me anymore," Percy says. "I've faced things far worse. Although... nothing can beat your appearance." Percy can't help but smirk.

Gabe lunges for the green eyed boy who dodges quickly and sweeps out the walrus of a man's legs. Gabe falls with grunt and before he can get back up Percy slams him once more against the floor effectively knocking him out.

Percy stares at Gabe for a moment before turning to see his mother. He grabs her in a hug.

"Thank you," Sally says in her son's ear.

Percy hugs his mom tighter and then pulls back and frowning at the bruise on her cheek.

Percy pulls out and uncaps Riptide in one swift motion pointing it at the unconscious man.

"He's mortal," Sally says.

"Are you sure?"


"I-I mean monsters have disguises."

"Percy, he's not a monster- not a Greek monster. He's mortal. Your sword wouldn't even work."

"There a knives in the kitchen."


"Alright. Alright. But what should we do with him?"

"I'm not sure. But how about you tell me how he is alive? Because I have a feeling that you know."

Percy sighs and leads his mother into the kitchen. He gets her and himself a glass of water before speaking. "I actually don't know entirely but, demigods ones who were dead just popped up at camp. Then are also a few mortals here and there. The gods are trying to figure out what's going on. No one can really understand but people come back perfectly fine. They have memories of their deaths but, they're perfectly fine. I don't know who or what is doing it but, it can't be that bad right?"


"Jason!" Reyna called catching up with him. "Have you seen Jackson or Di Angelo?"

Jason shakes his head no. "I went to wake them up but they weren't there. No one seems to have seen them. So I was coming see if you knew where they went. Maybe they went back to Camp Half-Blood."

"Call Annabeth."


Annabeth almost cut the connection on the Iris Message when it popped up.

She was slashing a dummy after all. Once getting over her initial surprise and sheathing her blade she looks to see Jason and Reyna.

"I still need Jackson," Reyna states.

Annabeth rolls her eyes. "Send him back tomorrow then."

"What do you mean?" Jason asks. "He's not here. Nico either."

"Let me sleep!" A voice shouts.

"I'm stuck with you and I'm not sitting in your cabin all day. If I leave you Annabeth and Thalia will kill both of us," Luke yells back. He then grabs Nico as he walks over to Annabeth. Nico is too tired to argue.

"Hey Annabeth," Luke smiles.

"Nico where's Percy?" Reyna asks getting straight to the point. "I still need you both."

Nico shrugs. "I dunno. Sleeping?"

"Why did you leave in the first place?"

Nico yawns. "He said something was happening-" another yawn "Something personal."

"Well whenever you find him tell him to call us," Jason says. Annabeth promises and cuts the connection before heading to make a rainbow.

As the call is placed Percy pops up his back is turned as he leans over to poke something.


Percy jumps startled before turning around blocking something from view.

"Uh, hey Annabeth," Percy says uncertainly.

"What's behind you?"

"Nothing!" Percy says quickly. He walks forward and the message follows him into another room where his mother sits.

"Reyna needs you still. But Nico said something was wrong. What's going on?"

"Nothing, I'll uh be back later. I gotta uh do something..."

"Percy," Annabeth warns. Percy not knowing what else to do cuts the connection.

Leaving Annabeth standing stunned.


"You never told her?" Sally asks.

Percy shakes his head. "She had no reason to know."


"That's enough playtime. Ready it now."

"It hasn't been tested."

"We're not sure if it will even-"

"Did I ask for your opinion? I'm following orders too."

"Where should we start?"

"You already know the answer to that question."

They look at each other before bowing. "Yes mother."


"Are you alright Luke?" Annabeth asks. They, Nico and Thalia had all been walking to lunch when Luke stopped suddenly.

He stiffened and straightened before pulling out his sword and pointing at the blonde.

Nico drew his sword and pointed at Luke without hesitation.

"What in Tartarus is wrong with you!" Annabeth hisses as other turn to watch.

Luke doesn't reply.

Annabeth looks into his eyes. His eyes are blank and glazed like those of someone who is dead.

"Luke?" Thalia asks. In reply the older boy lunges forward and slices toward Annabeth. Nico quickly blocks the strike with his own as Annabeth is too stunned to move.

"Luke!" Thalia shouts pulling out her spear. Annabeth finally comes to jumping out of harms path. Thalia stares at Luke and let's her shield spring out watching in surprise as Luke doesn't even flinch at the sight of Medusa's face.

Other campers begin to surround Luke.

"What is going-" Chiron stops himself as he comes upon the scene unfolding.

"I knew we should have killed him," Mr. D sighs looking at his soda uninterested.

Luke lunges forward quickly toward a camper before a golden arrow pierces his leg. He doesn't cry out in pain. Nor does he seem to have registered it. Still limps forward swinging his sword. Another arrow hits his other leg. Luke falls but he still continues. He drags himself forward still slicing at people's feet.

Nico comes up behind Luke. "You're gonna hate me, but I guess we're even." As Luke turns toward Nico, the latter hits him with the flag of his blade on the side of the head rendering him unconscious.

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