Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Annabeth screamed in frustration as she cut down another person. Styx. Things just keep getting worse. First she had gotten separated from the group and now she was cornered. Her drakon bone sword her only weapon. Annabeth swung her sword only to stop short to see a young girl holding a pistol toward her. The girl's eyes were glassy.

Annabeth sword was at the girl's neck but she couldn't bring herself to do anything. The girl liked around seven. The same age she had been when she had run from her home. But the little girl, she was dead. At one point at least. A cruel smile spread across the little girl's lips.

"You have no chance if you fight," said a familiar male voice. Luke appeared behind the girl placing a hand on the top of her head. His glassy eyes stared right through him as he spoke. "Give up Annie. You can't get rid of us."

"I can and I will," Annabeth growled.

Luke shook his head. "For a daughter of Athena I would think you would be smarter. I mean you're outnumbered."

Annabeth opened her mouth to counter but Luke cut her off.

"You will always be outnumbered. The dead will always outnumber the living."

The little girl undid the guns safety. And she pulled the trigger.

Annabeth bolted out of her bed in panting and in a cold sweat. She looked over to the clock 4:21 am. There was no way she was getting back to sleep.

She ran over the dream in her head. "The dead will always outnumber living," she mumbled. She couldn't help but think off the Battle of Thermopylae. Where 300 Spartans had held their own against the Persian army- the "Immortals". They're were so many soldiers when one was cut down another replaced him.

This army of The Returned could do the same.

She cursed to herself as she pulled on some clothes before heading for the Big House. They needed to figure out who was behind this and how to stop it fast.


"An army of The Returned?" Katie said shocked.

It was just after breakfast and the cabin heads had gathered to speak of Annabeth's dream.

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah. Think about it. Luke was controlled or something. So what if they all were?"

"Well what are you saying we do with them?" Thalia asked not happy with this conversation. "Even if we wanted to we can't get rid of them."

"What about that thing Hades did yesterday? Making them all sleep?" Percy asked.

"We can't exactly hook up a huge megaphone and have him shout across the world, Prissy," Clarisse said.

"We need to find the source of this," Chiron says.

Rachel sighs. "I wish I could help..." Others nod they all knew about Delphi's fall.

"What do we tell the Returned if they ask what we are doing?" Will asks.

"Embrace your inner Hermes," Connor says.

"And Lie," Travis finishes.

Chiron nodded. "Unfortunately I see no better option at the time. Meeting dismissed. Questions will be asked if we are here too long."

The campers began to disperse and Thalia looked to Annabeth. "Luke wouldn't-"

"He wasn't Luke. He was being controlled."

Thalia nodded mutely.


"You've done well, daughter."

"Thank you father."

"I think we can move on now. We have enough. We should save some more for later."

"Of course." She nods and turns to leave but can't help but hesitate.

"I can tell you have a question for me."

"Yes... What do you gain from this?"

"Nyx..." He sighs turning to face her. "Do not you see what happens? They are fighting each other. They have everything. Yet it is not equal. Perhaps if we shock them a bit they will finally band together and appreciate one another. And unfortunately those who do not comply... Are standing in the way of the utopia this place was meant to be."

Nyx nods. "I shall tell my daughters to stop releasing the souls for now. Shall we start the next stage."

"Yes. Let us proceed."


"Hunters are obviously better archers."

"Yeah right. Apollo kids have it made."

"Alright a competition then," Phoebe smiles. "Our best versus yours."

"I shall compete," Zoë says stepping forward.

"Hope you're ready lose," Lee smirks. Both draw their bows taut and face a target.

The crowd behind them watches intently.

Both are about to release when they shiver and turn around pouting arrows toward the crowd.

"What the Hades are you doing!?"

Neither respond as they begin to walk away other Returned fall in step behind them. They growing group heads for Half-Blood Hill. Zoë and Lee stop at the top holding their bows loaded. Bianca, Phoebe and other archers follow their lead.

"What are you doing Bianca!" Nico shouts looking at his sister in shock.

"Put the bow down," Will says stepping forward only to hop back as an arrow pierces where he had just stood.

"We do not wish to harm you," Lee says.

"This is the way it must be," Beckandorf nods.

"All will make sense in due time," Ethan says.

"Do not follow," Silena advises. "We outnumber you."

Demigods below them stand frozen in shock as they all disappear over the hill.

"Your dream," Percy says to Annabeth quietly.

Annabeth nodded. "It's started. And she's right. The dead will always outnumber the living."

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