Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying I attacked everyone!" Luke shouts looking at everyone in disbelief.

"You've done it before," Mr. D comments with a sip of his diet coke.

"Well I-" Luke falters and pauses for a moment. "I would remember if I did."

"That's just it," Annabeth sighs. "Like I said you didn't seem in control."

"Ugh," Mr. D groans looking up. "Everyone is wanted on Olympus. Gods I hate this job. I chase a nymph and I'm stuck here for a hundred years. But Apollo can raise Gaea and he only has to drive the sun and stay out of Zeus's way." Mr. D walks out still complaining to himself.

"Gather the campers," Chiron tells Annabeth bringing attention back to the situation at hand.


Things are loud in the Olympian throne room as the gods and children from both Camps fill the room sitting by their parents throne.

"Where are my stupid brothers?" Zeus asks annoyed looking at the two empty thrones. The other gods shrug.

"You're still younger than us," Hades states as he walks through a shadow, Poseidon, Percy and a very nervous Grover by his side. The four take their seats.

"Now let's begin," Zeus states. "Bring the boy forward."

Luke is carried up, still not able to move his legs and placed in a chair in front of the King of the Gods.

"You have attacked the other children. Do you admit to this?"

"Well uh- I don't remember.... They said I was being controlled." Luke starts.

"That is not an acceptable answer," Zeus growls. "Now do you-"


The one forceful word is shouted across the room. Zeus glares at Hades who ignores his brother looking to Luke.

Luke begins to nod as if going to sleep but barely remains awake. But it's not just Luke. It happens across the room. All the Returned.

"AWAKE." At his word. The Returned bolt upright and alert. "They are still partly dead," Hades explains after a moment.

"So you controlled him then?" Zeus growls.

"You truly are stupid," Hades sighs. "Why would I send him to attack my own child? And you said before... controlling someone wasn't acceptable."

Poseidon can't help but let out a small snicker.

Zeus glares at both of them and pauses. "Fine," he says before clenched teeth. "Then who is controlling him?"

Hades shrugs. "How should I know? I was just testing a theory."

"So you and Athena have gotten nowhere on this matter?"

"We have explored many options," He starts. "None likely. Spirits simply vanish from the Underworld suddenly. I have even spoken to some of them and they simply disappear mid word.

"Now, the Underworld is built upon the walls of Erebos. Besides the Protogenoi himself I can only think of one option but they refuse to help."

"Who?" Zeus demands. "Bring them here at once!"

"Father, they are the Fates," Athena says and Zeus stops his hissy fit.

"Have you spoken with them?"

"I have," Hades answers. "Though I cannot do much about their refusal to answer."

"So they could be behind this?"

Hades opens his mouth to speak but he is cut off as the furies appear in front of him.

"Lord Hades," They say with a quick bow.

"What it is?"

Alecto stands up. "There was a hold up in the Judgement Pavilion-"

"And you or Thanatos cannot handle it yourself?"

"Well we went but, a judge was missing. The other two claim he just disappeared. Thanatos is there sorting things out now. It seems this force has taken him as well."

"Which judge?" Hades asks.

"I think I know the answer to that," Hermes interjects from where he is looking at his phone. He snaps and a TV is shown a woman reporter in front of a picture of a man dressed in old timey clothes taking a mugshot. The reporter (Olivia Spikes as it says her name underneath) speaks.

"Thank you Eric. Now, a man claiming to be none other than William Shakespeare has appeared on stage at the Globe Theatre in the middle of the 5 o' clock showing of Macbeth. He is currently being detained by police for trespassing. If anyone knows anything about the true identity of this man please come forward."

Hermes snaps once more and the TV disappears.

"Can't wait till they figure that he really is Shakespeare," Apollo chuckles. "Wonder what he'll do now... Always was one of my favorites." (The Apollo children present don't comment)

"I must deal with this," Hades says before he melts into the shadows the furies quick to follow.

Zeus turns back to Luke.

"Father," Athena says before Zeus can speak. "I believe we are close to finding the true culprit. Perhaps we can detain the boy for now..."

"This is your final chance," Zeus warns Luke before he flashes out. Leaving everyone else still stunned that Zeus hadn't killed Luke.


"I see the trial went nicely."

"It did mother," one agrees.

"Is the next stage ready yet?"

"Not yet," another answers.

"We do have a schedule to keep."

"We are releasing more mortal spirits first. The more the better," the third says.

"Alright. Unleash more of the important or high security spirits from the Underworld. The bigger commotion the better."

"Yes mother," all three say in unison.

"Good. Then, I'll inform my father. Things will officially get underway."



Who are these strange people who don't momentarily have known names?

There is the mother.

The mother's father.

And the others.



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