Chapter 13: She belongs to me.

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I have never felt the need to just disappear into thin air but seeing Hazel dancing and talking with Rayn makes me want to do it. I am over this shit long time ago. I have moved on and I pledged myself to forget my past. After my studies, I didn't join my father's company. I made my own empire with my willpower.

Hazel ̶ that name still cause my heart to shudder. My fate might be cursed to always think about her ever since I first saw her. I always wonder what's so special about her that always makes my knees go numb whenever I see her but everything about her feels so special no matter wherever I go or I am. I don't have words that could describe what I really feel about her because my feelings for her are like the wind meeting the sea.

I couldn't stand watching Rayn and Hazel dancing and whispering to each other. I know they have been best friends but I don't stand the fact knowing that Rayn might see her more than a friend. I gulp my shot of tequila as I watch them being so close and talking to each other which look more like flirting. I need to regain control. Then when Rayn whispers something to her and then kiss her cheeks, I just lost it. As I saw him walk away, I run across the dance floor to hold her in my arms before she can go.

She seems frozen for a while by my sudden approach. I can't blame her for it because I am also in the same state. Some electricity like feeling flows through us at the moment of our touch. I didn't know a single touch could make me feel so numb, but that single touch shook my whole body awake recalling my past with her. I whisper in her ears something but it was out of that shock, that even I don't remember what I said to her.

She struggles in order to get rid of my hold, but I grasp her tightly so that she can't escape from me, as if I will never let her leave me again.

"Let's just dance for a while, I won't do anything."

"I don't feel like dancing anymore, Mr. Ross." She looks up to my eyes. As her hazel brown eyes meet mine, I understand that there is nothing left in her for me. The love that I used to ignore so much in the past has left her completely. Alas, if I trusted only on the feelings we shared, we would be here like this. If it isn't love, I hope that I could at least see hate in her eyes for me. Anything for me in those eyes, but what I see is something foreign, something that words can't say ̶̶ emptiness.

"It doesn't look like you don't need a dance."

"Since you here, I don't feel like dancing anymore."

"But it wasn't like that in the past... You used to just blush all the time when you were in my hands." I smirk at her hoping that something, anything of our mutual feeling would renew.

"Past is Past. It's just frozen in time. I am living in the present which you definitely are not."

"How have you been?" I try again.

"You have no right to ask me that."

"Is it because I left you or is it because you are engaged to another man." That blue diamond ring is giving me hard time as it keeps on reminding me what I lost to another man. I just wants to take it and throw it away.

"It's because it's none of your damn business. Now, I need to go."

"Tell me you don't love me anymore. Tell me you hate me." I ask in despair.

"I feel nothing for you. You are nothing, Mr. Asher Amiri Ross." She says and walks away. She has repeated the exact words I had told her 8 years ago. The words that I cant take back and which breaks my heart every time I think of my mistake that changed my whole life.

I then decide right there and then, that I may not deserve her but I am getting everything that belongs to me. And she belongs only to me.


a/n: Just keep on reading. And don't forget to like and comment. That makes my day more beautiful.

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