Chapter 12: Dancing to know all.

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"Are you going to tell me tonight?" Rayn is running behind me hopping that I will tell him everything about why I left.

"Why do you care? Go torture Anna."

"I prefer you now since you refuse to tell me why you left without telling me a word."

"Who do you think you are? My husband?"

"I can be that... if that makes you tell me the fucking reason."

I shout as he hit my anger spot. The people present in the club looks at the newly formed disturbance.

"Every one is freaking out. Come let's do a dance." I resist first then when I saw people's attention towards us I agreed.

"Alright." I took his hand which is offered to me, he then literally drags me to the dance floor. It is a slow dance song. Why does this club have a slow dance song today? I also noticed that the club had decoration in complete red referring to a romantic mood. Then I remember that it's Valentine's Day tomorrow.

"Now tell me where you disappeared all this years?" Rayn leans and ask me in my ears.

"I went to college. To study. To survive. Is that enough for you??"

"I need to know where you went. What you did? EVERYTHING!!"

"What are you, a psycho? Why are you so obsessed with my life?"

"Why? You are asking me why? Seriously, Hazel. You are asking your freaking best friend who freaking searched you every damn corner of the world when you decided to run away from us. What happened eight years before was horrible especially for you but ̶̶­ " I interrupt him before he can complete the sentence.

"You searched for me?" I didn't know that. I thought no body cares if go away.

"I thought you were dead. I thought that I couldn't see you again." tears are forming in his eyes. "Sorry Hazel... sorry if I couldn't be there with you when you needed me. But you are my Mrs. Anderson you know... don't you remember our old times? I could never afford to lose you."

How can I forget those times? How can I forget our Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson mockery play to piss of Anna? Flirting with each other, making fun of others...

12 years ago...

One year has passed since I joined Grace. Now I am in freshmen year and I have made good friends. My grades are also very good. Mia and I have been best friends since day 1. I made a special bond with Stef. He plays me music every time. I also got to know Rizz, Shiro and Rayn. Rizz is Mia's neighbor. I know for a fact that Rizz sees Mia as more than a friend. Shiro is the funny guy in the group. Rayn is just complicated. Even though he is in different class, He takes time to come and chat with me. The initial three weeks of him touring me, helped us bond a lot. He and I, we share common interests too. The only thing which makes us different is the class difference; him being rich heir and I, a poor normal girl. We easily became best friends, who can talk about guys or gals, cars, space, theory of relativity... huh! The list goes on... Even though Rayn is considered a spoil brat who would eventually inherit Grace Central, I see him more than that ̶ he is someone who has vast knowledge about the world. In short he is just a curious wanderer.

"You can't do that idiot! You can't steal my food." I shout at Rayn as he snatches my lunch.

He shows me an ugly pouting posture. Huh! This guy loves to be my pain in ass.

"You know that I love your food more, Hazel Nut!"

"I only have that food with me. You are The Heir; you can buy the whole canteen if you want." I snarl at him. Usually, I hate to lose my temper but when I am hungry, I can't see anything else.

"So can I have you, Hazel nut?" He leans to fake kiss me.

"Stop flirting with me and give my food back."

"You are the future Mrs. Anderson; you have to learn how to control your temper, darling."

"WHAT??" I am ready pounce at Rayn, but before I can even open my mouth Anna who is Rayn's childhood friend, storms to us and says.

"MRS. ANDERSON? You can't date or marry this girl."

What does she mean by 'this girl'? I want to defend myself but I decide to say the truth.

"We are not dating."

"Why are you jealous?"

Rayn and I says in together. Rayn rolls his eyes and says again.

"Why are you jealous of us Anna Banana?"

"Jealous! Me jealous on you. Hahaha... No way... It's just... Look... it's... this girl... she's nothing." She stammers.

"My Mrs. Anderson is everything to me. Aren't you my dear?"
Rayn gestures me with his eyes to play along.

"Hmm... yes... no... I mean to say... Rayn... Mr. Anderson... is..."
I hate lying. I am worst at it.

"Everything to you too... I know babe and you don't need to prove that to me or anyone my future wife... Anna banana needs to understand this."

Anna's face flushes like tomato and Rayn is enjoying every bit of it. To make it more fun, he puts his hands over my shoulder and kisses my cheeks. Flirt.

"Ugh!! Whatever." Anna hisses and runs off.

"Why do you like to torture her so much?" I smack his hands in order to remove them from my shoulder.

"How can you tolerate her when she says such things to you?"

"It's nothing."

"Yes she said you are nothing, Mrs. Anderson."

"I am anything but Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Anderson. I have been thinking for a while that Anna Anderson sounds nicer."

"Eww... I am divorcing you just because of that."

We both laugh together at that.


"I cannot be Mrs. Anderson anymore since I am an engaged woman you know." I say to Rayn.

"Oh! You are just engaged not married yet. A man can hope." He looks at me mockingly.

"Not if my fiancé kills you first."

"Is he good for my best friend? Does he make you happy?"

"He helped me, Rayn. He is one of the reasons why I am here today."

"Please tell me what you do now? How have you been living?"

"I am taking care of a business. It's going fine. My fiancé is my partner in it."

"Did you forgive me Hazel? What I did eight years ago was wrong but can you ̶̶ "

"Let's never talk about this again and forgiveness is not something I look forward to give you" I say with gritting teeth.

"What then?"

I didn't answer him but keep on dancing. After few seconds of thoughts Rayn asks me. "Do you love this fiancé of yours?"

The one question everyone is keeping on asking me ̶̶ the question which I have been trying to find answer for myself. Suddenly Rayn was interrupted by a phone call.

"Sorry hazel, this is an important call. Our sponsors are calling. I need to meet you again. We all need to meet. There is something important to tell you all." He kisses my cheeks and leave from there.

Maybe I can forgive him but I don't know if I have it in me to give him. Maybe I can be friends with him again. Alas, he won't be with the same person he was best friends with. I am changed and they all need to accept it.

My thoughts are broken as someone holds me in his arms for another dance. I understand who he is even before I see the face. I know who he is when he touches me. I know who he is just by his fragrance, his every breath. I understand as the electricity like feeling jolts in me when he touches me. I remember all this as the guy who took my soul and heart but crushed it into million pieces stands in front of me.

"It's been long time since we last danced firefly girl. But I remember seeing you blush the entire time we moved along each other." Asher whispers in my ears.

Breathe... hazel... Breathe...
One ... two... three...


Wooof! Look who took up the courage to talk to Hazel. Mr. Asher Amiri Ross himself. Which one of the two guys do you like hazel being with? Rayn Or Asher?

I am not trying to make creepy love triangle here guys. Remember our girl is engaged. Who might be her fiance? Maybe when he appear, you all might ship her with him.... well I kinda do.😀

Next coming chapters might be long. There most of the secret of the past might get revealed. Any Idea what might have happened in the past. If you wanna know then you should send me some love by:

Voting,commenting and sharing The reunion with your friends. Lets make it 300 reads by end of the week.

I ♡ U my reunion fam.

PS: if anyone have any problem with the story or you feel like there are many grammatical or spelling error do tell me. I am a simple girl trying to learn how to write well and you are a kind reader who is learning new things at the very end. Thanks for your support.

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