Chapter 20: Stars and Star gazers

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"Stop being a cry baby now, Will you? Your dear wife and your baby are actually fine." I consoled Rizz. Even though he is build up doesn't make his brain big. He had a pea size brain inside his thick skull. What did even Mia found in him? Poor baby, how can he tolerate a father like Rizz.

"If they were fine, then why the hell are they not letting me in?? I will kick that door and-" Rizz was beaten by Shiro who came swinging in.

"Oh Shiro... Man you are the best. Get on with your best friend here will you... I am going out. I have a meeting tomorrow. You know?" Before Shiro could say otherwise I ran out of the hospital lobby. It was already dark outside. I walked into the garden nearby for some fresh air. Who knew night looked this beautiful?

In the end there sat Stef in a bench alone. I walked upto him and took a place next to him.

"Didn't go to the hotel yet?" I asked.

"I was going to but Shiro wanted to say goodbye to Rizz. All other had already left and I was his only ride."

"Oh! Dont worry man. He wont be able to come. He is stuck with Rizz tonight."

"Is it? Poor guy."

We sat there in silence looking at the sky. It reminds me of old times, when we all used to hangout late at night. I miss those days.

"Its a wonderful thing, Isnt it? You know the stars and universe." I said remembering the exact same words said to me long years back by someone special.

"Please Rayn. Dont start your space talks."

"Aah. Boring. I wish Hazel was here, she might have agreed with me."

"Dont even say, I remember all about how you both starts talking about space and E.T. then you never stop talking. Other people would be totally invisible for you when you both team up."

"Yah. We used to sit and talk about the space expecially about moon. She was obsessed with moon and Space explorers. I have never seen a girl like her. The girl who knows about everything. The girl who actually have some brain." I remember about everything we used to talk about. Others say that she is a nerd but for me she was the coolest person ever to talk to. I remember the times when we talk about Space missions and how she was a great fan of space explorers. I can even talk to her about formula one or World war, She knows about everything.

"She is indeed a special girl. I wonder how she changed all of a sudden. Why is she so dark and infuriating now?"

Well, I was wondering the same thing. I could blame one or another for it, expecially that jerk Asher but who am I to do that? Even I am in a way responsible too. I will bring her back normal sooner or later. I mean the sweet little friend of mine is there somewhere deep inside her, I know that fact very well. My guts says that. I stood from the bench and said to Stef:

"Man, I am going home. Got many works tomorrow. You coming?"

"No dude, I will wait for Shiro. I know you have this big meeting with the sponsor tomorrow. Do you think this will work out? That Abid's idea will work out."

"Maybe, I dont know. I have a feeling that this is going to be one hell of a meeting."

"See you tomorrow then."

I waved him adieu and walked to my car in the dark. Tomorrow is the day, everything will change. Tomorrow decides whether the reunion works or not.


As I saw Rayn walking out, I suddenly felt lonely. Its not like I have everybody around me always. I mean, literally I do a have lot people around me always. You know fans, record labels, paparazzis... etc. But never a good friend to talk to.

Everything went wrong after the incident 8 years ago. It was my graduation day and everyone who cared about me was with me that day. My parents managed to come even with their busy schedule, my brother Sam came all the way from his college in Brazil. After his graduation from Grace he got a football scholarship with dual degree Mba course there, then all my friends were there with me. Even Abid was there. He had part-time degree on Social welfare from Harvard. Even though they had life to take care of, Sam and Abid was there for my special day. Everything was fine. I was a happy person since my youtube channel was a success and was waiting for a call from a record company. But everything changed that day. My brother and Abid died in a traffic accident. Hazel just left without saying a word. My parents stopped talking with me. Everything had fall apart. Including the friendship we all cherished.

I had achieved fame and success in my life. I followed my dreams and became a musician. I didn't join my family business like how my parents wanted but instead I followed my dreams. But what did it even give me. You know the feeling of achieving everything yet who have no one to share the happiness with is the worst feeling ever.

Since Sam's death, my parents had left all their hope in their remaining son. They wanted me to pursue my brothers path of business and continue the family legacy. But I chose music. I had only one thing I depend upon and I didn't want it to be lost. So I went through the path I always dream of. Music.

I wont forget that day when everything changed. Those memories still haunt me.

8 years ago...

One. Two. Four. One. Two. Six.
Music was bathing my mind. What a beautiful feeling it is to play piano all alone in a great hall. With nothing but yourself and music. I was taking all my time to remember this moment. I dont know when I could experience this again after today. Well we have to go to our own ways after graduation. Today was the best day ever since I got the news of being a viral youtuber. So I wanted to spent those happiness in the place where it all started so here I am early morning in the great music room all alone.

I was a meek little boy who used to hide from the bullies, Who used to come to this room which used to be a storage like room where music instruments were shattered here and there. Now the room looked ravishing with many music instruments arranged with care. A room where many graceans in the present and future could play without any hesitation. I was scared to play music like I wished to but now I am confident about my talents. I will pursue my dream. My music.

I would still be the meek little boy if it weren't for my brother and friends. I could bring the best in me due to them. They encouraged me to start my own music youtube channel. I was not sure whether people would respect my work but here I am a viral youtube star waiting for a record label to sign and make it big.

"Here you are, my lil bro or should I say rockstar Stef?" As Sam's voice echoed the great music room I turned and run out for him. I didn't know he was coming here. I mean when he called yesterday he was still practicing football.

"What the heck are you doing here bro? I mean you were in Brazil yesterday."

"Uff, slow down lil bro... You are hurting me... I thought you will be happy to see me?"

"Of course I am. This is the best day ever. When did you land here?"

"Yesterday night. I was with Liam and Abi-"

"Hey Stef... Look at the big guy finally graduating." Abid came by my side hugging me tightly.

"You too??" I laughed at him. Even Abid is here today. He was in Harvard. When did he come here?

"No, Me three... Hey Stef... congrats for getting viral in youtube." Liam joined the other two and fist bumbed me.

"I was never away. I have part time degree in harvard. I dont have to be there everytime. I could go whenever I want. I was here for two week actually." Abid said. Abid was here for a week, that was news to me. Then I noticed something. Abid looked tired or somewhat sad. He was always a happy optimistic person but even though he was smiling and talking with me, he looked soo paled. Something had happed for sure.

"Are you okay Abid? You look rather tired."

"I am fine. What would happen to me?" He laughed but nothing reached his eyes.

Suddenly Asher came up his side. Asher is also here... What is going on? Oh, How can I forget that his sister is having graduation like me.

"Abid, Can I speak with you?" Asher asked Abid. The boys were all looking suddenly pale. There was some tension between them. Asher was just as Abid's friend like my brother, then why the heck is he using this formal tone. Why is he looking tensed when he is talking to Abid?

"Why are you all looking tensed bros and why the hell are you Asher speaking in such a formal tone? Did Dubai life caught up with you or something man?" I laughed but everyone kind of ignored me.

"Why do you need to talk with me now?" Abid looked like knocking Asher's head off.

"Please Abid... I need you to hear me out... there is something I need to clarify with you."

Sam whispered something to Abid. Then Abid shaked his head and went with Asher.

I looked at my brother curiously but Liam and Sam somehow changed the topic. We stood there in the music room catching up.
Exactly 3 hours later Abid came storming into the room.

"Give me my car keys NOW!!" He snapped at my brother.

"Man... I dont think you should drive now." Sam said.

"I said GIVE THE FUCKING KEYS RIGHT NOW!!" Abid shouted. I have never seen Abid like this. He looked red with anger. Anger is not an emotion Abid has, Kind and compassion is his key emotions.

"Okay. Okay. But I am coming with you..." my brother said.

"NO!! I want to be alone now so nobody will come with me now."

"Oh man, either I am coming or you are not going at all. You choose?" My brother snapped back.

"Okay, but I am driving." Abid said.

"Abid I dont think you should drive-" Liam started to say but my brother cut him off.

"Okay. Deal. You can drive."

"But Sam... Then I am coming with guys..." Liam said but Abid turned around and left the room. He is acting weird today. So un-Abid.

"You stay with my lil bro here, Liam. Take care of him till I come back, will you?" He then turned to me and hugged me tightly.

"I love you soo much brother. I am proud of you. You continue to chase your dream, will you? We will party after I get that Burning Asshole back... " He turned and followed Abid.


That day which was supposed to be soo special for me turned my life around. My brother didnt come back like he promised. He left with his childhood bestfriend to another world. I always wonder what happened that day? It is still a mystery to be solved.


A mystery to be solved isnt it? What is that mystery that had been haunting these people anyway? Any guesses?

Next chapter is going to be soo fun.

Got to know Rayn and Stef in dept, Didnt you? What do you think about these guys??

Until you wait for the new chapter please dont forget to
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