Chapter 21: The mysterious sponsor.

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"What are you doing here? Werent you going back to Dubai today?"

Rayn asked me when he saw me in the hospital lobby in front of Mia's room. Did you hear me? I am standing in a hospital lobby. Not only that I am standing in front of Mia's room with all others. I was least interested in coming and standing here with the rest of them But thats what a guy do when he is out of option. I was here because My sister was pestering me to come with her. Well, not really! I am actually here because I know this is where I can meet Hazel again since I havent seen her or her fiance anywhere since today morning. I tried to send room service to their room but they were not there. So I concluded that this might be the place Hazel would come but unfortunately she wasnt here yet.

"I am doing this. I will help in achieving Abid's dream project. But on one condition, I will have shares in the sponsership."

"Oh, you are welcome. I may not need you but your money is anytime acceptable. Moreover you were one of his best friends." Rayn said. Rayn doesnt know what Abid means for me. That he is more than a friend for me. Nobody will ever understand that.

I stood in that doorway alone as Rayn left to talk with Liam. I was a tough guy when I joined Grace. I was trying hard to keep up my reputation as Badboy but everything changed when I became close with Abid, Sam and Liam.

10 years ago...

"Yshhh! Did you see how I kicked at goal man? Damn It went right into the net... That was one lucky shot!" Sam was glorifying his lucky penalty shot. Being the Football captain for Grace doesnt change the fact that the guy boast about his every goal.

"Lucky shot! My foot... If it wasnt for Abid's throw and Asher's pass you wouldnt even get that penalty." Liam laughed at Sam. This was a friendly match between us and our juniors, we won obviously. We were coming back from the rusty ground to the locker room. The boys were having their victory talks.

"What did you even do? Midfeilder. Abid is a goal keeper and Asher is a defender. They did their job pretty well. What did you even do? Huh?" Sam snapped at liam. Liam showed his middle finger to him and made a run. Sam trailed behind him. Thats not going to end well. Even though I just know these people for few days, I had became very close with these peeps.

"Those boys." Abid was frowning. "So Asher, how is life going on? Are you anytime going to accept my friendship hand?"

"What? The great captain is giving a poor badboy a hand for friendship, miraculous." I laughed it off.

"I wasnt pestering you know... I just thought you would like to have some good friends. Come on let me show you something."

"What? Your another secret chest?" He rolled his eyes and started walking away. He looked back through his shoulder as if to say 'you coming or what?'

I went behind him as I didnt want to go to class now. As we were passing through the corridor someone came and knocked me down. Many books scattered away. I started to pick up the books to give it to the owner and when I looked up I saw her. The firefly girl. The girl who had cried when her friend left.

"I am very sorry... I didnt see you... I am sorry..." She looked so nervous as she saw me. She looked like an average girl. She was different from other girls ofcourse. She didnt wear any make up or glossy things. But her hazel brown eyes. It was so... what to say... captivating. I noticed that I was supposed to say something to her now.

"Hazel... are you okay?" It wasnt me who said that but Abid. He came beside her and helped her up. He was looking at her in atmost care and affection. She nodded her head. He took her remaining books and gave it to her. She smiled at him and again gave a nervous glance at me and just left.

Abid was still looking at her as she went. She did give the firefly jar to him as a gift, didnt she? She might be his-

"So she is your girlfriend. Huh?"

"Who? Hazel? No! NO! She is just a friend. She is Sam's brother's best friend. We have a lot in common. Thats it... She is just a friend... nothing more." Oh, Just a friend. Thats a relief. Wait, why am I feeling relieved to know she is just his friend... haa... it might be because she was a mere target for me... I could get any girls, she is no exeption... She is just a target.

"So can we go?" Abid asked me as I got lost in thought.

"Yah! Show me the way captain boy." He took me to the same place I saw him digging up his secret chest. He went into the pit and took something from the chest.

"Here take it." He gave me a bracelet which had written A in it. I looked at him puzzled. He continued: "This is my mother's. My mother had kept this with her for a long time. Even though she was a student in Grace, she struggled a lot. She told me a person who one's where lost gave this to her... She told me when she struggled this helped her. She wanted me to give this to a person I met who has lost himself. You might be wondering why the hell am I giving you this?"

I looked so confused so he said: "I know why you act like this Asher. I saw the way your father acted with you. You are not really the spoiled bad boy you act like... you are just lost. The first time I saw you, something in me told that this is the person who my mother told me about. We both have lost someone dear to us Asher. Being friends could really help us out to get rid of this heartache."

Listening to Abid really wanted me to tear up but I had a reputation to keep. But some other part in me told me that he was 100 percent right. I needed a friend maybe that will help me.

"I... its not... I..."

"Dont worry this will stay between us. We could start up by being friends. What say?" He offered his hands.

"But this... this is your mothers... you need this for her memories... why? Why giving it to a guy like me?"

"My mother always say that I am good at reading people. Lets say because I see you and feels that you deserve this. This was the only thing my mother asked to give away before... she died. Lets say I didn't find the right person until now."

Never have anybody done anything like this to me. I didn't know what to do. I was speechless. I felt something burst in me. Something that was hidden for a long time.

"I can't keep my hands like this for a long time you know... So what do you thing? Friends?" I hesitated a lot but that something that burst inside me forwarded my hands to accept his offer.

"Always a pleasure. Friends. Indeed." I couldn't believe my own words but The great Asher Amiri Ross did it for the first time. Accept someones hand for friendship.


"Asher... Asher Amiri... You there? Hey... Listen... Asher..." I heard a hoarse somewhere near my years. My train of thoughts were pulled by a flirty nuisance irritating me.

"What??" I snapped at Anna standing in front of me tip toe.

"Nothing, didnt you notice me? I was talking with you for 10 minutes now..." I rolled my eyes at Anna's confession. Whats with her deal? Why the hell is she trailing behind me always?

"Look... Look at who showed up... I didn't think that your nemesis's  birth was interesting for you... Why did you show up here with your ugly face?" Rayn came there mocking at her.

"I dont care about Mia anyway... I wanted to give some moral support to Rizz... He is my friend too you know."

"Suddenly you start to care about-" I didn't hear their remaining words as I was busy hawking at the newly incoming pairs. Hazel strode in her black outfit with her so-called-fiance by her side. My little finger was twitching at the sight of them holding hands.

I noticed that Rayn suddenly went there to greet them. He looked shocked and a glimpse of familiarity in his eyes. I also heard Anna mumbling something about banging rich balls or something. Everytime Anna makes a curt remark on Hazel I wanted to make her pay for it but luckily she is a woman and right now I was too focused with their each move.

"Hey, hazel... I was wondering where you were today morning... good to see you here and who is this guy with you? Care to introduce your friend to me?"  The fiance guy was the one who gave him the answer.

"Fiance. I am her fiance, Will Phellingan." He offered his hands to Rayn.

Rayn has his jaw on the floor. More familiarity outshining his eyin.

"Will Phellingan. The Will Phellingan. Are you the one who I think you are?" Rayn looked shocked and confused. So was I. What was going on. Who is this will phellingan? I do remember hearing the name before but I dont remember where.

"Who is The Will Phellingan? Do you know this guy?" Anna asked Rayn. But he ignored her and kept looking at Hazel and her fiance curiously.

"Yes, I am Will Phellingan. Your friend Hazel's fiance and the person who you were going to meet today to discuss about the further partnership."

"What are guys talking about?" Anna snapped. "How do you know this bitch's rich bang? Hey, Mr. Will Phegan, Do you know what kind of woman you so called fiance is?"

"ENOUGH MISS. whoever you are." The Will guy snapped at Anna. Even though I hated that guy in every way. I liked how he shut that bitch Anna. "I am Will Phellingan not Phegan. I am the CEO of Amstrong Coperation, One of the World's biggest company. So do talk with me with respect. I cannot tolerate the way how you speak with my fiance. You get it. No matter who ever she is but She firsthand is the love of my life. If I were you, you would be careful with the words you speak witcarefulYou should be scared of the person you insult without even knowing her background."

"And Why should I be careful with her? She is just a mere girl who banged a rich guy to be like us. To be rich and powerful." Anna started to say but Rayn shut her.

"Sorry, please ignore her... She is always like this. She lose herself when it comes to hazel. So you are our secret sponsor then. I always thought who is this mysterious person who is helping us. So hazel is behind this, Well I guess maybe Hazel asked it from you."

"Asked? Hazel dont need to ask me anything. She can decide herself." I saw that Rayn looked puzzled but I understood what the guy said.

Anna might have insulted Hazel a lot. But she doesnt know that Hazel dont even accept a single penny from unless she earned it. She dont know that Hazel could work like a horse if she is determined to achieve her goals. I did some research on Amstrong Coperation when Rayn mentioned it. I rule an Business empire, I would know any company who rival me. I read the fact that Amstrong Coperation was built just few years back by a individual. Will was posted as the CEO since then. Never have the founder made a public appearance so most of the people thought Will is the Founder CEO. Unless-

"I guess you havent know much about your friend here then. Before she is my Fiance she is my boss. I need you to meet Hazel Amstrong, the Founder of Amstrong Coperation, and one of the richest self made woman in the world. She is the mysterious Sponser everyone is looking for."


Who said girls cant be way to successful? Guess that gives the answer to everyone... Dont you think that is the tight slap for everyone who hurt her?

Until next time but dont forget to...
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