Chapter 22: I AmStrong

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I need you to meet Hazel Amstrong, the Founder of Amstrong Corporation, and one of the richest self-made women in the world. She is the mysterious Sponsor everyone is looking for.

What the hell did this Will guy just say? One Richest self-made woman in the world? I can't believe it, She seriously can't be the mysterious Sponsor. I mean look at her. She is just hazel. She was bullied by us. She was nothing. I knew about her past than anyone else. Her mother was a slut. Yes, you heard me right, her mother was a slut. She had to sell her body to get her daughter into Grace anyway. I hate her and her mother. They destroyed my family, It was because of her mother, my parents are divorced. Her mother cheated with my father to get her into Grace and when my father started Socrose Public School, Mr. Anderson decided to keep her in Grace to complete his rivalry. Not only that, but Mr. Anderson also promoted her to the first class. I had destroyed her in the past before I joined Socrose but look at her going behind my back to get to the potential guys.

That bitch trapped Asher first now this new guy Will. I mean there is no way Amstrong is owned by her. This might be a big joke. A lie. I had tried to contact Amstrong corporation myself since Rayn said about it. I could just reach their contact operator. He said if I didn't have an appointment with the big boss, I couldn't even call the company assistant. Even the prime ministers cant call this big boss directly if they don't have a direct appointment. If what this Will guy said is true, then that makes Hazel the big boss. Which is like impossible, that bitch is just a mere plain jane who is secretly a money-sucking leech.

"Huh? Like we should just believe whatever you say..."

"Wait, So you mean that Hazel was the sponsor who helped Grace Central?" Rayn pointed at the Will guy looking at Hazel.

"Haha... I thought being the owner of a great institution makes you smart, Mr. Rayn Grace Anderson. Yes, you are right, Hazel Amstrong is my big boss."

"That's, Impossible... There is no way this is true. You could be lying... you both may be scammers. Maybe you are just like Hazel, a big liar. Do you know anything about her? What a scumbag she-"

"Don't you dare say anything like that about her. Do you even know what he had gone through? Do anyone of you know how a teen girl like her had to go through to-" the Will guy's words were cuff off by the bitch herself.

"You don't have anything to explain to any of them, Will. Anna, look I don't even know whats your deal with me back then and now. I am sorry if my mother was the reason for your parent's divorce, I didn't know anything about it for a long time. When I did got to know about it, I was late. But you should know that I have no role in any of it. My mother is dead alright. Now show a bit of respect for dead even if you hate her. I am where I am because of my hard work alone. Get that in your thick head."

"How dare you?" I stormed to her but she shot her hands up to stop me.

"I dare you to stop this bullshit you have pulled through all these years. Why are you ruining your happy mood today? You are supposed to party as you finally got the deal with Albatross limited. Shouldn't you? You are basically saved your ass from being bankrupt." Hazel said.

"Bankruption? Socrose also was bankrupt?" Rayn asked as his eyebrows shot up. How did she know? It was sworn to secrecy.

"Who is bankrupt? How did you know about our deal with Albatross limited?" I cried.

"Hmm... How much will you lie to your new partner? Did you think that I would put my money in your bloody school without knowing your Debts?" She smirked. What the hell is she talking about?

"You? What are you talking about? I have no dealings with you, I have a deal with Mr. Ambrose, the CEO of Albatross limited. They are the one who has a share in Socrose. How did you get these confidential sources?" I growled at her.

"Oh poor Anna, Didn't you have a background check on your new major shareholders? Google it Ms. Socrose." She laughed at me. I didn't have to take out my phone and Google it because Rayn was already on it. He read the article on his gadget.

"Albatross Limited has joined hands with one of the world's biggest cooperation, The Amstrong cooperation. The former education and Research-based company run by Mr. Ambrose is now under the ownership of the Amstrong Cooperation. The CEO Will Phellingan stated that the founder and owner of one of the biggest companies in the world are glad for this new association. The Amstrong limited also have bought many other multinational companies like that of Albatross limited under it."

No way. No way. I refuse to believe it. She is the founder of Amstrong Cooperation. How is that even possible? She might have done something. She might have done something like her mother to achieve this. Or maybe there is something more to it? I won't believe it until I talk with Mr. Ambrose himself. This might have been a prank by Rayn or something. This might even be a nightmare. I took my phone dialing Mr. Ambrose and left the vicinity of that bitch, Hazel Levero, now Hazel Amstrong.


I watched as Anna stormed out of the lobby with her phone. I mean that was the best comeback I have ever seen someone had. Hazel had it. She had her best comeback. I have never been surprised like this in my whole life. I mean I always knew Hazel had something going on for a long time but I never imagined her succeed this much. Look at her, she technically owns me. Damn.

"Hazel Amstrong? You were Levaro if I remember it right."

"I didn't want that name anymore. Amstrong sounds great, Don't you think?"She mocked at me.

She saved Grace from a shameful bankrupt. I would always owe her for her goodness. But Why? Why did she invest that much big amount for us? Why the hell would she do that?

"Why?" I asked Hazel. "Why are you back all of a sudden and started doing such things?"

" Can't you see? Its called revenge. After everything you all had done to me, Do you think I could just forget everything and move on." She growled. I won't believe her. The Hazel who is my best friend is not this. She would forgive even if someone stole her most valuable thing. She was the most humble person I have ever met.

"Revenge? Do you call this revenge? It feels more like helping."

"You can imagine anything in that twisted brain of yours but don't forget the fact that I now practically own Grace central."

"What are you saying? You just simply gave away 10 million for us."

"Did I simply give away or did you sign the transaction document without going through it properly?" She pointed. Then I knew what was the deal between that 10 million. She cross jumped me and backstabbed me. The investment to seal the bankrupting was to actually buy the entire campus. She didn't technically own me. She actually owned me.

"You... How? Why? You... you bought Grace central behind my back." I was shocked.

"No, Mr. Anderson. Not behind your back but directly from you. Don't worry we are just a major shareholder. My fiance here wanted you to have at least 20 percent of your Shareholdings." Will Phellingan said.

"Did you actually think I would just give away my hardworking made money ?" Hazel pointed.

"Why? Why now? Why invest it in the reunion then? Well, Did you know about Abid's plans then? Is that what the whole 10 million was all about?" I asked.

"Now felt like a perfect time. I was looking forward to actually come forth for getting Grace but to our luck, you announced the Reunion. With your financial background, I knew you wouldn't manage to conduct the event yourself so I came forth with an offer as your well wisher sponsor. You somehow accepted my offer to my surprise. I wanted to the reunion to be grand since it was also the day of my comeback. Who wouldn't like a grand entrance?" She laughed like a completely different person. She continued.

"I didn't know about the Abid's plans until the day of reunion. The whole ten million investment was purely about maintaining and upgrading My new Project, Grace central School."

"But you didn't care to tell me about it directly? What did I even do to you, Hazel? I was always there, remember. I was there with you that day. I kept your secr-" No. Hazel looked at me with wide eyes. I have spoken words more than I should have. Especially with Asher and Will nearby.

"You tell me Rayn. Are you entirely sure that you had been the good friend you were supposed to be?" I kept silent by tthosewords. Have you heard the quote that words can be sharper than the sword? Well ,I felt like her words stabbing me more painfully. But don't get me wrong, I do have ean xplanation for whatever happened 8 years ago.

"You left Hazel. You left without a word. I would have protected you. I would have ddonesomething-" I begged her. My words were breaking because I was breaking inside. I remember her cries, I remember how I couldn't stop it from happening and I regret each second due to it.

Hazel shouted. She looked horrified in a moment. She looked like gasping for air. I wanted to reach out for her.

"Hazel... Are you alri-" I heard Asher coming forward to her but her fiance guy beat him and took her into his arm.

"Please...Will you give us a minute?" Will Phellingan asked me. I couldn't move a bit from there. I saw Asher stood frozen there looking at some new guy giving Hazel the warmth and support she deserved. Asher deserved it after everything he had did to hazel. Yet, I felt a tiny bit of jealousy about Will. I wanted to hold her like that and tell her how much I love her and how much I am sorry about everything. I should have been with her the whole day when I knew about what was she going through.

"Hazel please listen to me..." I begged her with my whole self. She took a minute and turned towards me from her fiance's arms. She looked normal all of a sudden as if that outbreak never happened. She looked at me and sighed.

"Not now Mr.Anderson. I will only speak business with you and nothing more. Now if you excuse me, I would like to meet Mia and her baby." She said and hold her fiance's arm.

As she walked away, I whispered. "Who are you and What have you done with my best friend?"

"She is Hazel Amstrong." I heard Asher saying under his breath as I walked away from the now crowded hospital lobby to the cold bidden driveway.

No stories of past today. I gave you only present. Tell me fam what are you most interested in the past or the present or maybe the future...

Well, you have to wait for it then.

PS: Did you notice this chapter title? I amStrong. Thats what I am and thats want everyone who read this to be...

I hate to break it to you that you all have become lazy or maybe even bored. Come one! Give me your energy so I could boost myself to write more.

Dont forget to give me your love through vote, comment and share. That means world to me and make my day. Lets me make it simple, your love give me hope and motivation.

Thank u.
Te Amo❤

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