Chapter 29: Gone Girl!

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Some decisions in life would be worth it. I always loved Hazel. She was my best friend. The one I always gave an important place in my life. I never confused about our relationship. It was somewhere in between love and friendship but It was a really special one. I loved her like a family. She could be anyone in my life that's how much I cared about her. I had to make a decision between her life and her reputation. I chose both. That's what broke our friendship. She would have never run away and hated us all if I let her decide her life. I should have been a supporter of her decisions.

It was like a dream come true meeting my best friend after eight whole years. She came back as an entirely new person. She used to have everything colorful around her but now she is engulfed in the black. She used to talk very politely but now she has authority. She had all the right to say that I was never a good friend because of I killer her soul by taking a life within her. I was happy to see her grow into a wonderful woman. She made success that she deserved. I was happy to see her with a man who sincerely loved her.

I still remember that day eight years ago when I made that terrible decision.

8 years ago...

"ENOUGH ZARA!!" I shouted as Zara started to mumbling all the crap to hurt Hazel.

I was shocked to bones when I heard that Hazel was pregnant. I didn't know they would take such a step. I believed Hazel enough to think that they wouldn't take such a step. At least from her side, she would not allow such a thing to happen. But this was way too shocking. This was absurd.

Right now, seeing Hazel crying her soul out, I wanted to get up and whack the shit out of that guy.  I was soothing Hazel but at the same time, I was confused about what to do next. What would happen if people know about pregnancy? I mean I don't give a damn what people think but it will hurt Hazel. What should I do now?

"It's Okay Hazel... Please stop crying. Just forget what Zara said. She is not herself now."

"I... I... I need my mother Rayn. I need to talk to someone." She wept.

"Humm... You can talk to me, Hazel... You have me." I reassured her.

"Yes but... I need to call Mia. Can you give me your phone?" I reached to my pocket and gave her my phone.  She looked at me with wide eyes as if she wanted some privacy. So I left her in the room and walked out. But I leaned near the door because I was afraid she would do something terrible when I leave her alone.

"Hello, Mia. It's me, Hazel. I... Mia... I need you. Something terrible happened." Hazel started to cry out. I guess Mia was comforting her on the other end.

"Yes, Mia... Abid and Sam died. God!!! That's not why I called you. I... I... How should I say this? Oh! Mia, I believed him. He said he loved me. I gave myself for him Mia. I didn't... I didn't know... Oh! Mia... Ahh... Ahhh..." Hazel started to scream and cry loudly. I could hear Mia's loud curse on the other end. After sometimes Hazel continued.

"I will tell you everything, Mia. I believed him you know. I loved him with everything I had. I... Mia... I am pregnant. I baring his child Mia. I don't know what I should do myself. That day when my mother died when I was miserable, He came to me all the way from Dubai. We... did it somewhere in the cabin near Grace. He was just using me all this time Mia. He said that he doesn't love me. Today, he said he never loved me right into my eyes. Mia, How can I live anymore? He was my only hope. Mia, I can't... Mia, I can't live anymore. I need you. Please come. I need you."

Hazel started to cry. She was silent for a long time. When the silence started to scare me I took a peek between the wedges of the door. There stood Hazel trying to swallow many pills that the doctor prescribed her. Oh God No!!

I pushed the door open and ran to her. I took all the pillows from her hands and put my hands into her mouth to take out the rest of the pills she put onto her mouth. Hazel threw up the rest of the pills she swallowed. Zara ran into the room with the doctor after hearing the struggles.

"What the hell are you doing Hazel?" I shouted at her. She looked pale as a ghost. She suddenly fainted again. I heard sounds from my phone that was lying on her bed. I took it and kept it in my ears.

"Hello... Hello Hazel. Stop doing whatever you are going to do. I will come as soon as I can. Just don't hang up on me." I heard Mia shouting on the other end.

"Hello, this is me, Rayn. Mia come soon if you can. Hazel just tried to do something stupid. I will call you back if I can." I hang up my phone.

" She is fine. Thank God you stopped her." The doctor said after checking her.

"So doctor what can we do now?" Zara asked.

"She is very weak mentally as well as physically. This pregnancy will be very risky for her. She is very young too. If this goes on it can be even dangerous for her life. It is a 50-50 chance. She may either survive or die." The doctor said.

"What can we do then? We don't want to take any risk." I snapped.

"I think as this lady said, abortion is the only possible solution. I will transfer this case to Dr.Ambrose Nolan. He is an expert gynecologist." The doctor said pointing towards Zara. If this is the solution, then I am ready to take all the risk. Abortion is then. I won't do anything that costs my best friend's life.

"Okay. Whatever it is. I just want my best friend safe and sound." I said.

The doctor nodded and went out of the room. Hazel was still laying down on the bed. She looked tired after everything she had been through.

"Are you telling your brother about this?" I asked Zara.

"No. It's useless. He wouldn't care a damn about her and this baby. I didn't think Hazel would be such a bitch. How could she do this to me?" Zara whimpered.

"Stop blaming her. It's not about you. It's about her. She is the one who is struggling here. Can you just go away from here now?" I shrieked.

Zara scowled at me and started to walk out when an old man started to enter the room.

"Hello, kids. I am Dr. Nolan. I was referred here for Ms.?" The old doctor said.

"Ms.Levaro. Hazel Levaro." I said.

"Alright. Did she agree with the abortion? What about the father, is he ready for an abortion?" The doctor inquired.

"She is asleep now Doctor but I am sure this is best for her. The guy is not available now. He left her." I said.

"Oh! Poor girl. Dr.Singh said she didn't have a family so I guess you are responsible for her. Alright, if you say so then we will take her to the operation theater now." The doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor." I said.

They shifted her to the operation theater. We waited for her in the hospital waiting room. I can't believe we are doing this. I mean it was our graduation day. I and Zara are just 18. We were handling a pregnancy case. How blizzard!

Suddenly Hayden stormed to us from the other side.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here? Abid and Sam are on that side. Everyone is there." He said as he looked at us sitting on the waiting bench near the operation theater hazel was in.

I suddenly remembered it. Abid and Sam were dead. They are no more. We were coming to this hospital to see them but the entire scenario changed.

"Nothing man. We were just sitting here." I said. Suddenly, Sid came there.

"Hey, Rayn and Zara. Such a piece of shocking news, isn't it? I mean they were so young and talented." Sid started to cry holding us all in a hug.

"Come on we will all go there. They are in mortuary now. They are doing an autopsy. I saw your brother there, Zara. He looked terrible. I mean they were very dear to him, Isn't it?" Sid said. Zara nodded. Hayden and Sid dragged us to the other side.

Most of the Graceans were already there. This is bad. Anyone could see Hazel here. I saw Mr. and Mrs.Ryder who are Sam's parents hugging and crying on a settee. Mr. Levington and Mr.Jose McCleary were also near them. As we move closer to one end, I saw Liam sitting and the floor and looking like a ghost in front of the mortuary. On the other end of the deserted corridor, I saw Asher. Zara walked to him but I followed her.

"Brother, I am sorry about their death." Zara said. Asher's face was unreadable, emotionless. He shrugged.

"Did you see hazel? Where is she?" He asked. Like really even after destroying her he suddenly wants to know where she is. Oh! I will tell you bastard she is in the Operation Theater undergoing surgery to kill the last of your blood in her womb. I wanted to say but I didn't. I stood there on one end of the darkness watching the drama between the brother and the sister.

"I don't know. Why should I care?" Zara lied.

"I need to find her. I need to talk to her. Where is she? Where the bloody hell is Hazel?" Asher shouted at her.

" I don't know. She might be still in school if she isn't here." Zara lied again. But I knew she said that so that he never knew what Hazel was going through.

Asher ran away from there out of the hospital. He might be going to school. But he will never find her there. I will make sure he never bothers her. We saw Stef crying near Shiro on the corridor. We went to console him for a bit. Mia had called me twice. It looks like she won't come soon. But she kept saying to be with Hazel for her. She at the same time also said to give Hazel the distance she wants. After some time I decided to go and check on Hazel when everyone started to go back and prepare for the funeral ceremony.

I walked onto the other side of the hospital. I checked the operation theater and there was no one there. Empty. I went and asked a few doctors, they said no one is there. I went to look for Dr. Nolan and he wasn't there in the hospital. They said he took a day off and went home. I asked every person who crosses my path about Hazel but no one even saw her anywhere. I called Mia and She answered at the first ring.

"Hazel-" I started to say but she cut me off.

"I know... I know... She left. Didn't she? Let her leave. Let her go Rayn. She will come back but leave her for sometimes." She said.

"What do you mean she left? Did she call you?" I asked.

"No. But I knew this would happen. She lost her baby Rayn. She lost everything. Let her leave. We shouldn't-" I couldn't listen to her. I hung up my phone.

No matter what I will find her. I will find my best friend back.


I did find her. But She wasn't the same girl who left 8 years ago. She became Hazel Amstrong. A strong independent woman who doesn't need a man to decide her life. She now owns the multinational corporation called Amstrong. Gone the girl Hazel Levaro who used to be my partner in crime who loves cars, space, and all sorts of things mostly boys bragged about. Now lives the woman Hazel Amstrong who designs and owns all the cars, space, and things boys dreamed of.

I don't know when she will truly forgive me. I dominated her decisions eight years ago which cost our friendship. Now I want her back. My crazy best friend- HAZEL.


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Till the next time,

te quiero #spanishmode


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