Chapter 30: Battling within!

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It had been 3 days since Mia's baby was born. Three days since I first saw Hazel's fiance Will. Three entire days since I forgot to breathe. Every day I saw Hazel with her fiance in the hotel room across me. I had locked myself inside my room for all these days remembering the past. Remembering the time with Hazel.

I never went out of the room. Zara came knocking on my door but I never opened it. She went to see Mia every day. It Looks like they have bonded meanwhile. I called room service for food other than that I never left the room. I did my business conference there. But every time my mind went to the room opposite to me. I imagined her in another man's arms. Believe me, it truly hurts. I sometimes watched Hazel going out with Will outside. I guess they were visiting Mia. I seriously don't know where they are going. Maybe for a date. I couldn't keep my mind from imagining unnecessary things. I felt like a stalker ex-boyfriend.

Sometimes I remember the night Hazel's mother died. The day when I made love to her. It was the day Hazel was most emotional but she gave herself to me. I remember her moans and cries when she said she loved me. When she said please. I tried to forget it. Forget her. Women threw themselves on me but no one pleasures me as she did. I couldn't touch a woman as I touch her anymore.

I looked through the keyhole to see Hazel and Will standing in front of their door. I couldn't hear what they say properly. But this time Will had a bag in his hands. He kissed Hazel on the forehead and said something to her. She smiled at him and nodded. I saw her eyes glistening and she started to laugh for the first time since I saw 8 years after. Maybe everyone is right. Maybe this is better. Better if I forget her entirely. She has changed. She found herself someone who sincerely loved her. Moreover, she was happy with him. I should probably move on.

Will waved and left the hotel lobby. I saw Hazel going back inside her room and closed it behind her. I opened my door and stood in front of her door thinking whether to knock or not. I finally decided not to. I walked out of the hotel lobby to get some air. In the end, I saw Will waiting for a cab. ' So I guess he might be leaving.' I thought. I walked up to him

"Hey." I said.

"Hey. You might be Asher." Will said as he looked at me.

"Yes. Are you going back?" I asked.

"Yep. Business call. Since the boss is here I have meeting to attend on her behalf." He said.

"Okay. Are you waiting for a cab? Should I drop you in the airport?" I asked.

"I am sure I can manage. But since you offered the ride, that would be nice." He said. I went to the parking lot and took my car. He climbed with me on the front seat.

"You have a nice car. Ferrari hypervenom , Isn't it?"He asked.

"Yeah. Thanks."  I said. We sat silently as I drove between green meadow on either side of the clear tarred road.

"How much year's have been since you met Hazel?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Since a long time actually. She was my colleague at the university. I was doing my pHD in MIT and was also guest lecturer in her class. She was a bright student you know. She started to work for building the company at a very young age. When she graduated, she asked me to be the CEO of Amstrong Corporation." He said proudly. So she studied at MIT.

"Oh. Is it? Wonderful. But how did you- you know when did you start dating?" I asked.

"Hmm. Is that necessary to answer Asher since you know you don't really want to know the details of Hazel's and my love life."

"What do you mean?"

"I know everything Asher. I understood everything the first time I saw you." He laughed.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say." I gritted.

"Oh! Never mind." He said. We reached the airport by then. "Ah! We are here already."

He got out of the car and took out his baggage. He bend down to my window and looked at me.

"Thank you for the ride, Mr.Ross. You know Hazel had been through a lot in her life. I have seen her and been with her during her hard times. I just wanted you to know that I could go any extend to see that she is not hurt anymore. Just be careful with the words you say to her and as far as you are, the better she would be." He said and walked away leaving me alarmed.

What did he just say? I hurted her once but that doesn't mean I will ever hurt her again. I love her, damn it. I fucking love her a lot.

10 years before...

"Asher? Asher?" I heard a distant sound echoing my thoughts.

The voice is not something I am focused on. I am focused on a pair Hazel eyes looking at me directly on the other end of the school canteen. I could still see fireflies kissing her eyes but that might be my fantasy. Those hazel eyes we're the most beautiful one's I have ever seen in my life. Nothing has captured my attention since I got attracted by those particular pair of eyes.

"Hey, Asher baby you here?!" I heard a slap like sound on my ears which startled me.

"What?" I snapped and turned to see some bitch queen bee like girl with two minions buzzing around me.

"Is that how you were supposed to say? Didn't you heard, my dad started a school rival to Grace. I am transferring there baby. You won't be able to meet me again." The girl looked like she was about to cry.

"Good." I whispered and looked back to see those mesmerizing hazel eyes on the end of the room. But She was gone. Fuck the harem!

"What did you say?" The girl who acts like Queen bee said. What was her name by the way? Alan, Anda, Anastasia or was it stinging bee. Oh that sounds more appropriate.

"See. Can you just leave me alone, Anda?" I asked.

"My name is Anna. You forgot me? I... We..." She stammered. Oh God! Did I really did it with her. Me and my poor selection.

"See Anna. I don't really know you and it would be better if you leave me alone." I said. I really wanted to say 'Fuck off, bitch!' But I didn't want to make a scene in the canteen especially when the firefly girl is near by.

"I saw the way you look at her. Don't tell me you like her?" The Queen bee screamed.

"I have no Idea what you are talking about." I said. The girl looked at me with raised eyebrow as if she is challenging me. She pushed her hair back and swayed her hips and went to the corridor. Her two doll like minions followed her.

I went to my room after the classes that day. I tried to close my eyes resting on my bed but I couldn't sleep. My entire thoughts we're about the angels in white dress and hazel eyes with thousands fireflies complimenting her. My memory went to the girl I saw crying on the corridor after a tearful goodbye with her best friend. I remember the feel of snow melting in me when my fingers first grazed her when I helped her pick her book. Who was this girl and what was happening to me? Why was she filling my thoughts? She was beautiful and elegant. She was too innocent but why was she always in my mind since the first time I saw her. Why I am feeling certain things to her? What was this feeling called?

I jumped out of my bed deciding to go have a walk in the school grounds. I went towards the garden that leads to the willow tree. When I took the turn to the first corridor, I heard some sounds from the wall near the garden. I walked to the dark alley in the end is three or four boys surrounding a girl. They were torturing and forcing on her. When I took a step towards them I finally saw the girl. The pleading Hazel eyes which keep on begging for mercy.

My breath hitched as I saw her face which started forming bruises from the torturing of the big boys. Without frittering even a single second I ran towards the boys and pushed them away from her. I stood in friend of her like a shield. I looked into her hazel eyes tearing up. Her clothes were nearly torn. I took out my shirt and gave it to her. Suddenly one of the boys started to push me from her. That was it. I lost all my control and beat the hell out of one of them. I became a beast that I was always afraid of. Other boys started to push me from the boy I was beating. His face was already deformed. I didn't even flinch a bit and was ready to kill him.

"Stop!! Please stop!" I heard a distant voice from behind me. Suddenly I came back to my sense, I slowly walked away from the bloodied boy. His friends came up and took him. They ran away from there as fast as they can. I saw three girls shadow from the end of the wall running away as I turned to them. I know them. They were the girls from the canteen.

I looked at the firefly girl leaning in the wall. She had put on the shirt I gave her. She was looking at me as if I was a stranger.She started to move but she winced with pain. I took a step towards her and took her in my arms. I carried her to the willow tree up the small hill. She wrapped her arms around my neck. She didn't hesitate because she was already tired fighting the boys who were trying to bully her.

I put her down in the lawn beneath the willow tree. It was dark and moonlight and fireflies where the only light. I kneeled down near her.

"Are you hurting?" I ask her. She shared her head. She kept looking at me as if she is trying to understand me.

"Why are you always there to help me when I need someone?" She asked.

I scratched my head. Even I don't know why I am always enticed to her. What am I supposed to say to her? I rubbed behind my ears. This was a habit I did when I am nervous.

"Are you nervous?" She asked. 'Did she read my mind or something?' I thought.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I don't know. You were rubbing behind your ears. Some people have different gestures when they are nervous. What are you nervous about?" She asked blushing.

"What are you doing to me, firefly girl?" I asked. I didn't know what I was saying but that was the exact words that left my mouth.

"I am Hazel not firefly girl." She blushed.

"Hazel just like your eyes but you are always the firefly girl for me." As soon I said those word I regretted it. She started biting her lower lips. Her face was blushing like tomato. I couldn't control myself, I leaned towards her and kissed her. She didn't kiss me back. She was surprised enough to react. I pulled away as I saw her stiff and astonished.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have-" I started to say but she cut me off.

"No. No. I am sorry. This was. Well this was my first kiss. I didn't expect it. I-" She started to mumble.

"I was your first kiss. Shoot! I am sorry Hazel... It shouldn't have been like this- " I was shocked beyond the universe. I was her first kiss. What was I thinking?

"I am sorry. I don't really know what should I do-" She muttered.

"It's okay Hazel. I am sorry I let your first kiss be like this. But you should know that it was with someone who really cares about you. I mean more than care about you. Since the first time I saw, I couldn't keep my mind away from you. My thoughts are full of you. I really really like you Hazel. I like you in a way that it may even be love at first sight. You should know that I kissed you because I really wanted to." I didn't know who said that. I simply don't. This was the first time I am opening myself to someone. I liked her for sure. But did I love her? I don't know. But it felt more than that. I don't even know her well but I am always thinking about her. Is that what we call soulmates?

'What nonsense are you thinking Asher? Soulmate and all. Get a grip.' I thought. I looked at her Hazel eyes. She was shocked by my confession.  She started to bit her lips.

"Are you nervous? Is that why you are biting your lips?" I asked her smiling. She nodded blushing even more.

"I could do something to compensate for the kiss. Maybe a second kiss." I laughed.

She started to chew her lips so I leaned close and bite her lower lips. She was responsive this time. She connected her lips to me. Firecrackers were bursting in my mind. This might be one among the many kisses I did but to be honest it didn't feel like that. It felt like kissing for the first time. It was a wonderful feeling.


I drove the car to the place where all of it started. Grace Central School. The school was deserted. No souls except for the old security guard was there.  I parked my car and walked to the school corridor on the grounds. So many memories were built on this campus. It had all good and bad memories. Some I would always cherish and some I always wanted to forget. These walls have so many stories to tell. Stories for maybe 50 years but they knew our story as well. These walls knew the secrets we have all been keeping among ourselves.

I walked to the garden I always walked before. I walked through the path I once used to wander. I walked up the hill to the old willow tree. It stays the same as before especially with the person I saw standing beneath it looking at the sunset on the tremendous green. Her hair was drifting in the cool breeze. Sun gleaming on her surface.

I walked and stood behind her breathing in her scent closing my eyes. It felt just like before. The smell of blooming lavender.

"What are you doing here?" I heard her voice. I opened my eyes to look at the widening hazel brown eyes bouncing at me. Beautiful. Everything felt beautiful at that time.

"Beautiful." I whispered. She didn't blush. She didn't flinch. She showed no emotions.

"Are you here to torment me again?" She snapped.

"When did we fall apart firefly girl? When did you stop loving me?" I murmured.

"You seriously don't know. Haha. Right! Now you have amnesia." She snarled fake laughing.

"You promised me that you will love me till the end, didn't you? Since when did you stopped loving me and started to accept another man?"

"Seriously, Asher. You are saying this. You are one who left me, Asher. You are the one who broke the promise. I thought you were different. I accepted the way you are and what did you do you me? You just threw me away by one sentence Asher." She shouted.

I moved closer to her and hold her face in my palm. My nose touching hers. My eyes piercing into hers.

"Look at me, Hazel. Look at me and tell me you don't love me anymore. Tell me to move on and you moved on. Tell me whatever happened between us 8 years ago was all lie. Tell me you don't love me."

She pushed me away and looked into my eyes. She spat at me angrily.

"I hate you, Asher Amiri Ross. I hate your guts to stand in front of me and looking at me like that. Did you think that you could use me again as you did 8 years ago. Guess what Mister, I am not that Hazel anymore. I am not naive but a powerful businesswoman who owns Amstrong Corporation. I could destroy you and your company in just a snap of my finger. You are nothing to me, Asher. I have a life now. I have hope-" She stopped saying and turned away. I saw her fingers holding in fists.

"GO AWAY ASHER AMIRI! Go from my sight. Just fucking leave me alone." She said in gritted teeth.

I started to walk away from her. I did this before. I did this again and again. But what I always wanted was to hold her in my arms and say that I will always be there for her. But it looks like she won't need me anymore. Before I moved from the garden I turned back to the willow tree. I saw her now sitting there keeping her head on her knees.

Was she crying? No, that's not possible since she is now Hazel Amstrong. The Hazel Amstrong is strong as far as I saw. But who knows whether she was really battling under that cover. Because once there was an Asher Amiri Ross who loved to break hearts but now he was battling himself as he was extremely broken within.


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Will update soon. Few more chapters then we put an end to The Reunion:Decagrace. Excited for the epilogue?

Wǒ ài nǐ   #chinesemode


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