Chapter 36: I feel gay!!

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Life could take you to places unfamiliar and unexpected to you. I never knew my life would take me to Hollywood or getting a role in a feature film or land me us a famous actor. I was just an Indian kid who was born in British but had a huge dream to become an actor. My family was loaded and that landed me in Grace Central. They were expected their only son to follow their bequest but never did they expect their son to fall in love with acting. My family was a huge in British. They was top of the elite society even though they were some random immigrants from India in the land that once ruled over their home country. But being in an elite group doesn't make one loose their native traits of taboo and orthodoxy.

My family already lost their son to useless Hollywood industry. They accept me because my fame could help them get more ties with their business partner. That even include finding me a decent rich Indian girl who would play an ideal wife with me. This matchmaking thing was going on for a long time now but they failed to notice that their son was never into pussy but pennis.

I was scared that if they knew that I finally fall in love with a person and wants to live my whole life with that person, Not to forget that person is not a She but a He- A handsome French actor, they would disown me. I was afraid I will loose the one family I have.

Coming to the reunion was only for spending some time with Hayden but it changed my life. What I had with Hayden was a little secret between us. I never wanted to disclose this pure love between us to anyone because I was a coward. I was a scary mouse hiding in a hole. That hole has finally burst open in Grace town. The wall that had the hole had broken down and I found the true meaning of my life, that is love. Love I have for Hayden. It felt too good when the people around you supports you for who you are. It felt too good to finally hold the hands of the person whom that matters in front of my best friends. It felt really good for finally asking that person to be with me for the rest of my life. It felt so damn good.

I had pledge myself from the moment I asked Hayden's hand for marriage that there will be no more hole that I would hide. There will be no more walls that has any holes for me to hide anymore. I will marry him and live like I always want to.

"Are you nervous, man?" Stef asked as he sat opposite to me tuning his guitar.

"Na. You?" I asked him. He shaked his head.

"What? The Stef I knew from school would be pissing his pants before he stand in front that huge crowd. Not to mention when You are the opening Show."

"That Stef you know is changed so are you."

"Yes, I am. Hey, I am serious. Are you really ready? I know you invited your parents today. I know it is a hard day too but You can tell me if you want a friend today."

"Thank you Sid but I am perfectly fine. I wanted my parents to be there today besides we all need to get that closure we were looking for, Shouldn't we?" Stef said. There was something in his eyes which told me that he is upto something. Before I can ask anything he changed the topic. "Engaged and all. I hope you find the happiness with him."

"Yes, I will. I fucking love him very much." I confessed.

"And I love fucking love you too, my fiance." He said as he walked into the green room and started kissing me.

"You look very handsome in this trousers, I could feel you through it." I said as I rubbed him.

"Come on dude. At least wait for this show to get over." Stef said.

"You wanna join us or what? Maybe we could do a threesome." Hayden flirted.

"Uff. That's it I am out. Besides I guess it's my cue to go onstage." Stef said as he walked out of the room with his guitar leaving is alone.

"He looks really hot in that black tee, don't you think Sid?" Hayden said as he checked out Stef's ass as he walked away.

"Stop checking his ass." Sid said angrily.

"Jealous are we? Hmm... I love the jealous you. So edible." He teasingly bite my lower lip. I pulled him towards me which made him sit on my lap.

"You are my fiance now, Hay. I can be very possessive of what is mine."

"You are mine too. I love you very much Sid." He kissed me passionately.

"You guys are soo cute." Mia sod as she opened the door. I don't remember how long we were making out but our costumes were all messed up.

"If you don't mind, Can I use this room for few seconds? This lil kid of mine is needed to be feeded." Mia asked as she walked into the room with her tiny baby in her arms.

"Alright, We were just leaving." I said.

"No... No need to leave. Besides you wouldn't care seeing my tits, Will you? Rizz will surely not go madman on you guys. You guys are just so adorable." She said as she seated. She started breastfeed the baby as she continued to throw awe glances at us.

"Tell me how did you both started it off?" She asked.

"It's a long story. I don't think it would get over if we start it now." I said.

"You can just short it and tell me." She said. Hayden was the one who was always excited to share our story. He looked at me seeking for my approval and I nodded my approval. As he started narating our story, the memories where rewinding on my brain. I suddenly knew what I was supposed to do.


"That was my last song dedicated to one person whom I love and miss the most in this world, my brother. Sam was not just a brother for me. He was a great friend. He was a great football player. He was a great student and he was a great son. Thank you, mom and dad for coming to this event. I know it must be hard for you but I need you to listen to me. I can't be Sam because I am me. I can't be a perfect son like him but I can be a son that you lack. I lost him 8 years ago but I also lost my parent's then too. I wanted to tell this all in front of other's because I want all of you to know that being a Rockstar that people idolize sucks if there is no loved ones beside you. So, I decided to end this all now before it is too late. I am done being an idol that millions look upto but in reality, I am nothing but a fake star designed by my record company. To all my fan's, I ask youto beg my pardon. From today, I will make music because I love it. From today, I am my parent's son and a friend to all those who care anout me. Thank you for hearing me out. Goodbye." Stef said as he walked out of the stage. The whole hall was silent for few seconds until it broke into perpetual murmuring and whispers.

"You did good man." Ryan said as he hugged Stef. Everyone patted on his back and hugged him giving him the support and love he was seeking for 8 years. I could see him finally smiling genuinely after a long time. He breathed the air of relief.

"You have us bro, always." Hayden said and we all did a group hug.

"Son." Mrs. Ryder stood few feets away from us with tears in her eyes. Mr. Ryder stood beside her with equal emotion of happiness and sadness.

Stef went and hugged his parents. Seeing such a family reunion always brought me tears. This was such a besutiful moment.

"Sorry Mom and Dad for not being there." Stef said.

"You have nothing to be soory about, Stef. We are sorry. When we lost Sam we put lot of hope in you. It's only because we love you. Now onwards you can do watever you wish for. We will support you son." His mother whimpered.

"Come back home, Son. We really missed you." His father patter his back. Stef nodded and hugged them again.

"Man, Its time for your play." Shiro said to me and Hayden.

"Babe, Are you alright? Should we do this?" Hayden asked.

"Of course, This is it. We have to do this together." I said.

"Together." He said as he hold my hands.

I looked around seeing the faces of the people who gave me the support for taking this step. For coming out of my closet. It's high time I accept the truth to the world. It's time to break that invincible wall.

Rayn stood on top of the steps that lead to the stage, he is going to introduce the play. He gave me a supporting nod. Shiro who stood near to Rayn did the Sam. When I again looked around I saw Mia holding the baby in a blue turkey and Rizz hugging her them both sideways. They smiled at me and Hayden. On the Dark end stood Hazel in her dark attire but she had a genuine smile like old times. Asher nodded at us as stood way behind hazel leaning in a rail. Zara stood on one end near Liam and they too showed the gesture of support. Stef hugging his parents on his either sides mouthed 'Go for it'. This felt too good. This was all I needed now. This support and love from by friends.

"Come on, let's do this." Hayden said.

"Wait! before that I need to do one thing." I said. I took out my phone and dialed my parent's number. They picked up the call on the fifth ring.

"Hello, mumma and pappa, I want you to watch my play that I am going to do now. I have send you the link of the livestream. I am going to intodruce the love of my life to the world. Whatever happens, you should know that I love you all but my life and love is my choice." I hanged up.

"You want your parent's to watch a gay play?" Hayden asked me.

"Thus might be the only way." I said kissing on top of his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Now is the time you were all waiting for. The two wonderful hollywood stars is reuniting here on Grace Central after 8 years to recreate a small scene of the wonderful play, The Bent. We welcome hollywood icon, Sid Robin Khan, and romantic heartthrob, Hayden Beaumont onto the stage." Rayn announced.

The stage became dark Hayden started playing the role of Rudy starting with a monologue. I followed him performing my part as Max. We did a small portion of how gay relatgayships were considered as a sin and how Rudy and max couldn't help but is driven in mad lust and eventually, fall in love. This story reminded a lot about our own struggle. We did't have to act but just live and be ourself. I noticed how audience felt intruded by our act but they had no idea we were living those characters. So I did something which was out of the script in the last portion. I kissed Hayden passionately. This was the part where Max had to kill Rudy but instead I kissed Hay and bent down on one knees. I took out the ring that I wanted to put on him. I wanted to propose to him in front of all the world. I knew my parent's were watching, my fans and all my friends where watching this live. Their opinion doesn't matter to me anymore. What matters to me now is making this wonderful man in front of me my life partner.

"I already did this before but I am going to recreate the real bent that I wanted to do with you. I want to ask you in the witness of the whole world watching this. Hayden, The only love of my life, let the world think anything about this relation, Will you be my life partner for the rest of my life? Will you share with me the love and happiness we both deserve. I love you. Please say yes, Marry me?" I said. There were lot of aww, what and many confused glares. Murmering increased with a short span of time.

"Yes, I have said yes to you before. I will say 'Yes' whenever you ask me withought a second thought." He replied. Many of the audience started cheering and clapping for us. I pulled him closer and kissed him. I dragged him to the backstage. There all my friends were waiting for us and congratulated us.

"Sid, I think you should answer this call." Shiro said as he passed me my phone. It was my dad.

"Yes, Papa." I answered.

"Sid, What were you thinking?" He shouted.

"What am I thinking? Well, you said find a perfect person to marry and I found myself someone who I want to spend rest of my life with." I said.

"Beta..." He started.

"It's 21st century dad. I didn't comit a crime by loving a man. I have to celebrate tonight so I need to hung up on you. And papa, I will call you for my wedding." I said.

"How do you feel?" Hayden asked me as he leaned to my chest.

"Never been better."

Finally I could feel free. I could feel gay.

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