Chapter 5: Reunion Day

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It's time for the reunion. The time I had been preparing for years. I have been busy welcoming each alumnus since yesterday.

By the next week, everything is going to change. And I hope for good. 'Hope', that is the only thing left now. Many previous students from various batches are here. My juniors, seniors, batch mates... Many of them. I didn't expect this many of them to reach. But sometimes life gives you surprises, don't they?!

Yet my eyes are searching for them. My best friends. The people who were once my everything. The people for whom I made this reunion possible. I am looking for meeting them all... Hayden, Sid, Shiro, Rizz, Mia, Liam, Hazel And Stef. I need to meet them all... It's time to face the reality now. To be grown up and solve the most difficult problems together.

"Sir, when should I play the video?" The digital organizer asked.

"I will tell you the right time. Did you recheck the edit? There should be no mistakes. This is more like the grand surprise of the entire Decagrace. So make should it happens perfectly. OK!" I said.


Oh her voice. I missed her. Mia. I turn towards her slowly and gave my biggest grin.

"Look who is here early? The queen of late coming. Ah... Look at that tummy. Little guy sleeping inside my prankster partner, I am your uncle, Rayn. Nice to meet you too." I say looking at her swollen very pregnant tummy. Mia beat my hands mockingly.

"Oh! Mamma Mia... I missed you so much!" I didn't waste any time to take her in my arm and do my happy dance. She winces and hit my arm harder this time.

" Careful when you make your kiddish move on a pregnant woman. Raynee..."

"Where is my best friend, Momma Mia? This is not her at all. Where is Rizz, my man? Where is the father of this Lil man in your big tummy?"

"Oh! Look who missed me, Mia. Is that the prankster Rayn standing in front of me Or the spoiled heir?"
Before I turn to face Rizz, he took me the way I took his wife with his toned hands and circled me around. Dick. The so-called perfect husband.

"Ah! Rizz put me down. You teaming up with your wife now. Huh?!"

"What can I do if I have such a beautiful woman as my wife manhandled by your man-whore hands. Not to forget about my Lil boy who is sleeping inside her."

I frowned at them. Oh, here comes their love Dovy kiss... Huh, I need to escape from here.

"Stop your saliva mixing kiss now or else I will give the child, my blessing to be like me."

They now frown at me and break apart. That's called super dick moment of Rayn- The prankster.

"It's so good to see you too, my man, Rayn. We missed seeing your ugly face. My child will be nothing like you man so Don't worry about that. Anyway, how is the arrangement going on? Is everybody already here?"

"Well, everybody is here except for our gang. As usual, they have to make the grand entry. Don't they?! Ha-ha. Liam and Shiro will reach within half an hour. Stef will be with them, I guess. My girl, Anna, and her two dolls should be here somewhere. I don't know where. Maybe doing makeup or something. Who cares. Sid will reach lil late. So will be Hayden. They have this little rivalry going on."

Mia was looking at me as if to tell me to continue but I didn't. She hopes that I mention the person she wants to meet too, but alas, I didn't know anything about it.

"Okay! Awesome. I can't wait to meet all of them again. Wait, is that Anna. Let me go say hello to her. Are you coming? Mia darling."

"No, honey, I just need to catch up with Rayn." Rizz walks away towards the three mean girls. Mia was looking very pale suddenly.

"Rayn, Is... Is hazel coming?"

"I don't know about that Mia. I didn't get a reply from her. But I know the letter reached her. I have sent it to every place so that it could reach her. I hope she comes. This will all go waste if she doesn't show up."

Mia gave me a knowing nod and she turns towards the entrance. Liam, Stef, and Shiro came walking towards us. Mia almost pushes me to run into their welcoming hands. I smile at her reaction. Same old Mia. I follow her to greet them.

"Hey, man. Look at the trio. What an amazing sight. How are you, my brothers?"

They each hug me and we did our special fist bump. Liam looks just like how he was 8 years as well as how he was the last time I saw him. He looks as bold and deep he was in his school years. But his eyes looked different. They were still lost. The grief of separation and regret clouded his soul. He still hasn't moved on from Abid and Sid, his only best friends and family. The poor guy thinks that he has been left behind to be alone forever ever since his childhood best friend's death. When everyone left grace town to make future, Liam stayed here, in his past.

Shiro and I, we have been in contact. Shiro is the only friend I had for the last 8 years. Even though he settled in London with his name as a hotshot lawyer, He sometimes visited me and have been a true friend.

Stef was different. He sometimes kept the contact but he was way too busy to spend some time with us. He had a hectic schedule and was always touring around Europe. He lost his brother and that made him feel so lost, but Stef has found his peace in his music. He kept himself busy for the past 7 years, ever since he signed the contract for a record company.

"Hey, Dumbo heir... Long time no see" Shiro was grinning at me. Liam smiles, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Didn't we meet each other last Friday. Did you get your head bumped somewhere?"

"Did we? Or Did you just tagged me along to spy on your one side crush Anna?" Shiro and his creepy grin.

"Did someone mention my name here? Hey, nice to see you all here. How you all been?"

"All good." All of them said in harmony as if they don't care about her existence. Ha-ha. Just like old times. After some swear words and mocking, Anna was invisible to all just like always. We always do that. We know that if Anna opened her mouth, then it will not end well. She frowns at us and walks away with her dolls. One was a red-haired french doll and another was a blond-haired dancing doll with a shrieking voice. They looked hot, but Anna had this 'I am bitching Hotty, so stay sideline' attitude which made her dolls loose shine.

"Rizz, man, how can you even tolerate those bitches?" Stef grunted. Rizz was the only guy who dares to approach them.

"That's called talent guys" Mia shot a look at her husband as if to say 'wait until we reach home' Rizz became a dog after that. Poor Rizz. I wonder how women could make men pee even with just a look. I respect them for this undeniable power.

I look at my watch to find that it's already 5:30 pm. The program will start after one hour and then we have the after-party. There is no hurry at all. I have made plans to make them all stay for the whole week. I mean my friends alone. I know a day won't be enough for all the issue to get solved.

After 10 minutes, Sid and Hayden arrived. Together. That's weird. They didn't even show any rivalry at all. Instead, they were laughing at each other's jokes. Super weird.

"Hey Sid, I saw your last movie with my new girlfriend. Oh, I should say it was my all-time favourite. You seriously got to kiss my Emma stone. Like wow. Did you do it with her?" Hayden says loud enough for us to hear. More like for the paparazzi hiding near the bushes to hear.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's all part of the job. Emma is a good person. She respects you enough. I can't believe I am an Oscar nominee for that film"

"She does. But I wonder why you don't date anyone. Congrats for getting nominated. Anyway, Did you know my new movie is coming? Also, I got a role with an award-winning director. - - -"

I think they didn't see us at all. They keep on talking about their movies, their girlfriends and their work. God, what was happening. While we were entertaining ourselves with their Hollywood talks, I saw something changed the whole atmosphere. All the past students were looking startled and somewhere squealing. I look at Anna, who was near my side looking towards the entrance. She has a face that has both shock as well as a longing in them. I turn around to finally meet the eyes of the devil himself.

The boy who broke many hearts. Who changed our life. He was walking on that red carpet with his sister beside him, The very famous Ross siblings. The devil himself and his imposter sister. ASHER AMIRI ROSS with his innocent-looking angel like sister ZARA AMARA ROSS.


Don't get confused with too many names. We too have soo many friends at school. Don't we? We get to know them all. Consider all of these characters as your friends. Get to know them.

In this chapter, most of the important main characters are revealed.
⊙Asher Amiri Ross (him, they were all talking about)
⊙Zara Amara Ross
⊙Mia and Rizz
⊙ Anna and her 2 dolls: Debi and Lara

Some characters like abid and sam who will be mentioned in this chapter are no more. They had reached their end. They will appear in these people's memories.

What cast could you assign them all? Have any suggestions on how will they all look like?

Ես սիրում եմ քեզ

Yes sirum yem k'ez #Armenianmode

♡ U my Fam 

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