Chapter 6: The ghost of past

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"Why are you looking like that brother? Are you planning to get out of the car anytime soon or are you just going to look at the school all day. It is indeed a great view from up here but don't forget we have a reunion right now over there."

Zara can be a noisy sister sometimes. She was adjusting her final touch up before she gets out of the car but I was enjoying the view. The view awoke lots of my best and worst memories. It felt more like a déjà vu.

'GRACE CENTRAL SCHOOL', the words are encrypted in large bold italics with Golden metal on the enormous front gate. On the other side of the gate lies a long road with dense forest and green spread on either side. The long pale road go on in steep downwards which leads to the final destination ̶̶ a massive Victorian old building which holds memories of thousands of former Graceans. The infamous school where rich and influential kids go only to become very successful people in the future.

I remember the time when my father insisted on joining this school. As a spoiled bad boy, I was banished or should I say 'exiled' to this Victorian structure old boarding school located on the mere countryside somewhere in the great Scotland yards. The luxurious life in Dubai was taken away from me to be stuck in this nowhere. I had a cross with my father for this in many events. But little did I know that this place is going to change my life.

Shaking my memories off, I started my car again. I had it stopped it on top of the hill that leads to Grace Central. Grace was located down the hill, so from a particular part in the hill we could see clearly it ̶ The whole Grace Central. It used to be one of my favorite sites in Grace Town. The car entered the Main gate with welcoming of the reception committee. The path to the venue from the gate looks spectacular with decorations and fairy lights. There are firecrackers, art display and even coral groups along the way. The whole place looks like a fairytale or a royal event. By the whole look of the event it looks worth a lot of money. I wonder how did they manage all this?

On reaching the entrance leading to the main venue, I got out of my car and toss my key to the chauffeur. I walk to the other side to open the door for my sister like a good brother. Like a princess in white Zuhair Murad Courte dress, she stepped out of the car to pose with me for the awaiting paparazzi. Well, here I thought this is going to be a private event. We walk through the red carpet like ideal siblings.

I could hear many squeals and swears but all I care about right now is getting this show over and just go back home. If it wasn't for Zara, I wouldn't be here anyway.It's because I can't face them all after these many years. Unanswered questions, familiar feelings, broken hearts... I don't want to get stuck in that spiral again. I am so over all these crap.

As we enter through the entrance platform, that's when I see them all. My friends (or was once my friends). I ran my eyes through each one of them. Anna has that same weird expression that she used to have whenever she sees me as if I am the center of her world. Rayn is curiously looking at me like always. I could see anger radiating through him but I can't blame him for that. Mia had a sudden remorse in her eyes. Wait it looks almost like hatred as same as Rayn has. But all the other guys are looking at me the way they used to in the past. As if they are happy that their buddy is back.

Zara walk up to them with longing in her eyes.
"So what? You are not going to hug your friend after all these years?" I as a brother could understand that she is breaking from inside. At least hoping that last of her dear old friends would take her back.

Shiro walks up to her, kissing her cheeks and then hugging her.
"I missed you Amira. It's good to see you back. "

After that Hayden, Liam, Sid and Stef came one by one greeting her. Every boys except Rayn came and hugged me too. Mia was standing near Rayn giving me and Zara the same look Rayn was giving me.

Zara unexpectedly walks up to Mia and give her a hug. Zara looks happy to see Mia even though it is for the first time.

"Oh! You must be Mia... I have heard about you a lot but this might be the first time for us to meeting face to face. How much month is the baby?"

"He's Seven and a half. I won't say it is good to finally meet you. Even though I was hoping that I would never meet you. This wasn't how I thought our first meeting would be like. The person who is supposed to introduce you to me has been shattered by you and your dirty brother. If my memory is correct, last time I heard your name was when my best friend called me midnight crying her throat out and was in the point of committing sui-"

"Mia!!" Rayn shout at her.

Mia looks at my sister's eyes and says "You destroyed my hazel"
She then gives me a pointed look and snarled "You too..." as if I took something from her.

She turn and storms past us towards the auditorium. Rizz and Liam goes behind her.

"What a great show! Urg! Mia stole all my dialogues for you. It's good to meet the so called Ideal Ross siblings again. Welcome back."
Of course Rayn can do everything in his power to have the spotlight on him. He thinks it's always about him.

"Rayn, I am sorry about the past. Let's just forget it, can we? Hey, you arranged this amazing reunion for that right. Let's not fight for the stupidity we did in our past. We can mend them. You know"
Of course my little sister loves to play peace treaty between us.

I was silently watching the whole show ignoring all the dirty looks they are giving me. Past is past. Nothing can mend the broken. They all don't even know half of the stories. Everyone needs to mind their own bloody business.

What's the deal with Mia? Why does she always throw a huge rock right into my soul intentionally to hurt me every single time? She is the one who left her. But I stayed for her until fate told be otherwise. She didn't do any good by mentioning her.

Her ̶ Oh! Even the thought of her makes me want to puke my guts. She is still a wound in my soul. I don't want to think about her anymore. I have removed her from my life and from the world around me because she was the centre of it. She is now nobody and that's better for everyone.

I could still see Zara and Rayn having their hate-peace debate somewhere between my thoughts. I need to get this show over and get done with it.

"If you both are done with your god sake speech, I need to go inside and have a seat. I am getting bored over here."

"Of course Amiri Fucked up boy, Go inside and have your ugly butt stuck in your throne. I don't want to waste my time and money on dueling with you and your little sister." Rayn furiously walks away to the auditorium. He has been showing me this attitude as if he hates the sight of me ever since that day eight years ago. Hayden and Sid tag my sister along with them.

Stef came beside me and patted on my back.
"Are you okay?"

"Okay? Do I look not okay?"

Stef laughed at me.
"Don't worry she hasn't reached yet."

"She won't come." I say confidently because that's what I hope.

"Want to bet?"
I frown at him and walk towards the auditorium. Stef came trailing behind me.

I go towards the round table Zara has taken with Shiro, Stef, Hayden, Sid, Anna and two other girls like her. 'What are their names anyway?'- I wonder. Mia along with Rizz and Liam are sitting on the table opposite to us. Rayn is in stage with Mr. Jose McCleary and two other staffs. The Principal made his short dump speech on how the school has grown and how it produced gems from it who became big shot people bla bla bla. Honestly this was getting too boring.

Next Rayn come up to the stage and did his dramatic dance to our school anthem. Same old Rayn still thinks whatever he does is funny and cool. He later came back to his senses to deliver his speech.

"Thank you all for coming to this grand reunion, 'The Decagrace' in such a short notice. This was all possible due to our Sponsor, the Amstrong Corporation. Thank you for your immense support. We all are here together as a family like before. The memories we had in this school is something that we will always cherish for. Our honorable sponsors have offered us more money than what we require for this event to occur so I think for the balance money, we will be funding as memorial for today's event. We are dedicating this to our dearest friends who are no more with us. Dear Abid and Sam this is for you. Abid was our school captain and Sam was our football captain. For the great leadership they had shown us, this is for them. For Abid's ̶ HAZEL?!"

Rayn stops his speech suddenly. Rayn is looking at the doorway with a very surprised reaction. I turn to see what pulled him to this sudden shock. Suddenly everything went still around me.

The night breeze was howling somewhere. I could listen to its whispers in my ears.

I love you Ash.

My heart was racing faster as if it is trying to find its owner.

Tkk. Tkk. I am in love with you My Amiri. Tkk. Tkk.

Her scent reached me before her presence. The sudden force of attraction which is invincible pulls my soul away from me to join with its mate. And I suddenly knew the reason for my loneliness, my longing and my pain.

The memory of a girl in her uniform smiling down at me flashes my mind. The girl with dark hair, full pink soft lips which brightens when she smiles, pointed nose with tiny freckles which was barely visible spatter here and there, her eyes, how can I forget her eyes, the hazel brown eyes sparkling with a sense of innocence, the eyes which tell you little stories and add colors to everyone and everything. But that girl had faded away. She is now replaced by a totally different person walking through that door. A total stranger I should say.

This stranger is completely made of dark. She has worn a charcoal black evening gown which made her hair look even unusually darker. She had painted her beautiful once pink lips with dark red matte and her eyes were as if smoked with charcoal. Her hazel brown eyes looked darker than ever. She symbolizes the person I made of her when I pushed her into that darkness. She is no more the girl I met. She is different now. She looked like the queen of night; everything feels too dark about her. The eyes which once told me I love you forever showed no such emotions. Then a harsh reality crosses my mind; she is dead deep inside because I killed her. I killed the one person who truly ever loved me.



Can relate to Asher? Who do you think he is villian or the hero?

Song suggestion for today's chapter.
You dont know by katelyn Tarver
Do you all like graceans? What do you feel about the characters?
What do younthink might have happened in the past which changed them all? Which made them go in different direction?
Stay tuned for more.
I will be coming with some surprises.

PS: do suggest your dream cast for The reunion. You valuable feedback is must. Luv u all. Thank you for hanging on♡

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