Bill's Story to the Kids

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+Mystery Shack: Living Room+

The kids were in the room being baby sat by Bill Cipher. Yup, Bill is babysitting Blake, Akira, and Ramania.

His lovely wife was out in the forest helping the creatures who live there. Illumi and Kryptos were off on a date together somewhere in the demon world. Stan and Ford were off fishing in the lake for the day. Mabel and Tad we're going shopping and hanging out with Mabel's friends. Soos and Wendy had the day off since the shack was closed so they hanged out with their friends or stayed at home. Finally, Tyrone and Dominic were off somewhere spending private time together. They were in need of some quality time together because they we're so busy before with getting the twins together and helping out Ramania get use to everyone.

Blake laid on the floor bored as he stared at the Tv. Akira laying on top of his twin, on his stomach, hugging him and his bear. Ramania sitting criss crossed on the floor watching the TV too. Bill sat on the arm chair looking at the kids who were bored out of their minds, literally.

"I'm soooo bored!" Blake exclaimed in a whine for some sort of amusement. His twin and Ramania agreeing in groans.

Bill rolled his eyes, "Then what do you expect me to do about it?" He asked in a deadpanned tone.

"Anything! Just to get our minds out of these boring shows!" Ramania say quickly.

Akira glanced at his Grandpa, "How about you tell us a story?"

"I'm up for it!" Blake and Ramania agree in sync and glared at each other. They stopped when Akira waved a hand between them and they looked away from each other.

Bill thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. "Alright, I can work with that. It's kinda an old story, but you guys might be interested in it." The twins sat up right and Ramania backed up a bit to give them room. Bill cleared his throat and smiled down at them. "It was long time ago, during the medieval times of this world." The blond told them using his magic to create a 3D scene in between them. "Our main characters are a young human boy," he created the image of the boy, "And a slightly older human male." Bill made another image of a taller male stand next to the younger boy.

The kids got a good look at them. The twins swore in their mind that they've see that image of the boy before. Ramania on the other had thought the older male was vaguely familiar.

"These two humans met each other in the woods one day. The younger one was out getting flowers and herbs, while the older one was gathering ingredients for restocking his resources. You see the boy was part of a family of medics and florists, but he had a curious mind and adventurous side of him that came from his great uncles. The older male's family were summoners, who used demons to help them in times of need for the kingdom's saftey. Sadly his family linage was losing fast, his mother dying the day before they met, making him the last of the summoners." Bill looked at the kids who were really foucused on his image magic and his story. They watched the the younger boy smiling happily with his sister and family. The older one suffered through the loss of his mother and quickly resolving himself not to fall weak. "They met each other and got acquainted, not quickly due to the older man's personality, but in time they became really close. They always spent time with each other when they had the chance and never wanted to be separated for too long. The boy's family drifting away from him as he got closer to the older one while he too also drifted away from his weights of depression that were pulling him down. The older one became like a father to him and the younger one became like a son. They knew all of each other's secrets and never let one get in between them."

The images of the two smiled and laughed together in enjoyment. Scenes showing fun times, the younger boy in the older one's lap as they read a book together under a tree. Another scene became the two practicing archery together.

"They're so happy." Ramania says with a smile gracing her face.

Bill nodded and moved his hand over the images. "But there is always a calm before the storm Ricinus..." (Bill's nick name fore her, it's a type of poisonous flower) The blond took a sad expression and the kids looked back at the images. "One day, the King of the kingdom feared the worst when an enemy kingdom sent a threat of war between them. Orders of peace to avoid this conflict was to sacrifice one of their citizens to them. To act as their dog." The images showed the King frowning at a the threat paper. "He was a good King and didn't want to do it of course, but he had no choice, he could not let all his good people be killed by them. The next day the king had gone out and announce to everyone of this dire situation. He had asked for someone who was willing to go for their beloved kingdom to avoid bloodshed. No one was willing, but a boy from the crowd volunteered, it was our young boy. He was willing to go sacrifice himself for everyone's sake, he was so young too. His family tried to talk him out of it, but he was not persuaded by them to give up."

"Why didn't the older guy stop him? Isn't he there too?" Akira asked sadly watching the image of the boy go up to the king.

Bill shook his head, "The older one was currently on an away job by to find more supplies for his summoning uses and spells. So he could not stop his little one from going away." The dream demon waved his hand in another motion for the scene change. "That day after that, the enemy kingdom had taken the young boy away to their kingdom, his head held high showing he doesn't regret his decision. The kingdom mourned for a loss of a great friend that was know to everyone there." Bill sighed and snapped his fingers to change the scene. "A few days later, the older one had come back from his job with a grin on his face, excited to show his little one all the things he found while he was away. He went looking for him right away, going straight to the boy's house to find his family going through their normal routine. The family was shocked to see him even happy with a smile. They were question by him about where his little one was, but he found the truth of what happened to his favorite young boy. He yelled at them angrily, blinded by anger and sadness, in denial that the boy was gone." The image of the older male was yelling voicelessly at the family. "The family in return yelling back at him for going out of the village. The two became enemies and left each other to themselves. The older one was trying to find ways to get back his little one, but could not find any roots without causing a huge war between the kingdoms. He need more knowledge, information, strategies, anything that would help him get back with the young boy." Bill looked at the kids again as they watched the older teen struggle through papered plans.

Blake looked up at his Grandfather, "So what happen to him? Was the boy ever gotten back?"

The dream demon sadly smiled at the mere images of the older teen. "The only thing he could do was summon. A demon was what he need to help him get back his little boy without getting the kingdoms into a fight. He knew just the one to do it to because of a book that was handed down through generation of summoners. He flipped through the pages of the book, got to the summoning wheel and incantation of the certain demon. Quickly rushing to get everything ready and perfect, he need to be calm minded and respectful to this one. It was after all a demon kind like me."

"He summoned a dream demon to help him... But why? Wouldn't a fighting type be better?" Ramania asked confused, sure they were powerful, but they weren't helpful enough because they tricked people in deals.

"This dream demon was not that bad though, it was a recommended, trusted dream demon by summoners. Plus Demon fighters weren't the best of choice back then, even now. The demon he would summon would not trick if the human had good intentions. Sadly she was coming close to her retirement because she was getting tired and needed to hand down her powers to another being." Images changed and showed the older teen and she demon standing across from each other. The demon sticking her hand out to the teen with a soft smile on her face. "For all the knowledge he needed to know, the older male agreed on taking over for her. He became a powerful demon ever know in the multiverse..." Bill trailed off as he watched the two images shake hands. The she demon disappearing and the older teen falling to his knees clutching his head while letting out a soundless scream. "All the knowledge was put into his head and it made him want to go insane, but he always though about the little boy who helped him, smiled at him, made him happy. Grasping all that knowledge in a few days that he could control to not let him become insane. Day after day he made plans, but still to no avail, there was nothing he could do to avoid bloodshed. He went with the plan that caused the littlest bloodshed as possible and went through it."

The kids watched the images go through as it gave time to calm himself down. This was a story he didn't want to tell to be honest, but it was alright, he had to get through this.

"The older one managed to find the little one quickly, but he was beaten and bruised all over his body. He found his favorite kid broken up like a doll and it broke his heart to see him like this. The older one tried talking with him asking, 'Are you okay?' He received a emotionless answer of a trained up human dog/slave. 'Yes Master...' The half demon grit his teeth and immediate set the boy free. He ran away with him in his arms and was set full with determination to fix the broken boy. It took weeks, but he was slowly able to fix the boy into his normal self." The images of the little one and the older one were hugging with smiles on their faces. The images changed to another looking king, but meaner. "During the weeks of recovery for the little one, the King of the other kingdom found his dog had been taken away. War was commenced between the two Kingdoms and there was little bloodshed taken as the older one had planed. The little one had met with his family during the war along with the older one who wasn't to happy to see them." Bill shook his head watching the war play through the images. Meatsacks killing each other for a worthless reason of a toy. "During the war, the people of the village found out who had started this war. The older male was put to being stoned by the people of the kingdom and it was done in the main village where the town was burning. Some people didn't care and looked for safety while others were calling out on the older half demon. Throwing stones at him and saying hurtful words." The image changed to a scene of a burning village. The main focus was the older teen in a middle of a summoning circle while 9 people stood on symbols around him one symbol not filled by someone. A crowd circling them at a safe distance as they threw stones and yelled. "The older teen had lost his right eye due to an injury from a rock thrown at him and was slipping slowly into insanity because of them. The little boy was the only one who stood up for him, yelling at them and running past the crowd and across that unfilled symbol mark on the ground. He headed straight for his father figure to comfort him and help him up. The little boy noticed the injured eye and tore his sleeve, using it as a make shift bandaged to cover the older teen's right eye."

The three kids smiled and mentally praised at the little boy's help and kindness.

"Then there was a bang!" Bill exclaimed that startled the trio, making the jump a bit. They watched the older teen got shot and the little boy frantically mouthing things they couldn't hear as he cried trying to stop the bleeding. The older one caught one of the hands of the little boy and placed it over his heart. He smiled and said a few things before coughing up blood and his life ending out. "The little boy was devastated at the lost of a friend and good father figure.... The war was ended thanks to their Kingdom turning out to be the victor and signed a peace treaty that no harm shall come will come between them. The aftermath of the war was the worst, even though they had won, their kingdom suffered the worst damage being the homes were in shambles or burned down. Thankfully the kingdom was returned to the way it use to be in a couple of months. The little boy made sure his friend was buried properly and given a good headstone. He grew up and taught himself to become a summoner too after learning from books the older one had left for him. He grew up became a great person that helped many, always remembering what his friend did to save him back then."

"So that's it?!" Blake exclaimed at his Grandfather. He couldn't believe such a thing like that happened.

Bill nodded and looked at Akira when he raised his hand. "Yes Pine Needle?"

"If the older one took on being a demon from the she demon, then shouldn't he be a full fledge demon now because he died and he is no longer part human anymore?" Akira pointed out holding his bear still on his lap.

"That's correct Pine Needle! Let me tell you that he's happy now and content with his life!" Bill told them happily with a big grin.

The three kids sighed in relief and wondered what the older demon was doing at the moment.

Since the story passed a lot of time, the door was opened and their parents came back with smiles on their face. "We're back everyone!" Dominic called out. The kids and Bill met them at the doorway of the shack. The kids greeted them with joy and then went with their Papa who was handing them gifts from their day trip.

A soft, light thud to the floor was heard. The kids turned to look at what fell on the floor and saw their Grandfather's black eyepatch had fallen to the floor. They looked at Bill's uncovered eye to find it scared from an injury and it was a light grey color. It was blind eye.

"Aw the darn thing fell of again. I have to get a new one soon..." Bill groaned and bent down picking up the fallen eyepatch. "Even the strings are broken."

Dominic sighed and pulled hard on his long sleeve on his left arm tearing it off. "You should leave your illusion on your right eye Father. I know your eyepatch has been falling off from time to time lately so it's best to keep the illusion on for awhile." He fixed his torn sleeve carefully over his Father's right eyes and tied it around the back of his head. "This should do for the time being until Fez comes back. I'll ask him for one of his backup eyepatches."

Bill nodded at his son and Dominic disappeared to go make dinner for everyone. Tyrone had followed after him to help set up the table.

"Grandpa..." Akira says.

The dream demon turned around to face the kids. "Yes?"

"Your the older human from the story. Right?" Ramania asked wide eyed.

Bill smiled at them, "You got that right Ricinus!"

Blake rolled his eyes and laughed. "Grandfather always finds some way to surprise us."

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