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Okay, so there was this fan who sent me an email about my other story Won't You Be Mine? The book that should be the first before Bill Cipher's Son and Reverse Family. I got another email from that fan and that person made another beautiful fanart for this story. Thanks so very much for this dear fan :)

+Gravity Falls: two days later-Mystery Shack-Afternoon+

Blake, Akira, and Ramania were in the younger twins' bedroom sitting together. They'd were just playing a game when they started hearing shouts coming from downstairs. Not just anyone's shouts though, it was mainly coming from Tyrone and Dominic, their parents.

Their Aunty Mabel came to their room giving the kids a reassuring smile, but they were still worried. "Everything's gonna be fine guys, don't worry." She tried to ease them.

The shouts downstairs only got louder and angry that their Aunty Mabel had to leave them to check on the two. They could hear the muffled voices speaking downs stairs, probably from the other members of the house.

"Blake..." Akira clutched onto his brother's sleeve in one hand while his other arm was tightly hugging his bear. He was scared for their parents, wondering why they were shouting at each other. All he had seen from them was loving looks and caring emotions ever since they had come here.

The older twin pulled his twin closer to him in a one arm hug. "Akira, it'll be okay..." He says to try and comfort his brother and kissed his forehead.

Ramania hands were clenched on her lap tightly. She could sense the mood from downstairs that it wasn't gonna settle down soon. The raven hair teen looked up from her lap to her siblings to see them trying not to looks too worried or discouraged. The teenager decided to distract them with the game they were playing. "Come on guys let's continue playing." She could easily tell that Blake had caught on to what she was doing and he help get Akira to not concentrate on what's happening down stairs.

The shouts had died down, but Blake and Ramania could still feel the tight tension going on downstairs. Akira sensed it too, even so he ignored it knowing his twin wouldn't want him to worry about it too much.


They heard Dominic yell loudly and a few seconds the slam of the door was heard that shook the house a bit. The kids had enough and finally decided to head downstairs to see what's going on. They peeked into the living room to see Tyrone fuming with his arms crossed over his chest. Tad, Mabel, Bill, and Will were either sighing or groaning while shaking their head.

"Tyrone you got to understand that Dominic sensitive to the decisions you make." Will told Tyrone in a soft voice.

The brunet looked at Will with a hard glare that made him flinch and take a step back. "I will not be told what to do you idiot demon, I am my own person and I can make my own choices." He firmly told the blue dream demon in a angry tone.

"Watch it brat! That's my wife your talking to, he's just trying to help you." Bill harshly remarks at him, giving human a glare back. "I honestly wonder why my son had to like you of all people?! He could have done so much better!"

"Really? Then your son is a good for nothing demon who fell for a guy like me! He's a goody two shoes, a demon saint, a demon too curious for his own good! You wonder why curiosity killed a cat!" Tyrone exclaimed loudly as he stood up from his chair quickly making it fall back to the floor. "I really wonder how I fell for a pathetic thing like your son Ciphers. How can you even stand him?! Gosh, he is the most fucking annoying thing alive!" He vented out to the people in the living room.

Bill was really mad, his who human form had taken a deep shade of red. Will was crying while holding his husband back from hurting his fri- master... Tad kept a straight face even though he wanted to be angry at the brunet too. He held his daughter back from punching the male on the face even though he did deserve one.

"Will. Open a portal now." He ordered the crying blue dream demon. "I am going home." Tyrone told him in a stern voice.

Will snapped his fingers and a portal appeared next to Tyrone.

"Yeah that's it! Go home you brat! I never want to see your fucking face around my family again! Especially around my son you asshole!" Bill angrily yelled at the disappearing counterpart.

The portal closed up behind Tyrone slowly until it was completely gone.

Bill was growling as he hugged his crying wife tightly in his arms. Whispering comforting words to the blue haired demon. Tad and Mabel talked with each other in low whispers.

The kids who were listening in were in shock. Akira was crying quietly into Blake's black dress shirt quietly as his twin hugged him back tightly. Ramania patted the younger twin's back in a comforting way. They went back to their rooms in silence so they wouldn't cause more trouble as there is.

+Gravity Falls: With Dominic+

Dominic cried in the cave behind the waterfall to drown out his sorrowful weeping. Hugging his legs close to his chest and stared down at the water in front of him to see his reflection. Puffy red eyes from crying and a nose lightly dripping of some snot. Great, just what he needed... He wiped his face and splash some water on his face. Then closed his eyes to think.

He wondered how he even feel for that jerk in the first place. "I'm so stupid!" Dominic shouts as he clenches his fist and squeezes his eyes shut. More of his tears dropped into the water with little plop sounds.

"Why did I ever fall for him?..."

+Reverse Falls: With Tyrone+

Tyrone walked past his sister as soon as he got out of the portal with a frown on his face.

"What's with the frown dear brother?" Mabel asked with one of her sly smiles.

"Nothing sister, so leave me alone, I'm not in the mood to talk." He hissed at her leaving out his usually dear given to his twin.

Mabel tilted her head a bit watching her brother angry state. "It has to do with Dominic, doesn't it?"

Hit right on the nail, Tyrone glared at his sister. "We never speak of his name here, in this house, or anywhere ever again! He is dead to me." Tyrone tells her and stomps to his room. "Dead!" He exclaims one final time before slamming his door shut.

Mabel blinked confusingly at the doorway where her brother left through. 'What the heck?'

Tyrone sat on his bed and let out a heavy sigh. He looked to his side and found his old guitar laying next to his violin. He pick it up and held it in his hands wondering why he even had such a thing in his room. The psychic wanted to burn the thing, but he felt like he couldn't do it, so he set it aside by his desk.

"Falling for him was a mistake." He told himself as he ignored the nagging feeling in the back of his mind.

+Gravity Falls: The Twins+

Blake hugged his brother on his bed. Akira was sad and he didn't like it one bit, he also didn't like the fact that their parents were fighting too.

"Blake, -hic they're gonna make up right?" Akira asked his brother with a small hiccup.

The older twin nodded and patted his brother's back. "They'll make up Akira, don't worry... They just need some time to fix their problem." Blake kissed Akira's forehead lightly. "Everything will be fine... I promise." But he knew that he was lying through his teeth.

*Time skip*
+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

A month has passed and there were no good signs of Tyrone coming back to the shack. Dominic came back the day after the fighting, but he was less happier than usual. Will had hugged his son tightly as soon as he came home from where ever he disappeared too. Bill gave his son a sad look and joined the family hug, even giving him a kiss on the forehead. The younger twins and Ramania were in constant worry for their mother even though he was the one helping them.

"Mama?" Akira called Dominic.

Dominic was watching the kids today as usual when none of his family members could watch them. "Yes Akira?"

Akira seemed hesitate to ask his question and shook his head. "Never mind mama, just wanted to see if you were still here."

The older demon smiled and hugged his younger son tightly. "I love you Akira, please always remember that." He got a firm nod and smile from Akira.

He left his mama to whatever he was doing before he interrupted him. Akira went to his twin and his sister/friend who were waiting for him by the tv. "Can we please do something to help mama and papa get back together?" He whispered to them hugging his bear to his chest.

Blake looked at his mother folding the laundry on the table with a sad smile. He hated seeing that sad smile on his mother's face and wanted cheer him up. Ramania had the same idea too, Dominic was the one who helped her, so she wanted to help make him happy with his husband again.

"We'll help them get back together Akira, " Blake's face lit up with a smile when an old memory came up in his mind, "And I think I know just how to do it. Come on you two and follow me."

The kids disappeared somewhere in the house to get things ready. During their preparations their Grandfather and Grandmother came up to check on them. The two of them smiled at what the kids were doing and Ramania explained to them what they were doing. Bill and Will were happy at what the kids were doing and decided to help them.

Later, Will took Akira and Blake to Reverse Falls to check on Tyrone, while Bill and Ramania stayed home preparing. The saw the lights on in the tent and found the telepathy twins just ending their show. The twins saw how their father looked barely affected to the fight with their mother. He seem okay for the most part. Once the show was over, they went and met Tyrone backstage.

Blake knocked on the door three times.

"It's open, come in." His father's voice said.

They entered the room and Tyrone's eyes widen when he saw his kids with Will.

"Papa." Akira says happily and ran over to the man and gave his a tight hug.

"Akira... What are you and your brother doing here?" Tyrone asked hugging his son back. "You two are suppose to be in Gravity Falls... with your mother." A hesitance when he came to say their mother's name.

Blake walked up to him, "We came here to get you. Mother is really sad and it's because of your fight with him from a month ago. Please father, you have to make up with him."

His oldest son was on the brink of crying in front of him. Tyrone smiled at them regretfully and patted both the twins head. "I'm sorry guys, but I don't think we can be together anymore..." He felt his younger son hugging his waist tighter.

"T-Then at least join us for dinner Burning Tree. It's the least you could do for the kids, please?" Will finally stepped in to help the kids.

Tyrone sighed and looked at his kid's pleading eyes. He nodded giving into them, especially Akira's eyes, he just couldn't say no.

"Ok, I'll go."

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