Mother's Memories [Part 1]

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack- Later that night+

Dominic and Tyrone were in the twin's room tucking them in for the night.

"Papa can I sleep with Tyrone for tonight please?" Akira asked Tyrone shyly.

"If your brother allows you then you may." Tyrone told his son. He watched as Akira got out of his bed and go over to Blake's bed.

Blake smiled at Akira as he came over to him. "What's up Akira?"

"Um, can I sleep beside you tonight? I'm not use to sleeping somewhere new, so I usual sleep next to someone I know." He wasn't really lying, Akira wasn't use to new places easily and needed to stay next to someone he knows until he could eased in. His twin nodded and he climbed into bed next to Blake.

Their parents kissed them on the forehead after they tucked them in and left the room with a 'good night'. They laid awake for awhile until they could go for their chance to jump into their mother's mind. Blake turned on the bed and faced Akira, whose eye looked ready to close.

"Stay awake Akira, it's almost time to go into mother's mindscape." He told to his twin, lightly patting his cheek.

Akira yawned and nodded. "Okay..." He responded tiredly.

After a few more moments, just to be sure, they finally went to their mom's mindscape.

+Dominic's Mindscape: With the Twins+

Blake and Akira used their powers to enter their mother's mindscape with ease. The mindscape of their mother is a vast forest of trees and clearings with a clear blue sky.

"We should go find where mama's past memories now." The younger twin said to his brother.

Blake took his twin's hand in his so that he didn't lose him on the way. "Keep close to me."

They wandered around the forest for awhile because they weren't really sure what part they were in. It took time, but they made it there eventually by finding a small cabin by a pond. The two ran up to the cabin and peeked into a slightly open window. Inside they saw their parents and grandparents.

"I'm so glad that we're all back together now." The twins heard their mother sigh in relief and hugged their father.

Tyrone nodded hugged his wife back. "That and the twins can finally grow up together. 13 years apart and we managed to raise them well." He tapped his chin in thought, "Then again my Dominic here probably had some problems because of Bill..."

Bill glared at Tyrone holding up his hand that was covered in blue flames. "You want some you sadistic brat!?" Say to his son's look alike.

"Oh please I can do way better you stupid triangle!" Tyrone retorted hand glowing with his powers from the amulet hanging around his neck.

Bill was hit up in the head by Will and Tyrone received a pinch to the ear by Dominic.

"Ow!/It hurts!"

"No fighting! We're a family for demon's sake!" Dominic exclaimed to them.

Will nodded, "Dominic and I could always leave without you guys with the kids for sometime. Maybe that's a good enough punishment, what do you think?" He asked looking at his son.

Dominic nodded in agreement. "Teach you a lesson not to fight with each other."

Bill immediately started pleading to his wife to never suggest or follow with that plan. Will just kept smiling awkwardly while not really listening to his husband. Tyrone was placing soft kisses on Dominic's face and sweet talking to make him think otherwise on his decision.

The twins, on the other side of the window, were secretly laughing at his their grandfather and father trying to make up with their partners. Blake quietly led Akira away from the cabin and out of the forest.

The older twin (by five minutes) hummed as he thought where the memories were. "If I was mother, where would I hide my memories?"

"I'd put it in the deepest part of my mind." Akira said and turned his head to see a huge waterfall. Something was off about it by the way he looked at it. He let go of his brother's hand and took a few steps back to see the waterfall better and got a glimpse of a cave behind it. "Blake! I found a hidden cave!"

Blake took a hold of his brother's hand again and they started to go to the cave behind the waterfall. As they got closer they could hear lots of voices. Going inside the cave they were met with a long passages with lots of doors, some closed and some open. One that was close to them that was open is their mother from this morning running around the house getting ready for the rest family arrival.

Akira walked forward, pulling along his brother, getting deeper into the passage ways. They followed the signs that were helpfully placed up. It took them awhile to actually find the older memories, wondering about until they eventual found it.

There, a hallway was empty and dark, only a single door was there with two torches on either side. The twins approached it carefully and read the sign on it.

•Interesting past•

Blake pulled the handle to open the door. Akira walked in first with his brother following after him. The door shut behind them with a eerie creek as it did.

Three doors appeared in front of them. All in shades of blue. Baby blue, blue, and dark blue.

The twins started with the light blue door and went through it.

The show has begun

+Inside the light blue door+

Inside the light blue door was a long hallway of doors. They past some doors that showed their mother's memories as a kid with some human parents and their aunt Mabel.

They reached a door called Encounter.

Going inside they found themselves in the back seat of the golf cart behind young Dipper.

"Don't worry, Mabel! I'll save you from that zombie!" Dipper shouted as he drove through the woods quickly. A far of cry for help was heard.


"Hold on!" Dipper exclaims driving faster. They got to where the problem was.

There was a bunch of little men that were surrounding a girl, Mabel, that looked like Dipper as a female version.

"The more you struggle, the more awkward this is gonna be for everybody! Just, ha ha, okay. Get her arm there, Steve!" One gnome, the leader probably, said.

Mabel looked at the Gnome biting her sweater arm. "Let go of me!" She punches the gnome off.

Steve bounces of the tree and starts vomiting up a rainbow. Blake and Akira looked at the each other confused.

"What the heck is going on here?!" Dipper finally interrupts.

A gnome running past him hisses and he flinches back dropping his shovel.

"Dipper! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes! And they're total jerks!" Mabel cried out to Dipper and hits a gnome. The gnome starts pulling at her brown hair, "Hair! Hair! Hair!"

"Gnomes? Huh, I was way off." Dipper said and took out a red journal with a golden six fingered hand on the front with a number three on it from his vest.

Akira pointed at the journal, "Blake, it's the journal we found in our room."

"Your right!"

"Gnomes: little men of the Gravity Falls Forest. Weaknesses: unknown." He put back the book back in his vest to find they managed to strap Mabel to the ground.

"Aw come on!" The girl says.

Dipper walks ups to the leader and points his shovel at him. "Hey, HEY! Let my sister go!"

The twins watched their mother converse with the gnomes and ends up getting Mabel or his sister to safety. Both of them still riding in the golf cart behind their Aunt Mabel and mother. They saw the huge gnome made up of a bunch of gnomes. The head gnome, from before, on top of them leading them by giving them orders. Several gnomes get on the cart after being thrown from the big one.

A old gnomes appears behind Dipper, he grabs the gnome and slams him into the steering wheel a couple of times, the gnome groaning his name before being thrown off the cart.

"Way to go mother!" Blake says amazed by what the young brunet did.

Sadly another gnome jumped on the cart and clawed a Dipper's face. Akira got worried because it was hurting his mother. Good thing Aunty Mabel was there to help him even though it hurt even though it did hurt him in the process.

"I'll save you Dipper!" Mabel repetitively punched the gnome on Dipper until it finally let go of him.

In a daze Dipper thanks her. "Thanks Mabel."

The gnome giant picks up a tree and throws it at them causing the cart to swerve sharply and over turn near the shack. Even Blake and Akira flew out of the cart in the process. The two twins watched as Mabel and Dipper try to fight against the gnomes and becoming desperate. They saw Mabel stepping towards the gnomes.

"What?! Mabel, don't do this! Are you crazy?"

"Trust me."


"Dipper, just this once. Trust me!"

Dipper seems hesitant as he glanced at the gnomes and back at Mabel. Then he backs away a little bit.

The two twins look at them like their crazy and watched the rest of the screen play out quickly. Their Aunty Mabel fooled them to think she gave up and marry them, but she pulled out a leaf blower out from behind her and sucked up the head gnome. Shouting at the gnome for all the bad things he did to her and her brother, wait weren't Aunty Mabel and their mother cousins?

After Dipper and Mabel managed to defeated the gnomes, they looked like they were making up for some reason with a awkward hug with pats on the back. Blake and Akira followed them inside and saw Stan at the counter counting his money.

"Yeesh. You two got hit by a bus or somethin'? Ahah!"

Dipper and Mabel only walk away to go to their room.

"Uh, hey! W-Wouldn't you know it? Um, I accidentally overstocked some inventory, so, uh.. How's about each of you take one item from the gift shop? On the house, y'know?"

"Really?" Mabel looked excited.

Dipper looked at Stan with suspicion. "What's the catch?"

"The catch is do it before I change my mind, now take something." Stan says opening the register to put his cash away.

Akira looked at Blake, "Is he really like this?"

"Fez has his moments. Most of the time when he's feeling happy or something." Blake answered his brother.

Dipper picked out a blue and white hat with a PineTree on it while Mabel got a grappling hook. The twins left the memory after that, not really sensing anymore importance to the memory. So they went deeper and found another door with their Grandpa's name on it with warning tape covering the entire door.

Ignoring the warning tape, Blake went and open the door with his brother following behind hesitantly. They found themselves on the roof of the shack and their mother sitting on the ledge typing on a computer hearing buzzing for it.

He pounds on the laptop frustrated. "Ugh, I can't take that sound anymore!" Dipper pounds on the computer a few more times. "I. Hate. You. Sound." The brunet yawned tiredly, "There's gotta be some shortcut or clue. Who would know bout secret codes?" The wind picked up around Dipper and he hugged the laptop close to him. He turned around and found the bright moon with a giant slit pupil looking at him. The color drained round him and a figure formed and appeared in front of them.

"I THINK I KNOW A GUY!" Bill gleefully exclaims. "Well, well, well! You're awfully persistent PineTree. Hats off to you!" The triangle took off his hat and the world tilled a bit causing Dipper to stumble around until everything was straight again.

"You again!" Dipper yelled at Bill accusingly.

"Did ya miss me? Admit it, you missed me~"

The twins watched their mother and his father bicker for awhile. Their mother never telling their Grandfather he won't make a deal with him, but their Grandfather says other wise and left.

The memory changed suddenly, they were inside a room with young Dipper typing on a old computer laptop. The brunet sat on the window ledge near the red glass stained window. He looked kinda tired and they heard a buzz coming from the computer. Dipper groaned and until he heard the computer say there were too many failed entries. The brunet seemed desperate to figure it out before it was too late.

"No! Noonono! I'm gonna lose everything?! I only have one more try!" He says with panic as he watched the screen. The he noticed the drain of color around the room appear again.

"Well, well, well! Someone's looking desperate." Bill appeared to Dipper again.

Blake noticed that Dipper and Bill didn't seem to have the relationship of Father and Son back then. By the way their Grandfather was being really persuasive and tricky in such a desperate situation. The next thing the twins know, their mother had made a deal with their Grandpa. Just for a simple trade of a puppet.

"So what puppet are you gonna pick, anyways?"

Bill thinks for a sec, "Hmm, let's see. Eenie meenie mynie..." They hear the yellow demon's voice go deep. "YOU."

Their mother was ripped away from his body and now a spirit being confused and panicking.

Before they could watch anymore, Akira had run out of the memory door scared. Blake ran after him and managed to catch his little brother. They were standing in front of the light blue door which they had entered earlier.

"What the heck Akira? Why did you run out?" Blake asked his twin panting from running after him.

Akira wiped his teary eyes, "Grandpa is scary." He sniffled, "He also tricked mama..." The younger twin cried.

The older twin rolled his eyes, how could he forget that Akira was an easy type to scare person. He hugged his brother to comfort him a bit before they could go explore more. Rubbing circles on the teen's back whispering calming words. The twins were getting close to each other and Blake showed signs of being a overprotective brother. "Think you still handle more exploring?"

The younger twin nodded and held onto his brother's hand for comfort. "Yeah."

They exited the light blue door they came in from before. Now for the second door.

They headed for the blue door this time.

Time for Act II

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