Mother's Memories [Part 2]

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+Dominic's Mindscape: Inside the Blue Door+

The first thing to catch the twin's attention was the first door. There was picture of some kind of portal probably. They opened the door and went inside and found themselves in a dark room with their mother and Aunty Mabel who were looking through a box filled with ID cards, passports, and a newspaper. Aunty Mabel looked really confused and scared while their mother was trying really hard to figure everything out.

"Wait I have! Dipper, it's the vending machine!" Mabel exclaimed and the both of them ran out of the room.

The memory changed to a room with stair leading down. Soos was walking down first. "It's like something from a video game..."

"Or a dream..." Mabel added.

Dipper stared down at the dark way and looked around, "...or a nightmare."

When they got downstairs, they found a big lab filled with lights, cabinets, machines with flickering lights, an oth printing out things. The group talked while the two brothers were looked around themselves, Blake noticing that nothing as changed much since now in the lab in the basement.

Then Soos, Mabel, and Dipper headed into the portal room to turn off the machine. Their mother was just about to turn off the machine, but Stan came in yelling for the to stop.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT BUTTON!!!" Stan yelled panting after he said that. "Dipper, just back away." But their mother's hand remained inches from pressing the red button. "Please don't press that shutdown button, you gotta trust me."

"And I should trust you why? After you stole radioactive waste?! After you lied to us this whole summer?! I don't even know who you are!"

The twins watch them talk back to each other before some gravity wave made them float in the air. The machine loud noises and whirling round and round. They were fighting mid-air while their Aunty Mabel's foot was stuck on a cable. Their mother telling her to shut it down quick.

"Go! Mabel, press the red button! Shut it down!"

"No, you can't!" Stan pushes Dipper away. "You gotta trust me!"

"Grunkle Stan," She cries, tears fall down he cheek,"I don't even know, if you're my grunkle anymore! I wanna believe you but-"

The moments were getting sadder and sadder as they talked until the computer counter down and the force of the machine got stronger. Dipper, Stan, and Soos were pushed back to the wall.

"I wanted to say that you're gonna hear some bad things about me, and some of them are true, but trust me. Everything I've worked for, everything I care about, it's all for this family!" Grunckle Stan says at Mabel honestly.

"Mabel, what if he's lying? This thing could destroy the universe! Listen to your head!"

"Look into my eyes, Mabel! You really think I'm a bad guy?"

"He's lying! Shut it down NOW!"

"Mabel, please!"

Their Aunty Mabel look thoughtful for a moment as the computer started counting down. She looks away and lowers her hand to the button. Then looks at Stan, "Grunkle Stan..." The counter almost to its point.

Mabel lifts her hands up. "I trust you." She lets go of he button stand and floats up.

"Mabel, are you crazy! We're all gonna-"

Blake and Akira heard them scream before they found themselves in front of the portal memory door again.

"I wonder what happened after that..." Akira said to his brother who nodded stillstaring at the door.

Blake grabbed his brother's hand again and they walked down the hall to find another interesting door.

The next door had a picture of their mother's symbol on the front of the door. They opened the door and were placed in front of the shack where there were party decorations all over, people talking and laughing together.

"Blake look over there." Akira says as he pointed over to the big banner.

"Happy 13th birthday Dipper and Mabel..." Blake read the banner.

The twins searched the crowd and found Aunty Mabel and their mother with their friends chatting. They noticed Mabel's worried look as well as Stan and Ford's cautious look.

"I wonder why they look so tense-" The older twin said, but was cut off when he heard his mother made a sound of surprise. The twins looked at Dipper to see his hand glow and show the symbol of a pinetree. They saw a wave of energy expel from their mother flow through the surrounding area.

"What's happening?!" A blond girl shouted trying to regain her balance.

The color of the world faded into a monochrome one. Everything was stopped excepted for the town citizens, the pines family, and Dipper.

Bill appeared looking very surprised and giddy. "Oh oh! This is just to good to be true!" The demon was in his human form fiddling with his cane in hand grinning from ear to ear.

"What's to good to be true Bill? Your ruining our party." Dipper said annoyed.

Bill laughed and came closer to Dipper. "Your gonna laugh Sapling! REMEMBER when I said I'd come find my Kid on their birthday?" Dipper gave a slow nod. "Turns out your my child PineTree."

Dipper took a step back from Bill not believing him. "T-There's no way I'm y-your kid Bill. Right guys?" He said shakily as he turned to face his family.

The older twins and their Aunty Mabel didn't look at their mother.

Akira and Blake could see the realization and betrayal that their mother was showing. They felt bad for him.

"You guys are liars! How could I have trusted any of you!" Dipper shouted his anger at them.

They watched their mother verbally fight with their Aunty Mabel and the two old men who were trying to reason with him. The group didn't win though as they saw Dipper move towards their Grandfather who welcomed him with a hug. Blake squeezed his brother's hand a little to tightly and Akira tugged his twin back towards the memory door.

Once they were out they moved down the other door as the younger twin waited for Blake to calm down a bit before they go into another one.

The next door they found themselves in the same place, but the atmosphere was different. Akira smiled when he saw the sign in big letters saying Reverse Falls. "We're in papa's dimension." He told Blake with a happy smile.

"Cool, now I can see what Reverse Falls is like! W-Wait did you happen to catch the door's name before we entered?" Blake asked.

Akira shook his head, "No... Well we're gonna find out anyways, so let's go."

The two of them walked around a bit until they heard a rustle of a bush. Turning around they found their Grandfather and mother walking right behind them until they walked through them.

"What's the reason we're here again Father?"

Bill chuckled as they pushed past some bushes, "We're here because I need to see someone and make sure they're all right?" He looked at his son who gave him a surprised look.

"You," Dipper pointed at his Father shakily, "Are here to check up on someone?" He asked in a unbelievable tone. Dipper took out his journal flipping through it quickly, "A-Alright- I can fix this.... Father is acting weird, well he's usual weird, but this is different-maybe he's under the influence of something...." He mumbles looking for some kind of cure in his journal.

Bill picked up Dipper, letting out a 'manly' yelp, and carried him like a sack of potatoes. "I'm not under any influence PineTree. He's just really important to me because he helped to me long ago, that's all. We're pretty much almost there."

"Do I have to go? Can't I just hangout with reverse Pacifica and reverse Gideon?"

Eventually the twins watched as their Grandfather hummed and put his son back on the ground. "Alright, but you are to come straight to the Tent of Telepathy before it gets dark out."

"Thanks Father!" Dipper ran off to go find his friends.

Blake and Akira followed their mother all the way to a replica home of the Mystery Shack.

"Hey Paz! Gid! I'm back!" Their mother shouted loudly.

Two kids came out of the shack with grins on their faces seeing their mother. They gave him a hug and talked for a bit and decided to head to town so they could show him around. Apparently their mother wasn't able to see it last time because their Grandfather had quickly teleported them away.

Dominic saw the Tent of Telepathy along the way. "So who runs the Tent since you two are like he original me and Shooting Star?"

Pacifica giggled, "Take a wild guess Dip!"

"There are two familiar people who run it." Gideon hinted at their mother.

Dominic hummed in thought, "My guess would probably be on reverse Sixer and Fez." He told them and watched them slightly nod.

"They kinda do, but it's the kids who really work the magic in that attraction." Gideon pulled out something from his poker and gave it to Dominic. It was a folded up piece of paper.

The brunet took it and opened it up carefully finding his nickname and Shooting Star's name on it with the emblem of the tent on the flyer. "You have got to be kidding me... Shooting Star and I?!"

Pacifica shrugged her shoulders. "Can't joke on this Dip, remember this is a reverse universe. From what you told us last time about your Gleeful, these Gleeful twins are way worse than him."

Dominic groaned, "Please tell me we can we avoid them as much as possible for the time I'm here." A hopeful look in his eye as he looked at the cousins.

"Unfortunately if your hanging around us, your more likely to meet them cause they tend to bully us a lot." Gideon answered the demon letting out a heavy sigh.

The three of them continued to go through the town together. Being cautious to not bump into the Gleeful twins who may or may not be out. Dominic, who was walking ahead of them, turned around the corner and crashed into somebody.

The two of them falling to the ground on their butts.

"Oww... That hurts..." Dominic says in a hurt tone while rubbing his bottom.

The person who he crashed into hissed at the pain. "Ow! Just who-" The person suddenly stopped talking.

Judging from the voice, Dominic determined it was a young male around his age, it sound a bit familiar. He looked across from him to find his reverse self looking back at him in surprise.

"Your..." Reverse Dipper started out, but watched as Dominic got up quickly and ran back around the corner. "Hey!"

Dominic ran back to the two cousins and hid behind them quickly. Gideon and Pacifica looking at him confused until Reverse Dipper walked around the corner and saw them.

The teens watched as Gideon and Pacifica bickered with their Papa. Their mother stayed quite the whole time. The twins eventually left the memory because it was just a longed out verbal fighting between them. They looked at the door name 'Gid and Paz fighting with Tyrone the first time I meet him'. A couple more doors down they went and found a door where their parents actually got together and started dating each other. So to say the twins were moved by their father's way of confessing to their mother.

"Papa has a good singing voice, no wonder mama fell for him." Akira smiled at the memory of their parents singing together.

Blake nodded in agreement, "Mother has a good voice too! Their voices go so well with each other." He laughed when he saw his mother give their father a shy kiss on the cheek.

After looking through a couple more memory doors, they exited blue door with smiles on their faces. Both of them looked at the dark blue door.

"I think we should leave this one alone Akira. I think I already know what it's all about." Blake told his brother.

The younger twin nodded, understanding what his brother meant by that. The twins came out of their mother's mindscape and slept peacefully for the remaining time.

Unlike the other two doors, the dark blue one still looked brand new, so it's still young. So it has still yet to develop new memories. Memories of them as a family with everyone else.

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