Canadian Catastrophe

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Rhydon: Last time, on the Rhydonculous Race. The thirteen remaining teams went to China for an awesome adventure! It started off with a kung fu challenge where some (Coughs) Togedemaru (Coughs) struggled a lot. Then came the disgusto eating challenge where lots of chunks were blown. Lastly, an either or of making a Chinese dragon or doing geisha makeup. The Fashion Designers struggled with the food challenge, but really went to town with the makeup challenge which lead to their victory! Buizel finally made a decision on the whole Buneary and Oricorio issue when he told Oricorio off. She was not happy and tried to send Buneary packing but the joke was on her because she and Bellossom, the Dancers, ended up taking the L, right out of the competition. Alright, now it's time to grab your favorite snack and get ready for an all new episode of... The Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and heavily winks at the camera)

(Theme song)

Rhydon: You know the drill by now.

Popplio: (Laughs) Good one! Drill!!! Because you have one!

Rhydon: Okay Popplio get outta here! Back to your spot in line! (Clears throat) So, Fashion Designers get up here and claim the first tip!

Sandshrew: This is so exciting! You do it Vulpix!

Vulpix: Why thank you. (Grabs tip) Were going to Canada, aye!

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: (to the camera) Canada aye! Seriously why do people say aye here? Anyways, this place is known for its moose, it's large observation deck, ice hockey, and most importantly maple syrup, which is what competitors will first be dealing with! They will come to this maple syrup collecting plant for their first challenge!

(At the airport)

Sandshrew: Two seats for Canada please.

Quagsire: Okie dokie! Here you go!

Sandshrew: Sweet! We so lucked out! The flight boards in just a few minutes!

Vulpix: That's good. And maybe we can talk fashion on the plane?

Sandshrew: Um, Of course!? Why wouldn't we girl? Just after I email Kirlia.

Vulpix: Oh yay! I have got the best idea for a China inspired bow.

Glaceon: (to Quagsire) We need tickets for Canada please.

Quagsire: Here you go. These are the last two.

Leafeon: Awesome! (Grabs the tickets) Thanks so much!

(Team Confessional)
Glaceon: I would have been so mad if we missed that plane.

Leafeon: Same here. I feel bad for the people behind us. Who were they again?


Weavile: Dont lie to us! We demand a seat on that plane!

Machoke: Yeah! Or is my fist gonna have to teach you a lesson? (Cracks knuckles)

Quagsire: S-s-sorry. There are no seats left!

Chespin: Hey! Pick on other people you dolts.

Machoke: Want me to beat you up punk?

Chespin: Sorry, but I have a plane to catch!! (Holds up ticket)

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I just love it when Chespin stands up for others. He has such a good heart. I look up to him, like I do to my big sister. Hey that reminds me of something.

(On the plane)

Chikorita: Hey Chespin, I've been meaning to ask you something.

Chespin: Go ahead. Anything

Chikorita: We have been dating for a while now...

Chespin: (paranoid) You're not gonna dump me are you?

Chikorita: What? No! How could you ever even think that? (Chespin shrugs) I was just wondering when we could meet each other's family!?

Chespin: What? F-family? Oh family doesn't matter.

Chikorita: Yes they do. I want my parents to meet you and I assume you'd feel the same?

Chespin: Ooh. I drank some water earlier, and now I really need to go to the bathroom. Sorry, be right back! (Leaves)

Totodile: Wow. That's pretty weird.

Popplio: Definitely weird.

Chikorita: Yeah... Wait were you guys eavesdropping? And didn't you do that before?

Totodile: Hehe. Whoopsies. What's that over there? (Leaves)

(In confessional)
Totodile: I don't mean to do it, I'm just really interested in learning about all these cool people.

Pichu: Hey Leafeon!

Leafeon: Oh, um, hey.

Pichuette: We're still twin pals right?

Leafeon: Um, definitely. (Sits next to them)

Glaceon: Hey where am I supposed to go?

Sylveon: Glaceon! Over here! (Glaceon moans)


Rhydon: Sooner or later, the flight takes off and makes its way to Canada. As does flight two. And in some time they finally arrive in Canada!

(Outside the airport)

Jolteon: Move, move, move!

Sylveon: Alright! I'm moving!

Vulpix: (Pichu bumps into her) Watch it! I just brushed my tail!

Pichu: Sheesh. (Rolls eyes) Sorry.

Totodile: (hyper) TAXI!!! (Gets a taxi and he and Popplio hop in) Here's the address driver. (The driver takes off)

Popplio: This is gonna be great! Just hope the syrup doesn't put us in a STICKY situation! (Laughs)

Totodile: (laughing too) Yeah! Hopefully it's not too syr-Cherubi! (Laughs) Get it? Like syrupy and Cherubi?

Popplio: (not really getting it, but still laughs) Oh yeah. I get it! (Pauses) Maybe we'll have to get syrup from a tree-co! (Laughs with Totodile when suddenly the driver shoves them out of the taxi) HEY! That wasn't nice!

(Team Confessional)
Popplio: How rude of that guy! My jokes are great and funny. The only person annoyed of them is Piplup, or so I think.

Totodile: Yeah. He wouldn't know comedy if it walked up to him and said hey, I'm comedy nice to meet you.

(At the maple syrup plant)

Jolteon: Sweet! First ones here! (Suddenly a Razor Leaf attack hits him) Ow! Hey!

Leafeon: Take that!

Glaceon: Nice one bro!

(In confessional)
Glaceon: Today's the day! I'm coming on top! The other contestants better watch out for me specifically today!

Glaceon: (Grabs tip) Hey it's another botch or watch.

Rhydon: Indeed it is!

Leafeon: (surprised) AHH! (Calmer) Dude. Don't do that again.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As I was about to say, who ever did not do the martial arts in China last time must complete this maple themed challenge! They will have to slide down this slide of maple syrup, sticky yet slippery, and have to grab a total of three maple leaf flags as they slide down. They do not have to get all three in one go however.

Leafeon: Okay Glaceon. You got this.

Jolteon: Hey! (The twins turn around) Don't you guys do that again!

Sylveon: Yeah! We are your siblings and you NEED to respect us. (The twins roll their eyes as the rest of flight one, minus the Jokesters, arrive)

Pichu: Yipee! It's my turn!

Pichuette: Why are you happy? This challenge looks kinda scary.

Pichu: Oh course you'd think that. Girl. (Pichuette tackles him)

Chikorita: Okay Chespin, you're up. (Chespin doesn't respond) Chespin?

Chespin: What? Oh! Um, nothing.

Vulpix: Oh no! Sandshrew your skin is gonna get all gross and sticky! I feel so bad, making you suffer through these hard challenges.

Sandshrew: Oh I'll be fine. My skin naturally repels dirt and such, I'm a ground type after all. How else do I dig in the ground easily?

(In Confessional)
Sandshrew: I mean this is a competition, you can't expect it to be an easy ride. (Pauses) What's that? Last time? Um well I was just playing it up for the camera clearly (sheepishly laughs)

Rhydon: (to camera) As teams begin to take on the first challenge, flight two has landed!

(At airport)

Weavile: HURRY! TAXI!

Machoke: Calm down. One will eventually stop!

Weavile: AHHHH! (Picks up Machoke and throws him at a taxi) YES! BYE BYE LOSERS! (Gets in the taxi)

(In confessional)
Machoke: (Holds ice packs to his face) Owww.

Buizel: Yes! Got a taxi! (Holds open the door) Buneary! Flaaffy! Want a ride?

Flaaffy: Sweet!

Buneary: Nope. We're good. (Gets her own taxi) Come on.

Flaaffy: What's the deal?

Buneary: I forgive Buizel and all, but I'm not gonna date him. He's well, you know... just not right.

Squirtle: Taxi! Over here! (Gets one)

Bulbasaur: Right on buddy!

Squirtle: Hurry up driver! I just can't wait to see what this challenge will be like!

(At the maple syrup plant; Pichu, Jolteon and Glaceon are shown sliding down a maple syrup slide uncontrollably and wildly)

Pichu: Woah! This is so much fun! It should be an amusement park.

Glaceon: Gah! I can't stand up!

Jolteon: I know what you mean! (Pauses) Hey a flag! (Tries to move) Ugh! I can't move over to get it! (Glaceon uses her "ear" like things on her head to grab one)

Glaceon: Oh yeah! In your face! (They reach the end of the slide) That was it?

Jolteon: Aw man! I'm all sticky and gross!

Pichu: Again! Again!


(In confessional)
Pichu: (scratching head) Okay, so maybe I forgot about the flags. The ride was just so fun! I forgot it was a challenge!

Pichu: Guess we take the escalator up.

Rhydon: (to the camera) After seeing what the challenge is like, teams start to adapt! (The screen shows Jolteon sliding on his feet like he is skating) Teams begin to get the rhythm down better and retrieve more and more flags! (Shows Chespin, Sandshrew and Glaceon with two flags and Pichu and Jolteon with one) But now more teams arrive!!! (The Jokesters, Athletes and Gamers arrive)

Weavile: Out of the way! (Grabs tip) Okay I'm up!

Machoke: Get those flags Weavile! (She begins but messes up) Oof.

Sylveon: Yikes. That looks painful. But Weavile IS a jerk so...

Popplio: Go Totodile! You can do it!

Totodile: Yeah! (Slides down head first and grabs a flag in his jaw)

Popplio: Way to go buddy!

Meowstic: (to Shinx) I'm gonna just go down and look at where the flags are first. Smart plan huh? (Shinx shrugs and Meowstic looks mad)

Sandshrew: (sliding down) Woah! Woah! (Sees a flag) Hmm.

Pichu: (sliding down) Yes! A flag! (He and Sandshrew go for the same flag and both grab it) Hey! Its mine!

Sandshrew: What? Look kid, I had it first.

Pichu: Who are you calling kid? (Uses Thunderbolt)

Sandshrew: Ha! I'm a ground type that won't affect me.

Pichu: Dang it. (Looks forward) Ugh oh! Look out!

Sandshrew: Like I'm gonna fall for- (slides into a tree branch)

Pichu: Yes! The flag's all mine!

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: (dazed) Ugh! I oughta kill that Pichu brat. Metaphorically of course.

Glaceon: (Uses Ice Beam to brake a tree branch with a flag) Oh yeah! Now that's how you do it.

Weavile: Hmm. Good idea! (Copies her technique)

Glaceon: Hey!

Totodile: Woo hoo! (Grabs a flag) Oh yeah!

(Back at the top, the rest of the teams arrive and begin the challenge)

Buneary: Alright Flaaffy! This challenge is all you!

Flaaffy: You know it! (Goes on the slide) Bring it on!

Buizel: Let's do this! (Jumps down) WAH!

Oshawott: Just be careful. (Walks over to Popplio) Oh, hey! How's it going?

Popplio: Oh, hey Oshawott. It's going pretty WAILMER! (Laughs)

Oshawott: (sheepishly laughs) Y-Yeah. Okay guess I'll just see you around then-

Popplio: If you wanna talk, we can talk Oshawott. What's up?

Oshawott: (shrugs) It's just... do you have any secrets on how you and Totodile get along so well?

Popplio: Hmm. I think it's just finding common ground. We both like jokes and positivity.

Oshawott: So you're saying I should try and find something similar between me a Buizel?

Popplio: Yep.

Oshawott: Okay, thanks for the advice. (Popplio nods)

(Somewhere by the slides start)

Vulpix: So yeah, Sandshrew was just that amazing yesterday!

Chikorita: And you said he seriously almost died?

Vulpix: Um, well, I exaggerated a bit... a lot... but still. He saved my butt. Anyways, how are you and Chespin.

Chikorita: Great except he was acting sorta weird earlier.

Vulpix: That's guys for you...

Chikorita: No no. Not like that. I mean, I mentioned something and he's seemed off ever since.

Vulpix: (raises an eyebrow) What? That's weird. (Chespin comes by)

Chespin: Hey. Three, count em, three flags.

Chikorita: Alright Chespin!

Chespin: Okay, let's get going. Let's try and finish early, I'm tired and kinda need a nap. (Pulls her with him)

Glaceon: All done Leafeon!

Leafeon: Awesome job! (They high five)

Weavile: Finished!

Machoke: Weavile you are amazing! (Picks her up and begins running) How'd you get them that quick?

Weavile: Eh. I stole one from that Pichu loser.

(At the bottom of the slide)


(Back at the top)

Squirtle: Woo hoo! Got them!

Shinx: Seriously? Didn't you just get here?

Squirtle: Well it's easy if your me. (Flashes back to him going fast in his shell and knocking down a bunch of flags with him)

Shinx: You do realize I couldn't see any of that.

Bulbasaur: Enough fourth wall breaking Squirtle. (Grabs him) Good luck Shinx. (Heads off)

(On the slide; Buizel, Flaaffy, Jolteon and Pachirisu are sliding on their feet)

Buizel: Woo hoo! Oh yeah! Feels like I'm surfing!

Pachirisu: (gasps) A flag!

Jolteon: That's way too high. You couldn't possibly- (Pachirisu flips off the nearby tree and grabs the flag) I'll shut up now.

Pachirisu: Go ahead. Cuz this girl has got skills.

Buizel: Well check this out! (Does a short back flip to grab a flag)

Pachirisu: Nice.

Flaaffy: This isn't a flipping contest. It's about the flags. (Leans to the left and then right to grab two flags) Like that.

Jolteon: (Grabs one) Yes! Finally I got my last one.

Flaaffy: Well played Jolteon. I'm gonna have to watch out for you.

(In confessional)
Jolteon: I don't know why, but I think Flaaffy might have a bit of a crush on me. Electric types often have a spark with one another I guess. Heh. I mean, I guess she's kinda cute.

Pachirisu: Yikes! A log! In the middle of the track!

Buizel: No prob. (Jumps over it but falls) Ah! This syrup is feels so sticky on my face.

Flaaffy: (chuckles) Top ten wipeouts. Number one. That.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As, finally, Jolteon completes the challenge, his other siblings and some others are arrive at the second one!

(At the second Rhydon Box)

Chespin: Sweet. It's the Rhydon Box. You want to get the tip?

Chikorita: No you get it. My family is all about fairness and I got the tip last time so... (Chespin wanders off) Chespin!? Where are you going!?

(In confessional)
Chespin; Ugh! It's so stupid! Why does she keeping bringing up that f word! (Sighs)

Weavile: (Pushes Chikorita) Oops. Gusss that means we get the tip.

Glaceon: Or us!

Machoke: Oh please, we whooped your stupid siblings. You'll be no different.

Bulbasaur: (Grabs tip) Sweet! We're first!

Squirtle: Ooh. It's an all in. (Reads the tip and then heavily gulps)

Leafeon: Well? What did it say?

Squirtle: We need to retrieve a golden ticket from a wild moose... and then bring it too the chill zone... (freaking out) WHICH IS ACROSS A TIGHTROPE  OVER NIAGRA FALLS!!!!

Bulbasaur: Oh god. Oh jeez. A fall from that height will kill us!

Chikorita: Dont worry Bulbasaur, it's over water.

Bulbasaur: (scared) Yeah! An impact from that height could still kill, and definitely hurt!!!

Machoke: While you wusses complain, I'm gonna go bag me a moose. Let's go Weavile!

Weavile: Bye! See you at the chill zone where we will be the winners!

(Back at the maple syrup plant)

Buneary: Did you get it?

Flaaffy: Sure did! (High fives)

Buneary: Nice going! Let's go!

(In confessional)
Buneary: I've been sidetracked as of late and now is my chance to really get back in this game and shine! Go team Contest Stars! (Pumps fist in the air) Woo hoo!

Totodile: All done Popplio!

Popplio: Alright! Now that's what I'm tal-KINGLER about! (Laughs and they leave as Sandshrew walks up with three flags)

Vulpix: Oh you poor thing! Let me help clean you up, I've got some paper towels.

Pachirisu: I'm finished Togedemaru. Get up and let's move already.

Togedemaru: (rolls eyes) Alright, alright.

(On the slide)

Meowstic: (to himself) Okay, you can do this. Let your psychic powers shine. (Uses Psychic to grab flags as he goes by) Sweet! It's working! (Grabs two more and makes it down) OMG! I did it!

Shinx: (from above) YAY!! Go Meowstic! (Meowstic takes the escalator up to Shinx) That was so cool.

Meowtsic: Thanks pal. Now we better go!

Shinx: Race you! I'm more Sonic than you are!

Meowstic: Oh its game on! (They leave)

Pichu: Ugh. Didn't get one.

Pichuette: Are you for real? You are being the worst brother! You're letting me down like crazy!

Pichu: HEY! You and I both have such small limbs it's hard. At least I'm trying okay.

Pichuette: Well try HARDER!!

Rhydon: (to the camera) As the Pichu Twins fight and struggle with each other, front runner teams are hunting down some mooses, or is it meese? I don't know, just cut to them already.

(By the moose field)

Machoke: Easy does it. (Grabs a moose) Ha! What a weak animal. (The moose kicks him in the crotch and he falls) Owwww.

Weavile: (facepalms) Guess it's up to me! (Runs over to the moose and jumps on its back) Give me that gold ticket! (Rides on his back for a while before snatching it) Yes! That's how it's done people! (Looks over to Machoke) Great, now I gotta deal with him. He better toughen up soon.


Glaceon: (whispering) If we're really quiet...

Leafeon: (whispering) Then we can sneak up on the moose. (They start creeping forward)

Sylveon: Hey guys!

Leafeon & Glaceon: AGGHHH! (The moose gets startled) Ugh oh. (The moose tramples all four Eeveelutions)

Sylveon: Ouch. That hurt. Bad!

Glaceon: (screams) UGH! You guys just ruined it for us!

Jolteon: No we didn't! You guys screamed, not us.

Glaceon: Well then you shouldn't of startled us. (They put their heads to one another both growling)

Sylveon: Cool it you two! That's enough. We'll just work together on this one okay?

Jolteon: Ugh. Fine.


Squritle: Okay, let's do this.

Bulbasaur: You go at it from the left, I'll take the right. (Squirtle nods) And... break!

Squirtle: Take this!!! (Uses Water Gun) What? It didn't do anything!

Bulbasaur: We forgot! Our attacks don't work on actual animals!

Squirtle: Um... I'm going to have to retract my initial statement. That Water Gun did do something.

Bulbasaur: What?

Squirtle: (Points at the moose) IT MADE HIM ANGRY!!! (The moose hits the two and sends them flying)

(At the maple plant)

Buizel: Oh man. Finally it's over. Sorry I took so long.

Oshawott: Really? You actually feel bad? That really n-

Buizel: Oh who am I kidding? I'm amazing. (Heads off and Oshawott frowns)

Oshawott: Or not.

Pichuette: (Yelling) PICHU!!! WE ARE THE ONLY ONES LEFT!!!

Pichu: (Yelling as he slides) OKAY! SHEESH! (To himself) I can't believe I'm messing this up! Ugh! Just need one more flag (almost reaches one) Nooooo! (Grabs another one at the end) Phew. Close one. (Takes escalator back up)

Pichuette: (tapping her foot angrily) Did you get it? (Pichu nods) Good. But I swear if we lose today I will HATE you FOREVER!!!

Pichu: (gulps) I tried my best. Okay? (They head off)

(In confessional)
Pichuette: Downside of being a twin, they can be your best friend one moment and worst nightmare another! Pichu just screwed this up and I honestly hope we don't lose because of it. (Pauses and sighs) Well, I guess I could of handled the situation better. Oops.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As the Pichu Twins hurry to reach the moose challenge and get out of last, more and more teams grab a ticket from the moose! (The screen shows the Eeveelution Twins, Eeveelution Siblings, Fashion Designers and New Friends getting their ticket) But it's still anybodies game!!!

(By a moose)

Flaaffy: Target spotted. Right over there.

Buneary: Great. (Pauses) So that's a moose?

Flaaffy: Wow. It actually looks kinda cool, but weird.

Buneary: Yeah, who even comes up with this weird, abnormal and different creatures?

Flaaffy: Who cares? Anyway, let's get the gold ticket. Look I know I'm the rough and tough one but I think I may need your help. Okay? (Sees Buneary is gone) What?

(Team Confessional)
Flaaffy: All I can say is I had no idea my favorite normal type had it in her.

Buneary: What can I say? We aren't going anywhere in this race! In terms of leaving that is, because we are going all over IN the race

Buneary: (kicks the moose in the face) Hiya! And that's not an actual move so it still works! (Bounces high and swiftly grabs the ticket)

Flaaffy: Awesome job partner! (High fives her)

(Somewhere else)

Mewostic: (covered in bruises) Okay Shinx, we need to be EXTRA careful this time.

Shinx: What is this? Attempt number seven? I'm getting tired of this!

Meowstic: Then actually get the ticket! Go!

Shinx: (charges at the moose) AAAHH! (Gets hit back) AHHHH!!!

Meowstic: (thinks) Hmm. Let's try the nice approach. (Walks up to the moose) Hey. How's it going? I'm Meowstic. (The moose starts eating grass) I like video games. You've ever played one? (Pulls out his DS and the moose stares at it) That's it... look at the screen (snatches the tip) Yes!!! (Grabs the DS and leaves)

(Team Confessional)
Meowstic: I can't believed that actually worked!!!

Shinx: Yeah. Ow. (covers his head a bit) I'm glad we got it eventually.

Mewostic: The other players better watch out. We may be gamers, but we might actually be one of the smartest teams here!

(On the tightrope of Niagara falls, Machoke walks carrying Weavile)

Weavile: The Gamers? They're as dumb as doorknobs. No threat at all.

Machoke: What about the Eeveelutions?

Weavile: The Eeveelution Siblings, (shrugs) probably. Not the scariest but I want them gone. Their siblings, the twins, on the other hand have no chance at winning.

Machoke: Well duh, it's gonna be us winning! (Pauses) So who's the biggest threat?

Weavile: I'd honestly have to say the New Friends, solely because of Pachirisu, Togedemaru is dead weight. And Squirtle has won Total Drama Pokémon before which makes him a threat.

Pachirisu: Hey! We heard you!

Weavile: Crud.

Pachirisu: (running along the tightrope) You gun for us, you'll wish you hadn't! We will take you out! Right Togedemaru?

Togedemaru: (struggling to keep balance) Huh? Oh, yeah, um, right.

Machoke: Ha! That partner of yours is nothing but dead weight!

Pachirisu. Don't you say that about him! (Togedemaru smiles) Even If that possibly may be the case you shouldn't say it. (Togedemaru frowns)

Wevaile: I'm tired of you. (Uses Ice Punch And Knocks her off)

Togedmaru: Noooo! Pachirisu! Oh that's it! (Tackles Machoke and the three of them fall, all screaming)

(Elsewhere along the tightrope)

Glaceon: Ugh! This is so impossible for four legged guys like us!

Leafeon: Its down right unfair!

Jolteon: Hey look. We're catching up to that team in front of us. (Points to the Fashion Designers. Sandshrew is carrying Vulpix)

Vulpix: Are you sure you're okay carrying me?

Sandshrew: (in pain) Oh yeah. D-definetly. N-not a problem.

Vulpix: Well keep up the good- Woah! Hey! (The Contest Stars jump over them)

Buneary: Sorry, But not totally!

Flaaffy: Nothing to it, a Feebas could do it! (The two quickly race across the tightrope) You know I'm not one to say this but, OMG! Could it be?

Rhydon: Congrats Contest Stars! (They step on the chill zone) FIRST PLACE!!!!

Buneary: (squeals) NO WAY! WE DID IT!

Flaaffy: Hell yeah we did! (Lifts Buneary in the air and they cheer)

Buneary: This is the best feeling ever!


Pachirisu: This is the worst feeling ever! Now we have to freaking restart! Come on Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: Yes ma'am. (Pachirsu grunts)

(Team Confessional)
Pachirisu: My teammate has been extra odd as of late and it's really getting on my nerves!

Togedemaru: Jeez. Sorry. I'm just dealing with other issues too you know!

Pachirisu: Well please try and get back to the old Togedemaru okay? The one who I'm friends with.

Chespin: Almost got it... (the moose whacks him away) AHH!

Chikorita: (sad) Chespin! (Gets mad) GRRRR! NOBODY DOES THAT TO CHESPIN! (Starts beating up the moose as the Cousims watch)

Buizel: Remind me to never get on Chikorita's bad side.

Oshawott: Noted.


Totodile: Finally we found a moose!

Popplio: But we still have to get that golden ticket. It's gonna be rock- ROUGH!!! (Laughs)

(In confessional)
Popplio. Oh man! That was a good one! Does remind me of Lycanroc, hope he's doing okay. Lycanroc if you're watching know I miss you and hope your doing well!

Popplio: I need to write that down!

Totodile: (kinda angry) Ugh! Popplio!

Popplio: What? Are you offended by my joke for some reason?

Totodile: No, but you're laugh might have been a tad loud. (The moose chases them and the tip falls off of it)

Buizel: (Picks it up) Sweet. Lucky day.

Oshawott: Phew. We don't have to deal with that scary moose now.

(At the chill zone)

Vulpix: Easy does it now Sandshrew. (He puts her down) Yes! Second place!

Sandshrew: We are so killing this race now!

Rhydon: I guess you could say that. Good job on second. And here comes third. (The Athletes arrive)

Machoke: Hmph. Fine. At least we're back in top three.

(On the tightrope; Sylveon is on Jolteons back)

Sylveon: (scared) GAH! We're so high up! HELP! IM GONNA DIE!

Jolteon: Its okay. We're almost there. Just hang in there.

Buizel: (carrying Oshawott) Out of the way! Coming through! (Passes them)

Jolteon: (To himself) It's all good. We won't lose, placements don't matter. Just focus on getting Sylveon safely to the chill zone. (Begins walking again)

(By the moose)

Pichuette: Come on Pichu! We're still way behind! You need to pick up the pace!

Pichu: Excuse me? You've been treating me terribly all day! I can't deal with it any more!

Pichuette: Ugh! Just- Let's get the stupid moose already! (Tries to get the ticket but misses)

Pichu: You're not listening! (Tries to grab but misses)

Pichuette: All I'm saying is we might lose because of you!!!

Pichu: That's it!!! WE ARE NO LONGER BEST FRIENDS!!! (Runs off in tears)

Pichuette: What a cry baby. (Watches Pichu cry) Oh... What have I done?

(In confessional)
Pichuette: (in tears) I'm a horrible Pokémon! I was so focused on winning I didn't stop to think about Pichu! (Cries heavily) AND NOW I COULD LOSE HIM FOREVER!!!

Pichuette: P-Pichu! I'm... I'm-

Pichu: Go away!!! (Runs off and Pichuette chases after him)

Pichuette: No! Stop!


Totodile: Okay, here we go again.

Popplio: But I'm sure we'll get it this time! If at first you don't succeed, try try Me-AGAIN-ium. (Laughs)

Totodile: Ssshh! (Covers Popplio's mouth) Phew. We're okay. (sneaks up and lunges and grabs the ticket) Yes! To the tightrope!

Popplio: Woo hoo!

(Team Confessional)
Popplio: That was amazing Totodile! Truly remarkable!

Totodile: I honestly don't even know how I did it! (Grins)

Bulbasaur: Finally we got the ticket. Thanks to my sneaky vine whip maneuver.

Squirtle: Aw man. Now we gotta walk the tightrope! There's no time to lose, just run and cross your fingers. (They head off)

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: While some times scramble to the tightrope, more team are arriving at the chill zone! Fourth place! (The New Friends team photo is shown) Fifth! (Team Boyfriend and Girlfriends photo is shown) Sixth! (The Eeveelution Siblings teams photo is shown) Seventh! (The Eeveelution Twins photo is shown) And just now, here comes another team.

Buizel: Almost there. (Arrives carrying Oshawott and puts him down) Alright we made it.

Rhydon: Cousins good job! You guys made it in eighth.

Buizel: Awe man. How is that good job?

Oshawott: At least it's an improvement from last time.

Rhydon: And the Gamers take ninth.

Meowstic: Phew. (Wipes his head) We are still in this.

Rhydon: And with that, only three teams remain!! (The Pichu Twins, Lifelong Friends and Jokesters are shown) The question is, who will we have to say goodbye at the end?

(On the tightrope)

Bulbasaur: Woah! Wha! Oh god, I'm gonna fall!

Squirtle: Calm down, regain your balance. It's all good. (Bulbasaur takes a few deep breaths) Good.

Bulbasaur: Thanks Squirtle. I can always count on you to calm me down.

Squirtle: No problem. Now let's hurry before we fall to our deaths!

Bulbasaur: (tightens up) And now you scared me again.

(Further back)

Totodile: Gah! Balancing is hard!

Popplio: Its okay, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually! (Laughs)

Totodile: Well how are you so good?

Popplio: My family circus remember? I've done the tightrope acts plenty of times! Check this out! (Starts juggling on the tightrope)

Totodile: Wow! Cool!

(In the forest)

Pichuette: Pichu! There you are!

Pichu: Just go away! I don't want- (Pichuette hugs him) Huh?

Pichuette: Pichu I'm sorry. I was so mean to you all day. Sometimes I take it for granted that I have a good little brother who lets me boss him around sometimes.

Pichu: I'm only younger by twenty minutes!

Pichuette: (Laughs) Yeah okay. Just, can you please please please forgive me?

Pichu: (sniffles) Yeah. Can you forgive me for messing up today? I'm sorry about that.

Pichuette: Don't be. Everybody makes mistakes. And I almost made the worst one ever.

Pichu: What's that?

Pichuette: Losing my best friend... you. (Pichu smiles and they hug when suddenly a moose goes by) Yeah.

Pichu: Dont worry! I've got it this time! (Jumps and grabs the ticket) Woo Woo!

Pichuette: Hurry! To the tightrope!

(Team Confessional)
Pichuette: The tightrope shouldn't be too big a problem for us.

Pichu: Yeah we've got tiny little feet which allows us to run super fast, no matter how thin the surface.

Rhydon: Whelp. You guys did it. Tenth place!

Squirtle: Yeah! Still in it! (High fives Bulbasaur)

Rhydon: Only two teams left! Who's gonna make it?!?

(On the tightrope)

Popplio: And... ta-da! Trick completed!

Totodile: Bravo! Bravo! That was so good.

Pichu: Outta the way! (Scurries past them)

Totodile: What? Oh no!

Popplio: Hurry!

Totodile: But I cant run!

Popplio: You're gonna have to try!

Pichuette: Oh we can't lose Pichu. I'd feel so bad.

Pichu: Just don't think. Just run!

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: Its gonna be a close one! It's... Its... (The camera zooms out) Just kidding. Totodile can barely stand and the Pichu Twins are here. You guys are safe! (They hug)

Pichu: We did it!

Flaaffy: (muttering) Wow. Are those two still in? They're kids.

Chikorita: Yeah but there's something special about them. Keep your eyes on them.

Totodile: (finally arrives) Oh thank Arceus! Hard, wide land!

Rhydon: Popplio and Totodile, you've arrived in last. (They frown) I'm sorry, but you've laughed your last laugh on this show. You're out.

Oshawott: Oh no! Popplio!

Popplio: Its okay. Totodile and I didn't come for the money, we came for the experience.

(Team Confessional)
Sylveon: Awe. I feel sooo bad for the Jokesters. They were so nice.

Jolteon: Yeah, but better them then us I guess. But I'll still miss them.

Sylveon: Bye Totodile. Bye Popplio. We'll miss you.

Totodile: So long everyone!

(Jokesters Elimination montage)

Popplio: Doing this race with my bestie Totodile has been an amazing experience! Quite Rhydonculous. (Laughs)

Totodile: We placed twelfth which is a new best for me so, YAY!!!

Popplio: We played fair, told jokes, and overcame so many challenges. We made it past a haunted house gosh dang it!

Totodile: I even survived a wacko mechanical bull! That was totally bull! (Laughs) But we conquered the biggest challenge of all, Piplup!! (They both laugh)

Popplio: This may be the end of our race but a beginning in of bigger and better friendship.

Totodile: Hey, wanna go to the book store? There's got to be loads more joke books in by now!

Popplio: You know me so well!

(End Montage)

Rhydon: That's that everyone! See you next time on this historic show that is... The Rhydonculous Race!

*** Thanks so much for reading everyone! As always comments are much appreciated I LOOOOVE getting them!

ALSO- my TDP trivia series is still going! Be sure to check that book of mine out to learn some stuff and facts on TDP

Anyways, special thanks to LittleLitten11 Darumaka25 __Glaceon__ Sean1153 SergeantSilver TheTheoryFroakie Catanzy FanboyMudkipz slothzilla124 Captain_Komodo Dedenne14 Hungreystories
UnderverseFanGirl Ash-greninjamaster Ghost_Trio DonalBuckley The_Parafin14

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