Makeup Or Breakup

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Rhydon: Last time, on The Rhydonculous Race, we got a visit from TDP veterans Snivy, Charmander and Chimchar! The destination was Italy and teams had to make it through the forest while avoiding shots of super spicy hot sauce. Then it was a race across the obstacle course! Togedemaru struggled with the Pichu Twins who may actually be doing him a favor. A new friendship between Eeveelutions Jolteon and Sylveon and Jokesters Totodile and Popplio was formed. In end the of the day, all looked lost for the Cousins, but they lucked out because Fortune Tellers Banette and Froslass actually kinda quit halfway through because their ice ball said they'd lose. So the Cousins got to stay, but for how long? Maybe they'll be eliminated tonight! Find out right now on... The Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and heavily winks at the camera)

(Theme song)

Rhydon: We are at Italy's chill zone, and the Eeveelution Siblings are about to take the first tip of the day.

Jolteon: You do it Sylveon.

Sylveon: Thanks brother. (Gets the tip) We're going to China! Cool!

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: China. Full of great walls, exquisite and unique cuisine, as well as many factories. Once teams arrive, they will head here, to a kung fu dojo.

(Back at the chill zone)

Sylveon: To the airport!

(At the airport)

Sylveon: Sweet! Our flight leaves in just ten minutes. Talk about perfect timing! (Jolteon nods)

(In confessional)
Jolteon: Sylveon is definetly the sweetest sister but I'm glad our flight is coming soon because she gets SO angry when it comes to waiting around. One time, my soccer game got delayed by 15 minutes so she just left!

Weavile: Good! We're on flight one. Prepare to go down Eeveelution dorks!

Jolteon: Look we don't want trouble-

Machoke: Ha! Don't you get it? We want trouble.

Sylveon: Ugh! Come on already! Stop being slow! (Grabs Jolteon and then boards the plane followed by the Athletes, Gamers, Lifelong Friends, Contest Stars, New Friends And Pichu Twins)

(On the plane)

Shinx: (whining) Meowstic! Please play Mario Kart with me!

Meowstic: Not now Shinx! Tonight we're putting our game faces on! (Shinx's face lights up) Er- I mean not the video game ones. (Shinx frowns)

Shinx: B-but why?

Meowstic: We entered this to race, not to play video games. I think we should talk strategy today.

Shinx: Ugh.

Quagsire: (over the intercom) Attention everyone this is a full flight so please fill in all available space. There are no more seats together.

Togedmaru: Crap. Are you kidding me?

Pachirisu: Quit complaining and find an open seat.

Bulbasaur: One of you can sit next to us. (Togedemaru does so) So... hey!

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Wow, guess that means we're best friends now.

Squirtle: (mutters) Jeez, what kind of berry is he having a reaction to?

Togedmaru: Whatever, I mean, this flight won't be so bad. (Suddenly his seat starts moving) Ow! What?

Pichu: Stop that Pichuette!

Pichuette: Ugh, I'm just reaching over you! Shut up! (They both kick the seat as Togedemaru moans)

(In Confessuonal)
Pichuette: What? I'm a kid. A kid with a brother that is your best friend fifty percent of the time and your worst enemy the other fifty percent. (Pauses) It's just being a twin.

Pachirisu: (taps Shinx's shoulder) Excuse me, could I sit here?

Shinx: (Looks directly at her) Uhhhh...

Meowstic: I believe Shinx is trying to say yes.

Pachirisu: (weirded out) Um, alrighty then. (Sits down)

(Team Confessional)
Meowstic: Dude, what's wrong with you?

Shinx: I don't know, whenever I see Pachirisu my heart just starts... racing. It's weird.

Meowstic: Wait a second do you... like her!?!?

Shinx: What? No. (Pauses) At least I don't think so.

Meowstic: Well I'm proud of you! Finally starting to take an interest in something other than video games. Like I say, it's a balanced life

Meowstic: So yeah, Shinx and I were gonna talk strategy. We need to focus more on, you know, winning.

Pachirisu: Well, duh, yeah. You gotta focus to win. (Pauses) You like video games right? So just picture all the video games you can buy if you win! Design even.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Meowstic saved me on that snow mountain a while back. I owe it to him to at least be nice and supportive.

(In the airport)

Vulpix: I can't believe we're going to China! It's such a cool place!

Sandshrew: I definetly need one of those sensei hats! Um... or is that Japan I'm thinking of?

Vulpix: It doesn't matter. It'll still be a great time. (A phone buzzes)

Sandshrew: Oh! That's my girlfriend texting me!

Vulpix: Oh yeah, I haven't heard much from Kirlia in a while.

Sandshrew: Yeah shes the best. Can't wait to send her some souvenirs from these places.

(Somewhere else in the airport)

Oricorio: China should be rather unique. Can't wait to see Buizel there.

Bellossom: Oricorio, you need to stop this okay? He's just a dumb boy! We're the team here!

Oricorio: What? But he obviously likes me! (Bellossom scratches her arms) Oh, so you think he doesn't like me?

Bellossom: I didn't say that... but I don't want to see you get hurt.

Oricorio: Unbelievable! Hmph.

Rhydon: While Oricorio and Bellossom try to settle their differences, flight two boards and flash forwards a few hours... and flight one is now in China!

(Outside the airport)

Buneary: Taxi! (Flags one down) Yes! Still got hops.

Flaaffy: Nice job.

Buneary: Your leg doing better today at all Flaaffy?

Flaaffy: Yep! And I'm ready to kick some butt!

(Team Confessional)
Flaaffy: I'm gonna go SO aggressive today! WHAM!! Those teams won't know what hit em.

Buneary: (extends arms out) Okay, but let's not get to carried away. We're not about to cheat.

Flaaffy: I mean... maybe if we have to... (Smirks as Buneary narrows her eyes)


Buneary: No, no, no! We're gonna be so far behind now. Guess we can just wait. (Both angerly cross their arms)

(At the dojo)

Mewostic: Yes! Let's grab the first tip!

Weavile: Oh I don't think so! (Goes to use Ice Punch)

Pachirisu: Stop right there! (Tackles Weavile)

Meowstic: (Grabs a tip) Thanks Pachirisu.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: They're my friends so I had to help. That and I was itching for a good battle! YES!

Weavile: Grrr. I'll have that noted for later stupid squirrel.

Shinx: Its a botch or watch. Wait, whose turn is it?

Meowstic: It's yours bud.

Rhydon: (to the camera) In this challenge, whoever didn't ride the bull all the way back in Texas, must successfully spar against Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan, the martial arts masters here. Then either of the two fighting types will hand them their next tip.

Chespin: Guess you're up Chikorita.

Chikorita: (Nervously) Y-yeah. I can do this.

Jolteon: (To Sylveon) I'll coach your through it. Like with Leafeon's track and field competition.

Pichu: Awe! NO FAIR! Pichuette gets a super fun challenge!

Pichuette: No! Fighting is icky.

Pichu: But you still gotta do it sis! We can't lose.

Pichuette: (rolls eyes) Yeah, yeah.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As the selected team members begin the challenge, flight two has officially landed!

Totodile: Taxi! Please! Over here!

Popplio: There are so many cabs! Why won't any of them stop?

Totodile: I got this! (Stands in the road)

Oshawott: Huh? Totodile what are you doing? (Totodile jumps on the windshield of a car and it stops)

Totodile: WOOO! Got it! Yeah!

(In confessional)
Popplio: Seeing Totodile like that gives me an awesome idea! Maybe he could be a stunt guy at my circus! How perfect is that?

Buizel: Oshawott let's go!

Oshawott: But Totodile could be hurt.

Buizel: I know you care, and I do a little, but we don't have time for that. (They get in a taxi and multiple ones are shown speeding off)

(Back at the dojo)

Hitmonlee: (finishing demonstration) So that is how you spar for your tip.

Hitmonchan: Who would like to go first?

Machoke: Me. I so easily got this.

Hitmonlee: Right, So- (Machoke uses Dynamic Punch and knocks him down right away) I'll just take my tip. Thank you.

Weavile: Nicely done Machoke!

Machoke: See you later losers! (They head off)

Pichu: Woah! That was so cool! I wanna be like him when I grow up!

Meowstic: So you wanna be a jerk?

Sylveon: Um... I'm not so sure about this... (gets hit) Hey! I wasn't ready!

Togedemaru: Ha! Like a weak fairy type like you could be strong.

(In confessional)
Sylveon: I hate, hate, hate it when people put me down. Those nasty thoughts inside just start to rise until... I WANNA ANNIHILATE THAT LITTLE PUNK AND SHOW HIM WHO IS BOSS!!

Sylveon: GRRRR! (Beats Hitmonchan) YOUR NEXT! (Hits Togedemaru)

Jolteon: Woah there Sylveon. Settle down.

Sylveon: LET ME AT HIM!!!!

Jolteon: Happy thoughts remember? (She calms down) Good girl.

Sylveon: Sorry about that. (Helps Togedemaru up)

Togedemaru: Ughh (lies there dazed)

Shinx: I can't do it!

Meowstic: Come on! Channel your inner Ryu!

Shinx: I thought you said no video games remember? (Mewostic rolls eyes) Fine! Here I go! (Just stands there doing nothing)

Pichu: Uh, dude are you okay?

Shinx: How do I do the input for haduken again? (Meowstic facepalms)

Pichuette: Take this! (Uses Thunderbolt) Yes a direct hit!

Pichu: Keep it up sis! You can do it! (She eventually wins) Woo hoo!

Pichuette: (Grabs tip) Thank you very much. (Does a little curtsy)

Pichu: Wait, did the other teams even read their tips? (She shakes her head no) Guess we better so the audience at home knows what's next.

Pichuette: Stop breaking the fourth wall!

Pichu: NO YOU STOP! (They fight for a few seconds before abruptly stopping like twins do)

Pichuette: Head to the Chinese restaurant for some authentic eating.

Pichu: Okay lets go!

(Flight two and the Contest Stars arrive at the dojo)

Squirtle: Hurry Bulbasaur! The other teams are here!

Bulbasaur: What do you think I'm doing?

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: Squirtle may be my best friend, but he can be a tad oblivious from time to time.

Buizel: (gets tip) Oh boy...

Oshawott: What is it?

Buizel: You have to fight.

Oshawott: WHAT!? NO! I c-can't fight. I'm not good at that.

Glaceon: Well, then sucks to be you guys.

Leafeon: I'm going in Glaceon wish me-

Glaceon & Leafeon: Good luck! Jinx! Twin telepathy.

(In confessional)
Leafeon: Man oh man having a twin is great. Guess only Pichu and Pichuette can relate to that.

Buneary: Take this! (Goes to attack but gets hit back) Oof. Ouch.

Flaaffy: Come on! Hurry it up! (Buneary glares) I mean keep going! You can do it!

Chespin: Go Chikorita!

Popplio: You can do it Totodile!

Sandshrew: OMG! Vulpix that guy just insulted your fur! Said you don't use conditioner.

Vulpix: WHAT!?!? GRRRR!!! (Beats her opponent)

Squirtle: Woah. Vulpix has got some fight in her. (Looks to see Bulbasaur trip his oppenent with vine whip)

Bulbasaur: Oh yeah! That's how it's done!

Vulpix: Holy Miltank! I did it!

Sandshrew: Sure did girl!

Vulpix: And I ALWAYS use conditioner. Gives my fur that smooth and stylish quality. (Grabs tip) Uh...

Sandshrew: Well, What does it say?

Vulpix: We have to eat disgusting food!

Sandshrew: (over dramatic) NO! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!

Vulpix: (tears up) Why life? Why do you have to be so hard?

Bulbasaur: Um, there there?

Squirtle: We'll walk and talk with you guys. It's been a while Vulpix. Last we spoke our team lost the challenge and you had to jump out of the plane. (They head off)

Lefeaon: Razor Leaf! (Uses It) And... Leaf Blade! (Hits Leaf Blade and wins) Woo hoo!

Pachirisu: Seriously? There goes another team! Togedemaru... WHY CANT YOU GET THIS?

Togedemaru: What? I've never been a good battler.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Its just the worst. Forced to watch as your teammate struggles and you can't do anything to help! Ug! I'm so screwed.

Bellossom: Petal Dance! (Knocks opponent out) Score one for the dancers!

Oricorio: Magnificent job!

Bellossom: Thank you very much. (Twirls)

Shinx: (hits with Thunder Fang) YAY! I WON!

Pachirisu: (rolls eyes) Ugh. Togedemaru, you better go quicker.

Togedemaru: Hey! I'm trying my best here!

(At the restaurant)

Weavile: Yes! There is it! (They walk in) First place all the way!

Pichu: (makes a noise) Ahem?

Machoke: Are you serious? Those babies and Eeveelution Siblings caught up to us?

Pichu: Hey who are you calling babies?

Pichuette: Yeah! Pichu hasn't had an accident in, like, two months. (Pichu looks embarrassed)

Rhydon: Settle down everyone. Now take a seat. And eat your meal for you next tip. (Hands out plates of gross looking Chinese food)

Jolteon: (stomach rumbles) Suddenly I don't feel so good.

Machoke: I'll eat anything. (Pauses) You dont think their are fats and carbs in this? I need to stick to protein.

Pichuette: Well at least it isn't broccoli. (Goes to take a bite as Pichu watches in fear)

(In confessional)
Pichu: That's one thing about my sister. She can be fearless as heck sometimes! It's so cool!

Pichuette: (swallows) Ugh. (Fake smiles) Um, yum? Your turn Pichu. (The Fashion Designers and Lifelong Friends arrive)


Sandshrew: Settle down. It'll be okay.

Sylveon: Jeez. Overreact much? Can't be that bad. (Eats a bit and then vomits)

Sandshrew: AH! PUKE GREEN! SUCH AN UGLY COLOR! (The Fashion Designers continue freaking out as the other teams slowly eat their dishes)

Rhydon: As Vulpix and Sandshrew continue panicking and rioting like a meteor is about to hit the globe, more teams have completed the dojo challenge. (The screen shows the Jokesters and Boyfriend and Girlfriend getting
tips) Only three teams remain.

(At the dojo)

Buizel: Oshawott you gotta man up!

Oshawott: I'm nervous. And I'm letting you down.

Buizel: Yeah. You kinda are. (Oshawott frowns)

Buneary: Wow. Buizel you really know how to be a selfish jerk.

Buizel: (surprised) What? B-Buneary? I wasn't trying to be like that...

Oshawott: Thanks. (Closes his eyes and then unleashes attacks) What? I did it!

Buneary: Now it's my turn! I'll channel my inner Flaaffy!


Buneary: Hi-ya! (Lands a Jump Kick followed by two Pounds) And that's how it's done.

Buizel: Wow Buneary that was pretty cool.

Buneary: (rolls eyes) And I'm ignoring. (Louder) Did you thank your partner?

Oshawott: (upset) Yeah!

Buizel: Oh sorry, thanks Cous... BUNEARY WAIT UP!

Pachirisu: (tapping her foot) Togedemaru we are officially in last place!

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: That's it. I've officially failed her. God why am I so stupid? Ugh! (Hits himself)

(At the restaurant; the Gamers, Eeveelution Twins, Dancers and Jokesters arrive)

Glaceon: (muttering) Please don't talk to us Jolteon. Please don't say anything!

Jolteon: (loud) Hey guys!

Glaceon: Dammit! (Jolteon walks past her) Huh?

Popplio: Oh hey Jolteon! WATER you up to? (Laughs as many others cringe)

Jolteon: (gives a fake laugh) We're doing alright. Just wanted to say good luck and thanks for yesterday again.

Popplio: Oh no problem. Good luck to you, mew-TOO! (Laughs again)

(Team Confessional)
Glaceon: What is this? Jolteon suddenly thinks he doesn't need us?

Leafeon: Glace, I think your overreacting.

Glaceon: Oh I am no Fashion Designer! We need to make a friend to stick it to him. I know just who.

Glaceon: Hey! Twin buddies!

Pichuette: Um, hey? Who are you guys again?

Leafeon: Um, we're the Eeveelution Twins? Remember? Mind if we sit next to you.

Pichu: (stops eating) Ugh! I can't take any more...

Pichuette: GET BACK IN THERE! (Slams his face down in the food) Dont you just love being able to control your brother?

Leafeon: Oh, well we are mature. We don't do things like- (Glaceon slams his head down)

Bellossom: Ugh... this is sooo vile.

Meowstic: Tell me about it.

Machoke: YES! THATS IT! DONE!!

Weavile: Oh yeah! Suck it moron teams! You are all losers and we're- (She and Machoke both begin throwing up)

Shinx: Ha! Shows those big bullies right. (Yelling) GET REKT MATES!!! (Pauses) Sorry, was in the zone.

(Back at the dojo)

Togedemaru: I can do this... Pachirisu is counting on me! (Uses Zing Zap) Yeah! Take that! (Dodges his punch and hits him again) Yes! I did it!

Pachirisu: (rolls eyes) It's about time.

Togedemaru: Look I'm sorry...

Pachirisu: I don't care what you are. (Angrily) You NEED to start pulling your weight. (Softer) Look, you're my friend but maybe we aren't as compatible as I once thought. (Togedemaru genuinely frowns)

(At the restaurant)

Vulpix: No Sandshrew! Don't do it!

Sandshrew: Someone's gotta... (takes a bite) Ew! Ew! Get it off my tongue!

Vulpix: That's it! We're quitting!

Chikorita: Serious? Gonna give up a million big ones just because of food?

Vulpix: Um, yeah. Was I not clear?

Sandshrew: No! I will fight for us Vulpix!

Vulpix: What? No! Sandshrew you may not come back alive.

Sandshrew: That's a sacrifice I'm gonna have to make (starts eating again as Vulpix cries as if Sandshrew is going off to war)

Chespin: Man those two are quite the characters. Fun to be around. (Begins to eat) Meh. Not too too bad. Could use some nuts. (Continues eating)

Flaaffy: Okay Buneary we got this.

Buneary: (nods) Uh huh. Let's go.

Oshawott: Buizel I have a weak stomach.

Buizel: (not really paying attention) Uh huh. Okay cool. (Oshawott looks confused)

Totodile: Hey! This food isn't that bad! (Gobbles it all down) Delicious.

Popplio: Woah. Are you okay?

Totodile: Yeah I'm fine. When I was a kid I had this weird phase where I'd eat lots of gross things like- (Popplio covers his mouth)

Popplio: Okay, pretty sure no one else wants to hear the rest of that one.

Pichu: Yes! We're done! (belches loudly) Oops.

Pichuette: (Grabs tip) Ooh! It's an either or. Make it, or make up!

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: In this either or challenge, competitors will first leave the restaurant and come to the neighboring building. They will than have to either successfully make a Chinese dragon or successfully apply make up and an outfit for a geisha. Geishas are typically Japanese, but it's becoming more of thing now than ever in China, as in fact that's where the name originated in. There will be twists I'll reveal once they arrive.

(Back at the restaurant)

Pichu: Okay lets go. (They run off)

Popplio: After them! (They leave with the Athletes following)

Leafeon: (swallows) Well so much for making friends with the Pichu Twins. (Pauses) Eww gross!

Glaceon: Yuck! (Pauses) Well at least Sylveon's new friends left too.

(Elsewhere in the restaurant)

Oricorio: That's it! Just a bit more Bellossom! (Sees Buizel and Buneary together) What?

Bellossom: Ugh! This is so so bad (vomits) Sorry. Oricorio?

(In confessional)
Bellossom: I couldn't believe it! Oricorio just left me! AGAIN! She's a good friend and all but I really miss Treecko at times like these. He wouldn't leave me alone.

Bellossom: (to herself) Okay, you can do this. (Starts to slowly eat again)

Oricorio: (to Buizel) Oh, what have we here?

Oshawott: (mutters) Here we go again.

Oricorio: Mind if I help you out?

Buizel: Um, yeah I mind. That's cheating! I'm not gonna get hit by a penalty because of you!

Oricorio: Fine then... (walks away but then hits Buneary's head into the gross food) Whoops.

Flaaffy: (yelling) Yo!!! What was that for? (Oricorio ignores) Oh it is on! (Jumps across the room and tackles Oricorio to the ground)

Buneary: Oh snap.

Oshawott: Ah! Confrontation! Again! (hides)

Buneary: Flaaffy I'm coming! (Goes over)

(Elsewhere in the restaurant)

Shinx: Meowstic, I cant eat anymore.

Mewostic: (to himself) Ugh. I can't do this by myself. (Louder) Well fine, guess you aren't a hero like Link or Mario. But that's okay.

Shinx: What? B-but at least I tried.

Meowstic: Did Link just TRY to save the princess? No. He DID it!

Shinx: No! I'm letting Link and Mario and all those other guys I look up to down.

Sylveon: (butting in) You know they aren't re-

Shinx: LOOK OUT WORLD! A NEW HERO IS BORN AND HE IS SHINX!!! (Starts eating with Meowstic) I'm coming princess! (They finish)

Meowstic: Done! (Pauses) You know, that didn't taste that bad since we ate fast.

Shinx: Do you think Link is proud of me?

Meowstic: Definitely. You may not carry a sword or a fire flower, but your a hero to me.

Shinx: Thanks Meowstic. Gamers forever! (They high five) But... I mean... Gamers, who still focus on the race and outdoor activities. (Embarassly  Laughs)

Jolteon: (vomits) Okay. That was vile. But we are done.

Glaceon: (belches) Yes. Done. We are catching up.

Chespin: And... finished!

Chikorita: Amazing! Let's get the tip and go! (She and Chespin pass The New Friends on the way out)

Pachirisu: Are you kidding me!?!? We need to hurry Togedemaru! Go! Go! Go!

Rhydon: As the Gamers, Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Eeveelution Twins and Eeveelution Siblings head off to the next challenge, the three front runner teams are at the either or.

(At the Chinese grand temple)

Pichuette: Woah! This place is beautiful!

Pichu: Beautiful? I'd use the word cool.

Pichuette: Oh shut up! Stop disagreeing with me! (They fight for a few seconds before stopping) So which challenge?

Pichu: I dunno. You pick.

Pichuette: Let's do the geisha challenge.

Pichu: Okie dokie then. (They head off)

Weavile: Chinese dragon.

Machoke: Do I get a say in this?

Weavile: No!

Popplio: Let's do the dragon! It'll be a pulsating experience! (Laughs) Get it? Like dragon pulse!?

Totodile: Oh I totally do! (Laughs)

(At the dragon challenge)

Rhydon: Hey guys, so here's the catch. You gotta build your Chinese dragon using these colored scales. (Holds one up) The catch is, they are over there! (Points to the opposite side of the room) So you will have to run down, and grab a bunch, and then come back, all while avoiding these decorative golden dragons that shoot fire!

Totodile: (enthusiastic) Alright! That sounds great! I can't wait to- (fearful) Wait... did he say fire?

Rhydon: Yes. Yes he did.

Totodile: I was afraid of that.

(Back at the restaurant)

Sandshrew: (throwing up) Oh my goodness. I'm afraid I'm gonna throw up some organs or something!

Vulpix: Oh Sandshrew! You are so brave! (Hugs him)

Sandshrew: Thanks Vulpix, but I'm not done yet. (Goes back to eating) Gah! Oh. This is so bad! Ah!

Vulpix: Stay strong Sandshrew!

(In confessional)
Vulpix: I cannot believe how brave Sandshrew is. He is- I mean-... Well I can't thank him enough. He is so my hero.

Bellossom: Ugh. (Vomits near Vulpix)

Vulpix: AHHH!! (Starts running around) Did it get on me? Please tell me it didn't!!! AHHH!!!

Bellossom: S-sorry! (Looks over to see Oricorio battling Flaaffy) What's going on?

Oricorio: Fire Blast! (Uses it but misses) Dammit!

Flaaffy: Oh your messing with the wrong Pokémon! (Uses Wild Charge and hits her)

Buizel: OKAY ENOUGH!!! (They both stop)

Buneary: (Helps Flaaffy) Thanks for standing up for me. But for future reference, I can handle myself.

Buizel: You know what, this has been going on for too long now!

Buneary: What has?

Buizel: The fact that I liked and kissed both you and Oricorio.

Buneary: Are you kidding me? We're still on that drama? Please! (Quickly finishes food) Come on Flaaffy lets get out of here!

Flaaffy: You? Being aggressive? (Happily) I love it! (They leave)

Oricorio: Guess that means its us Buizel. (She walks over as Oshawott holds up an empty bowl)

Buizel: Let's go. (Pushes Oricorio aside and leaves)

Oricorio: What? Grrr. I'm not gonna take this!

Squirtle: (stands up on table) Yeah baby! We're done! (Looks around) Oops. Sorry. Why's it all serious in here?

Bulbasaur: Ugh. Embarrassed by my best friend yet again. (The remaining teams leave except for the New Friends and Fashion Designers)

Togedemaru: Don't even say it! I'm hurrying!

Sandshrew: Yes! Done!

Vulpix: Are you hurt? Did it stain you?

Sandshrew: I'm perfectly fine Vulpix. Well, not really... I puked like twenty times. (Pukes again) Twenty-one.

(Team Confessional)
Sandshrew: I may have struggled but I conquered that challenge!

Vulpix: Yes you did! Hey, we should make t shirts that say, I conquered the gross food of China!

Sandshrew: (is about to barf) Okay, too soon to talk about that.

(At the next challenge)

Glaceon: Make it!

Sylveon: Ooh! Makeup! Definitely!

Shinx: Make it!

Chikorita: Makeup!

(At the Makeup challenge)

Chespin: Hey it's the twins .

Pichu: Oh hey. Rhydon just told us the challenge in full details.

Rhydon: Ugh. And now I gotta do it again.
(Sighs Heavily) So basically, one of you has to apply the makeup to the other, then the other has to walk down the runway while avoiding tomatoes being thrown at them. Make it to the end with perfectly done make up and you can head to the chill zone, which is where I'm headed. Later. (Leaves)

Pichuette: (laughs) Guess you'll be wearing the makeup!

Pichu: What!?!? NO!

Pichuette: Well can you apply it? (He shakes his head no) Well then you'll have to take one for the team.

Chikorita: Yeah... ditto that Chespin.

Chespin: Its cool. I won't be embarrassed.

(In confessional)

Leafeon: I can do the makeup. I did Espeon's for her school play remember?

Chikorita: (begins applying makeup) Okay so I move the brush like this... than this...

(Back at the Rhydon Box)

Squirtle: Makeup? No way! We'll do the dragon.

Flaaffy: Definitely the dragon. I ain't doin no frilly girlie stuff.

Bellossom: Dragon.

Oshawott: Dragon. (The four teams head off)

(At the dragon challenge)

Weavile: Machoke! Get more blue ones!

Machoke: On it! (Runs downs picks some up) Okay, got some blue. (Stars running back but gets hit by the fire) AHHHH! HOT! (The scales burn)

Weavile: No!!!

Oshawott: (comforting) I'm sure he'll be okay.

Weavile: Oh I couldn't care less about Machoke. I'm just mad he ruined those scales. (Oshawott backs away)

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Yeah... Weavile scares me... a lot.

Popplio: (dodging flames) Woah! Wha. Yes! Made it!

Totodile: I finished the face. How are his teeth?

Popplio: They look pretty FANG-tastic to me! (They laugh)

Oricorio: Oh brother. The cringe factor is off the charts.

Meowstic: Shinx let's analyze the path of the flames first, then-

Shinx: CHARGE!!! (Runs ahead)

Meowstic: Dude wait!

(At the Rhydon Box)

Sandshrew: Whats the tip say?

Vulpix: (faces lights up) YES! THERE IS A MAKEUP CHALLENGE!!! It's got a geisha dress and everything!

Sandshrew: No way! Thats so up our alley! We got this!

(At the makeup challenge)

Glaceon: Leafeon stop that! What are you doing?

Leafeon: Trying to put the makeup on but you keep moving so stop!

Sandshrew: (picks up a brush) Ready Vulpix? (She nods and he puts his game face on) Good. Here we go! (Applies the makeup super fast)

Pichuette: Woah! Holy cow!

Sandshrew: And done! (Vulpix is shown to have perfect geisha makeup on)

Vulpix: Its so perfect Sandshrew. Now it's my turn. (Begins walking down the runway)

Sandshrew: You can do it!

Vulpix: So far so good. (Ducks under a tomato and dodges more) Ha! This is not my first time avoiding stains. (Gets to the end) Yes! We did it!

Sandshrew: We are so the team to beat right now!

Vulpix: Well duh! Come on! Let's go to the chill zone!

Leafeon: Aw no fair!

Chikorita: A little more and... Chespin your done. (Hands him a mirror)

Chespin: GOOD GOD IM HIDEOUS!!! (Chikorita glares at him) N-no. It's not your fault, I just look bad in this is all.

Rhydon: As Chespin struggles with his new look, it seems the New Friends finally finished their food and have chosen the dragon challenge.

(At the dragon challenge)

Pachirisu: I'll get the scales, you build? Ready... break!

Totodile: So the red scale goes here and... ta-da! All finished. (Carries it to the judge who approves its)

Popplio: Yes!

Totodile: (jumping up and down) Yippee! We did it!

Popplio: Yeah and it looks incredible. Too bad it's too big to take home with us, this would make an awesome decoration. (They head off)

Bellossom: Okay Oricorio, these scales can go here.

Oricorio: Uh huh.

Bellossom: And then these go- (Oricorio walks off) HEY! Where are you going?

Flaaffy: (looking at her dragon) Not scary enough for me, but it's good.

Jolteon: Yeah. It looks nice.

Flaaffy: Thanks. Kind of you to say.

Jolteon: Hehe. Yep I'm the nice family member.

Sylveon: Jolteon, ours got approved! Let's go!


Buneary: Sheesh I'm coming! (Jumps over the fire) Woah. And she sticks the landing. (Running over to Flaaffy)

Oricorio: (mutters) Perfect. Oops. (Trips Buneary and she falls into her dragon)

Buneary: What? No! Our dragon is ruined!

Oricorio: How unfortunate.

Flaaffy: Nice going Buneary. You just costed us the game.

Buneary: I'm so, so sorry Flaaffy. I don't even know how I fell.

Oshawott: (to Buizel) You know that-

Buizel: Yes. Yes I do. (runs over to Buneary) It's not your fault.

Buneary: But I-

Buizel: Oricorio tripped you on purpose!!! Did you not see that?

Buneary: I guess I was caught up in the moment. (Gets angry) AND HEY! ORICORIO HOW COULD YOU!!?

Oricorio: All's fair in love and war. Enjoy your ride home.

Flaaffy: Grrrr. That's it! I'm gonna kill her! A murder live on T.V.

Buizel: Here, Oshawott and I will help you guys rebuild yours.

Buneary: Seriously? You'd do that after how cold I was to you?

Buizel: Yes. To be honest I deserved that. But let's start building. Oshawott I trust you got ours?

Oshawott: (gives thumbs up) You got it Buizel! (To himself) Yes! He trusts me finally!

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: Oh! Looks like here come some teams!

Totodile: There it is! The chill zone

Vulpix: Ooh Sandshrew hurry! We gotta beat them!

Rhydon: And first place goes to... (a team crosses the chill zone) THE FASHION DESIGNERS!!!

Sandshrew: OH MY GOSH YES!

(Team Confessional)
Sandshrew: We went through SO much today, so to win the leg feels amazing.

Vulpix: It took guts, determination and bravery for us to win today and we did just that. We made such a comeback today and I couldn't be happier.

Sandshrew: We conquered these hard challenges and won because of our fashion skills! If that's not an awesome accomplishment, I don't know what is! (High fives Vulpix)

Rhydon: Jokesters you guys take second. Great job.

Popplio: Alright! I had an Awe-SAMUROTT day today's (Laughs)

Rhydon: Ooh and what's this? Chespin and Chikorita you actually made it?

Chespin: Spiky shield works like a charm. Now can I please get this goop off my face?

Chikorita: Sweet! Back in the top three! (Hugs him)

Rhydon: (rolls eyes) Touching. Now get off my carpet because more teams are arriving! Fourth place to the Eeveelution Siblings! (Their team photo is shown) Fifth! (The Pichu Twins team photo is shown) Sixth (The Eeveelution Twins team photo is shown) And seventh for the Athletes! (Their team photo is shown) Only six teams left out there. They better crank it up a notch.

(At the dragon challenge)

Bellossom: Uh! Oricorio don't do that! I'm tired of you ditching me!

Oricorio: Sorry, But I've finally taken care of buisness. I'll stick to your side from now on.

Bellossom: Good. We still need more scales. (They run off) And twist jump! (They jump over the flames) Alright!

Oricorio: Magnificent!

Oshawott: So I put a red, a blue, a yellow and... yes! Buizel ours is done!

Buneary: Just go Buizel. I don't want you to lose becuase of us.

Buizel: So you do care about me.

Buneary: Um no, I'd just feel bad for Oshawott to lose this way. (Buizel facepalms)

Flaaffy: GAH! MY FUR IS ON FIRE!!!

Oshawott: I'm on it! (Uses Water Gun to put her out)

Flaaffy: Oof. Thanks man. (Oshawott just scurries away)

Togedemaru: Pachirisu, seeing as we might come home today... there is soemthing I need to tell you.

Pachirisu: No time lazy boy! (Pushes him down) I need to put scales here.

Togedemaru: Ouch. Good thing my spikes hold me up when I fall. Wait a minute...


Meowstic: Finally we are done! (Pachirisu runs by)

Shinx: Um yeah... (staring)

Mewostic: (Lying) Hey is that a limited edition NES classic,

Shinx: (snaps out of it) Where!?!? (Runs off)

Meowstic: Somebodies got a crush.

Squirtle: Woo hoo! Now that's a perfect dragon!

Bulbasuar: Oh man, we gotta hurry to the chill zone.

Squirtle: Hey! Look at Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: I'd appreciate if you didn't stare. (Runs carrying scales on his spikes, making him look like a rainbow patched ball) Here Pachirisu!

Pachirisu: (happily gasps) Yes! (Hugs him) You're the best! (Quickly finishes building) ALRIGHT! Now let's go!

Togedemaru: Can't I catch my breath?

Pachirisu: No!

(At the chill zone)

Rhydon: Lifelong Friends coming in eighth place!

Squirtle: Yes! Safe!

Rhydon: Gamers in ninth. New Friends in tenth.

Meowstic: Well we didn't do all that well, but the advice still helped. Thanks Pachirisu.

Pachirisu: Anytime. Now if you excuse me I've gotta talk strategy with Togedemaru. (Drags him off)

Rhydon: Its coming down to the wire now! Who is going to make it!?!?

(At the challenge)

Flaaffy: Woah! (Steps back and avoids fire) Close one. (Makes it back to Buneary) Okay, these are the last of the scales over there. Better be enough.

Buneary: Okay. All we can do is try.

(Team Confessional)
Buneary: Doing this race with Flaaffy means so much to me. I'll be devastated if we go home today.

Flaaffy: Same here partner.

Bellossom: Perfect! We're all done!

Oricorio: Tre Bein Bellossom. I'll go get the judge.

Flaaffy: I'm not going down this way! AHHHH! (Starts moving super quick)

Buizel: Woah. Look at her go!

Flaaffy: All Done!

Oricorio: Okay judge, here is our fabulous dragon. (Sees Buneary and Flaaffy's dragon) What!? How?

Oshawott: Excuse me judge, ours is done too. (The judge approves all of them)

Everyone: RUNNN!!!!

(The teams begin running to the chill zone in a tight race)

Oricorio: (to Buneary) Why can't you just go home already? Nobody likes you!

Buizel: That's a lie. Because I like her. And not you anymore Oricorio.

Buneary: Any dirty player like you deserves to go home. I only feel bad for Bellossom.

Bellossom: (oblivious) What are they talking about?

Oricorio: Ugh! Nothing!

Rhydon: Yikes! Gonna be close! Here they come! (The screen shows the three teams running) Cousins! You made it in eleventh!

Oshawott: Buizel were safe! Let's just hope Buneary is too!

Rhydon: Its... Its...

(A team crosses the chill zone)


Buneary: (outta breath) Yes! We. Did it!

Flaaffy: Now that's what I'm talking about! (Squeezes Buneary tightly)

Buneary: (to Buizel) Thank you again. For everything today.

Rhydon: And sadly, Dancers, you have come in last. You're out.

Bellossom: (Sighs) Oh no.

Oricorio: This show is rigged!

Rhydon: Yeah Yeah Yeah. Tell it to the camera crew.

(The Dancers Elimination Montage)

Bellossom: Doing this race was a good test of our dancing abilities and friendship too. Although we had LOTS of bumps, I still think we did alright.

Oricorio: Yes I agree. I'm sorry for ignoring you so much Bellossom.

Bellossom: Apology accepted. (Pauses) We had so many great times, like that dance challenge in Aruba!

Oricorio: And who could forget dodging those swinging axes in India? So deadly. But in the end, minus stupid Buizel and Buneary who I hope rot in hell together, it was great.

Bellossom: Yeah... Wait what did you say?

Oricorio: Um, nothing.

(End Montage)

Rhydon: That does it for this episode! See you next time on... The Rhydonculous Race!

**Thanks for reading everyone!! Longest chapter to date. Should be getting shorter soon.

Anyways, special thanks to LittleLitten11 Darumaka25 __Glaceon__ Sean1153 SergeantSilver TheTheoryFroakie Catanzy FanboyMudkipz slothzilla124 Captain_Komodo Dedenne14 Hungreystories
UnderverseFanGirl Ash-greninjamaster Ghost_Trio

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