Extra Sauce Please

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Rhydon: Last time on a Christmas special of Rhydonculous Race. Everyone was in the Chrismtas spirit, especially Squirtle. Well... almost everyone, except for the Athletes and Fortune Tellers that is. Speaking of which, the Athletes and team Boyfriend and Girlfriend got into a pretty big fight and wasted time during the cookie challenge. Also did the love triangle between Oricorio, Buneary and Buizel, they wasted time too. In the end, Pachirisu and Togedemaru took first, and everyone got to open Christmas presents. However, the Athletes took last and got nothing but coal, as it was a non-elimination round. But today will be different. Someone WILL be going home. Find out who, right now on the.... Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song)

Rhydon: Let's hop right to it you two. Grab a tip. (Pachirisu takes one)

Togedemaru: Just read it already.

Pachirisu: Ha! Like you'd do it faster! (They both smirk) We're going to Italy! Awesome!

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: Italy, a place known for its exquisite food, like pasta and pizza. Speaking of which, I still can't believe you can't get pizza at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's got pizza in the name. So stupid. Anyway, tangent aside, teams will race past the main city, to this forest here, where we've got something really awesome planned.

(Back at the chill zone)

Pachirisu: It also says we should take a snowmobile to the airport! Sweet!

(The screen cuts to the New Friends driving)

Pachirisu: Wooo who! Let's go!

Meowstic: Coming up on your right! (The Gamers pass them)

Togedemaru: What? How'd they pass us?

Shinx: Man, this feels like a real life Mario Kart thing.

Mewostic: Check this out! (Goes off a hill and the snowmobile flips) Woo who!

Pachirisu: Wow. Impressive.

Togedemaru: (mumbling) Pfft. It wasn't that cool looking. (The Lifelong Friends, Pichu Twins and Fashion Designers all come neck a neck to them) What?

Vulpix: Hey. (To Sandshrew) Alright keep it up! You got this!

Sandshrew: Thanks Vulpix!

Squirtle: GUYS LOOK OUT!!! (Everyone turns to see a tree in the path)

Pichuette: AHHH! PICHU TURN!

Pichu: IM ON IT! (Turns) Yes! We did it!

Pachirisu: What!? The Lifelong Friends are pulling ahead? How? I'm not gonna let Squirtle beat me again!

(At the airport, Squirtle and Pachirisu arrive at the front desk)

Squirtle & Pachirisu: Two seats on the next flight to Italy!

Quagsire: Okay. Here you go!

Squirtle: Guess we'll call this a tie.

Pachirisu: Guess we will.

Bulbasaur: Come on. Let's get good seats on the plane. I don't wanna get the pungent seats by the back. (The other first three teams arrive)

Pichu: Good point.

Bulbasaur: GAH! (Jumps) Oof. You startled me.

Pichuette: We sure did you- (says a swear word)

Bulbasaur: NO! Don't say that word, it's a bad word you two.

(In confessional)
Bulbasaur: Since when did I become babysitter slash mentor for these two? Ugh!

Squirtle: The plane's this way! Come on!! (The five teams board the plane)

Sandshrew: This is gonna be great! I wonder what Italy's fashion is like?

Vulpix: Ew. It's probably gross gladiator stuff.

Sandshrew: Guess we'll see when we get there.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As the the Fortune Tellers, Eeveelution Siblings and Eeveelution Twins get seats on the first flight only one pair of seats remains.

Chespin: Wow. We beat those other teams ahead of us.

Chikorita: Oh, but I feel bad. They all crashed in front of the airport.

Chespin: Well, I'd feel bad if I didn't get seats on this first flight so come on! (They enter the plane)

Rhydon: That leaves the Athletes, Jokesters, Contest Stars, Dancers and Cousins on flight number two and they aren't that happy about it.

(On flight 2)

Weavile: (to Machoke) Sitting on the loser plane totally bites.

Machoke: Well... I guess we should be thankful we're still in the game.

Weavile: (kicks the seat in front of her) HOW COULD WE BE SO WEAK!? UGH!!! (Pauses) We are changing our game. We are gonna have to play... dirtier!

Machoke: Whatever it takes to win. I'm gonna need to buy some new weights with the money. Cuz of this race, I haven't been to gym in a while.

Weavile: Good. So you're on board.

(Further up on the plane)

Oshawott: I'm sorry we didn't place well yesterday. (Buizel uses Water Gun on him) Uh, I see I'm back on the can't say sorry counter.

Buizel: Sure are.

(In confessional)
Buizel: I've spent so much time dealing with Oricorio and Buneary that I forgot my true partner, Oshawott. Time to get back to my main objective of toughening him up.

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Yeah, Buizel is like an older brother. (Narrows eyes) An older brother who thinks he has all authority over me.

Buneary: (watching a Contest on her computer with Flaaffy) O-M-G! This so good. It's a shame we've missed these.

Flaaffy: Yeah but competing in this race has been fun... except for as of late.

Buneary: Agreed. I feel bad about the whole Buizel drama going on. It's best if we just silently end it.

Flaaffy: That's my girl. (Pats Buneary hard)

Buneary: Ouch. (Flaaffy embarrassingly smiles) Ooh look! Braixen is up! She's amazing. We should take notes.

Oricorio: (peering from being the seat at them) Amateurs. (Sits back down) We are gonna make them lose tonight.

Bellossom: Oricorio, I think you need to calm down. Let's just enjoy the time on this show, you never know when it might end.

Oricorio: (sigh) You're right Bellossom. It's just seeing Buneary infuriates me!

Bellossom: Um... well... you could...

Oricorio: See? Even you don't know how I should handle this. (Stands up) I'm heading to the restroom.

Totodile: Just keep trying Bellossom. She'll understand eventually.

Bellossom: Thanks... (eyes widen) Wait have you been eavesdropping this whole time?

Totodile: What? Oh... (sheepishly laughs) Um, yes Popplio I'm coming.

Rhydon: (to the camera) As flight two still has a while of air time ahead of them, flight one has landed!!

(Outside the airport)

Sylveon: Hurry!

Jolteon: Taxi! (Flags one down) Oh yeah! First to the taxi! (Opens the door)

Glaceon: Thanks bro! (Jumps in, followed by Leafeon and then closes the door)

Leafeon: Hit it cabby! (The taxi speeds off)

(Team Confessional)
Leafeon: Sorry Jolts, but you made that one WAY too easy for us.

Glaceon: What can I say? Desperate times cause for desperate measures.

Froslass: Taxi!

Sandshrew: (to the cab driver) Past the Leaning Tower of Pisa and towards the forest please.

Squirtle: (to his cab driver) And hurry!!! We're in a race!

(The taxis are shown racing until all of them arrive at the edge of the forest)

Glaceon: Hurry and get the tip Leafeon.

Leafeon: (gets it) It's say wait for verbal imstructions. (Looks up) Oh brother.

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Yeah sure, cuz we totally have all day.

Pachirisu: Come on out Rhydon! You're wasting our time here!

Rhydon: (comes out) Okay, okay sheesh. Calm down Pachirisu. Looks like Togedemaru is rubbing off on you.

Pachirisu: What? Sorry, if I sounded rude, I just really want to win again.

Rhydon: That's more like it. Anyways, today is a... TOTAL DRAMA POKÉMON VETERANS DAY!!!!

Everyone: What!?

Rhydon: Allow me to explain... for today's challenge, you will be trying to make it to the other side of the forest. HOWEVER, if you get squirted by Italian hot sauce, you will face a huge penalty!!!

Meowstic: Hot sauce? How the heck would we be getting hit with hot sauce out there?

Rhydon: (pulls out a blaster) Hot sauce loaded water guns. And the people that will be shooting you... (a snake walks next to Rhydon)

Snivy: Hello Chespin. Everyone.


Snivy: Ha! Once a baby, still a baby Chespin.

Chespin: Hey! Do you wanna battle then? I've had it with dealing with you!

Chikorita: Easy Chespin. (Pulls him back) Easy now.

Bulbasaur: It's not like Snivy's a jerk who everybody hates. (Smirks) Oh wait, he is! (Snivy glares as Bulbasaur and Squirtle high five)

(Team Confessional)
Chespin: Snivy and I go way way back. He was a total villain. He lied and stirred up trouble, manipulated Chikorita, and was responsible for SO many people going home.

Chikorita: Yeah! But at least that snake got his karma in the end.

Rhydon: Okay, so yeah... you all know Snivy. And our two other hunters are ... Charmander and Chimchar!

Charmander: Sup!

Chimchar: Yeah, um, hey.

Chespin: (mumbling) And they'll start fighting in three, two, (points)

Chimchar: I'm totally gonna shoot more people than you!

Charmander: You wanna bet bub?

Rhydon: (cutting them off) Okay, you guys get a five minute head start. Then they'll come and hunt you down. Oh, and they have GPS's

Banette: HAHAHA!

Froslass: Sucks to be Chespin right now.

Chikorita: Hey! That's not fair!

Rhydon: Oh calm down. They only tell them where people are, not who they are. Now are you ready?

Vulpix: Wait! You never said what would happen if you get hit by the hot sauce!!!

Rhydon: Oh, thanks Vulpix. I totally forgot. If you get hit, you will have to complete an extra challenge at the end of the forest before heading to the chill zone.

Pichu: Yikes. That's a pretty big penalty then.

Rhydon: OKAY NOW GO! (Sounds the horn and everyone is off)

Snivy: Oh this is gonna be so much fun.

(Five minutes later in the forest a horn sounds)

Togedemaru: Crap. Looks like we better hurry.

Pachirisu: Okay, so... did we come from that way... or that way?

Togedemaru: (rolls eyes) Great. Five minutes in and we are already lost. (Hears rustling) Stand back!

Pichuette: Relax! It's just us.

Pachirisu: Phew. You guys scared us.

Pichu: Hey! How about we work together!?

Togedemaru: Hey! How about you (angrily) get lost!

Pichuette: (sparks fly from her cheeks) Oh yeah! Well it's blackmail time again! Pachirisu, Togedemaru-

Togedemaru: FINE! You can come. (Mutters a few curse words)

Pachirisu: Lighten up Togedmaru. They're cute, and fun. Something you can learn how to be!

Pichu: Okay then, follow me!

(Somewhere else)

Shinx: Oof. It's so hot.

Meowstic: Just keep pushing Shinx.

(Team Confessional)
Shinx: As gamers, we are far from being athletic.

Meowstic: We may not have huge muscles or high stamina but we do have... um, what do we have again?

Shinx: WE HAVE HEART! (Wraps his arms around Meowstic) And that's what matters during times like these!

Charmander: (jumps out) Freeze dirtbags!

Meowstic: Ah! Runnn!

Shinx: Please. Your no more than a mere koopaling.

Charmander: Excuse me? What'd you say to me? (Pauses) Prepare to eat hot sauce! (Shoots but Shinx dodges)

Shinx: Okay Shinx, use Thunder Fang! (Hits Charmander) Ya Yeet!

Charmander: (Gets up) Oh yeah, well I'm not- (gets Paralyzed)

Meowstic: Nicely done! That was... amazing Shinx!

Shinx: Wow... I- I- I DID IT! Look out world! Here comes Shinx! (Runs into a tree) Uh...

Meowstic: (grabs him) Never mind that. Time to go before Charmander recovers.

(Somewhere else)

Banette: So... what's the Ice ball say today?

Froslass: It's says... try all you want but you won't place any better...

Banette: Sweet. So we can goof off today. (Spookily laughs when someone jumps out of the bushes)

Chimchar: Gotcha! (Shoots them with hot sauce)

Banette: AHHH! (Runs it circles) IT BURNS!!! IT BURNS!!!

Froslass: (softly) Whatever.

(At the entrance)

Rhydon: Welcome teams from flight two. Today's challenge is to race through the forest without getting hit by hot sauce. If you do, an extra challenge awaits you.

Weavile: Fair enough, let's move! MOVE!!! (They all head off)

Buizel: Hey Oshawott, are you friends with Chikorita and Chespin?

Oshawott: Um, yeah. I guess so. They're real nice. Why are you asking this-

Buizel: Okay good. Let's find them.

Oshawott: What? Why?

Buizel: Let's just do it. (Oshawott nods as they head off but Oricorio has overheard)

Oricorio: Chikorita huh... what could Buizel be wanting with her.

(Somewhere else in the forest)

Sandshrew: Hey, guys not to be the bearer of bad news but didn't we pass that tree like ten minutes ago?

Vulpix: (stops running) UGH! We ran in a gigantic circle!

Chikorita: That's okay guys. At least we haven't seen Snivy.

Snivy: Haven't seen who?

Chikorita: (moans) Are you kidding me?

Chespin: How'd you cheat Snivy?

Snivy: Cheat? What do you mean. (Chespin glares) Fine, I had put a tracking mechanism on your back. Oh well. (Shoots at him but he ducks)

Sandshrew: Everybody run!

Chespin: No, you and Vulpix run. Snivy came here for us, not you.

Vulpix: (kinda happily) Okay great, let's get outta here! (She and Sandshrew head off) Should I feel bad at all?

Sandshrew: Um, maybe a little. But Snivy was tracking them, not us.

Vulpix: Yeah.

Snivy: (Uses Leaf Tornado) Take that!

Chespin: Gah! (Gets hit) Grrr. Time for Pin Missle! (Snivy dodges all the shots) What?

Snivy: You've got to be kidding me. At least put up a challenge Chespin! (Chikorita Headbutts him) OOF!

Chespin: Woo who! Now that's what I'm talking about!

Chikorita: Thank you very much (curtsies)

Snivy: You know what... YOU MORONS HAVE RUINED MY PLANS TIME AND TIME AGAIN AND THAT I CANNOT FORGIVE! (Uses Leaf Blade and knocks Chespin down) This is gonna be so satisfying... (goes to shoot when Chespin is splattered with hot sauce)

Chespin: AHH!

Snivy: What the?

Chimchar: (in the distance) Oh yeah! Got another!

Snivy: Oh well. (shrugs and then continues to shoot Chespin until Chikorita pushes him away) My work here is done. (Leaves)

Chikorita: Chespin! Chespin! Are you okay? Answer me! Chespin!

(In confessional)
Chikorita: (calmly) Snivy, if your watching this, I want you to know that (angrily) IF WE EVER MEET AGAIN I WILL DESTROY YOU! (Calmer) Just giving you a heads up.

(Somewhere else)

Pichuette: So that's why uncle Raichu is the best uncle ever.

Togedemaru: (rolls eyes sarcastically) Great. Now that that's over can we do something interesting? This challenge has been so boring!

Pichu: Then lets make it fun! (Grabs a tree vine and starts swinging) WOO HOO!!!

Pichuette: Wait for me! (Joins in)

Togedemaru: Annoying little babies am I right?

Pichu: I bet you couldn't swing faster than me!

Pachirisu: Oh Yeah? WELL IT IS ON!!! (Grabs a vine and quickly gathers speed)

Pichu: Alright! Pachirisu your so acrobatic! It's amazing!

Pachirisu: Well you two arent half bad yourself. Your really quick for your age.

Pichuette: Well we are young, but mature (pauses) Most of the time.

Togedemaru: (mutters) Why did I bother to do this race? (The Fortune Tellers appear behind him)

Froslass: Becuase you love Pachirisu!

Togedmaru: Gah! What? How do you guys know too?

Froslass: Simple. My magic ice ball told us.

Banette: Well, see you later... or maybe not! (uses Shadow Ball to break a tree and it falls on Togedemaru)

(In Confessional)
Banette: HEHEHEHE!!! That. Was. Fun.

(Somewhere else)

Chimchar: I know you're in that cave! Just come on out!

Squirtle: No!

Bulbasaur: Squritle! Why'd you say that? Now he knows where we are!

Squirtle: Oops. (Chimchar enters, firing) Dodge it! (Does so and fires a Water Gun) Quickly! Out of the cave!!!

Bulbasaur: Where too? (Squirtle shrugs when the Jokesters bump into him)

Popplio: Hey! Fancy meeting you here. WATER you guys up too!? (Hysterically laughs)

Squritle: Guys, run! Chimchar is right behind us! (He and Bulbasaur leave)

Totodile: Come on Popplio! (Popplio is to busy laughing and gets shot) Eesh. That probably hurt.

(In confessional)
Totodile: Popplio is definitely my best firend! So I wanna stay in this race with him as long as I can! But, I'm afraid our abilities, er, lack there of, may cause us to go home soon. We gotta step up our game.

(Somewhere else)

Bellossom: Oricorio we need to focus! We did this race TOGETHER!!!

Oricorio: Yes, I know.

Bellossom: Then stop neglecting me for yourself!

Oricorio: Look, I care about you deeply, but I also care about beating Buneary and getting Buizel. How would you feel if someone else has Teeecko? (Bellossom is about to say something when)

Snivy: Treecko? That loser?

Bellossom: Gah! It's Sn-Snivy!

Snivy: Care for some sauce? (Shoots at them but they rhythmically dodge) What? Are you kidding? The guns jammed!

Oricorio: Why dont you go pick on someone else!!! (Uses Revelation dance to send Snivy flying) Aidios non-amigo!

Bellossom: That was great! Dancing can solve anything.

Oricorio: Well... almost anything.

Bellossom: Thanks so much Oricorio. Guess you do care about me.

Oricorio: Of course I do. Now come on and let's go.

(Somewhere else)

Pachirisu: Okay, that's enough of a break. Um... Togedemaru? Togedemaru!!!

Pichu: Haha! That jerk is dead!

Pichuette: Pichu! Shut up! Don't say that! (Smacks him)

Pichu: Ouch! (Rubs his face) Why do you care so much anyway?

Pachirisu: Because he is an awesome, awesome guy and I really love him.

Pichuette: (gasps) Did you just say?

Pachirisu: I mean, I care about him like FRIENDS, do.

Pichuette: (smirks and mutters) Oh I know what you meant!

(Team confessional)
Pichuette: They are in LOVE! Both of them! That is so cool! I can't wait for my first boyfriend.

Pichu: (gags) Love? Don't make me barf! That's a stupid girl thing.

Pichuette: (glares) And how typical of my brother to say so! All you like is video games and sports. (They start fighting)

Pachirisu: (pushes the tree over) There you are! What happened?

Togedemaru: F-Froslass and B-Banette I th-think.

Pachirisu: Come on let's get wal- (Snivy shoots them all from in the distance)

Snivy: Ha! Take that losers!

Pichu: Owww! It burns!

Pachirisu: Crabapples! We are so screwed!

(Somewhere else; The Eeveelution Siblings, Gamers and Athletes run into each other)

Jolteon: Ugh. It's Weavile and Machoke!

Weavile: Excuse me? Did I hear an ugh?

Sylveon: Well it is common sense that you two are the villains. You can't expect to be liked.

Weavile: Excuse me?

Meowstic: Setttle down! Settle down. The last thing I wanna be around is an aggravated dark type.

Machoke: Can it Meows-dork. (To Jolteon) You wanna fight? Let's fight!

Shinx: Uh oh.

Meowstic: Lets get out of here!! (The Gamers run off)

Machoke: Dynmanic Punch! (Tries to hit Jolteon but misses) Crap!

Jolteon: Ha! You're too slow!!!


Shinx: I feel a disturbance... Like Sonic was his quoted back there... (Meowstic shrugs)

(Somewhere else in the forest)

Chikorita: Come on Chespin, we gotta keep going.

Chespin: Let's face it. We're toast.

Chikorita: Oh no you don't! You do not get to quit on me!

Chespin: I-I dont? (Nervously stutters when the Cousins arrive)

Oshawott: Look! We found them! We actually found them!

Buizel: Perfect. I need to talk to you guys.

Chikorita: Um... have we ever spoken once?

Oshawott: Well you know me! (Smiles) And my cousin, Buizel, needs some relationship advice.

Chespin: (mutters) Same here. (Chikorita hits him) Ow!

Buizel: Well you see... I kissed two girls. Not intentionally mind you, I just kinda happened. They both found out and are mad at me. But I think Ive chosen the one I really like. What should I do?

Chespin: Kissing two girls? Dude what is wrong with you?

Chikorita: Well, just tell her! If she feels the same she'll forgive you for what you've done. And apologize again if you have to.

Buizel: Okay. (Looks at Oshawott and he nods) Thanks Chikorita.

Charmander: (walks in) Touching! Real touching! (Shoots Oshawott and Buizel. Oshawott starts crying) Oh shut up wimp. Later.

Buizel: Oshawott! Stop embarrassing me! (Suddenly screams are heard in the distance. Oricorio and Bellossom got shot by Charmander too) What are you guys doing here?

Bellossom: Um, hello? Competing in the challenge! Same as you!

Oricorio: Fate has brought us together again Buizel! We are meant to be!

Oshawott: (mutters) Oh brother. Here we go again.

Oricorio: I forgive you for what you did and we may begin going out now.

Buizel: Oricorio! Stop this! (Pauses) Look I gotta go! (Grabs Oshawott and leaves)

(In Confessional)
Buizel: I mean, I've always been popular at my school. I mean, look at me, I'm hot stuff! (Sighs) But I never believed I'd be this popular...

(In Confessional)
Oricorio: Buizel just keeps on playing hard to get I see...

Rhydon: (to the camera) As teams STILL struggle to find their way out of the forrest... (the screen shows the Eeveelution Twins and Fashion Designers getting shot) An even bigger problem arrises for the Contest Stars.

(By the Contest Stars)

Flaaffy: Lucky us. Still haven't ran into anybod- (steps in a hole and trips) OW!!! Oh god it hurts!!

Buneary: Flaaffy!

(In Confessional)
Buneary: Something had to be real bad cuz Flaaffy never cries in pain and I mean never!

Flaaffy: My, my leg! I think I sprained or broke it or something! Ugh! Okay Buneary, your gonna have to cut it off!

Buneary: Cut it off? What? Are you insane? (Helps her up) We'll just have to take it easy! (Charmander jumps out)

Charmander: Suprise!

Buneary: WAIT! Just shoot me, not Flaaffy. She already in enough pain.

Charmander: Meh. Whatever I guess! (Shoots Buneary and heads off)

Buneary: Ow! So hot! (Drops Flaaffy and she screams) Oops...

(Somewhere else)

Froslass: Look Banette. I think that might be the end of the forest!

Banette: Oh goodie! Let's check in with the magic ice ball.

Froslass: Good call.

(Team Confessional)
Banette: We'd be nothing without this ball. Our fortune telling powers... WOOSH! Gone!

Froslass: It's true. That's why our lives revolve around it.

Froslass: Lets see what we have today! (Gasps) No!

Banette: What is it? Is it bad?

Froslass: Very bad. I didn't it expect it to come to this.

(Somewhere else)

Jolteon: Fall back Sylveon... they're too strong!

Sylveon: No! (Angry) I must destroy these morons.

Weavile: We all know you can't! (Uses Ice Punch on Jolteon and freezes him)

Sylveon: Jolteon noooo!!!

Machoke: You're next loser! (Karate Chops her) Haha!

Sylveon: (struggles to get up) I-I'm n-not done. (Takes a deep breath) You can hurt me, but the minute you hurt my family... YOU WILL PERISH!!!

Machoke: Ugh oh. We may have overdone it...

Weavile: Yeah...

Sylveon: GRRAAHHH! (Tackles them and attacks with a barrage of Dazzling Gleams and Playroughs. They get sent flying away) AND STAY AWAY!!!

Totodile: Woah! That was so cool!


Popplio: (scared) Ah! It's just us. Please please don't hurt us!

Sylveon: Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. Sometimes I just can't maintain the anger deep inside me.

Totodile: Oh no. (Frowns) Poor Jolteon...

Sylveon: I know. I gotta find a way to help him!

Popplio: As a grass type may say, LEAF that to me! Hahaha! (Uses Misty Terrain and cures Jolteon of frozen status)

Jolteon: S-Sylveon? That was amazing! (Hugs her) And Popplio, thank you so much!

Totodile: (jumping up and down) YAY!!! EVERYBODIES HAPPY!!!

Popplio: And I think I have a way to get even happier... Look! (Points past some bushes where the chill zone is)

Sylveon: Alright! Score! (Both team run out)

Rhydon: Eeveelution Siblings congradulations. Step right on the carpet. (They do so) FIRST PLACE!!! (Sylveon and Jolteon cheer)

Rhydon: Jokesters, you got sprayed. That means you have an appointment with the penalty.

Popplio: What is it? Hopefully it isn't Sc-ARIADOS!?!? (He and Totodile laugh)

Rhydon: I wouldn't be laughing guys! (Points to a dangerous obstacle course and they gulp) Good news is, only one of you has to fully complete it. The bad news, one of you has to complete it.

Sylveon: Good luck you two! Jolteon and I will be cheering for you.

(In Confessional)
Jolteon: Huh. Who'd a thought I'd ever become friends with the Jokesters? This race is full of surprises!

Rhydon: More teams approaching!!!

Pichu: Yippe we made it!

Pichuette: B-but we have to do that sc-scary obstac-cle course...

Pachirisu: Should be a snap. Now come on Togedemaru!


Jolteon: Come on guys!

Sylveon: Yeah! You can do it!

Leafeon: (rolls eyes) Ugh. Whatever!

Buneary: Come on Flaaffy (pulling her along) To the obstacle course we go.

Squirtle: Woo hoo! Made it!

Rhydon: Lifelong Friends, congrats on second place!

Bulbasaur: Seriously? Right on! That's what I like to hear!!!

Squirtle: Good luck everyone else!

(In confessional)
Flaaffy: That's why I don't like that Squirtle guy. He's nice. Too nice. What is his issue? Probably a faker. Don't trust him one bit. OW! HIT MY LEG! OW! MY LEG!

Rhydon: Vulpix and Sandshrew, better hop to the obstacle course.

Sandshrew: Come on! Hurry!

(Back in the woods)

Buizel: Stop following me please.

Oricorio: Don't deny what your heart wants Buizel and it wants me. (Leans in to kiss)

Buizel: No! (Pushes her back) No! That's not what it wants!

Oricorio: So you're saying...

Buizel: You're a really great, exotic, and mysterious girl Oricorio, but it's just... just I need more time to think! Give me some alone time! (Walks off ahead)

Oshawott: Buizel! Wait up! (Runs after him)

Bellossom: Um, guys? Hello? (Points) Chill Zone anyone?

Chikorita: Great job Bellossom!

Chespin: Let's go! (The three arrive)

Rhydon: All three of you teams got hot sauced. That means- (Points at the obstacle course)

Oshawott: Uh oh... Sorry Buizel I'm probably not gonna be much help. (Buizel shoots Oshawott with Water Gun) Ugh.

Buizel: Come on cous, you don't have to apologize for everything.

Rhydon: Here come the last two teams outta the forest!

Machoke: Finally we made- (Weavile slaps Machoke down)

Weavile: Finally! We made it!

Machoke: Excuse me your rudeness! (Pins her to the ground)

Weavile: Ugh! Fine you win or whatever. Just get us on that carpet!

Rhydon: Athletes take third! And here come the Gamers in fourth!

Meowstic: Oh yes! Even though we arrived late, not having to do that extra challenge really saved us!

Shinx: We so rocked it today! I'm so so happy!

Meowstic: I just need a rest! (Sits down)

Shinx: OMG! A brand new guy on Human Go is on my nearby list!

Mewostic: (excited) No way! (Shurgs) Meh. I can rest later! (Gets up and they sprint off)

Rhydon: (yelling) Just don't go too far guys!!!

(At the obstacle course)

Totodile: Popplio! Grab my hand! (Popplio reaches for it) Got it! (Pulls Popplio over the Wall) Yipee! We did it!

Pachirisu: (Climbs up quickly) You do realize that was just the first obstacle right?

Totodile: Yeah I know! So much team building fun!

Popplio: It sure was an Ecite-TINGALING, experience! (Laughs)

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Wow. I think I just realized Totodile is the polar opposite of Togedemaru.

Rhydon: As many teams struggle through the obstacle course, (shows different teams climbing the wall, doing the monkey bars over mud, jumping across the bouncy balls and etc) teams eventually power through with their heart and determination!

Buneary: Yes Flaaffy! I did it!

Flaaffy: Wooo wooo! (Pumps fist in air) That's my partner!

Pachirisu: Your welcome Togedemaru I did it. Cuz you were too lazy to. (He rolls his eyes)

Pichu: Yay! We did it!

Leafeon: I'm so proud of us Glaceon!

Popplio: Finally we finished...

Vulpix: I know, that was too much.

Rhydon: So thats fifth place to the Contest Stars, Buneary and Flaaffy. Sixth to the New Friends. Seventh to the Pichu Twins. Eighth to the Eeveelution Twins. Ninth to the Jokesters and Tenth to the Fashion Designers. (pauses) With only the Dancers, Cousins and Boyfriend and Girlfriend left on the obstacle course it's gonna be close!

(At the bouncy balls, the final part of the obstacle course)

Oshawott: O-oh no! It's just us three teams left ONE OF US IS GONNA LOSE!!!

Buizel; Not on my watch cous! (Jumps but then falls) Ow!

Oricorio: Buizel are you okay?

Buizel: I'm good! Oshawott, you have to do it!

Oshawott: What!? Me!?

Buizel: Yes! It's gonna take time for me to get back up there.

Oshawott: Um... uh... (Looks directly at the camera) Ah! I can't do it! Everyone's watching and there's too much pressure!

Bellossom: I got this Oricorio! (Bounces across perfectly) Yes! To the chill zone!

Rhydon: Dancers you take eleventh!

Oricorio: Bueno!

Bellossom: Alright!

Chikorita: Come on Chespin we can do this,

Chespin: I'm not a fan of mud so... (Chikorita gently pushes him) AHH! (Bounces across and lands on the ending platform) That worked? Awesome! Now let's hurry!

Buizel: (panting) I'm. Not. Done! (Bounces across)

Rhydon: And Boyfriend And Girlfriend take twelfth.

Buizel: What!? No!

Oshawott: I-I'm sorry Buizel. I'm sorry I let you down. (Tears up)

Buizel: I should hit you with a Water Gun, but I won't. It's okay, you probably wouldn't have made it anyways.

Oshawott: Thanks. (Pauses) Hey!

Buizel: Well it's the truth. (Steps on the chill zone)

Rhydon: Cousins, I'm afraid you are last this time. Your race is over.

Buneary: Oh no.

Buizel: Man this sucks! I could have done a whole lot better.

Oshawott: Thats my fault. I'm just not good at anything.

Buizel: No, its my honestly fault. I never listen to you or have faith in you. Look, I promise to change, and now that we are closer than ever, we'll hang out way more. As cousins. (Oshawott nods)

Rhydon: (on this the producers) Huh? What's that? Uh huh. What do you mean other contestants? Seriously? Oh wow, okay. Got it! (To everyone) Listen up, I have got shocking news everyone! Buizel and Oshawott....

Oricorio: But how?

Sylveon: Wait a second... Where's-

Rhydon: Bannette and Froslass? Yep, they aren't here. Apparently they quit and left a half hour ago.

Popplio: Seriously?

Shinx: Why would somebody do that?

(Fortune Tellers Elimination montage)

Froslass: We had to quit. Our magic Ice Ball told us we were going to lose.

Banette: Hehehe. It sucks to end like this but the ball wants what it wants.

Froslass: Yep.

Banette: But this race was great! I got to pull of so many pranks! And we got to visit that cool haunted mansion in Bermuda.

Froslass: Yeah. I guess that was pretty adequate.

Banette: The race may be over, but our lives aren't.

Froslass: Unfortunetly... But we'll be sure to find out when they are with my ice ball. (They get in a taxi and head off)

(End Montage)

Rhydon: That does it for today! Snivy, Chimchar and Charmander got to have cameos and it looks like a friendship between the Jokesters and Eeveelution Siblings has formed. Anyways, who will go home next? Maybe it'll be the Cousins for real next time. Find out on the next expisode of The Rhydonculous Race!

**Yes I'm back baby! Hopefully with new chapters once every 2 weeks!

Thanks so much for sticking with me guys! The support means a lot! Comment any challenge or character development ideas to help make the story better!

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