Chapter 14

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Sid: See don't think you can say anything to my sister. I won't listen a word against her anymore. Be away from my sister. I don't wanna see you near her. Mind my words

Jai: I....

Reem: (cuts him) Please Jai. I don't wanna talk to you. Stay away from me

Sidreem left.

Jai's P.O.V.

I was waiting from so many days to see her, to talk to her, to clear her. Today I finally saw her with her brother. I was on cloud 9. I went near them, tried to talk. But they didn't even listen. My Reemie asked me not to talk to her and stay away from her. My heart broke.

But how can I blame her. A boy whose sister who has said so much to a girl, why will she be his girlfriend 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

But I can't live without her. Ok I will try talking to her once.

P.O.V. ends

After 2 lectures, Re was going to library. Sm1 dragged her in an empty classroom and locked it. She was about to scream but sm1 covered her mouth with his hand.

Sm1: Reemie please don't scream. It's me Jai

He removed his hand.

Re: What the hell do you want now?

Jai: Reemie listen....

Re: (cuts him) Reem. It's Reem Nigam for you

Jai: Ok ok. Reem. Please give me one more chance

Re: Sorry I can't

Jai: But...

Re: See Jai. If it was only about me I would have bared it. But she raised finger on my parents. And I don't know about your parents. But for me, my mom, dad, world, inspiration, everything is my brother. And I know whatever values he has given to me are best. And he has for the first time asked me something, I can't refuse him

Jai was quite. He took a step back. Re moved towards the door and opened it. Before leaving, she turned towards Jai.

Re: Jai you never told me anything about my parents. Neither did I ask. But today let me tell you one thing. Everyone doesn't get love of their parents. We are one of those children. Don't ever say anything about sm1's parents

She looked down. Tears rolled down her eyes. Same with him.

Re: And we are done

With she left. He felt on his knees and broke down.

Jai: (sobbing) Why di why you always do these things? I always loved you. But you never cared.

He cried heart out and left.

Days passed like. Jaireem were most of the time crying. Sid was very sad to see her like that but didn't have the courage to risk her life again. Avu was dying from inside seeing Jai. But her ego was too much to accept her mistake and mend it. She started drinking and spending time with her gang too much to divert her attention from him.

One Night

Avu was too much drunk and coming back in a cab. Car broke down at a lonely road.

Driver: Ma'am you need to get down please

Avu got down. D checked the car.

D: I need to call the mechanic. You have to wait

D was on call. Avu wasn't in her senses so she started walking further. And suddenly a truck wad coming to her side in full speed.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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