Chapter 15

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At Sid's home

Sid: I am going for walk. Take care of yourself

Re: Ok bhayia

Sid left.

At Nadra Mansion

Jai was in his room.

Jai's P.O.V.

I am feeling like something is gonna happen. But what?

Avu di. She hasn't returned yet. I don't know I feel like crying thinking about her.

I don't know what came to me. I took my car keys and ran outside. I drove it towards the place where usually di goes for parties. I don't know why my forhead was sweating and eyes were becoming teary.

P.O.V. ends

With Sid

He was walking when he saw a girl. Truck was coming towards her in full speed. He got scared at first.

Sid's P.O.V.

OMG she is the same girl who did my ragging. Should I save her? Shut up Sid. Whatever I can't let her die.

P.O.V. ends

He jumped on her. They both rolled down and felt on the other side of the road. Sid's arms were protectively wrapped around her so she didn't get hurt while Sid's head hit a stone and he got unconscious and Avu passed out because she had drunk too much in his arms.

Jai reached there and saw two people lying on side of road. He got out of his car and saw Sidneet lying unconscious in each other arms. Sid's head and face was bleeding. He picked them one by one and drove to the hospital.

Dr. examined them and Jai asked for cctv phootage of that road. They are rich enough to get the information. He saw the video and got shocked.

Jai's P.O.V.

Sid bro I owe you my life. You saved my sister. I know he hates my sister for whatever she said to Reemie but he doesn't know she is Avu di. I think better I don't tell her. But I definitely need to thank him. I hope they both are fine.

P.O.V. ends

Dr. came out.

Jai: Dr. how are they?

Dr.: See girl is alright. She just passed out because of over consumption of alcohol. You can take her home. And boy, he lost lot of blood. We need to do blood transfusion

Jai: Oh. I will get the blood. What is his blood group?

Dr.: A-

Jai: I have the same blood group

Dr.: You sure you wanna donate blood

Jai: Yes

Jai donated blood.

Dr.: He is out of danger

Jai: Thank you so much

Jai's P.O.V.

I think I should inform Reemie. But will she pick my phone. I can call from reception. I took the phone and dialled her no.

P.O.V. ends

On the other side

Reem was tensed for Sid as he didn't return home. Her phone ring. She picked up.

Re: Hi

Jai: Hllo Reemie sorry I mean Reem

Re: Jai. I told you we are done. Why are you calling me?

Jai: Ek baar sun to le

Re: I said no means no

She was about to cut when Jai spoke.

Jai: It's about Sid bhai

Re: What? What happened to him?

Jai: He is in hospital

Re: What? Why?

Jai: Don't worry. He is fine

Re: Ok I am coming there

Jai: No you are not

Re: Why?

Jai: Because I can't come to pick you and it's not safe to come alone at this time

Re: But...

Jai: (cuts her) No ifs and buts. Come in the morning and don't worry. I am here. He is alright

Re: Ok

Jai: Reem

He stopped in between.

Re: Yes

Jai: Nothing just take care of yourself

Re: Yee you too

Jai cut the call. He took Avu home and made her lie in her room and went back to hospital.

Dr.: He is conscious. You can meet him

Jai: Thank you so much 🙂🙂🙂

Jai went inside.


To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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