Chapter 16

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Sid: Why I am in hospital?

He looked at Jai.

Sid:(shocked) You

Jai: Ya wo...

Sid: Please leave me alone. I don't wanna talk to you. Because of you my cheerful Reemie is in this condition

Sid turned his face away. Jai took a deep breath.

Jai: I didn't come for Reemie. I came for something else. You saved a girl today

Sid suddenly remembers about accident.

Sid: Oh yaa. Where is that girl? Is she alright? She wasn't in her senses. Itni kon peeta hai?

Jai: (mumbles) My sister. The Great Avneet Kaur Nadra

Sid: What🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

Jai: Nothing. She is alright and just because of you. Thank you so much for saving her today. If you hadn't then...

A lump came in his throat and couldn't speak anything. A tear escaped his eye. Sid looked at him and got confused.

Sid: Why are you thanking me?

Jai: Umm wo actually yee she is a cousin of mine and is quite close to me

Sid remembers his ragging day and Avu's words for Re.

Sid: (mumbles) Heartless like his sister

Jai: Sorry?

Sid was looking upwards and thinking about her so he spoke without thinking.

Sid: The biggest bully of our college. She harrased me. I have seen her breaking hearts of I don't know how many boys in just a few days

Jai sighed sadly.

Jai: I am sorry for everything

Sid came back in his senses.

Sid: Why? You haven't done anything. Anyways leave. I am not interested in talking about her

Jai: Ok😔😔😔😔

Sid drifted off to sleep and Jai sat beside him whole night.

Next morning

Re came to hospital. Dr. did the check up.

Dr.: He is alright. Just needs rest. You can take him home. But be careful

Re: Thank you dr.

Dr. left. Jai went to do formalities.

Re: Bhayia how did this happen? Can't you be careful?

She was continously scolding him. He was waiting for her to stop. Then he told her everything. She looked at him with teary eyes.

Re: I am proud of you bhayia. I love you so much

Sid: I love you too

Re: But who was the girl? You know her?

Sid: Actually Jai told me she is a close cousin of his

Re: Oh ok

Jai came in the room.

Jai: Sid bro you are discharged. I will drop you two home. And here the medicines

Re: Thank you. But what about fee?

Jai: I have given

Re: What? Why?

Jai: What do you mean by why?

Sid: Yee Jai she is right. We can't take it

Jai: Sid you saved my life and also whatever happened before, it is not enough but maybe a lil I can do to lessen my guilt

Sid: Bu...

Jai: Please no more arguements

Sid: Ok

Jai dropped them home. Jai helped Sid lie on his bed. Jai was leaving. Re went out to bid bye.

Jai: If you need anything, I hope you have my no.

He said looking at Re. They had a deep eye lock showing the pain and love they have for each other which was broken by Re. Jai rubbed the back of his neck out of embarrassment.

Jai: Bye.. ummm take care

Re: Yee bye

At Nadra Mansion

Avu woke up in her bed with a headache like everyday but didn't see Jai with lemonade today. No matter whatever he was going through, he was there to intervene in her and his mom's arguement, to bring her in her room quitely at night and to bring lemonade for her.

Today he wasn't there she felt like crying.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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