Chapter 61

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Avu saw sm1 and turned her face away. Jai touched his feet.

Sm1: God bless you

Sidreem joined their hands. Sm1 didn't pay attention to them and went towards Avu and turned her towards himself.

Sm1: I see my princess is angry at me

Avu: Why you didn't come at my birthday dad?

(Sm1 is AD. Most of the guesses were correct.)

AD: Sorry princess. I was busy with meetings. It was important

Avu: Please dad. Always meetings. Buisness parties. Your buisness is more important than your family

Avu stormed to her room. Everyone was shocked she never talked to AD like that.

Jai: Umm sorry dad she is just...

AD: It's ok. She is my princess. I will make it fine

AD went to his room and called his assistant.

Jai: Sid bro can you please talk her?

Sid nodded. He went to her room and saw her folding her knees near her chest and looking at the wall. Sid sat beside her.

Sid: Are you ok?

Avu looked at him and kept her head on his shoulder.

Avu: Ykw Sid I used to think I have the best dad in the world. He gets me whatever I want. He never scolds me. He love me the most. After seeing you and Reem, I understood no that's not what every child needs. He/she needs time, love and care of their parents. You think I am lucky because I have both my parents right? No I ain't. I have both still I don't have them. Mom who gave me everything, I used to call her fake. I always misbehaved with her. And dad. My dad has no time for me. I used to ask for something, next moment I had it. I used to something wrong in childhood, mom tried to scold but dad used to save me. You know when I started hating my mom. I was 5years old. Jai was at his play school one day and I went to mall with mom dad. I asked for ice-cream. Dad went to buy that. Me and mom were going to sit on chairs. A small child bumped into me and I slapled her. Mom said his parents sorry on my behalf. She scolded. But dad came and started shouting at her for scolding me. From that day, I started thinking my mom hates me. Only my dad loves me. I grew up. Everytime mom tried to scold me for something, dad used to shout at her, fight with her. I started drinking, taking drugs, being out all nights, bullying everyone. Dad never used to be at home. And mom. She always tried to stop me but I used to shut her up. And today I am ashamed of every single think I did. To you, mom, Reem, Jai and any other person. Till date it makes me feel guilty. Everyone can forgive me but there is one person who can never forgive me. That's me. My ownself. I can never forgive myself

Avu got quite.

Avu: Ykw sometimes I feel jealous of Reem. She got her mom dad in you. Who gave her everything he could. His love, care, support. Sacrificed his childhood, his comfort for her. And me. I had everything in my life. A big home. Favourite car. Dad who used to complete every single demand of mine. Money.

She chuckled humorlessly.

Avu: But no one truly loved me. Those who did I never valued them. I never listened to Jai. I always misbehaved with mom. I kept hurting her for years. Now you know what dad will do to make me happy. He will get an expensive gift. And he thinks that's all. That's what I want. That's what I need. You know why Jai is not like this. Because he never accepted all these gift. He always tried to be near mom. Even if dad was never there. He used to be with mom. I just hated her

She broke down with that. Sid hugged her and rubbed her back. After sometime, she calmed down and they went outside. She saw everyone there except her dad.

SA: You alright baby?

Avu nodded and sat on sofa on which SA was sitting. Avu hugged her. AD came out and sat in front of her.

AD: Sorry princess. I couldn't come. I was busy

Avu: I know. It's nothing new. You are always busy

AD: I have called my assistant. Tell him whatever you want. He will get today itself

Avu sat straight and looked straight in his eyes.

Avu: Please dad. Can't you understand? I just need your time and love. No expensive gifts. Nothing. If you can give me your time, tell me. Otherwise I don't need anything. Thanks

AD: I am here. We will spend whole day

Avu: Ya we will. Me and you. Today. And tomorrow early morning you will leave. Thank you so much fir these precious 12 hours you took out for me. You don't have time for us. You think we just need your expensive gifts. No we don't

AD felt lil guilty at Avu's words.

AD: I am sorry princess. I just

Avu: Dad I just wanna spend my time with you. Enjoy with you. Even mom and Jai need same. Please we don't need anything else

She broke down again. AD got up and hugged her.

AD: Sorry princess. I never thought that. I am very sorry

She calmed down after sometime.

AD: Sorry princess

Avu nodded.

Sid: Um I think we should leave

AD: Who are these people?

He said with disgusted look.

Avu: Dad he is my boyfriend

AD: (shocked) What?

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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