Chapter 62

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Avu: Yes dad. He is my boyfriend Siddharth Nigam and girl is his sisters and Jai's girlfriend Reem Nigam

AM: But you should at least see whom you are in relationship with

Sidreem felt bad.

Jai: Dad please

Avu: Yes dad we love each other

AD: How can you say that? What if they are with you because of our buisness and money

Avu: Dad everyone is not like us for whom just money is everything 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

AD: What...

Avu: Dad please me and Sid and Jaireem. We genuinely love each other. Please dad don't say no

AD: But...

Avu: Dad till date you never denied anything I asked for. Today for last time. After today I will never ask anything from from you, I promise

AD: (to Sid) What if I refuse?

Sid smiled.

Sid: I will break every connection with her right now and will never show her my face. Because I know value of parents. Whatever they do, it's for the good of their children

Avu: Dad I swear they ain't some gold diggers

AD: How can I agree so easily?

Avu: Dad please

AD: I want someone of at least of our status

He said and stormed towards his room. Avu stood up and called him from behind.

Avu: Dad you want someone like you right? So tell me do you even know a single thing about my condition all these years? I was taking drugs, drinking, having one night stands with so many boys. Did you ever came to stop me? Did you even tried to know how I was living? No right. Do you know how much Jai has cried at nights from his childhood remembering his dad who doesn't has time for his children. Mom who used to sleep every night on an empty bed waiting for you, not having any shoulder to cry. And you. You must be busy somewhere having late night parties with your buisness parties

She got quite while tears rolled down her eyes. Everyone was in tears by now.

Avu: And this guy whom you are rejecting. He is the reason your daughter left every wrong thing she was doing

She broke down with that. Sid wanted to hug her but stopped. AD was feeling too guilty. He went to her and hugged her. She cried in his embrace. She broke the hug and looked at him with puffy red eyes. He cupped her face and kissed her forhead.

AD: Ok you guys are allowed to be together but I will see these two. Then I will tell my decision

Jaineet hugged him.

Avu: I love you dad

Jai: Thank you so much dad

AD: And I am sorry for everything

They all did a family hug.

AD: One more important thing. As your college is over princess. You have to join buisness soon

Avu: I will. But not like you. Always being out of home, not giving time to family. Other employees are there

AD: Ok as you wish. But employees want to keep a welcome party for you and farewell party for me

Avu: Sure

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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