14. Nico Explains and Annabeth Volunteers

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Nico sighed. "Let's go in the hallway, then," He said. He went out into the hallway, followed by the other demigods. They sat down on the golden tiled floor, and Nico began.

"First things first, what is the last thing you remember, Annabeth? Before I Iris messaged you earlier," Nico said.

Annabeth frowned, trying to remember. It was all a blurry mess of pictures. She tried to think back to the latest clear one. "Um... I was in Percy's cabin with the rest of the Seven and Nico. Percy was telling us to do stuff, bad stuff, and for some reason we listened," Annabeth said.

Nico nodded. "Go on," He said.

"Uh... well, you and I tried to escape, right Nico? But you got away and Percy caught me. That's... that's all I remember," Annabeth said, bothered by the fact that she couldn't remember anything.

Nico sighed. "Okay then. So basically a summary on everything that happened... Percy somehow got this ring with Circe's soul inside of it, he put it on she influenced him to become evil. It also gave him hypnosis powers. So he basically hypnotized the rest of the Seven, stripping away their fatal flaws and basically who they are. He also hypnotized the entire camp to be his mindless slaves.

"I got away, found Thalia, and we trained with Artemis for four months preparing to face Percy. Of course that was pointless and we just got hypnotized again. I'll leave out the details... but I got away and Thalia didn't. I found Lou Ellen, then we came back, making a potion that makes me immune to the hypnosis.

"We then found Percy, the rest of the Seven showed up, and Percy and Jason flew away. Everyone was acting super different. Like you, Annabeth. You were super ditzy and girly. We managed to escape, figured out that the hypnosis power was in Percy's ring, but then Thalia showed up, also hypnotized. She almost got us to stay but... we got away. We found Percy beating up all the Olympians, he turned around, and Zeus shot him with lightning. And now, here we are," Nico took a deep breath after his long summary.

"Wow," Annabeth breathed with wide eyes, "I just asked what happened to Percy though, not what happened over four months..."

"Shush you," Nico said.

"And now Circe is going to kill Percy," Annabeth said, her voice breaking.

"Annabeth, it's going to be okay," Hazel said.

"We'll figure it out," Frank said.

"We always do," Piper smiled.

"Thanks guys, but how?" Annabeth said sadly.

"I think I know how," A voice from behind them suddenly said.

The demigods turned their heads to see Poseidon. Depositing having such great, he wore a serious expression. "Really?" Annabeth said, jumping to her feet, then almost breaking her ankle since she was still wearing her high heels. Angry, Annabeth pulled the high heels off and chucked them down the hallway.

"What did the high heels ever do to you?" Lou Ellen mumbled quietly, but just loud enough for Annabeth to hear.

Annabeth shot Lou Ellen a quick glare, then turned back around to face her boyfriend's father. "So how can we help him?" Annabeth asked.

"Well I know how to remove Circe from his body," He sighed, "But it's not exactly the best method."

"Well what is it?" Nico pushed on.

"Nico, calm down, Poseidon will tell us," Hazel said sweetly. She turned to Poseidon and a dark look crossed her usually sweet face. "Tell us."

Poseidon held back a gulp, honestly horrified by the daughter of Pluto. "Well there's a way I can transfer one of you into Percy's mind. All you need to do is destroy Circe's soul in there, which will be in the form of just her regular self. Kill her and she should leave Percy's body. But this is a very rare use of healing and leaves some rather dangerous side effects," Poseidon said.

"Like what?" Annabeth raised her eyebrow.

"It's best not to tell you now. I... don't want you worrying. You kids have already been through too much. But I'm 99% sure it will work. It's been done before," Poseidon said.

"And what about that other 1%?" Annabeth asked.

Poseidon sighed again. "All we can do it hope. Are you guys willing to do it? I would, but Apollo and I need to work together to use our powers to transfer your conciseness into Percy's mind so you can kill Circe. It will require a great deal of power and may be very dangerous," Poseidon said.

"So Percy could get hurt?" Hazel said.

"There is a chance, yes," Poseidon said miserably.


Poseidon cleated his throat. "So are any of you willing to do it? Are any of you willing to enter Percy's mind?"

"I'll do it," Annabeth said without hesitation, walking over to the sea god, "He's done so much for us, for me, the least I can do is repay the favor."

"Are you sure, Miss Chase?" Poseidon said.

Annabeth took a deep breath and nodded. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life," She said.

"Let's go then," Poseidon said, "Let's save Percy."

Chapter 14! Sorry it took so long to update, btw. Hope you liked the chapter! Also, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes as I was too, umm... lazy to go back and edit the chapter. I know, pathetic.

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