15. Annabeth Loves Percy

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Annabeth stood next to the sleeping Percy's cot, the rest of the demigods waiting in the hallway. "Are you ready, Miss Chase?" Apollo said.

"Wait," Annabeth said, wanting to do something quick.


"Could you maybe magically change my outfit or something? This isn't the best battle outfit. I also don't have a weapon..." Annabeth said.

"Oh, of course," Apollo said. He snapped his fingers and Annabeth's outfit changed into a clean orange camp shirt, denim cutoff shorts, tennis shoes, and a celestial bronze breastplate. She held her drakon bone sword in her hand too. She also didn't feel the thickness of makeup on her face, so that was good. She smiled. "I'm ready," She said.

"Okay, prepare yourself, because this might hurt a bit. And remember, if you die in Percy's head, you die out here too," Apollo said. Poseidon walked over to Percy, placing his hand on Percy's forehead. He then place his hand on Apollo's shoulder. Apollo placed one of his hands on Poseidon's shoulder, then the other on Annabeth's shoulder.

The two gods nodded at each other, closed their eyes, then began to mutter in Ancient Greek. After a few seconds of them doing that, their hands began to glow a bright white, Annabeth's entire body beginning to glow a bright white. Annabeth tried to stay calm, but it's hard to when you're glowing and about to get transported into your boyfriend's head where some psycho sorceress is now living.

Poseidon and Apollo continued their Greek chant, Annabeth glowing brighter and brighter by the second. She began to feel a tingling sensation spread through her. At first it felt kind of nice, like a massage, but then it began to burn, like fire, a searing pain spreading through her body and growing more painful by the second. She held in a scream as the pain got worse, not wanted to seem pathetic.

This is for Percy, Annabeth kept telling herself, You're doing this for Percy.

Finally, a few minutes later, the pain disappeared. But unfortunately, Annabeth blacked out as well.

Annabeth blinked, opening her eyes. Her body was aching and she was shaking, but she was definitely not in Apollo's golden infirmary anymore. Instead, she seemed to be on a windy hill, the sky dark and stormy. "This must be Percy's mind," Annabeth said, examining it more. "It's definitely less blue then I thought it'd be too. I thought there'd be some pizza too..."

"Oh, there was, but I got rid of all the personality here, don't worry."

Annabeth's eyes widened at the sound of the female voice, spinning around to face it and getting her drakon bone sword into a Ready position. And standing across from her was Circe. Annnabeth couldn't help but getting bad flashbacks from C.C.'s Spa and Resort as Annabeth stared at Circe's beautiful face... wait, beautiful?

Circe wasn't beautiful, she was a repulsive monster. And even if Circe was beautiful, Annabeth would never admit it. It was probably just Circe's magic making Annabeth have thoughts like that.

"Why are you doing this to him? He deserves everything but this," Annabeth yelled at the goddess, having to shout over the wind.

Circe smirked. "Would you rather have me do it to you Miss Chase?" She said.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You avoided the question, Circe. Why are you doing this to Percy? To any of us? We've accomplished so much, we don't deserve to get stopped by some sorceress with pig powers," Annabeth said.

"Percy needs to pay. You all do," Circe growled. "You ruined all my plans. You had me and many of my other colleagues killed by Blackbeard and his blasted pirates. You made a mockery of me. And after years, it's finally time for revenge."

"Revenge?!" Annabeth screamed in disbelief, outraged. "No, no, no. Revenge is pulling a harmless prank on someone because they pulled one on you! This is far from revenge! This is its borderline crazy, you lunatic!"

"Is it now?" Circe said, studying her manicured nails. "How would you know anything about what and what crazy is and is not, Miss Chase? You're a powerful demigod yet you have a fear of spiders. You would sacrifice yourself for scum like the person who's brain we're in right now. You gave up immortality many times for love, bah! And you think I'm crazy?"

"At least what you think I'm crazy for isn't hurting anyone!" Annabeth snapped. She then added with a smirk, "Plus, everyone has a little bit of crazy in them, right?"

"Whatever you'd like to think Miss Chase... even if it's not true," Circe said. She raised her hands as if getting ready to do karate or something. "So are we going to fight or what?

"Fight, obviously," Annabeth said. She adjusted the grip on her sword, then charged at Circe, never more determined then she was now. She wasn't fighting for herself though. No, she was for Percy. And she was going to end Circe before Circe's ended Percy.

Circe just smirked. "Annabeth, stop," Circe ordered. Annabeth froze. Remember where Percy's hypnosis power came from? "Wow, Miss Chase, I expected more from you! Where do you think Perseus gets his hypnosis powers from?"

Gods no.

"Annabeth... I want you to take your sword. And you know what I want you to do with your sword? Stab yourself in the chest. Kill yourself," Circe grinned, "Wouldn't you like to do that?"

"I would love to kill myself," Annabeth said in a monotone voice, her eyes glazed over. She raised her sword, ready to stab herself with it.

"That was almost too easy!" Circe said as Annabeth brought her sword closer and closer to her chest. "You're about to die! And so is Percy, leaving you with nothing to do about it! With you dead, there will be no more hope for Percy!"

Now that was enough to snap Annabeth out of her trance.

But what exactly? Annabeth's undying love for Percy Jackson, that's what.

Circe wasn't going to touch him. And Annabeth would make sure of that.

Chapter fifteen guys! And guess what? Only one more chapter after this! Sad but exciting. And just like Forgotten, my other story, this chapter has not yet been edited or read through, just cuz I really wanted to publish it. But I'll edit soon!

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