Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

So I have just gotten a lot of information dumped into my brain, thanks for asking. How was your week?

So apparently there are HINDU (Please say I spelled that right.) gods now. Next thing you're going to be telling me is that Incan mythology is real. Wait, stop! Don't actually tell me!

Anyways, here's how it went down.


We walked into the big house and settled in the seats around the ping pong table.

"So," Started Aru. "What is this place and what are we doing here?"

Annabeth answered before anyone else got the chance. "This is Camp Half-Blood, the place for Greek demigods to not worry about being killed."

"Why can't we not worry about not being killed?" Whisper shouted Rudy.

Oh yeah. That's right, I remembered their names. Take that Wise Girl!

"You're about to worry about being killed if you don't shut up!" I've come to the conclusion that Brynne is terrifying and you should never anger her.

Aru just rolled her eyes like this was an every day thing.

"Moving on, let's do some introductions." Chiron started off, and it went on from there. I'm going to spare you the details because it was boring.

After that was out of the way, we started to get to the good stuff.

"Lately, we've been troubled by a prophecy made by our oracle." Dionysus said. (OMG! I spelled it correctly with the help of autocorrect! I might be moving up to a 4th grade spelling level!)

Aiden looked kinda scared. "A prophecy?" He asked. Wonder what it ever did to him.

"Also, y'all have your own oracle?!" Aru asked. Is it not that common?

"Let's just show you it." An exasperated Chiron said.


The world will burn,
With hatred brought to light,
Previously shroud in night.

The knight of the dark,
Searches for their next mark,
The bringer of day.

Forces must unite,
To bring an end to the fight,
Or all will be lost.


"It sounds like this night person is evil and we need to stop them." I said. "They're trying to kill the light person."

Mini spoke up. "I don't think so. The 1st 2 lines say 'The world will burn with hatred brought to light.' I think that means that the dark person is trying to stop the light person from exposing secrets that are kept in the dark."

"Why don't we reference to them as Dawn and Dusk? Dawn is the bringer of light and Dusk is the knight of the dark." Annabeth said. I knew I loved her for a reason.

"Okay children," Chiron started, "Looks like you have this sorted out so I'm going to make sure the camp is running smoothly." And with that, he left the room.

Dionysus snuck out with him, probably to go torture some poor campers.

"Back to the prophecy, the real question is where can we find them?" Brynne said.

"Doesn't the sun set in the west?" Rudy said timidity.

"It does, so that's where you're probably going to find someone who wants to be in darkness, and if you're going west, you'll go to the west coast, and if you're at the west coast, you'll probably be in California!" I was really excited at this point.

"Slow down. Even if you're onto something, there's thousands of cities that they could be hiding in. Not to mention, those are going to be densely populated. California is the largest populated state." Brynne was right.

Finding Dusk was going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

I updated! I know, I can't believe it either! I'm sorry that I haven't updated sooner. I've just been so busy. 😫

That reminds me, I need to finish my epiphany chapter. The 6th is such a short time away AND I just remembered that I have to start the new year's chapter. You know, just don't expect me for a month or so.

Also, it's finally going where I want it to go! I can't wait to introduce you to Dawn and Dusk!

This is off topic, but today I was rewatching Wednesday with my brother when the part where Wednesday said "I don't find anyone who crotchets a worthy adversary." There I was, on the couch with my yarn and my hook  crotcheting a headband, feeling really insulted. It's safe to say that I don't like that show anymore.

I'm sorry that this is so long, I just had stuff I wanted to tell someone and no one to tell it to.

This is dedicated to sleep-can-wait 's grandpa who died recently.

Happy early Christmas,


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