Chapter 11

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Unknown POV

Night was covering the city in their blanket of darkness. The moon shined her becan of light down on Earth. It was time to go.

I snuck into the closet, as not to wake my slumbering roommate. There was a secret hiding spot in the top left corner where I hid my... work things.

After grabbing them, I headed towards the door and paused. I had forgotten my notebook. And it was in my roommate's room.

I quietly opened her door, and the moonlight shined across her face, bathing her in a golden glow. I'm lucky I have her. Everyone else turned me away, but she didn't. She knows why. She went through it, too. I owe her my life. I grabbed my note book and closed the door.

I needed to find the person that will put us all at risk. That has put us all at risk. For my safety, for their safety, for my home's safety, for the one's above safety, but most of all, her safety.

I must put an end to this cat and mouse game before the world goes down in flames.

And I left the apartment with murder on my mind.

Hi, sorry about not updating in so long. I would have tried writing this weekend, but I was camping. In the rain. With a tornado warning.

Other than that, I have no excuse except holidays.

Happy Epiphany,


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