Chapter 14

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Unknown POV

I sat down on a rock that jutted out from the cliff that hung over the sea. The waves crashed against the rocks below me, sending a spray of salt and water into my face. It felt disgusting.

My legs swing over the edge while I pondered the mysteries of The Universe. The Universe is a fickle thing, ever expanding, ever confusing. I knew more answers then most, though.

I stared at horizon and was pleasantly surprised to see a lunar eclipse. It was happening again. I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head so it covered my face.

Humans like to think that a cloak is old fashioned and good for nothing. Maybe they're right, maybe they're not. Whatever it is, my cloak is the last thing I have from home.

Voices entered my head, both familiar. As their conversation wore on, I could feel someone trying to take over my body. I welcomed this with open arms.

I closed my eyes, knowing what would happen next, and opened them to find myself in a dark room covered in fog. How nice of Her to put that in, so it would be harder to see me. The sea salt that covered me a second ago was also gone.

One word was itching to come free so I let it. It would be treason not to. "Never." I said. It wasn't my voice though. It was the suddenly malicious voice of Her.

I wanted-no, needed-to look up at the person across the room, to see the face of the person who has made many suffer, and will do much more if not stopped, but She would not allow it for it would give away my identity which would be much more disastrous.

I closed my eyes, waiting for my body to be my own again. When it was, I opened them and stared ahead.

The lunar eclipse was gone. This was my cue to start heading to the apartment. Not home. My home is a place I can't go back to. Not until the person is destroyed.

With this, I stood up and climbed up the cliff towards downtown. The native fog welcomed me with open arms. I was inconspicuous in the rapidly fading light. Just the way I like it.

As I neared the apartment, I started to think about the few leads I had.

It was time to start tonight's search.

Hey guys! *cough*

Yeah, I'm still sick. Due to that, if this chapter also seems weird, it's because of the lack of oxygen going to my brain.

*cough* My oxygen level briefly dropped to 89, so at this point I'm just trying to get as much done before I see a left shoe wink. The ultimate sign of craziness.

I think I'm gonna take the hints of my profile description on Tuesday so check out that while you can.

Hope you stay healthy!

*cough* -Orchid

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