Chapter 15

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Aru's POV

Hmmmm. Hmmmm. HMMMM.

That was the only thing going though my mind right now. Not that anyone could blame me. I bet that's what's going through the other's head's right now.

Wow. Lots of s contractions. I feel bad if anyone has to write down what I'm thinking. Oh well! Back to my annoying way of thinking!

We'd already come to the conclusion that the 2 voices were Dawn and Dusk, but that was it. We didn't have any other leads.

Annabeth groaned. "What are we missing here, people? And why does the most baffling mystery of my life happen when it seemed like I would finally get a break from the crazy!"

"A young woman wearing a dark green cloak and has short dark hair isn't a lot to go by." Mini explained. That was everything-wait. Short dark hair?

"What about short dark hair?" Aiden asked. "We never noticed that."

"I though you did. Once I heard them, I started looking for clues. I also noticed that she had skin like ours." Mini explained it like it was obvious. Which it was. Just not to me.

Percy perked up at this. "So she's Indian like you guys?"

Mini looked nervous after he said this. Luckily I understood and said it for her. "Skin this color could be anyone's. Hispanic, Latinx, Pacific Islanders. Not just Indian." (I personally can't tell the difference so that's why I grouped them all together. Just in case it's offensive to anyone. Also, it would be way to easy if it looked like one.)

Percy looked grim. "At least we know that it was Dawn and Dusk talking. The real question has to be who was the woman we saw? Was it Dawn or Dusk?"

"The mind tricks you into thinking that you have to choose between 2 choices, when really, there's 7." Rudy looked like he had to pull that from deep in his mind. For once, he actually said something smart.

"What does that mean?" Mini seemed like she was being pulled lower, and lower, by her confusion.

Realization dawned on Brynne's face. "It means it might not be Dawn or Dusk. Or that they could be human. That woman might even be one of their servant's!" We were all confused but excited.

Annabeth laughed in disbelief. "We're looking at this as if they were a person, when they've been gods all along! No human could pull that off!"

With this big discovery, we realized it was dinner time and headed our separate ways. Everyone left in high spirits and anticipation for the next day.

Hey guys! I think I might be done being sick, with just a lingering cough. That's good!

I will be taking down the clues I have on my profile description after I finish eating so anyone who hasn't looked at it should look at it. I'm keeping the first quote though. It's become my new favorite.

Here is a little something I found on the internet that I think you guys would like.

Have a good rest of your day!


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