Chapter 21

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Miyu's POV

I awoke to find Eye resting on my shoulder. She was drooling, although none of it had gotten on me. I was thankful for that. I had just done the laundry, after all.

I made a mental note to try and blackmail her later if I could just reach anything that I could take a picture with. I couldn't, much to my disappointment, but that was neither here nor there. I had more pressing matters to attend to.

I carefully got up in a way that I wouldn't disturb her. When she did start to stir, I sang her a song from home.

"Codladh solide, mwen usud,
Alba być èirich igen.

Codladh solide, mwen usud,
Nos unayo terített tou koi."

"Sleep soundly, my star,
Dawn shall rise again.

Sleep soundly, my star,
Night has cast its rein."

Eye laid still, once more. The song had worked. I almost let out a sigh of relief but thought twice about it. Anything could wake her up, so I moved as quickly and quietly as possible.

Once I was ready, I wrote Eye a note telling her I was just visiting some old friends so she wouldn't worry when she woke up alone. I placed it one the table in front of the couch and left.


I walked up to an apartment building like mine, but on the other side of the city. With all the traffic I got there at about noon. Did they really have to inconvenience me like that?

I knocked on a faded door that had hardly any paint left. It was old, boring, and completely ordinary. It was perfect.

A male voice spoke from behind the door. "Who's there?" The voice was loud enough to intimidate a person, but quiet enough that no one else would hear. It most definitely belonged to one of the people I had gone looking for.

I turned my head so I could see if there were any people or security cameras nearby. There were two cameras in the hallway, but they had been deactivated. "Die asase frymëmarrjet inide die furisat yergum e," I whispered.

"Die phaxsi ekartzen du," he whispered back. "Come in." The voice announced in a normal volume.

The door opened to reveal a small apartment with a young man standing inside. He had messy dark brown hair and dark green eyes. He wore a plain tee-shirt with jeans. He was drop dead gorgeous. I felt bad for him. It was always harder to go undetected somewhere when women were constantly flirting with you.

"Long time, no see, Moriko. I see you might still have a problem with women. Have you tried talking to them? That might scare them away." I said.

"Haha," Moriko replied. "Very funny, Miyu. What are you here for anyways?"

Just as he said this, a woman walked into the room. "Moriko, is someone there?"

"Yeah, it's just Miyu. Also, can you make her stop making fun of me?" he whined.

The woman practically ran into the room. "Miyu! It's been so long! You have to tell me everything that's been going on!"

"Hello to you too, Tonantzin." I greeted. We touched each other's foreheads, our people's version of a hug. It represented a connection on a deep level, like a pair of close friends, or lovers.

Tonantzin pouted. "I told you not to call me that. It's too long."

I rolled my eyes at her childish behavior. "Fine, Terra."

For the first time since I got here, I was able to get a good look at what Terra looked like. She had let her dark hair grow long and still had the same light brown eyes with golden flecks in them. She wore a sunflower crop top with skinny jeans. Terra was also cursed with good looks. I could just picture men drooling over her. At least Moriko tried to his beauty.

Side by side, it was easy to see the similarities in the twins. They had the same nose, the same hair, they were both easily provoked, not that I tested that.

But they both completely different. Moriko was silent and calm while Terra was hyper and excited about everything. See? Two different people.

The twins were fighting about reasons I could be visiting. I missed this. Don't get me wrong, Eye is awesome, but sometimes I miss hanging out with a group of friends.

"So? Will you put an end to your bickering and listen?" They both nodded. "Good. Let's go eat some lunch. I'll explain on the way."

"Hold up!" Terra exclaimed. "I have to get on my favorite shoes!"

"Make sure you can hike in them!"

"I will!"

Mission Muir Woods was on.

Hey guys! It feels like forever since I last updated! Sorry about that!

I had the STAAR sim, and a solo contest (which I crushed! I predict a 2 or maybe a 3 in my future!) this week.

I've also started to read Keeper of the Lost Cities recently, per my friend's requests. It's really good, except I got asked a really dumb question about it. He asked if I was team Fitz or team Keefe. Keefe, obviously!

I found all of the books at Barns & Nobles, but they were so expensive so I only got books 6 and 7. I'm hoping they can hold me off until the rest come via Amazon.

Also, funny story if you need a laugh, I was at the solo contest and when I can back to grab my case and my stand, the stand was missing! Apparently, someone decided to move it to the side of the cafeteria and changed their mind and moved it to the other side of the table. When I asked someone if the stand right next to them was theirs(because it looked like mine and was the only stand there.) they said it was their friend's. When a group of people came back, we asked again if they knew who the stand belonged to. They said that they found it by the side of the cafeteria and moved it over here, meaning that it was mine.

So that was my week. Sorry for the long a/n.

Have a great rest of your day!


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