I've Been Tagged, So Welcome To My Torture Session!

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Not that it's actually torture. I'm actually thankful to vghantasala7732 for thinking about me for the tags.

Have you ever been in a relationship?

Um, no. People like to flee in terror instead. Makes it really hard for them to get attached. I'll probably just try to adopt a child since being a weird cat lady is out of the question. You know, if the child can tolerate me.

What's your favorite color?

I don't really have a favorite, but anything relating to blue or green is towards the top.

Are you a cat or dog person?

Cats are just absolute demons to me, so it's definitely dogs. My cousins' cat even scratched me for walking by. My only comfort in that is that she scratched everyone else. Also, allergies. Lots and lots of allergies.

What's your most unpopular option?

Wow, that's a hard one. Um, if I had to chose one, it would probably be that pop music is one of the worst things to exist on earth. Horrible, honestly, how do people listen to that garbage? Classic Rock shall rule the world as long as I'm concerned.

Does pineapple belong on pizza?

Okay, I don't know what mental state you're at, right now, but clearly you're insane if you think cooked vegetables or fruit belong on anything. Or maybe you're sane, because I might be a psychopath. The results haven't come in yet.

List everything in your backpack.

Wow. You clearly must have a death wish, but here goes nothing.

1. Orchestra binder
2. Random binder
3. 2 useless folders
4. Math spiral
5. Science spiral that I've only used 5 times
6. ELA notebook
7. Spanish folder
8. Extra paper
9. Chromebook
10. Actual book

Ok, I think that's enough for now. I do have more, but then this thing would be about 100,000 words long, so let's just move ahead.

What's your favorite emoji?

There's a lot, so I don't know how to decide, but I'll try my best. 🥸🧐🖕🧶🦋🌺💫🪐✨🌕🇬🇹🇲🇽. Yeah, they're good ones and say a lot about me if you can guess why I chose them. Have fun!

What's your favorite song?

Oh, you have no idea the mess you've gotten yourself into. Here's my standard playlist. https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/travel/pl.u-xlyNEpPTkY8v0WN. And my favorite song is Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses. Wonderful.

What's your dream job?

Being an astronaut or working for NASA would be amazing but that's too much pressure for me, so I'd like to be a translator or a business owner. If none of that works out, you'll probably here news of the on the TV where they'll be talking about my takeover of the world. Any path I choose will be lots of fun!

How many push-ups can you do in a row?

The aw inspiring 2! I am so glad that I'm the best at endurance running in my friend group. And I have swim. I need to work out more.

And, ah yes. The tags. Have fun! Mwah hahahaha!











And that's it!

Have a great rest of your day!


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