Chapter 22

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Miyu's POV

We arrived hungry and anxious at a restaurant and the twins started to ask me about why I needed them.

"Sooo, Why are we here?" Terra inquired.

Moriko rolled his eyes. "Be patient. But she's right. Why are we here?"

I sighed and questioned every decision that led me to this moment. "Because I need your help. Didn't I already tell you that?"

The waitress came to lead us to our table before they had the chance it answer. She looked bored, but once she caught sight of Moriko, all that boredom evaporated. This was going to be fun.

Of course, Terra also noticed this and we smiled. This was a chance rarely given to me. I'd never embarrass Eye, but I'd definitely help a desperate sister get rid of a ruthless girl that has her eyes on Terra's brother.

We arrived at our table and the waitress, whose name tag said Emma, gave us our menus and started flirting, right on cue.

"Hey, I'm Emma," she stated, twirling her hair. "I'll be your waitress for today. Let me know if you need anything." She looked at Moriko as she said this. Ugh. This is why I hate pretty people. Why do they always get all of the attention?

Annoyance aside, Emma had left and we were deciding on what drinks to get when Terra asked her brother something.

"So how do you want us to break her heart this time?"

Moriko let out a groan. "I suspected it might come to this. You can use the girlfriend excuse this time. It might be more believable since Miyu's here."

"Okay, one, if you let your head get too big, it'll break your neck. -Elvis Presley. Two, you know how I feel about doing that stuff." I was already in love with a wonderful person and they knew it.

Terra looked confused. "Who's Elvis Presley? I know that we've been here for about 5 years and you 2 now, but American culture is sooo weird."

"We have a lot to go over," I said as I grabbed her hands. "But you will learn the magic that is rock."

"Oh yeah, how's Tali?" Moriko inquired.

I gave him a stern look. "She's good. She had a job interview last week, so we're still waiting to hear the results." He was way more interested in Eye's life than I liked. Maybe it was because I tried not to talk about her. The more I share, the more she risked being discovered.

I had launched my investigation on the Sun Goddess's servant years ago and had invested in their help. I would have included Eye, but she was stressed enough. Moriko thought that it was a wise decision because he thought that it could be her.

I refused to accept that Eye could be the enemy. She was too kind and sweet to be apart of such evil. There wasn't even any proof connecting her too the crimes of the immortal being.

Moriko interrupted my train of thought. "What if I gave you a whole bag of sour skittles? Then, would you agree to pretend you're my girlfriend if she assumes?"

I nodded and pretended to think deeply. "I'm intrigued. What if it was 2 bags of the family sized ones?"

"Deal." He held out his hand for me to shake and we sealed the deal.

Terra join the conversation. "Glad you agreed because Little Ms. Flirts With Every is coming."

"Hey," Emma said. "What will it be today?"

I was impressed that she hadn't tried anything yet, but then Moriko ordered and the batting of eyelashes and hair twirling came.

"Oh," Terra said, as if she had remembered something. "Isn't your girlfriend's birthday this month?"

I squeezed her hand under the table, thankful that I didn't have to pretend.

Moriko nodded, and said, "Yeah, I think I'm going to get her that necklace I saw her looking at."

"Well, tell her I said happy birthday." We discussed this casually in front of the waitress. She noticed and stopped flirting almost immediately. At least she had some decency.

Emma walked away to grab our drinks and I proceeded to tell the twins why I needed them.

"So you know how close I am to finding out who the sun goddess's servant is?" I started. They nodded slowly. "Well, I was at Muir Woods a couple of days ago, and I noticed that some of the shadows were displaced. I think that she might have been there."

Terra sucked in a breath. "You're kidding, right? Please say you are. Because if you aren't..."

"She's here." Moriko finished.

I nodded very slowly, not sure how much time they needed to process this information. Fortunately, it wasn't that long. Someone changed the subject and we just talked about random stuff for the rest of the time.

It wasn't long before we finished eating and it was time to go to Muir Woods. Dread set in my stomach, but I was ready.

Hey guys! I was going to make it longer, but I desperately need someone else to know the genius that is the Discovery album from Daft Punk. They even made it into what us now my favorite movie, Interstellar 5555. Just, please, someone watch it so I can talk about it with.

Anyways, yesterday was my social studies teacher's last day before retirement, so this chapter will be dedicated to her! Hopefully this'll help her get through the car ride to Tennessee with her 80 year old parents with no escape! I feel bad for her.

Have a great rest of your day!


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