Chapter 5

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Aru's POV

After conversing with Brynne and Mini via mind link, we decided to talk with the strangers.

As I stepped forward I asked, "Who are you?" It seemed like a reasonable question. They didn't seem to think so.

"We won't answer until you tell us what you're doing here." The girl was brazen (Sparkle word! Take that 6th grade ELA!) enough to take out her dagger!

"Ok. No need for violence. We'll answer your questions as long as you answer ours." Trust Mini to be the only one that's calm under pressure.

"We agree to your terms," Said the girl. "For your first question, I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena. This is my boyfriend, Percy, son of Poseidon." Daughter of what?

"Bit dramatic." I whisper under my breath. "We are the Potatoes." Cringing in my mind, I reminded myself to ask Brynne why she had to choose that name. "I'm Aru, reincarnation of Arjuna, soul daughter of Indra, god of lightning, and daughter of the Sleeper. (This girl needs a shorter title.)

"I'm Mini, reincarnation of Yudhistira, soul daughter of Dharma Raja, god of death.

"I'm Brynne, reincarnation of Bhima, soul daughter of Vayu, god of wind.

"I'm Aiden, reincarnation of Draupadi," It was here he started to mumble and look embarrassed. "Wife of the Pandavas."

I smiled to myself as I asked, "What was that, wifey?"

"Wife of the Pandavas." He repeated.

"I'm Prince Ruda, of the Nagas." (See Aru, why can't you be more like Rudy? Wow, first time anyone's said that!)

"You can call him Rudy." Smart move Brynne.

Rudy was about to protest when she elbowed him. He stayed quite.

The girl, Annabeth, had a stern face on. She looked at Percy. "I don't trust them. We should bring them to camp." They talked like we weren't there!

I considered running away, but at that moment  they finished their conversation. I swear, I have the worst luck ever!

Moments later, The Potatoes and I were sitting inside a STRANGER'S car, heading to some place called camp.

Hey! Who else is sad about Thanksgiving break being over soon? I am! I DO NOT want to go back to school. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed.

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