Chap 1 : The Beginning Of Lumi Night

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World situation: In 2089, the powerful countries came together to form a country, that country was called Timh. After Timh was established, the country's economy and politics declined sharply, causing Timh to fall to the top 67 of the world. But since a young man became the leader of Timh, Timh quickly surpassed the top 1 of the world in all fields after only 9 years. And from then on, other countries began to be jealous and decided to ally and then fight each other. This caused the world in 2103 to have the largest world war in history with the participation of all 154 countries participating in the war, including Timh. Non-participating countries were also forced to participate because these wars took place all over the world. Since then, people's lives have not been peaceful because of war, so 30% of the world's population has migrated to live in Timh because Timh is not only safe from invaders but also has the largest territory in world history. And since 2103, there has been a world war that has been happening globally for several decades. And Lelough was born with the mission of ending the current world situation and rebuilding a peaceful world.

Today, May 14, 2167, was a normal day like any other day, but for Lelough, it was not. Today was the day that the members of the organization that Lelough founded, Lumi Night, face to face . This member was specially checked by Lelough bit by bit because these members would later become small leaders divided into different groups of Lumi Night. Lelough had chosen a luxurious restaurant and booked VIPs in the room to face to face meeting and now there were only one hour left, which meant that at seven o'clock tonight was the time for face to face meeting members of Lumi Night. At this moment, Lelough was standing on the rooftop of a tall building, thinking deeply, he felt nervous because after face to face meeting, a long journey had begun.

The night had descended, and the city lights reflected through the windows of the high-rise building where Lelough stood. In the tranquil atmosphere, he could sense the tension of a new beginning. Everything was set for the first step of the Lumi Night organization—an organization that Lelough, with the alias Luminor, had meticulously built.

Lelough entered the meeting room, where the dim light from the chandeliers created a formal and mysterious ambiance. The room was simply yet elegantly decorated, with a large table in the center and surrounding chairs arranged neatly. On the walls, a prominent Lumi Night symbol illuminated, serving as a reminder of the grand mission ahead.
As the first members of the organization arrived one by one, Lelough stood in the middle of the room, his presence drawing all eyes. These were not ordinary individuals; they were carefully chosen by Lelough for their abilities and loyalty. Now was the time to test whether his choices were truly correct.

"Welcome to Lumi Night" Lelough began, his voice resonating in the room. "You are the ones I trust to join me in carrying out an important mission. But before we proceed, I need to ensure that my trust is well-placed."
Lelough returned to the table and began explaining the assessment process. "Now, you will face a series of questions and hypothetical scenarios. This is not just a test of your thinking abilities but also an opportunity to demonstrate your loyalty and commitment to the organization."

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as Lelough started the assessment. He used his deep understanding of psychology to pose sharp questions and challenging scenarios. Each question aimed not only to evaluate intellect but also to reflect personal values and motivations."If Lumi Night were facing a severe crisis, what would you do to maintain public trust and ensure the organization was not harmed?" Lelough asked one member, his gaze unwavering.The respondent, a calm-looking man, began to think then answering."I would immediately establish a clear and transparent communication strategy, informing the public about the situation and the measures we are taking to address it. At the same time, I would coordinate with departments to ensure that everyone is aware of the situation and response plan."
Lelough nodded in satisfaction and continued with other questions. Each response was meticulously analyzed, considering the sincerity and capability of each person. He was not only concerned with knowledge and skills but also evaluated how they reacted under pressure.

Another member, a young woman with sharp eyes and a determined look, stepped forward to answer the next question. "If you discover a member of the organization has committed a betrayal, how will you handle it?" Lelough asked, his eyes carefully following her every expression."First, I will collect solid evidence and make sure there is no misunderstanding. Then, I will immediately report it to you and the other senior members. If the betrayal is confirmed, I will propose appropriate punishment and remove the traitor from the organization to protect the safety and reputation of Lumi Night!" she answered firmly, without hesitation.Lelough continued to test each member, from simple questions about personal ideals and goals to complex situations that required quick thinking and sharp intelligence. He not only listened to their answers, but also observed how they reacted under pressure, how they thought and made decisions.
One of the last members, a young man with a strong and confident appearance, stepped forward. Lelough posed a more difficult question: "In a situation where you had to choose between your own safety and the safety of the organization, what would you do?"The young man thought for a moment and then answered, his voice filled with determination. "I will put the interests of the organization above all else. The survival and success of Lumi Night are the most important things. I am willing to sacrifice myself to protect the organization and ensure that our mission is carried out."Lelouch carefully observed the expression on his face then Lelough nodded, seemingly satisfied with this answer. He knew that the loyalty and determination of each member would be the key factor for Lumi Night to overcome any challenge.

After completing the test, Lelough invited everyone to sit down to discuss the upcoming plan. "We are not just any organization" Lelough said, his tone serious but filled with passion. "Lumi Night was created to create real change in this world. We will face powerful enemies, unimaginable challenges, but with our unity and intelligence, nothing is impossible."He continued to detail the strategic steps they would take in the coming period. Each member was assigned specific tasks, based on their skills and strengths. Lelough did not stop at assigning tasks, but also explained the importance of each task in the overall context of the organization."We will start by building an intelligence network to gather important information about our opponents. This requires ingenuity and absolute secrecy. I have chosen you, Rena," Lelough said, looking at the young girl with determination in his eyes. "Your ability to analyze and gather information will be the key to keeping us one step ahead."Rena nodded, confidence evident on her face. Lelough continued, "And you, Marcus, will be in charge of internal security. I know you have excellent skills in detecting and preventing any threats from within."

Marcus, a young man with a tough and determined appearance, also nodded. Lelough continued to assign tasks to each member, each feeling respected and important in the organization's mission."Finally, I want to emphasize that Lumi Night is not just an organization, but a family. We will support each other, protect each other, and overcome any challenge together." Lelough said, his eyes scanning every face in the room. "We are not only fighting for a better future, but also for each other, for the trust we have placed in this organization."
The meeting ended with high spirits and a unanimous vote from all members. As everyone began to leave the room, Lelough stood alone, looking at the Lumi Night symbol on the wall. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult and dangerous, but he also knew that with the support and commitment of the members, he could overcome anything.Lelough left the meeting room, stepping into the quiet night of the city. In his mind, a series of plans and strategies were forming. He knew that every step needed to be carefully calculated, every decision could have unforeseen consequences. But with his intelligence and determination,Lelough is sure that in all situations and battles he can be many steps ahead of his opponents.Lelough left the building, stepping outside into a starry night, a bright full moon, he felt a new hope, a determination stronger than ever. Lumi Night officially began its journey, and Luminor, with his determination and wisdom, was ready to lead the organization into a new and promising future.

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