Chap 2 : School Life And Lelough's Preparation

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Despite having established the Lumi Night organization, Lelough still could not avoid attending school since he was in the 11th grade at Elsu High School, a prestigious institution known for nurturing talented students. Upon arriving at school, Lelough was approached by a girl.

"Could you be friends with me?" she asked.

Lelough responded calmly, "Sorry, I don't make friends with anyone."

He continued walking towards his classroom, leaving the girl behind, who looked regretful. Lelough wasn't surprised, as this was a common occurrence due to his strikingly handsome face, his indifferent demeanor, and his known prowess at school. When he entered his classroom, a cheerful boy spoke to him.

"Lelough! Do you know, I followed your advice, and finally, my grades have improved!" The boy held up his test paper for Lelough to see. The speaker was Lelough's close friend, Daiza.

"Oh! Such rapid progress?" Lelough asked in surprise.

"Thanks to you, I finally got a 8! I used to study hard but always scored below average. Now, thanks to you, I'm above average." Daiza said, smiling with pride.

"Hold on!" Lelough interrupted. "Have you been diligent?"

"Well... not really... Hehe." Daiza admitted sheepishly, scratching his head.

During the lesson, the teacher introduced a new student to the class, a boy named Yui. Yui had a calm demeanor and was quite handsome.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yui. I'm the new student, and I hope you'll help me adjust here."

Yui bowed after speaking. Daiza, sitting in front of Lelough, whispered to him.

"I heard that he was a top student at his old school and was personally recruited by the principal. Moreover, his family is quite wealthy. He seems to be very popular with those around him."

"Really?" Lelough asked, showing no particular interest.

"It looks like you might have a new rival." Daiza said with enthusiasm.

Lelough did not respond, instead staring out of the window, seemingly deep in thought. During the lesson, Yui noticed that Lelough consistently stared out the window throughout several lessons, without any teacher reprimanding him or asking him questions. Yui asked a classmate sitting nearby,

"Why doesn't the guy sitting by the window pay attention during class and isn't reprimanded or questioned by the teacher?"

The classmate replied, "Oh, you're talking about Lelough? Does he need to pay attention? With his level of knowledge, he doesn't need to. You're new, so you might not know, but he's been like this since the beginning of the school year. Despite that, he always scores the highest in every subject in all his exams. It's said that his knowledge surpasses that of the teachers, which is why no teacher complains or questions him."

"Really?" Yui asked, astonished, then looked at Lelough with renewed interest. "It seems I have a formidable rival."

At lunchtime, Lelough went to the cafeteria with Daiza. On the way, Lelough was the center of attention from many female students due to his handsome appearance and the aura of confidence he exuded that kept people at a distance.

"Why do all the girls pay attention to you?" Daiza asked, looking frustrated.

"I don't know, maybe they're just looking around." Lelough responded.

"You're being too modest! Oh... I'm handsome too, but why does no one notice me?" Daiza lamented.

Lelough smiled. Indeed, Daiza was handsome too, but when compared to Lelough, it was like comparing a ten to a twenty. Arriving at the cafeteria, Lelough saw a group of eight or nine people extorting money from every male student. Seeing this, Lelough narrowed his eyes at the bullies. His gaze was sharp and emotionless, exuding a strong presence. Lelough approached the bullies with Daiza.

Lelough stopped, his gaze as cold and sharp as ice, and looked at the group of bullies. Despite not wanting to interfere in others' matters, he could not ignore injustice. He walked towards the bullies with a calm demeanor, but his eyes flashed with a warning that anyone could sense.

"Give the money back to them!" Lelough said, his voice calm yet powerful.

The bullies turned to face him and realized they were up against Lelough, a student known not only for his handsome looks but also for his extraordinary abilities. The leader, though a bit frightened, still tried to maintain a defiant attitude.

"Who are you to give orders to us? Want to get beaten up?" he said, trying to sound threatening.

One of the bullies attempted to grab Lelough by the collar, but before he could do anything, Lelough seized his hand and squeezed it tightly. "AA!!!" the bully screamed in pain, clearly feeling the overwhelming strength from Lelough's grip. At that moment, another bully charged at Lelough from behind with the intent to attack, but was kicked away by Daiza. The entire group of bullies started to panic, realizing they were facing someone extraordinary.

"You could have chosen another path, yet you chose this one," Lelough said indifferently, his eyes piercing through the group of bullies.

Eventually, the bullies, realizing they could not win, hurriedly returned all the extorted money and fled the cafeteria in chaos. Lelough and Daiza's actions not only made the victims grateful but also earned admiration from all the students around. Lelough returned to his table, took his chicken and meat meal, and found a quiet corner to sit and eat, ignoring all the staring eyes.

"Lelough, we're famous now!" Daiza said excitedly, but Lelough only replied calmly, "Let them be." and continued eating.

After lunch, the two decided to skip school and head to the chess club. Lelough participated in a chess match with a considerable wager. The other players decided to team up to defeat him, but despite their efforts, Lelough won with his exceptional chess skills. After winning a hundred million, Lelough decided to invest in a project called "Omni". On the way back, Daiza asked curiously, "Why did you choose that project? You're investing another billion; aren't you afraid of losing it all?"

Lelough began to explain, "Firstly, the project involves developing land in the northern region to turn it into real estate. The north is a vast plain, with a favorable geographical location, close to the city center, airport, and beach. The climate there is also stable, making it ideal for construction. With these factors, the potential for real estate price appreciation in that area is very high."

Daiza, listening, looked at Lelough with admiration. "Wow, I'm really impressed by you, Lelough." he said.

Lelough responded with an unexpected question, "Would you like to join my organization?"

"What organization?" Daiza asked, looking puzzled.

"Lumi Night." Lelough replied. "It's an organization to put an end to the current state of the world. You know how bad things are, right?"

Daiza remained silent for a while, carefully considering Lelough's offer. Finally, he said firmly, "I agree to join the organization with you, Lelough!"

Lelough nodded in satisfaction. In the following days, Lelough's investment had multiplied eightfold. He used his hacking skills to acquire dozens of combat machines for free, using his counterfeit money skills to deceive the sellers. After purchasing one hundred combat machines, Lelough returned to his apartment, stood before the strategic map of Lumi Night. The setting sun cast a dramatic light through the window, creating a scene with Lelough's sharp face and cold gaze.

The preparations were complete. Now, all that remained was for Lelough to finish his exams, after which all the members would gather and begin their first battle.

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