It Has Begun

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Monday Night RAW

3rd Person POV

JR: It's been one helluva night tonight on RAW.

King: It sure has, JR, and the next match won't disappoint. It's the Juggernaut Duncan Blake and Team Xtreme versus D-Generation X's X-Pac, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn.

JR: And that match starts now.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


As D-Generation X makes their entrance, Team Xtreme is greeted by a familiar face: Trish Stratus.

Trish: Hey guys. How's it going?

Lita: Hey Trish. Everything okay?

Trish: Honestly, I'm nervous. Now that Vince bought WCW, I'm afraid there will be budget cuts.

Jeff: Hey, you can't think like that. We were here first and we have contracts with Vince. He'll take care of us.

Trish: I know, but have you seen some of the people he's brought over? Booker T, Stacy Keibler-

Duncan, walking over to them: What's going on?

Matt: Trish is worried she's gonna get fired.

Duncan: You? Not a chance.

Lita: Really? No hello for me?

WWF's Juggernaut looks over at the much shorter redhead and smiles. He walks over to her and and puts his hands on her shoulders, pulling her into a kiss. Once they break the kiss, they both smile.

Duncan: Hey babe. How're you?

Lita: I'm doing good. A little worried about our match, that's all.

Their conversation is cut short when a guy wearing a black jacket and sunglasses walks over to them. None one in their group knows who he is. Everyone but Duncan has to look up at him in order to speak to him.

(A/N: Looks like this, but younger and has longer hair.)

???: Hey, I'm new around here and was wonderin' where the bathroom is.

Duncan: It's around the corner. First door on your right.

???: Cool. Thanks, man. I'll see y'all in a minute.

The man walks off, carrying a bag over his shoulder. Duncan raises his eyebrow at the whole interaction.

Duncan: So that happened. That guy looked really familiar. Anyway, we're up next. Talk to ya later, Trish.

Trish: Bye guys. Good luck.

The Juggernaut and Team Xtreme wait behind the curtain for their music to start playing. Meanwhile, Lita looks at Trish with a smirk.

Lita: Someone caught your eye, huh?

Trish: What?

Lita: I saw the way you looked at him.

Stage crew: Lita, you're on!

Lita: Look, we'll talk about this when I get back.

In the arena

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Team Xtreme comes out first, doing their usual entrance.

They stop shortly after and stand to the side as they await their tag partner. They don't have to wait long before his theme thunderous throughout the arena.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Duncan Blake steps out and throughs his arms in the air. He lets out a bellowing roar as the camera focuses on him.

He looks over at his tag partners and smirks as they walk down to the ring. They climb into the ring and get ready for the match to begin. Matt and Road Dogg are starting off the match.


It's been a pretty even match so far. Even with the added muscle of Duncan Blake, Team Xtreme can't seem to get an edge over DX. Every time they set up for a big move, Tori...

...would get involved, allowing the other members of DX to cheat.

Currently, Duncan is in the ring with X-Pac. Duncan goes to charge at Pac. As he goes to hit the ropes, Tori grabs his ankle and trips him a little. Lita saw the interference and marches over to Tori.

Lita: What the hell!?

Tori: What?

Lita: I saw you trip him!

Tori: I didn't even touch him!

Lita: Stop interfering in the match!

Tori, pushing Lita: Go back to your corner!

Lita: Don't push me!

They continue to shove each other until it turns into an all out fight. As they fight, a increasingly popular song plays.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Two female superstars rush out from the top of the stage. They are Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson.

They run down to the ring and attack Lita and Tori. Torrie grabs Lita by the hair and whips her into the barricade, while Stacy slams Tori's face against the announce table.

The two teams in the ring are distracted by the chaos ensuing outside when the lights go out. The cawing of crows echoes throughout the arena before a murder of crows appear on the titantron. The murder caws and flies around before three, white words appear on the screen: "It Has Begun". After the words appear, the voice of the Icon Sting can be heard throughout the arena shortly as a familiar theme sounds.

Sting: Birds of a feather flock together.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: You don't have to listen to it all the way through. This was just the best version I could find.)

The men in the ring wait for the man to come down the ramp, but he doesn't show. The theme continues to play and the lights don't go back up until they hear the fans cheer loudly. The lights turn on and the cameras focus on the man coming down from the rafters bat in hand.

The man quickly detaches the cable from his harness once his feet touch the ring. He's standing with his back to the men in the ring when he suddenly turns around to face them. Duncan is the first person to step towards him, but is stopped when the man points his bat to his bottom jaw.

X-Pac approaches from the other side, but the man slowly moves the bat over to him. Right now, both teams are in the ring (minus the women). They stand in front of the man in black as the fans chant "Crow! Crow! Crow!".

Just as fast as he had come into the ring, the man strikes Duncan in the head with an elbow before kicking X-Pac in the gut. With the help of his bat and his striking combos, the face-painted man is able to clear the ring single-handedly.

He walks over to Duncan, who is down on one knee. He grabs him by the beard and lifts him up to his feet. The man in black sets the Monster up before driving the back of his skull into the mat with a Scorpion Deathdrop.

He then walks over to the fallen X-Pac and drags him up to his feet by his hair. Once he's up to his feet, the man puts him back down on the mat with a cutter.

The man stands back up and walks over to X-Pac's legs. He lets out a loud howl before grabbing both of his legs and locking in the Scorpion Death-Lock.

He locks the hold in tight. It doesn't take long for X-Pac to tap, but he doesn't let go. Instead, he sits lower, causing X-Pac to writhe in pain, unable to escape. After a minute or so, X-Pac passes out from the pain and the man in black releases the hold.

He walks over to the corner closest to Torrie and Stacy, who are standing triumphantly outside the ring, next to the announce table.

Man, quietly: Mind handin' me a mic, Stace?

Stacy smiles and walks over to the timekeeper's area. She comes back to the ring with a mic and hands it to the man in the ring.

He winks at her and mouths "who's she?" nodding his head over at Torrie, to which Stacy replies "I'll tell you later". He steps back into the ring and holds the mic up to his mouth. He crouches down beside the fallen wrestlers in the ring and speaks in a singsong manner.

Man: One, two, the murder has come for you. Three, four, it just sent ya to the morgue. Five, six, y'all got your asses kicked. Seven, eight, that was a piece of cake. Nine, ten, can't wait to do it again.

He stops talking in the singsong voice and stands up as the crowd cheers. He lets them cheer for a minute or two before he yells into the mic.

Man: What's my name!?

Crowd: CROW!!!

The man in black smiles as he grabs his bat. He points it at the group of men walking back up the ramp. His smile fades as he stares at them. They continue to back away until the show cuts to commercial.

A/N: Thank y'all so much for reading. Yes, this is another story with SuperSaiyan4Life in it, but what can I say, he's awesome and a pleasure to work with. Anyway, thanks again for reading and I'll talk to y'all next time.

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