Meeting New People

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Team Xtreme and Duncan are waiting backstage for the two new girls and the new guy to come through the curtain. As they wait, Trish walks over to them.

Trish: Hey guys, great show out there. Any idea who the new guys are?

Duncan: All I know is that the guy's name is Maddox.

Trish: What are you doing waiting out here?

Duncan: We're waiting to welcome the newest members of WWF.

Just as he says that, the three people they're waiting for walk through the curtain. As they do, the man with the painted face looks over at the two women next to him.

Maddox: So who is she, Stace?

Stacy: I'll tell you once we meet everyone else. Lita told us to meet them over here when we came back through the curtain.

Maddox: You didn't trap me in another social gathering, did you?

Stacy: I sure did, now come on. Could be fun.

Maddox: That's what you said before I fought both Steiner Brothers by myself.

They get over to where Lita told them to meet and stand across from the WWF wrestlers. The WCW stars are welcomed over to the group by Lita and the Hardys Boyz.

Lita: Alright, now we get to actually meet each other. I just wanted to say great job out there guys. My name is Amy, but everyone sticks to calling me Lita. These guys to my right are Matt and Jeff. This lady to my right is my best friend Trish, and the guy to my left is my boyfriend Duncan.

Everyone shakes each other's hand as they continue to get acquainted. As they continue to introduce themselves, Maddox locks eyes with Trish. She blushes and quickly looks away, causing him to smile. He then looks over to Duncan and sticks his hand out. They shake hands and smile at each other.

Maddox: Nice to meet y'all again. I didn't get you too hard with the bat earlier, did I?

Duncan: Nah, man, you're good. Takes more than an aluminum bat to take me down.

Maddox: Good. Can't have my first WWF rivalry be a series of squash matches.

Duncan: I can promise you'll never have a squash match against me. Ever.

Maddox: I can promise the same. Now, Stace, who's your friend?

Stacy: Oh, right. Maddox, this is Torrie Wilson. Torrie, meet the Crow Maddox Winters.

Maddox: That's quite the introduction there, Stace. Might as well tell her my middle name too.

Torrie, with a smile: It's nice to meet. Stacy talks about you all of the time.

Maddox: Is that right? All good things, I hope.

Torrie: She said you're her best friend and that you have a strong disliking of fancy restaurants.

Duncan: I think I found a new best friend. Not enough food, right?

Maddox: Exactly.

As they continue to talk, Trish and Torrie find themselves staring at Crow. Something about him draws them to him. They're soon snapped out of their trances when WWF's locker room leader walks over to them. He is none other than the Deadman himself: the Undertaker.

Taker: Hey, kid. Come here for a second.

Crow walks over to the American Badass. Neither men are smiling, making everyone else nervous.

Taker: I see you've made some new friends.

Maddox: Yes sir, I did.

Taker: Where's your stuff? I didn't see it in the locker room.

Maddox: Under the sink in one of the bathrooms. Didn't think I'd earned my way to be in the locker room yet.

Taker: Wanted to pay your dues, huh?

Maddox: Of course. Can't come in here like I own the place. My name doesn't sign the checks.

Taker: Your uncle teach you that?

Maddox: You were the one who taught me that.

Taker, smirking: Just makin' sure you remembered to show some respect to those who came before you.

Maddox, smirking back: Always do.

Duncan: I don't mean to interrupt, but are we missing something here?

Maddox: You wanna tell 'em or should I?

Taker: You can tell 'em. I gotta go catch up with Glenn (Kane). We're up next.

Maddox: Alright, see ya, Deadman.

The two give each other a fist bump before Taker turns around and walks away. Maddox turns back around and sees everyone (except Stacy) staring at him with shocked expressions on their faces.

Maddox: Oh, right, the explanation. He trained me.

Duncan: Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Maddox: It's not really a good way to start a conversation, is it? "Hi, I'm Maddox Winters and I was trained by the Undertaker, but you can call me Crow". See? It doesn't really flow organically.

Duncan, smiling: Good point. You and I are gonna get along just fine.

Stacy: That's good. He's a little short in the 'friends' department.

Maddox: What's wrong, Stace? Can't handle me by yourself?

Stacy: I need all the help I can get when it comes to you, big guy.

Lita: How tall are you anyway?

Maddox: 6'5", 6'6". Somewhere around there. Not that much shorter than Duncan.

Duncan: Finally, someone tall enough to talk to without having to keep looking down! I'm not alone anymore!

Lita: You know we work with a bunch of giants, right?

Duncan: Yeah, but they're all older than us and it feels like I'm talking to a bunch of dads.

Maddox: You are talking to a bunch of dads. Taker has a son and a couple daughters, Kane's got stepdaughters, and Show's got a daughter. But I get where you're coming from. It was like that for me back in WCW.

Duncan: Where have you been all my life!?

Maddox, after laughing: Look, I need to go get my shit outta the bathroom and get this paint off my face.

Lita: I think we could all use a shower. Meet us at the bar across the street when you guys are done.

Jeff: Yeah, let's welcome you guys to the Federation properly.

Stacy: We can't wait.

The group disperses and go through their own routines. Eventually, the Hardy's meet back up with Duncan and Lita, while Stacy and Torrie meet up with Maddox. As they're about to leave, Trish runs up to their car with her bags behind her. Luckily for her, Maddox hadn't closed the trunk yet.

Meanwhile, with Duncan

They're driving down the road when Duncan gets lost in thought. Lita taps his arm to snap him out of it and asks him what's wrong.

Duncan: It's probably nothing. I just feel like I forgot something.

Lita: If you forgot it, it probably wasn't that important.

With Maddox

Trish: Wait! Amy and Duncan left without me. Can I catch a ride with you?

Maddox: Of course, darlin'. Lemme take your bags and you go ahead and take a seat.

Trish: Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver.

Maddox: I do what I can.

He finishes loading the bags in the trunk and climbs into the driver's seat. Stacy is sitting next to him in the passenger seat, with Torrie and Trish sitting in the back of the car. They leave the arena and head towards the bar.

With Duncan

Duncan: Last time you said that, we left Jeff at the airport.

Jeff: You told me it was Duncan's fault!

Duncan: You what!?

Lita: No offense, babe, but I blame pretty much everything on you.

She leans over and kisses his cheek, making him crack a smile. If Matt and Jeff weren't in the car, she wouldn't have stopped with one kiss. They hardly keep their hands off each other.

Duncan: I swear, you and Trish both-...Oh shit.

Lita: What?

Matt: What's up, man?

Duncan: I know what we forgot.

Jeff: What?

Duncan: We forgot Trish!

Lita: It's okay. I'll give her a call.

With Maddox

Trish: Huh, my phone's ringing? It's probably Lita.

Maddox: You gonna answer it?

Trish: Nah, I'm good. I'd rather get to know you guys better. How'd you meet?

Torrie: Well, I just met Maddox today, but I've been friends with Stacy for a couple of years now.

Trish: How'd you and Maddox meet, Stacy?

Stacy: We met when he came to visit his uncle. I was just a Nitro Girl and he was the man that beat Goldberg at Starrcade the previous year.

Torrie: I thought he lost to Nash.

Maddox: He did. After I kicked Goldberg's ass, Bischoff came out there and demanded that Nash got a title match. While they were arguing, Hall came out there dressed as a guard and tased him. The rest is history.

Trish: Why didn't you go for the title?

Maddox: Titles aren't important to me, my undefeated streak is. I'm more about sending a message than telling people how many times I lost a title.

Trish: What?

Maddox: Think about it: you got people like Ric Flair who boast about how many times they've won a title, but that number also shows how many times you've lost the title. I'd rather be the hardest man to beat than have seventeen title reigns.

Torrie: You're not like most people, are you?

Maddox: Nope.

At the bar

Everyone got to the bar and have enjoyed a few drinks, except Duncan and Maddox, who are the designated drivers. Instead of drinking, the two decided to compete against each other in any form of contest they could think of that wasn't illegal. Currently, they're arm wrestling while they learn about each other.

Maddox: You got a Southern accent. Where you from, man?

Duncan: South Carolina. You?

Maddox: Georgia.

Duncan: Are you a nerd?

Maddox: Hell yeah. You?

Duncan: You bet your ass I am.

Maddox: I should've guessed by the Superman tattoo on your arm.

Duncan: Ah shit. I gotta drive three drunks back to the hotel and share a room with one of them.

Maddox: Good luck with that.

Duncan: How do you plan on handling the three blondes?

Maddox: Hope they're sober enough to walk.

Duncan: And if they're not?

Maddox: I've carried multiple people at once before.

Duncan: When was that?

Maddox: Years ago on a dare. Carried a few Nitro Girls on my shoulders.

Duncan: Is that how you met Stacy?

Maddox: I'm gonna be honest with you, it's a possibility. I don't remember meeting her.

Duncan: You don't remember when you met your girlfriend?

Maddox, laughing: She's...she's not my girlfriend.

Duncan: I just figured because y'all seem really close.

Maddox: She's a good friend. What about you and Lita? How'd y'all meet?

Duncan: Blind date about a year ago. Matt and Trish set us up. We've been tagging together both in and out of the ring ever since.

Maddox: That's nice, man. Good for y'all.

Duncan: So if you're not with Stacy, do you at least have your eye on someone?

Maddox: I'll admit a couple girls got my attention.

Duncan: Trish and Torrie?

Maddox: Yeah.

Duncan: Go ask 'em out.

Maddox: I'm not good at that kinda stuff.

Duncan: Since you seem like a pretty good guy, I'll put a good word in for you with Trish. As far as Torrie goes, you're on your own.

Maddox: Thanks, man, but you don't have to.

Duncan: I know. Consider it a "welcome to WWF" present.

Maddox: If that's the case, I could get used to staying here.

A/N: Thanks for reading guys. This chapter is more of a filler chapter, but it had some stuff I felt the story needed. Anyway, thanks again for reading and I'll talk to y'all next time. Edit: changed Caleb's name to Maddox.

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