Chapter 2: Secret Axis Lab (Rewrite)

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Warning: Censored Swearing, possible kidnapping, and Violences

My remake on Chapter 2. Enjoy.

C. Miller woke up from the rubbles. He remembered cover firing his fellow Marines before seeking shelter from an artillery strike.

That was when he realized that he was still inside the cave with his only exit blocked. To make matters worse for him, no one knows where he was or that he was inside the cave.

"Looks like I'll have to find a way out of this cave." C. Miller throught.

He got out his flashlight as his only source of light before checking to make sure he had everything woth him. After checking, he countine into the dark, lifeless cave.

He hope to find an enterance out but instead encouther something that even his wildest imagination couldn't think of.

(Woth the portal still on)

"What the...? Did the Japanese manage to build one of these things." C.J. Miller thought. "Maybe that's well they were so determined to protect this area."

He approach the strange machine closer. As he got closer, he could see a Nazi flag that caused him to halt.

"Jesus! What the heck is the Thrid Reich doing on Okinawa. This can't be good." C.J. Miller thought. Although terrifed of the Nazis being in Okinawa, why were they here? They could be here to create a secret weapon that could turn the tide of the war to the Axis favor.

C.J. Miller felt determination growing inside him. He needed to get as much information about the Axis's new weapon, then escape the cave back to friendly lines before reporting what he saw to his commanding officer.

So without hesitation, he stepped into the still activate portal into the unknown.

Little did he knew, the cave had explosive devices and he was lucky to escape. When he entered the portal, the explosives went off and the cave collaspe thus burying everything including C. Miller's only escape route.

C.J. Miller find himself to be in a strange room. It looks more like something from a sci-fi thing but more advanced then what all sci fi stories could afford.

"Am I seeing things or is this real?" C.J. Miller thought to himself. He pinched himself to make sure he was not in a crazy dream. After pinching himself, he opened his eyes to still be in the same room!

"Okay. I'm not dreaming after all." C.J. Miller said.

C.J. Miller peeked out the door to see German and Japanese soldiers everywhere in the base. He wasn't sure where the base was located but this can't be good.

"I'll try getting much info of this place as best I can." C.J. Miller said to himself.

C.J. Miller spent his time searching the myterious base gathering many info onto his notebook while avoiding the guards.

He nearly had some close calls such as a guard walking towards him but he was in a dark area so he wasn't seen.

Soon he got everything he needed and was about to go back into the portal. He was aware that the cave enterence was blocked off so there has to be a way.

While trying to figure out a way, he spotted a container. Curious he opened it to discover an odd looking crtsyal. It was nothing like any he seen on news and stuff, in fact this was his first time seeing a live one in person.

"Okay. Well this might come in handy. If only I knew about it." C. Miller thought.

As he was figuring out, he spotted a telegram nearby. C.J. Miller knew how to do a morse code so this wasn't a problem. The problem was that he was in an unknow location so he wasn't sure if the morse code will reach the recevier of the call but there wasn't a choice.

He settled down and begin transfering a message to allied command.

However he didn't notice or was not aware that someone was behind him.

Before he could realize someone was behind him, he felt something hard on his head. He fell over and his vision started to get blur.

The last thing he heard was in either German or Japanese as two guards came foreward before his eyes gave uo on him and the world went dark.
Hope you like the rewrite.

I'm going to rework on a scene for Chapter 3 and then do the epilogue. See yay.

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