Chapter 3: Escape From Neo-Demon Part 1

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Warning: Violence, Possible Torture, Assination, mention of rape, Terrorism, and censored Swearing. This is not meant to be Anti-Japanese or Anti-German as it is fiction un the alternate universe.
Here we are for Chapter 2. It does not promote Terrorism or Rape.

Sorry for the not well planned Hilda arc but I'll do better. Can't wait to crossover these two franschises together.

Also while the alternate WW2 Multiverse where the Axis won is in The Man In The High Castle Universe, it will not have connection to the canon. However it will use the TV show storyline ideas and characters. Never watched the show or read any of the books but I'll try my best to keep un faith with the characters and weapons in this universe.
Sorry if the characters aren't protrayed correctly.

In An Alternate Universe where the Axis won WW2

This is the world after World War 2 but not the same one as the parellel one. Instead the Axis won WW2 and occupied the former Allied countires including the US.

The East US was occupied by Nazi Germany called the America Reich or Nazi America while the Japanese Empire occupied the West part of the former US called the Japanese Pacific States.

Both former allied Axis countries have forced the locals into submission.

While Greater Nazi German Reich did put the minoritys such as African-Americans into concentration camps, they did treat the Cauasian Americans well and want the locals to learn about Nazism as they were rascim to the minorites.

The Japanese Empire treated the locals badly even to allowed its soldiers to rape the women consider beautiful. They treated everyone as inferitor while the Japanese Americans that lived in America before Japan took over were considered tratiors.

After the victory of both Axis nations, there was tensions between the former allies as they were superpowers and want to elminate the other until they were the sole superpower nation. The war between Japan and Germany was a possbillitary.

They just don't know who will light the spark of war between them.

Somewhere in Germania

In the Capital of Germania or the Great Nazi German Reich, all the Aryan people were on their usual routines such as their buniess.
The Gestapo partol the busy streets looking for anyone doing something illegal or rising a Resistance movement to overthrow the Nazi Government.

Inside the Reichstag, Adolf Hitler watched outside. He was aware of a war with Japan coming soon but he wasn't sure when. As he stared outside his magnificent city, he notice a sound of his door opening.

The elder Fürher turned around to see who entered his room.

Before he could react, he was shot down in cold blood. Blood spilled out of his body and his eyes became white before his body hit the ground.

The Alternate Adolf Hitler was dead.

Minutes later, Adolf Hitler's bodyguards and a couple of soldiers from the SS bodyguards and the Gestapo came bursting in with their guns ready but when they arrived, the Fürher was dead.

They find the assassin's body. He was wearing a Japanese army uniform meaning he was from the Japanese Empire. Before the group could invesgate further, a SS soldier came in. He was in a panic.

SS soldier: "Die Japaner greifen große Gebäude an! Sie erschießen sogar die Zivilisten! (The Japanese are attacking major buildings! They're even shooting the civilians!)."

Fighting broke out in the city as what appears to be Japanese soldiers or Asian people destroying Aryan proptey while damaging the economy. All the Aryan people fled in terror as they never been in a gunfight.
The Police, Gestapo, SS Honor Guard, and any German Soldiers in Germania fired back as they did their best to get the civilians out to safety first taking the Elite while the poor were forced to be left to save themselves.

Despite the Japanese terrorists huge numbers and abilitary to conceal themselves in crowds causng huge casualities with their infamous Banzai Charges and blowing themselves up when near a large number of people, the Greater German Reich military were able to defeat them along with the arrival of a Panzer Division.

No Japanese Prisoners were took as they would not surrendered.

It didn't happen only in Germania but also around the German Reich but the Japanese Terrorists were small in numbers resolving to Suicide Attacks.

When the Suicide attack ended, the news speard around with the Aryan people crying in rage for war on the Empire of Japan.

The next day, a new Führer was elected.

The new Führer walks up to the enraged crowd of Aryan Germans. They wanted their country to go to war after what the Japanese terrorists did to their families, firends, businesses, etc.
They cheered as Smith came upstage with many bodyguards surronding him. There were also Nazi spies amongst the crowd just in case if there were any Japanese terrorist or any supporters.

There were also snipers around the buildings near the rally stage in case an assassin tried to kill him.

"Meine Mitnazis, unser Anführer, wurde von den Japanern ermordet. (My fellow Nazis, our leader been murdered by the Japanese)." He said as more people listen to him. "An diesem Tag haben wir dem japanischen Reich den Krieg erklärt. Wir werden die Opfer dieser Tragödie rächen. (On this day, we have declare war on the Japanese Empire. We will avenge the victims of this tragedy.)"

The every Nazi supporters cheered as they did the Nazi salute to their new Führer.

The War on Japan has begun!

Meanwhile in Tokyo

Emperor Hirohito was in his meeting room along with his officials. They were discussing about a possible war with the Greater German Reich.
Hirohito wanted to avoided a Third World War with Germany believing that the two superpower nations can cooprate and maybe merge into a more powerful nation.

As the meeting was still going, a Japanese Official bust in the room with two Kempteitai soldiers telling him he can't enter the meeting room.

Japanese Official: "これは重要!広仁天皇に伝えなきゃ!(This is important! I need to tell this to Emperor Hirohito!)."

Kempteitai soldier: "天皇が会議をしているとき、誰も入れないように命令します。(We have orders not to let anyone in when the Emperor is having a meeting)."

Emperor Hirohito: "ナンセンス。彼を入れてください。(Nonsense. Let him in)."

Although the two Kempteitai soldiers were not happy, they obeyed their Emperor anyway as disrespecting the Emperor would mean being a disgrace to theit families and a death sentence.
The Japanese Official was suprised how the Emperor allowed him in but he snapped out of it as he present his Emperor with a message.

Japanese Official: "広仁天皇。ドイツ大使館からメッセージを受け取りました。(Emperor Hirohito. I have recevied a message from the German Embassy)."

Emperor Hirohito: "そして?(And?)."

Japanese Official: "ドイツ帝国は私たちに戦争を宣言しました!(The German Reich has declared war on us!)."

Emperor Hirohito: "なぜ彼らは私たちに戦争を宣言するのですか?(Why would they declare war on us for?)."

Japanese Official: "ドイツとその占領地域で日本軍の攻撃があった。(There was a Japanese attack in Germany and its occupied territories)."

The Japanese officials in the meeting room were shocked. The Greater German Reich has declared war on the Greater Japanese Empire because they believe them to launch terrorist attacks on their land and terrtories even though they had no connection to those attacks or even planning an attack on the Greater German Reich's land.
Emperor Hirohito stood up and gave a speech to everyone in the meeting room.

Emperor Hirohito: "ドイツ帝国との戦争を始めるつもりはなかった。しかし、私たちは降伏しないことをドイツ人に示します。(We had no intention to start a war with the German Reich. However we willshow the Germans that we will not surrender)."

Suddenly a wounded Japanese Kempteitai soldier came into the meeting room. He was tried with blood spilling out.

Wounded Kempteitai soldier: "彼らは来ています....."

Japanese High Official: "WHO?"

Wounded Kempteitai soldier: "ナチス日本人支持者 (Nachisu nihonjin shiji-sha)." *Dies from his wounds*

Gunshots were heard in the hallways of the Imperial Palace. Before they could do anything an explosion ripped the wall as all the officials fall down to the ground.

Before they could get to defend their Emperor, the Nazi Supporters gunned down everyone in the meeting room in cold blood.

It was an hour before everyone wondered what was going on in the Palace so Command sent the 1st Maizuru Special Naval Landing Forces to stormed the Imperial Palace at 11:30 PM. They gunned down any Nazi supporter while taking few prisoners.

Once the Imperial Palace was secured, they searched the meeting room to discover the bodies of the Emperor and his high officials with their hands nailed to the wall and even mutilated with a sign that says, HEIL THE GERMAN REICH!

There was also the same attacks on major Japanese buildings such as military bases from the Japanese Nazi Party similar to the attacks on the Greater German Reich.

Eventually, these attacks were supressed by the Kempteitai and the Imperial Japanese Army with the few prisoners being taken for interrgation.

Emperor Hirohito's son and royal heir, Akihito and his wife, Michiko were in Hawaii when the Nazi Japanese terrorists attacks happened.
Due to the upcoming war with the Greater German Reich, Akihito's coronation had to be short. They did their best to be much respectful to the new emperor as he came upstage to a crowd of Japanese civilians mourning for the loss of their loved ones.
When the people of Japan saw their new Emperor along with some Imperial Guards and his wife, they all gather together to listen to his speech.

Emperor Akihito: "昨日、1950年12月7日、私たちはナチスを支持する地元の日本のテログループからの攻撃でした。彼らは私たちが侵略したと彼らが信じているものを私たちに戦争を宣言しているドイツで私たちの愛する人を殺しました。前の同盟国は強力かもしれませんが、最後まで戦います!(Yesterday, December 7th, 1950, we were attack from a local Japanese terrorist group who support the Nazis. They killed our loved ones with Germany declaring war on us what they believe we had invaded. Our former allies, may be powerful but we will fight to the last end!)."

The people of Japan cheered. They knew that their nation wasn't techicially strong against the German Reich but they knew that they will fight to the very end for their Emperor and their ancestors.

World War 3 between the Nazi German Reich and the Superme Japanese Empire has begun. Little did both nations knew that these attacks on both their soils weren't planned from the one nation. It also wasn't from a resistance ground but two secret Axis hiding somewhere underneath the former parts of the USSR.

Neo-Axis Underground lab somewhere in the netrual-occupied zone of the former USSR

The newly promoted Reich-Fürher Hans Von Heinkels of the Fourth Reich a.k.a Heinkels' Mighty Reich and Major General Mikito Izumato of the Rising Dragon Empire watched in valor as the two alternate versions of their countrires go to war with each other.

Plan 1 worked. They tricked each Alternate Axis country that one side was responible to declare war on each other. Now they had to wait for Plan 2 when the two Axis countries are in terrbile crisis and ruins, they make their appearance and build their Neo-Axis empire from the ashes of the old Axis nations while plans to overthrow the old Axis leaders who they viewed as weak.

Mikito Izumato: "Although our first phase of the plan worked, I am sad that many of my alternate version of my people are going to suffer in this universe's Third World War."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Same here but soon when they're nation is weak and protest begin to rise against their leaders, we will make our appearance and either help them overthrow their governments to install our own or just let them do themselves and fight among themselves where we make our appearance."

Mikito Izumato: "Hey Hans, shall we give our guest a welcome?"

Hans Von Heinkels: "Sure thing my friend. I need some break from our plan to overthrow the old Axis governments anyway."

The two Neo-Axis leaders walked from the War room to the interrgation room where their Prisoner is held.

(C. Miller's POV) Unknown Area

/Art from xjames2001/

I can't remember what happened after one of the German soldiers knocked me out cold. What I do know is that when I woke up, my head felt like a hammer pounding on it to open my skull. My right eye refused ro open but my left eye was able to without resisting.

Wait, where am I? The place I remembered was at the room where I was going to destroy their teleportation machine but two Germans ambushed me and knocked me out. Unless........

Wait, I'm in a interrgation room?!? I could tell because there was a light point directly at me and making left eye sting. Thank god they didn't took anything from me except my gear and weapons.

What do the Axis want with me? I'm not a Office of Strategic Services agent or anything, just a normal US Marine intantryman unless if that has to do with how I find their underground base in Okinawa.

I was alone for a few seconds until a door opened on the right corner of the room. First came Gestapo and Kempeital soldiers entering first.

My bones started to shiver from the Japanese as they were known to treat their prisoners very badly from a thing that they believed anyone who surrendered were cowards.

Then two Axis officers enter the room where I immediately recongized the SS German officer. He wore a black uniform with a armband that had a different signture than the Thrid Reich thing but I suppose it must be a secret group from the Nazis.
The other was a Japanese officer.

Looks like they're going to interrgate me now.

(Swtiches to Hans Von Heinkels' POV)

I walked to the interrgation room with my friend, Mikito Izumato. Boy I need a bit break from action and military plannings.
Hopefully, none of the weak German Reich or the weak Japanese Empire finds our secret base in netural occupied parts of Russia.

As we passed by escorted by our bodyguards, many of our soldiers saluted to us.

"Heil Heinkels!"

"ドラゴン皇帝を1万年も長く生きる (Long Live The Dragon Emperor For 10,000 Years)."

Finally we reached the interrgation room as one of our bodyguard opened the door for us. There was our prisoner.

The American who tried to destroy our teleportation machine. I hope he suffers.

(Mikito Izumato's POV)

Unlike many of my fellow officers who viewed enemy troops who surrendered as cowards, I respect my enemies even if they surrender honorably (except if they surrender out of cowardness).
Hans has tell me that he has captured an American who was trying to destroy our teleportation machine but he and his friend, Wagner knocked him out.
I wonder how did that guy find our labtortary but at least we used his explosions on our teleportation machine to blow up the lab so none of the Allies will find this lab.

Hopefully, if I have time, I will thank him for helping us plant the charges on our machine.

(Third POV)

C. Miller watched as the two Neo-Axis officers enter the room and begin their interrgation on him. The two Neo-Axis officers used English so C. Miller can understand what they are talking about.

Hans Von Heinkels: "Hello there American. I'm Reichführer Hans Von Heinkels."

Mikito Izumato: "An I am Major General Mikito Izumato."

C. Miller: "You two can speak English?"

Mikito Izumato: "Of course we can. We went to America for better officer's trainning."

C. Miller: "Also what's the Third Reich doing in Okinawa?"

Hans Von Heinkels: "Hahahaha...... Silly American, me and my unit are no longer part of the Third Reich. We are our own Reich. The Fourth Reich. Also we're not in Okinawa, we're in the middle of Russia."

Mikito Izumato: "I no longer served the Emperor as he is weak. I am now a leader of a new empire under my command, The Rising Dragon Empire."

C. Miller: "Why would you view your leaders weak and create your own empires? How? Also what do you mean in the middle of Russia, I mean the Red Army took Berlin?"

Hans Von Heinkels: "None of your business, American! Now tell me soldier, what are you doing here?"

C. Miller got offended by that word as calling a Marine a soldier was an insult to them but he decided not to bring it up because his treatment could get worse. What he knows was just give out his name and serial name.
Forunately for him, the Japanese officer named Mikito Izumato had to correct his friend in comedy move.

Mikito Izumato: *Place his hand on his head dissappointed that his friend didn't know that he insulted a Marine by calling him a soldier* "Really Hans?"

Hans Von Heinkels: "What Miki?"

Mikito Izumato: "First of all, he's a Marine. Just look at the USMC word on his shirt pocket. That means he's part of the Marine corp not the Army."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Marine? What kind of name is that? A new name for a soldier or he is a guy whose not in the military wearing an Army uniform?"

Mikito Izumato: "It's going to be complex. So just don't get impatient."

Hans Von Heinkels nodded.

Mikito Izumato: "As you can see, a Marine is kindin like our soldiers but they fight on the land, air, and sea. A Marines' main job is to operate on ships and land.

(A Few Minutes later)

Mikito Izumato: *After explaining the difference between a Marine and a soldier to Hans Von Heinkels* "Now you understand Hans because a Marine is not like any of our intantries."

Hans Von Heinkels: "But why call our prisoner a Marine instead of a soldier?"

Mikito Izumato: "You serious? I just told you that a moment ago."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Hahaha. I was just joking with you. Now where we?"

C. Miller: "You were talking about what was I doing here?"

Hans Von Heinkels: "Now I remembered." *Swallows* "Okay do you know what you are doing at our base back in Okinawa?"

C. Miller: (In Thought) 'If I tell the truth, I could be in danger. Hopefully my friends find me soon.' "All I know is I was taking cover and I stumble upon your cave."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Are you a OSS agent? They're usually here to ruin our plan but we won't this happen."

C. Miller: "I'm just a normal infantryman, not a secret special agent type."

Mikito Izumato: "Are you sure you're telling the truth because you could be hiding something?"

C. Miller: "My name is C. Miller, 1st Marine Division. And yes I'm telling the truth."

Mikito Izumato: "So Miller, have you ever heard of a alternate universe where the Axis won WW2 or different Multiverses where there is no war?"

C. Miller: "Never heard of that bulls&#%. What the heck are you talking about?"

Hans Von Heinkels: "Weber, schalten Sie den Bildschirm ein, damit unser Gefangener ihn sehen kann. (Weber, turn on the screen for our prisoner to see)."

Weber: "Ja Reichsführer Heinkels (Yes Reich-Führer Heinkels)." *Turns on a screen to show the alternate universe*

The screen turns on to show a map of the Supreme Japanese Empire and the Greater German Reich at war with each other.

/The Red lines represnts the German Reich while the Orang lines represent the Supreme Japanese Empire/

C. Miller: "The red thing is suppose to be the German Reich while the orange one is the Japanese Empire?"

Mikito Izumato: "You are correct American."

C. Miller: "Wait how did the German Reich and the Japanese Empire won WW2 and occupied the US? That doesn't make sense as the US is too big to occupied and everyone owns a gun."

Hans Von Heinkels: "I agree that doesn't make no sense but that is what you call an alternate universe. Luckily back in your universe, your side won the war."

Hans Von Heinkels switched the screen to their orignal universe of Post-WW2.

Hans Von Heinkels: "This is the map for Post-World War 2 in our universe.....It only covers Europe in our universe...I hate mentioning this because we got defeated but anyways, you see that my Germany is seperated by the Western Allies and the USSR."

Mikito Izumato: "But now as remments of our old countries, we will build our new empires! We will first weaken those alternate Axis countries and then install ourselves leaders..."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Then finally, we will conquer the entire Mutliverses under our rule!!! Hahahaha......

C. Miller: "I'm not going to allow this to happen! You're going to have your empires fall when I get free and destroy your plans and stop this alternate third world war and free it from the alternate Axis! Then you're a#$%* going to jail after this!"

Mikito Izuamto: "It appears that your spirit is unbroken. Also we are the Neo-Axis, not the old weak Axis anymore. Hans shall we have our men torture him?"

Hans Von Heinkels: "Since he insulted me saying that our a#$&# will go to jail, let's have men torture him."

Both Neo-Axis officers ordered the Gestapo and Kempetial guards to torture C. Miller up. The guards obeyied without hestitation.

Hans Von Heinkels: "I hope you can surrive your torture American Marine. Hahaha............"

Mikito Izumato: "Let's see if your Spirit can surrive the torture."

Both Neo-Axis officers left the room as C. Miller was punched in the face by one of the guards. He was then kicked to the ground.

(C. Miller's POV)

I was kicked to the ground so hard that my nose started to bleed. I had to endurre the kickings from these freaking Gestapo and Kempetial guards.
It was just like back in my childhood where many kids bullied me because of my Irish and Itailan heritage along with my Jewish Religion but at least the Nazis haven't find out I'm one since I don't practice it and my dog tag doesn't have it.

Still the beating contunies and felt like being rolled over again and again.

Then one of the guards' boots hit my face and I went out for moment. It could have been minutes or hours but I remembered waking up to find myself being tied up to a post reminding me back in Makin Atoll where my team got captured.

A guard had a bamboo stick and hit me multipe times as I felt the pain entering me. I was able to not scream in pain but the inside of me was as it pleaded to me to give up and submit to the Neo-Axis but I refused as I'm a US Marine and I will die for my country. I am aware I won't surived so this is going be my last time of life as I will soon have a painful death.

A Japanese Guard grabbed a rock and hit my freaking guts with it. My stomach groan from the pain. He then went for another round.

I felt death from beating coming soon so I accepted death coming as there was no way I can escape from my captors.

Before my eyes closed, I thought I saw one of the Kempetial guards pulled out a submachine gun that appears to be a Sten gun so I thought he was going to put me out of my misery.

How wrong I was as I heard the sound of the Sten Gun gunning down the Gestapo and the Kempetial guards.

Puttttt.......................(Sound Effect for the Silenced Sten gun)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I was able to wake up to discover my captors dead except for the Kempetial guard holding the Sten gun. He removed his hat for me to recongize him.

C. Miller: "Yananha Aki? What are you doing here?"

Yananha Aki: "I'm a OSS agent. I heard about an Axis base under Blackpoint where they have some crazy invention or something." *Takes out his knife to cut the rope that was tied to C. Miller's hands*

C. Miller: "You know we are in a different universe right?"

Yananha Aki: "I know as I saw the map as well. We better find our way out and report to Allied command and sabtage their teleportation machine. Here take the MP-40 submachine gun." *Takes off the Kempetial uniform revealing his USMC uniform*

C. Miller: *Picks up a MP-40* "Yan, did you radioed any Allied soldiers to pick us up?"

Yananha Aki: "I tried but so far the signel hasn't reached them but I did got some contact from a 101st Airborne squad."

C. Miller: "What Airborne squad?"

Yananha Aki: "George Walker's squad."

Hope you like the suripised enterance of Yananha Aki, our main character's best friend. Looks like now that Yananha Aki and C. Miller are going to fight their way out of the Neo-Axis lab in a alternate Post-WW2 universe where the Axis won World War 2. Luckily, a 101st Airborne squad is also nearby and stayed hidden from the Neo-Axis

Doing the entire escape scene would mean a lot of writing so it is going to be in Chapter 4.

The scene where Hans Von Heinkels asked "But why call our prisoner a Marine than a soldier" was based on a scene of Zoolander where actor Ben Stiller forgot his actual lines after David Duchovny's character explains about why male models are used as assassins and asked the same question in which David Duchovny made his own lines in respond to the unscripted line. This maybe a bit boring or repative but I'm trying to add some humor to it.

Some parts of the Japanese language I used from Google Translate are not translated as I want it to be unpredictable meaning that the readers have to use Google Translate to understand what line does that mean.
I'm not very great with unpredictable parts but I did my best at least.

Next part is Slavparvez21 George Walker's Squad.

Edit: Swtich out John Smith with a different Nazi leader.

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