Chapter 4: Escape From Neo-Demons Part 2

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Warning: Sudden Characters death, censored swearings, rascit words from the time period, and violences.

Just to let you all know is that this is my going to be the chapter where I take a break from the story for a bit because I'm going to work on another story for JuanDeleon198's OC in the Battle of Stalingard. Keep in mind I will only work on two stories at a time as doing too many stories would overwhelm me.
My best adivce is to finish the story you are working on before going on a new one.

This is where Slavparvez21's OC and his men appeared and joins C. Miller and Yananha Aki.

Please enjoy Chapter 4
Random Neo-Axis Location

1st Lietentuant George Walker of the 101st Airborne Division aka "The Screaming Eagles" with his squad of his six best men secured the area where the only Neo-Axis Teleportation machine was stationed in. They were waiting for the OSS agent for Operation Roman Downfall.

Operation Roman Downfall was the Office of Strategic Services' plans to destroy any secret Axis bases around Western Europe and the Pacific. They had received some information from their agents about some secret base of what they believe that the Axis were doing something to turn the war to their favor.

The OSS picked George Walker and his men as they were the best of the best they could count on.

This was true as George Walker and his squad took part in D-Day, Operation Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge. They knew each other well and were ready to finish this mission.

(George Walker's POV)

I waited for the OSS agent so we can set the charges and get the hell out of here. This is how it all got started, earlier I was expecting me and my men to head home to the United States when someone came us and asked if we would volunteer in a secret mission.

I assumed that he was meaning some Krauts who hadn't surrender so I accepted along with my men who wanted to fight one last time.
We were parachuted to the nearby secret Third Reich's base where we followed the Krauts into the base. We stayed quiet not wanting to attract the guards' attraction.

Evenutally we saw some werid looking machine thing. It looked like a bell, the ones that hang on the churches or schools. Also it looked like something out of science fiction as the machine was more technological advanced than anything my men and I ever seemed.

(Third POV)

Billy Roycewicz: "What the Jesus is that? What have the Nazis now develop?"

Gary Astor: "Don't know Billy. Could be something."

George Walker: "Alright men, we should invesgate more what is behind that werid glowing hole thing. Stay quiet and don't make a sound."

George Walker's men nodded.

George Walker: "One last thing. There's a OSS agent by the codename, 'Yūrei' in one of the guards uniform. We are to hide and not engage until he gives us the signel on Waston's radio pack for us to assault the base. Understood?"

His men nodded as they understood their objective. They were the best Airbonre Paratroopers in the US Army and they were ready for the hardness to come.
Crawling on their bellies with their boots wrapped up to not make any noises, the team amnage to evade any guards spotting them although there were some close calls.

They find a place to scout the teleportation machine as two SS soldiers were doing something. They didn't spot any German or Nazi soldiers so they assumed that they all left through the potral but why haven't these two SS soldiers went into the portal as well?

That was when Andrew Kierzek noticed that they were planting explosions around the teleportation machine.

Andrew Kierzek: "They're Planting Explosions!!!"

Billy Roycewicz: "How did you know they were planting explosions?"

Andrew Kierzek: "I can tell because that thing they're planting appears to be a bomb."

George Walker: "Then we need to take the guards out before they finished planting the explosions......"

After discussing what to do, their plan started.

Billy Roycewicz peeked out and aimed his sniper at one of the guards' head in a hidden position. His hands were trembing with fear because what if he missed. He decided to ignore it as it was distracting him.
With his hand on the trigger, he pushed the trigger.


One of the SS soldiers' head was hit senting bone and organic tissues onto the other SS soldier, who freaked out.

Then George Walker, with his combat axe in his hand, sent a mighty blow to the SS soldier's leg. The Nazi soldier screamed in pain before Walker shot him in the head.

George Walker: "Area clear men. Good work there Billy."

Billy Roycewicz: "You can count on me."

Andrew Kierzek: "Uh...... Guys?"

George Walker: "What is it Kierzek?"

Andrew Kierzek: "They....They..."

George Walker: "They what? Is something wrong?"

Gary Astor: "This is going to get really bad."

Andrew Kierzek: "The Krauts Set Charges Around The Entire F$&*ing Bases!!!"

This was true as there was the sound of clicking around. Not only on the teleportation machine but also, the entire base.

George Walker: "S%#$!!! We gonna go now!"

Billy Roycewicz: "Where to? If we reached the nearest exit, we're dead from the explosion!"

George Walker: "Into the Teleportation machine! Can on men let's go!!!"

George Walker and his men made a ran to the teleportation machine as fast as their legs can carry them. They did everything to ditch any equipment that might slowed them down

One of them accidentally tripped over and only slowed the squad down. However George Walker wasn't going to leave a men behind.

Peter Massey: "Leave me behind! Just Go Guys!"

George Walker: "We're not leaving a men behind!" *Helps Massey to his feet* "That also means never leave anyone behind!"

They made a run for it and were able to reached the potral just nearly in time as the explosion of the base blew up, destroying everything including the teleportation machine.

(Back To Present)

George Walker and his men now stayed quiet in the only teleportation room of the Neo-Axis base in a different universe. They weren't aware of themselves in a different universe but soon they will learn from their OSS agent and a US Marine.

Peter Massey: "So when will the OSS agent be here?"

George Walker: "Not sure yet."

Micheal Waston: "So far I tried to radio him but he is not responding back."

George Walker: "Hopefully we'll get a message from him soon. For now just hold this area."

Andrew Kierzek: "Sir premission to set up the charges on their only teleportation machine. Without one, they have no where to teleport."

George Walker: "Okay there Kierzek you may. But remember don't blow that teleportation machine yet until our OSS agent arrives. Understand?"

Andrew Kierzek nodded his head to his commanding officer and went off to plant the charges on the teleportation machine when suddenly he fell to the ground. Blood spilled put from his head.

George Walker and his men turned to see Gestapo, SS, Wehrmacht Heer, Waffen SS, Imperial Japanese Army, Special Naval Landing Force, and Kempeitai soldiers bust in. Somehow they must have knew that they were here and were able to catch them off-guard.

Gary Astor: "S#$%!!! Return Fire!!!" *Fires his M1919A6 Browning Machine gun*

Billy Roycewicz: "Those Japs and Krauts killed Kierzek!!! You Sons Of B#$&%es!!!"

Micheal Waston: "This has only gonna worse."

George Walker: "Let's Give Them Some Hell Men!" *Takes out his Trench shotgun as he slides the Fore-end* (In thought) 'The OSS agent better hurry up because we won't hold much longer.'

(Switches To Yananha Aki And C. Miller)

/Art from xjames2001. Imagine Yananha Aki somewhere in the art picture/

Private First Class C. Miller and OSS Agent Yananha Aki fought their way throught the Neo-Axis guards. Appartly, the Neo-Axis knew what happened in the interrgation room even thought all the guards were dead but when they came out believing that no one knew what was going on back in the interrgation room, the alarm sounded.

C. Miller empited a magizne from his MP-40 on a group of Gestapo troops. Once they were down, he reloaded it with a fresh magizne.

Yananha Aki on the other hand was in a sword fight with a Kempeitai officer. The Kempeitai had the upper hand since he had sword trainning but it had to be cut short for him as C. Miller had a bullent enter his head.

Yananha Aki: "Thanks for the help there Miller."

C. Miller: "No problem there Yan. Always watching each other's backs."

Yananha Aki: "We better find a hiding place because more security troops are coming."

Both C. Miller and Yananha Aki searched for a perfect hiding place. It was a couple of minutes until they find the perfect one in the armory.

C. Miller: "An Armory? Wouldn't the Neo-Axis guards find us easily there?"

Yananha Aki: "Neo-Axis?"

C. Miller: "I'll explain soon. Better to hide in a armory than in the opening."

They enter the armory as C. Miller closed the doors and barricaded it so that it will slow down the Neo-Axis soldiers.

They then checked the room to make sure that there were no Neo-Axis in the room. After a few minutes, they knew that no Neo-Axis in the room.

Yananha Aki: "No Japanese or Germans around here."

C. Miller: "Same here. Just only find weapons and equipment. I also find these two werid looking weapons."

C. Miller put down the two weapons that were quite odd looking that was something out of a science fictional universe.

*Assault Rifle 1960

*Machinepistole of 1961

Yananha Aki: "Are these futuristic weapons some sort of Axis......"

C. Miller: "Neo-Axis."

Yananha Aki: "Neo-Axis' wonder weapons?"

C. Miller: "Well according to the message, it says that these weapons are from a alternate universe where Nazi Germany won World War 2."

Yananha Aki: "Well the universe that N....Neo-Axis base is in doesn't look like it hasn't advanced in weapony and not to mention they still used WW2 weapons or replace the with better versions. Also how were you able to read this when it was in German?"

C. Miller: "I'm part German from my father side and he helped me understand to speak German. Also the message says....

To ReichFührer Hans Von Heinkels,

We discover another universe where the Axis won World War 2 except this time it is Nazu Germany who has conquered the world. They have development technology beyond my imagination. When we traveled to that universe to steal some of their technology, a couple of their excellent scientists wanted to join us along with some of their soldiers.
They explained that there was a American Resistance group who are causing some trouble. The biggest ones are the Kreisau circle and their most powerful soldier we had ever seen, William Joseph "B.J" Blazkowicz."

C. Miller and Yananha Aki find a clear picture of William J. Blazkowicz though they didn't bother about the colors as they were shock at this man from an atlernate universe.

Yananha Aki: "Whoa. That's such a tough looking guy."

C. Miller: "Yep. I'm glad that he isn't a Nazi soldier or else we're doom if he came here with the more advanced Nazis. There's more on the message.

Sorry my ReichFührer that we could only get these advanced weapons to our base of operation. However the scientists from that universe who joined our clause could replicate their technology and we're planning a second experdition into that universe to steal more of its technology, and understand our enemies there.
We could possibly rid this universe of the weak Thrid Reich and replace it with the mighty Fourth Reich of yours.

I'll sent another message soon. Heil Heinkels!,

From Dr. Herrmann of Denkfabrik."

Yananha Aki: "Well that's not good. Also I'm curious what the heck is the Fourth Reich?"

C. Miller: "I know some information while I was interrgated by their leaders. The Fourth Reich is led by some guy named Hans Von Heinkels while Mikito Izumato leads a new empire called the Rising Dragon. Appartly they no longer follow their leaders who they viewed as weaklings and are creating their empires under their vision. That's why they call themselves the Neo-Axis."

Yananha Aki: "Well that's not f#$%ing good. We better inform the Office of Strategic Services about this."

C. Miller: "Well it's not going too be easy to find the Teleportation room."

Yananha Aki: "Luckily I have a map of it...." *Points to where the teleportation machine is* "According to this map, the teleportation room is about 10 miles from the armory we're in."

C. Miller: "Hmm..... Yan."

Yananha Aki: "What is it Miller?"

Bangs were heard from outside the barrcaded armory door. The Neo-Axis guards someshow figure out that they were in the armory. There were shouts heard in both Japanese and German as the sound of more marching boots could be heard.

C. Miller: "How did they find us so quickly?"

That answer lays in a camera that was positioned in an unlikely place of an armory. Two watchmen looked throught every camera to check everything was going fine. There were a couple outside just in case if any of the alternate universe Axis stumbled upon their base, they will spring out their ambush.

Yananha Aki: "If they bash the door down at any time, we doomed!"

C. Miller: "I have an idea Yan. We could use these advanced weapons."

Yananha Aki: "Great idea there. Plus I was thinking of giving this baby a little try." *Picks up the Assault Rifle 1960* "Wait are those grenades under the barrel of the gun?"

C. Miller: "Appears so. I think it's just like the M7 grenade launcher from the M1 Garand except you fire it from the barrel."

Yananha Aki: "Well let's give this thing a try."

Aimming the grenade launcher under the STG-60, he pushed the trigger which sent a grenade to the door causing an explosion killing any Neo-Axis guards near the door. Screams could be heard from the Neo-Axis guards as they fell to the ground or toss like stones skipping in a pond.

Yananha Aki and C. Miller were amazed at what this grenade launcher attachment could do but were horrifed of its destructive powers.
They didn't like this but this was the only way they could fight their way to the teleportation room.

C. Miller: "Let's gear up with the weapons in the armory before we fight our way to the teleportation room."

Both Americans geared up with whatever they find in the armory. They stack up on ammuniation for their submachine guns (The Germans had a couple of Sten gun mags) and equipped themselves with soem grenades.
They had to pick their gear carefully as they don't want it to slow them down.

Once they were done, they head out into the hallway ready for a big gunfight.

(Swtiches to George Walker's Squad) First POV

My squad getting pin down and one by one, the guys I knew were killed right in front of my brown eyes. I can't believe it.

I thought that this was going to be a bit easy or something because I want to get these guys home as possbile but they're gunned down.

I thought that losing Andrew Kierzek was bad enough but soon Billy Roycewicz was down from a shot from a sniper. Peter Massey was fighting off an Imperial Japanese and got his arm cut off before he was stabbed in the heart before I shot that Jap in the crest with my shotgun. Waston, our radioman, was killed when a grenade landed next to me and he pushed me out of its blast radius saving me but in the process, killing him. My men and I never had combat experience fighting the Japanese unlike those in the Pacific Theater.

The only guys left in my squad still alived was Gary Astor and myself. Where is that freaking OSS Agent? We can't hold on for much longer.

Third Person

Gary Astor: "Walker when will that f#%*ing Agent get here? It's been an hour and we losted 4 of our guys."

George Walker: "I trust that agent. He'll be here soo.....Wait I spotted something."

Gary Astor aimed his Browning M1919A6 at two figures coming right at them but his commanding officer stopped him as he needs to see if that's their agent.

When the two figures emerage from the darkness, George Walker and Gary Astor were shock that their agent they were picking up was Asian, not the Cauasian type guy but it didn't matter to them.

The other guy was a Cauasian one wearing a USMC uniform. Both of them held strange sci fi weapons so they assured that the Axis must be developing powerful weapons.

George Walker: "Are you our agent? I'm 1st Lietentant Goerge Walker of 101st Airborne Division." *Gives out his hand*

Yananha Aki: "Yes I am. Name's Agent Yananha Aki

Gary Astor: "Wait how come there's two? I thought there was one!?!"

Yananha Aki: "Well my friend, Miller, got seperated from his unit on Okinawa and got captured when he was attempting to destroy their teleportation machine at their base under Blackpoint."

Gary Astor: "It's about time because we lost four of our guys when holding this area waaiting of you! I mean Billy here could have gone home to Texas but he died in a Axis base for no good reason!"

Yananha Aki: "I am sorry for your losses there. There were a bit of Neo-Axis troops in the hallway that we had to fight through."

C. Miller: "So now what? We can't let the Neo-Axis do anymore harm Yan!"

Gary Astor and George Walker: "Neo-Axis?"

C. Miller: "I'll explain."

C. Miller explain to George Walker and Gary Astor that the Neo-Axis were a remment of former Axis factions, who decided to desert their old nations and create and their own empires under their command. He also explains about the base that is in Russian area is in an alternate universe where the Axis won WW2  along explaining the weapons are from another universe where a advanced Nazi Germany rules the world.
After explaining his foundings both Walker and Astor were in disarray.

Gary Astor: "This is F#$*ing crazy! Two universes where the Axis won WW2 and both occupied America! Hell, we own the rights of firearms so we could they push them off our land before they even have a chance."

George Walker: "That's enough Astor. It's only an alternate universe after all. Plus I agree with Miller. We can't let the Neo-Axis have their teleportation machine intact. We have to destroy it."

Gary Astor: "But sir, that's our only way home! We can't just destroy our only exit back to our universe!"

Yananha Aki: "We could plant the explosions around the teleportation machine, then we open its portal to have us all escape the Neo-Axis base."

George Walker: "Alright let's get those charges set. Astor you watch our sixs, understand."

Gary Astor: "Sir yes sir!"

Yananha Aki, C. Miller, and George Walker went to work as they got the explosions from Andrew Kierzek's dead body. While getting the explosions, Walker closed his dead friend's eye while taking his dog tags along with the other's.

They layed out as many explosion as they could. It seemed like no Neo-Axis troops were going to distrubed them but suddenly a group of them emerge, their guns blazing.
Gary Astor loaded up one of this remaining Machine gun ammo as he opened fire at the Neo-Axis soldiers, determine to keep them at bay.

George Walker: "S#%*, these Krauts and Japs never learned to quit don't they."

Yananha Aki: "We're almost done. Just a couple more. C. Miller get that portal working because we're going in once we finished."

C. Miller: "Got it."

The US Marine ran to the controls of the teleportation machine. This exposed him to enemy fire as a couple of Neo-Axis soldier fired their weapons on him. C. Miller had to take cover behind the teleportation machine as Gary Astor mowed them down.
Thanking the machinegunner for covering him, C. Miller head to where the controllers are to discover that it was a level. It had two words in German and the level was on a word C. Miller believes is off. He had to get that machine running once they finish planting the charges.

His hand grabbed the level and used his average strength to push it to the word of activated. It wasn't easy as he thought as he had to put both hands on the level to use more energy. Sweat formed around his body and onto his clothes but knew he can't stop.

A random German rifleman spotted Miller pushing the level and aimed his sight at the American. He fired a well-aimed bullent that appeared to have hit its target. However it instead hit the controller barely missing C. Miller's head.

Electrical charges started to form around the control as an unstable potral opened up unexpectly.

C. Miller reutrn fire with his MP-61 killing the German Rifleman.

Yananha Aki: "Charges set and the Potral is ready. Let's move!"

George Walker: "You heard him, let's go!"

Gary Astor: "Walker. I heard some footsteps. Appears that more Neo-Axis troops are coming."

Gary Astor was right as more footsteps could be heard. They were almost near and they would be shooting at them as soon the first of them went into the potral.

C. Miller: "What do we do now?"

George Walker: "Someone has to stay behind to cover our six. Plus what if one of the Neo-Axis got to the explosions and deactivate it."

Yananha Aki: "We better decide quickly because they're be here soon. Anyo....."

Gary Astor: "I'll stay behind."

George Walker: "Astor Why? I lost my friends here and I can't lose another."

Gary Astor: "I'm the only guy with the machinegun. Plus it's a bit heavy and I can't let the Krauts get ahold of my machinegun."

Yananha Aki: "He's right Walker, if he gets his machinegun he'll be shot dead when he reached the potral. Plus me and C. Miller saw some of the Allied weapons the Neo-Axis had."

Gary Astor: "I'll hold them off. You guys go into the potral. It was an honor to serve with you Walker." *Salutes*

The three Americans saluted back to their fellow serviceman. They knew that he was going to stay behind and hold the enemy off but his death and sacrifice will never be forgotten.

C. Miller: "Gung Ho there Paratrooper. Your sevice and valor won't be forgotten."

Yananha Aki: "We'll never forget your sacrific."

George Walker: "You were one of my best soldiers to serve under my command. Rendezvous With Destiny."

As Neo-Axis soldiers bust into the room, the three Americans made a run for the potral while Gary Astor ran to his M1919A6 Browning machinegun. He unleashed a barrage of heavy fire on the enemy.

George Walker could only watch as the man he only knew was holding off a barrage of Neo-Axis soldiers. He wished there was another way but the charges were timing and will explode soon which woll destroy the potral, so he ran to the potral.
It wasn't like the one back in the secret German bunker as it was like collasping within itself and was spinning faster and unstable compare to the more stable potral but there better than being in enemy territory.

(Swtiches to Gary Astor's POV)

I was going to hold my position to allow my fellow Americans to fall back into the potral. They should be back somewhere in Germany and report to Allied command about this.

I gunned down many Neo-Axis soldiers as possible, first taking out the machinegunners, snipers, and the flamethrower operoters. Bullents flew everywhere in an attempt to hit me.

One lucky Kraut was able to get a good shot on my arm but that was only a minal damage as I took that Kraut out.
As I tried to fire my machinegun, it clicked. I check how much machinegun ammo I have to discover I have none. Withdrawing from my machinegun and taking a M1928 Thompson gun from Andrew's body with reloading a new clip.

This round of assault came but this time 10 grenades were thrown. I was able to block two of them but the nearest grende exploded, damaging my leg.
Then the Japanese charge right at me. Aiming my Thompson, I was able to down a few of them before a German SS soldier, who snuck behind me knock it out of my hand while his Jap buddy stab his baynet into my stomach.

They kneecap both my legs while injuring my right hand. My left hand gave up as one of them step their leg very hard.
An German SS officer came up to me speaking in perfect English.

SS officer: "Why did you remain behind while your buddies ran away? Tell me American, are you wanting to tell us something."

Gary Astor: *Spit on the SS officer* "F#%$ YOU AND THE NEO-AXIS!!!!!! God Live America!"

Third Person

The charges went off killing everyone in the room. The blast aborded everyone including Gary Astor as he closed his eyes.

Hopefully his own guys made it safely back to Allied ground and report to command that will bring an end to the Neo-Axis.

Or was he wrong about where his fellow American were teleported to?

This is the chapter where I'm taking a break writing the story. I need to let the new readers catch up so they can understand what is going on and why the Neo-Axis must be stopped.

I am now going to do a collabration project on the reaction of Henry Stickmin collection with JuanDeleon198. It is going to get a bit tough as there are 16 endings and it is not going to be to get all of them but I'll do my best to remind true to the source material.
Oringally I was going to do a spinoff story of JuanDeleon198's OC in Staingard but I scrap it. Not sure what to say but he'll still appear in the story soon.

Also imagine Hans Von Heinkels' Fourth Reich comes to the Wolfenstein universe and replace the weak Third Reich with his reich and used his new army and weapons to surpress the Resistance. Just saying and I don't support the Nazis.
Willam J. Blazkowicz and characters from the Wolfenstein (I'm going to use the Bethesda version) universe join C. Miller's team or become a resistence group to Hans Von Heinkels' Fourth Reich.

Now here's a question for all, Where did C. Miller, Yananha Aki, and George Walker get teleported to? Find out on the next page.
Go to Vote Which Place The Trio Are Teleported To.

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